Ditch The Clowns, Get The Crowns (Baby I’m The One To Beat) - Chapter 1 - newhyperfixationsweekly - 3rd Life (2024)

Chapter Text

The Life Games started as a social experiment, to see what people would do under the circ*mstances where your area and life are limited. Grian started these games as something fun, something they would do whenever none of them were too busy. These games weren’t meant to cause drama, at all. But wasn’t that what they always ended up doing? They lived in Minecraft, what else was there to do? (A lot since they can create whole new worlds, endless possibilities, but okay).

Scott loved the idea of having only three lives and fighting for fun. So, he said yes to the first game. However, he didn’t know that he'd end up falling in love with Jimmy in less than a month.

Then he said yes to the second game, not knowing he'd win. He didn’t know the guilt he’d feel after out living all his friends. He couldn’t help but wonder if that was what Grian felt like? Void, was that man okay?

He said yes to the third game, not knowing that he'd end up heartbroken. He cried and cried and cried until Pearl finally made him talk to Jimmy.

Jimmy, Tango, and Scott resolved their issues (thank you Pearl!), then Jimmy started dating both of them, and Scott ended up falling for Tango. And the cyan-haired couldn’t help but feel like there was still some part of him that was missing. He would lay awake at night with his boyfriends on his sides, the warmth from them not even helping the cold in his heart.

His empire was thriving, he loved his partners and they loved him, so why did he feel like there was one part that just… didn’t seem to be there? Why did he feel like something was missing?

When Grian approached Scott with the idea for the fourth game, he said yes in hopes of finding out what this missing piece was, because every other part of him that has ever felt “missing” has been resolved with the Life Games.

That is how he stood in a circle with 13 of his friends. They were standing on a hill, or was it a mountain? It didn’t really matter, it’s where they spawned. Ahead of Scott was a woodland mansion. Enticing, Scott thought.

Grian stood in the circle, between Jimmy and Pearl, waiting for everyone else to join.

Scott was always there on time, Joel and Tango however, were never on time. They would always be teleported at 8:05, five minutes after they were all supposed to be there. The mechanics of the spawning was if you didn’t join the server before 8:05, then you’d be teleported (only if you decided to participate in the games, of course).

“Jesus,” Grian started, “How long will it take them to understand 8 on the dot!” He threw his hands up in frustration.

“Now you know how it feels, Grian,” Jimmy said and Grian pushed him.

“Tell your boyfriend to be here on time for once!”

“Which one?” Tango asked as he spawned next to Skizz.

“You!” Grian exclaimed, turning to Tango.

“Sorry!” Tango smiled, Scott knew he wasn’t sorry at all.

“Alright! You have 24 hours to live, good luck!” And they were all off.


Scott was in the mines collecting iron when his comm pinged.

The Boogeyman is about to be chosen.

Right, the boogeyman. He forgot about that, even though the five minute ping was only five minutes ago. Scott stood in the cave, he dug a small area for him, waiting for the numbers to pop up on his comm. He was under Martyn and Etho and could hear their conversation.

He really didn’t want to be the first boogeyman, but there was always a possibility. He didn’t need the pressure that would come with being the first boogeyman of the series.

He looked up to see the border and the rest of the cave when his comm pinged again.


Is it gonna be me? Scott thought.


He prayed he wasn’t the boogeyman.


You are…

Scