Holy War: Anniversary 1.72c (2024)

Holy War Anniversary 1.72c

  • Fixed Medivh "no sell" bug
  • minor unit description fixes.

Holy War Anniversary 1.72b

  • Finally rebuild alliances mode.
  • Rebalanced some units.
  • Added Wind Rider(Ork) unit.
  • Reduced difficulty of Scorched Village for default mode(without -hm or -hdm)
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

"HINT" - Gold reward is the best way to get money if you play well and depends on your luck and skill. If you get stuck in a level and don't defeat the creeps, you will receive the reward gold only once! So if you fail again, you will get only gold from kills and your gold mine.
People who don't want to take risks use the Income upgrade! This gold will be yours every time you win or win. And get benefits for the gnome race in survival mode.

Holy War Anniversary 1.61a

  • Changed the requirement system to improve the gameplay in alliance mode!
  • Rebalanced some units.
  • Fixed special effects for Jaina and Sacred Scarab.
  • Changed Arcitect (Nerub) improvement of orbs.
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

"HINT" - Warriors with "Divine Armor" only gain health bonus when upgrading "Armor"!

Holy War Anniversary 1.58a

  • New units added to Orks, Night Elfs, Skeletons, Nerubians and Nagas.
  • Rebalanced some units for Dwarfs, Skeletons and Humans.
  • Fixed -tm mode (hide in the cornor units).
  • Fixed Forgotten One "Lightning Resist".
  • Fixed Arcitect (Nerub)
  • Some fixes for Castle Event and Alliances Mode (Portal Cannon and Crossbowman)
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

"HINT" - You lose a life if all your troops die during the event! Build more tanks or upgrade armor!

Holy War Anniversary 1.53a

  • Added Ancient Lich (Skeleton) and Dire Drake (Naga) units!
  • Decreased Forgotten One difficulty.
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

"HINT" - Use a combination of Forecast + Lightning Spell to destroy enemies for all players.

Holy War Anniversary 1.52d

  • Fixed Set As Mercenary Bug!
  • Decreased Forgotten One difficulty.
  • Witcher AI (High Elfs) - fixed.

Holy War Anniversary 1.52с

  • Decreased -hdm difficulty.
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

Holy War Anniversary 1.52a

  • Added Dr. Gonzo Mode (hm+hda) - hardsupercore! (-hdm)
  • Some units rebalanced(secret info(Demons, NE, Dwarfs, Humans))
  • Added -clear or -c (clear messages).
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

Reward Gold = current player level * (player kill count / 110) * (1.05 - current income level / max income level) * (2 - (((max mode lives + 1) - player current lives) / max mode lives)).

Have Nice Game!

Holy War Anniversary 1.50g

  • Archimode self-killing bug fixed.
  • unit description fixed.

Holy War Anniversary 1.50e

  • Kella (NE) and Paladin (Human) armor decreased.

Holy War Anniversary 1.50c

  • Huntress(NE) price decreased and Knight (Human) armor decreased.
  • minor bug fixed.

Holy War Anniversary 1.50b

  • Some units rebalanced: Huntress (NE), Assassin and Dark Assassin (Orks).
  • Decreased damage of (Behemoth) Water Elemental and (Dark Troll Lord) Sapper Skills.
  • Added Race Skill for Alliances Mode.
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

Holy War Anniversary 1.49g

  • Added new ability to -hm mode last boss(Nozdormy).
  • Some units rebalanced (Crossbowman (Skeletons), Aelin (HE), Mad Warlock (Orks), Xavius(Demons), Sage (Dwarfs)).
  • Decreased Scorched Village difficulty.
  • Other minor bug and unit description fixes.

Holy War Anniversary 1.49e

  • Fixed castle event multiple reward bug.
  • Added new unit to night Elfs (Vengerful Spirit), some NE units rebalanced(Illidan, Lone Druid).
  • Fixed bonus gold income upgrade to level 20 bug.
  • Other minor bug fixed.

Holy War Anniversary 1.49a

  • Decreased Scorched Village difficulty.
  • Fixed Vol'Jin mana regen and Castle self killing bugs.

Holy War Anniversary 1.48g

  • The requirement to have one first melee unit to build a mage has been cancelled.
  • Other minor bug fixed.

    Have Nice Game!

Holy War Anniversary 1.48e

  • Added Hard Mode (-hm).
  • Changed AI behaviors for some units(who run and continuously choose a target).
  • Changed Castle Defence Castle Configuration and Sargeras Battle Spawners.
  • Fixed Village and Castle auto death bug. Changed unit AI for this events.
  • Added two new creeps to Scorched Village.
  • Changed skills for Neltarion (level 30).
  • Rebalanced Castle Nuke (level 25) and added high attack speed ability.
  • Disabled limit for Rulerofiron and Sage(Dwarfs) units.
  • Sharpshooter (Dwarf) to Baradung upgrade has been moved to the second upgrade of the first Dwarf unit.
  • The Elite Sniper (NE) to Demon Hunter upgrade has been moved to the second upgrade of the first Night Elf unit.
  • Fixed Forecast Ability(Builder)
  • Fixed description for some units.
  • Icons changed for Angel and Khadgar(Humans).
  • Other minor bug fixed.

    Have Nice Game!

Holy War Anniversary 1.32a

  1. Rebalanced some units (Succubus(Demons), Ancient Protector (Azeroth Defenders) and other minor fixes in balance)
  2. Changed AI behaviors for Destruction Lich
  3. Changed old skill for Neltarion (level 30).
  4. Fixed Scorched Village bug and other minor bug fixed
  5. Fixed description for some units.
    [*]Changed Castle Defence Castle Configuration and Sargeras Battle Spawners.
    [*]Restored Loading screen!)

Have Nice Game!

Holy War Anniversary 1.31.1a

  1. Rebalanced some units (Dimension shifter(Nerubians), Gryphon Rider (Dwarfs), Portal Cannon (Azeroth Defenders), All Bone Temples (Skeletons) and other minor fixes in balance)

  2. Changed AI behaviors for some units.

  3. Added new skill for Neltarion (level 30).

  4. Increased fps (on ~ 10-12 points for late game)

  5. Fixed description for some units.

      • Added new enemies for Scorched Village event.


Holy War Anniversary 1.23a

    • Increased fps (+10-15 for late game)
    • Fixed AI of some units.
    • Other minor bug fixed

Holy War Anniversary and Remastered 1.21b

  1. Fixed Camera Height Bug
  2. Rebuild Devil Archer and Cannon AI
  3. Other minor bug fixed

Holy War Anniversary and Remastered 1.21a

  1. Changed Haunted Village Difficulty
  2. Fixed Arthas Ghouls Attack upgrade
  3. Added Random Enemy Races for Boss Mode
  4. Fixed Baradung Description
  5. Rebalanced some bosses units
  6. Fixed Dark Troll Lord Attack Upgrade in Overlords Ascention
  7. Changed races description for Overlord Ascention
  8. Dark Troll Lord Get Double Kill Money
  9. Lucky Coins Spawn at Battlefield in Overlords Ascention Mode
  10. Rebalanced and Fixed some of Dark Troll Lord Skills
  11. Fixed Koblod Tasknaster Skills

Holy War Anniversary and Remastered 1.1a

  1. Increased Fps for Elven&Defenders of Azeroth terrain
  2. Random terrain replaced with "None Terrain" - without bonuses => even more fps)
  3. Fixed some unit descriptions.

Holy War Anniversary 1.09k and Remastered 1.02d

  1. Changed re-roll time and max number of re-rolls.
  2. Fixed tier III units in Alliances mode.
  3. Fixed battle against Murozond.

Holy War Anniversary Remastered 1.02c

  1. Fixed descriptions for some abilities and units.
  2. Fixed Aliances for battle against Murozond.
  3. Other minor bugs fixed.

Holy War Anniversary Remastered 1.02a

  1. Fixed Sindragosa movement (Fly for now)
  2. Fixed Aliances for battle against Void God and Y'Sharaj (Remastered version Last Bosses)

Holy War Anniversary Remastered 04.01.19

  1. Fixed footies attack and hp.
  2. Added -de/-ee commands(disable/enable Tornado/Infernal/Volcano events).

Holy War Anniversary 1.09e

  1. Fixed Frenzy lich Tentacle(cast on enemies)
  2. Fixed KelTas and Aelin behaviours.
  3. Minor rebalance of undead unit.

Holy War Anniversary 1.09b

  1. Fixed Mal'Furion requirements bug.

Holy War Anniversary 1.09a

  1. Optimized Nerubian and Sceleton lanscape - 60fps.
  2. Added new button Reset Army behaviors.
  3. Fixed -endround bug.
  4. Rebalanced Infernal and Great Infernal(Demons).

Holy War Anniversary 1.08c

  1. Fixed all races wizards selection fatal error.

Holy War Anniversary 1.08b

  1. Fixed NE Druid Fatal Error.

Holy War Anniversary 1.08a

  1. Fixed Terrain selection (random terrain is chosen from terrains that selected by players).
  2. Added -de/-ee commands(disable/enable Tornado/Infernal/Volcano events).
  3. Rebalanced Behemoth "Water Spirits", Stronghold "Nuclear Strike" and Neltarion "Finger of Death" spells.
  4. Decreased cost and stats of some Demon units.
  5. Rebalanced Ysera "Emerlad Dream" ability.
  6. Fixed Medivh, Vol'jin, Jailer and Executioner behaviors.

Holy War Anniversary 1.07a

  1. Multiboard Restored (combined with a timer);
  2. Added new unit Fire Shaman(Beast Builder(Naga)) - ready for locust);
  3. Fixed Dark Slayer (Trolls) damage type;
  4. Fixed Savager(Trolls) name.

Holy War Anniversary 1.06a

  1. The work of triggers is optimized(increased frame rate for late waves and bosses).

Holy War Anniversary 1.05c

  1. Fixed -endround(when player leaves).

  2. Fixed "Set Mercenary" behaviour description.

  3. Fixed -ahm bugs, decreased Nozdormu difficulty.

  4. Balanced Classic mode opponents selection for games with an odd number of players.
  5. Other minor fixes.

Holy War Anniversary

  1. All triggers are stabilized.
  2. Added Environment Event System (Meteor, Tornado, Volcano)
  3. All Overlords got new units: Cobold(Random box, Rat), Dark Troll (Bashi-Bazook, Fel Boar), Behemoth (Ocean Lord(Prince of tides upgrade))
  4. New Creep "Doppelganger"
  5. Added new units Baradung (Dwarf), Spiked Fury (Defenders)
  6. Fixed Portal Cannon Drainei (now has "summoned" classification)
  7. Fixed and balanced Overlodrs mode enemies on all Difficulties(all enemy races)
  8. Rebalanced "Great Infernal" (Demons)
  9. Creeps got additional Attack Speed after 6 minutes of round.

The Last Holy War

  1. Added 2 new units to Night Elf (Lone Druid and Hippogriff)
  2. Added 2 new unit types to Undead (Crushers and Undead Temples)
  3. Added Ancient Annihilator to Demons
  4. All workers now have 30 points of max. mana.
  5. Balanced Overlord Ascension difficulty.
  6. Added new enemy - "King of Souls".

Holy War: Complete Story

  1. Completed the story of Warcraft in Survival mode(Battle with Void God).
  2. Changed some unit models.
  3. Other minor bugs fixed.

Can't upload to epicwar because of file limit(96mb).

RUS and ENG versions

  1. Other minor bugs fixed.


  1. Fixed food usage(for all) and description for Kobold Taskmaster in Boss Mode
  2. Other minor bugs fixed.


  1. Added new hero for Humans - "Exorcist"
  2. Fixed duels in Overlords mode and changed duel period to 4 rounds, also increased starting gold to 600.
  3. Fixed Kobolds "Rearm" upgrade in Overlords Mode.
  4. Fixed bug with dead spectators on duel.
  5. "Portal Cannon" now have Magic attack.
  6. Added auto revolution upgrade in Alliances mode.
  7. Necromancer ''Death Coil" cool-down decreased from 8 sec. to 4 sec.
  8. Vampiric Aura fixed for Behemoth and Death Wing.
  9. Fixed descriptions for some Units and Abilities.


  1. Added new Creep(Deadly Shadow(has Evasion 20%, Small Splash, Converts spells to hp and has 80% of pierce damage reduction))
  2. Added two new units - Ronin (ork), Demonic Veteran (ork)
  3. Death Wing HP capacity increased from 130000 to 140000, blink fixed.
  4. Fixed Multiboard after Team Battle.
  5. Fixed all bugs for "Set as Mercenary" Behaviour, added marks for shared units.
  6. Increased units upgrades max level(now 18 for all abilities).
  7. Broxigar armor increased from 0 to 2.


  1. Fixed -sh Fatal error(I think that finally).
  2. Geyser works only on non boss units now.
  3. Rebalanced "Scorched Village".
  4. Fixed description for some spells.
  5. Other minor fixes.


  1. Fixed Yoggsaron bug.
  2. Changed spells of Jaina and Sylvanas.
  3. Other minor fixes.


  1. Fixed "Corrupt" Ability from Nerubian wizard.
  2. Fixed Antonidos and Medivh behavior.
  3. Fixed Draft mode.
  4. Fixed Scorched Village and Castle De fence mode.


  1. Fixed duel gold bug.


  1. Fixed "Overlords" mode bugs.
  2. Rebalanced "Overlords" mode units and spells, added new unit to Kobolds army.
  3. Added new upgrades in "Overlords" mode.


  1. Fixed "Overlords" mode bugs.
  2. Rebalanced "Overlords" mode units and spells, added new unit to Behemoth army.
  3. Fixed columns information in all game modes.
  4. Fixed annihilation mode balance.
  5. Sargeras got new skills and improvements.
  6. Other minor bug fixed.


  1. Fixed "Overlords" mode bugs
  2. Rebalanced boss army and ability cost.


  1. Fixed "Overlords" mode bugs
  2. Changed race descriptions.
  3. Fixed Scorched village bugs.


  1. Added new game mode: "Overlords".(Fight as hero against all races and other bosses)
  2. Fixed Frost Crossbow Spell Upgrade (Thanks Adam from WC/SC/Strategy YouTube channel)
  3. Fixed some descriptions.
  4. Fixed Scorched village bugs.


  1. Added mini battles (games) for Survival mode (for 4 and 2 players)
  2. Rebalanced and increaced levels of crepps at 26-32 levels
  3. Added Harpy Queen to neutral creeps.
  4. Changed count of sceletons for warrior and archer (with upgrades)
  5. Endless Sculborbs fixed
  6. New formula for reward gold = (count of kills * (level number/100))*((1.5- Income level/ Max income Level)*(2- Current lives/ Max Lives)
  7. Added new units:
  • HE: Kael, Eldin, Hawk Rider, Forest Ruler
  • Orks: Rexar
  • Demons Astarta, Satyr, Felguard
  • Humans: Admiral Proudmoore, Jaina Proudmoore, Jailer
  • Trolls: Edgemaster, Mammoth
  • Dwarfs: Magni, Hemet
  • Naga: Dalissa (beast builder)

If you want to help other players from your country and can translate english text into your native language. We will be happy if you translate Holy War into your native language. (Credits and some other features guaranteed!). All questions you can ask in private message.


  1. Added Razu'Hanab, Architect and Dreadnought (Nerubian).
  2. Changed count of sceletons for warrior and archer (with upgrades)
  3. Increased Sargeras difficulty.
  4. Improved Dark Fog ability for Troll boss.
  5. Minor bug fixed.


  1. Added Nsa'Raj (Nerubian).
  2. Fixed Neltarion teleportation.
  3. Decreased power of Helicopter.
  4. Rebalanced High elf units.
  5. Fixed small bugs.


  1. Improved "set as Mercenary" behavior - now you can add or reset all selected units.
  2. Fixed Kill'jaeden and Khadgar Ai
  3. Fixed small bugs.


  1. Added Yogg Saron as 35 level boss.
  2. Added Mode "All Hail Murozond" - Fight Secret bosses.
  3. Added Sir Dinadan (Human), Shezoth (Naga), Wolfmother (High Elfs), Tricky Beetle (Nerub).
  4. Added new creep: Centaur Khan.
  5. Rebalanced Nerubian Great and Ancient Scarab.
  6. Changed Ancient Scarab spell reflection.
  7. Other balance improvements.
  8. Fixed small bugs.
  9. Increased difficulty for "-heavydrugabuse"


  1. Decreased map size(7.94-7.47)
  2. Added new hero Khadar(Humans).
  3. Nozdormu got new spell.
  4. Fixed portraits for Slayer, Savager and Dark Slayer(Trolls).


  1. Fixed "Set as Mercenary" at Mass Duels.
  2. Fixed Charge 7 s. Now work properly for all units.
  3. On duels units with Charge 7, set to charge 3 automatically(because of idle units killer system)
  4. Changed Sister of Elune (NE) "Resurrection" ability to "Dark Rebirth".
  5. Fixed Geyser (Demons Terrain) - cast cyclone not so often.
  6. Decreased Sargeras ability to make huge holes
  7. Now, dialog box with choice between Holy Crusade and the FFA, appears only for Sargeras killer.
  8. Fixed description for Healing Ward and Boar Rider.


  1. Now you can send your units as reinforcements or enemies to all players.
  2. Rebalanced some units from Azeroth Defenders.
  3. Added new enemy: Drunk Purifier, Water Remnant got small wave spell.
  4. Fixed "share vision" command (-sh x).
  5. Fixed -tm(tactics mode) creeps behaviour.
  6. Increased number of rounds for -em(endless mode) Tournament(55).


  1. Fixed camera and units alliances at Holy War choice.
  2. Rebalanced some units from Azeroth Defenders.
  3. Added Presets for behaviors.
  4. Added "share vision" command (-sh x).
  5. Forest Avatar (Mal'Furion summon) got Taunt.
  6. Stronghold Tanks have chaos damage now.


  1. Fixed Dark Souls behaviors on duel.
  2. Other minor bug fixed.


  1. Final round(Sargeras) available only in Survival.
  2. -endround has vote system now.
  3. Other minor improvements.


  1. Fixed Succubus and Neltarion bugs.


  1. Some minor bug fixed.


  1. Added 2 new units: Dark Shaman (Naga) and Murderer (High Elf).
  2. Changed attack damage and attack type of Fire Elemental (Defenders).
  3. Changed some visuals.


  1. Rebalanced some units(from Nagas, Orks and Azeroth Defenders).
  2. Decreased difficulty of 22 and 23 levels.
  3. Increased difficulty of Neltarion.


  1. Changed descriptions of some spells.
  2. Fixed Survival "Continue Holy War" round.
  3. Fixed Pirate Queen "Hypnosis" spell.


  1. Sargeras got another new skill.
  2. Improved Sargeras and Neltarion AI.
  3. Fixed Antonidas "Spirit Touch".
  4. Changed some effects and added music theme to final battle.
  5. Added "Order to Attack" ability to possessed units(now your can).
  6. Added some Heroes history to Quest Log.


  1. Sargeras got one new skill.
  2. Other minor bug fixed.


  1. All Races got one new unit(NE got two).
  2. Rebalanced some damage and defense type.
  3. And many other features...
  4. Other minor bug fixed.


  1. Many units rebalanced and fixed some descriptions.
  2. Other minor bug fixed.


  1. Fixed Holy War ending.
  2. Archimond, Mannoroth and Tichondrius got some new spells.
  3. Added Creep Tactical Mode(-tm): creeps using behaviours more often.
  4. Fixed Survival bonus gold(calculated on the number of killed enemies and income level).
  5. Fixed duel map rotation.
  6. Decreased time of Charge(Behaviours): 5 sec. to 3 sec. and 10 sec. to 7 sec.
  7. Decreased time of Tornadoes from devils landscape and Sage(Dwarf).
  8. Fixed Ysera AI(changed Healing herbs spell).
  9. Other minor bug fixed.


  1. Fixed Lightning spell(Spellbook).
  2. Now the camera can be raised even higher (3200(Zoom button))
  3. Added "shout for help" spell to possessed units(Now you can!)):
    Allies (1300 AoE) and enemies (450 AoE) will rush to aid you.
  4. New Survival bonus gold system that gives you two strategy(improve income or just have a good fight).
  5. Other minor bug fixed.


  1. Fixed units with transformation.
  2. Fixed Xavius "Satyr Lord" ability(only at battlefield).
  3. Fixed spell descriptions.
  4. Fixed some landscape objects.


  1. Fixed Tournament bug(inverse unit spawn).
  2. Added Tournament endless mode(-em)(greatly increase number of rounds).
  3. Fixed some effects of abilities.


  1. Fixed duel bug(when someone left the game at duel round).


  1. Fixed small bug.
  2. Rebalanced some units:
    • Increased Fire Huntress(Demon) price (from 145 to 160).
    • Increased Astral Huntress (Demon) price (from 160 to 170).
    • Sister of Elune (Night Elf) cast Moon Phoenix more often, changed price from 380 to 420.


  1. Fixed duels bug(if one player sell all units).
  2. Added new unit (Fire Huntress(Demon))
  3. Rebalanced some units:
    • Increased Kil'Jaeden price (from 1280 to 1680) and attack splash radius, also for now summoned Felguards has Melee Armor Upgrade.
    • Added Almost Magic Immune to Astral Huntress (Demon).
    • Changed armour type of Annihilator (Demon) from Normal to Heavy.


  1. Fixed some bugs and text descriptions.
  2. Improved -Heavydrugabuse mode and omfg mode.

Use behaviours of units("B" button).


  1. Fixed small bugs.
  2. Increased Classic points and Survival lives(6-12-18)


  1. Rebalanced some units:
    • Increased IQ of devil archers and Cannons(cast fireball more often).
    • Changed Great Infernal attack (from 360 to 380).
    • Increased Demon Soldier Evasion(from 10% to 20%).
      Just use spellbook when you play as Demons)


  1. Added 2 new units: Anchoress and Forest Queen to Night elfs.
  2. Added upgrade to Royal Guard (Dwarf).
  3. Fixed small bugs.
  4. Changed size of some units.
  5. Rebalanced some units:
    • Changed Dwarf King attack type from Normal to Hero, and attack speed from 2.5 to 3 sec, also increased price of unit (from 630 to 980).
    • Changed Drauruk Lord (Nerubian) attack type from Magic to Chaos.
    • Changed Shesan (Naga) attack type from Hero to Chaos (Increased price from 460 to 600).
    • Changed Champion Guard (Naga) attack type from Normal to Hero (Increased price from 350 to 480).
    • Changed Shesan attack type from Hero to Chaos (Increased price from 460 to 600).
    • Changed Great Inquisitor (Human) attack type from Magic to Chaos (Increased price from 480 to 630).


  1. Fixed and upgraded alternate endings(in survival mode).
  2. Fixed small bugs.
  3. Rebalanced some units:
    • Increased Madevil(Demons)) attack from 30 to 42.
    • Increased Devil Huntress attack upgrade from 4 to 5.
    • Fixed Devil Archer range(now has range upgrade)


  1. Fixed small bugs.
  2. Fixed some text mistakes)
  3. Rebalanced some terrain bonuses.


  1. Fixed Classic mode bugs.
  2. Mass duels works with 4-6 players.
  3. Rebalanced some demons solders.
  4. Beast Blade works only on enemy elfs.
  5. Other minor improvements.


  1. Some bugs fixed.
  2. Rebalanced Crab spawn and Tentacle.


  1. Minor bugs fixed.
  2. Changed Great Inquisitor Mana Burn ability.


  1. Fixed some bugs
  2. Changed neutral-enemy units(thematic spawns).
  3. Added Race Abilities to all Builders(in Survival mode).
  4. Improved bots AI.
  5. Now all players vote for landscape.
  6. Changed Broxigar model.


  1. Fixed 33, 34 levels.
  2. Fixed size for some units.
  3. Fixed Sargeras battle idle units.


  1. Fixed some landscapes.
  2. Added Single Player unlimited timer.
  3. Fixed some effects of abilities and unit size.


  1. Deleted lava and poison damage(becouse of great fps problems).
  2. Fixed lag when unit attacks terrain.


  1. Decreased difficulty of Goblin Spawn Skill (level 10), Tank Factory and Nuke Strike (level 25)
  2. Added new terrain description
  3. Added new effects to some abilities and terrain bonuses


  1. Fixed small bugs
  2. Added new terrain(Troll Swamp)
  3. Added new effects to some abilities and terrain bonuses


  1. Fixed small bugs
  2. Add some visual effects
  3. Added 1 new ability to Broodmother(Level 20)


  1. Fixed upgrade bug


  1. Fixed Restless Skeleton(nowHoly War: Anniversary 1.72c (1)ne unit - one skeleton)
  2. Added 2 new abilities to Stronghold(Level 25)
  3. Added new effects to some abilities
  4. Fixed some small bugs


  1. Fixed Terrain errors.


  1. Randomized and fixed bots.
  2. Fixed Tournament terrain spawn.
  3. Fixed remove system
  4. Fixed some unit movement animation.
  5. Fixed murloc at random builder.
  6. Increased Kil'jaeden prise (1280 instead 980)


  1. Fixed bugs.
  2. Fixed terrain.
  3. Added all landscape bonuses.
  4. Fixed some unit movement animation.


  1. Fixed small bugs
  2. Fixed Fatal Error Bug in single player mode
  3. Added some landscape bonuses


  1. Fixed behaviours
  2. Added Random Terrain
Holy War: Anniversary 1.72c (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 6639

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.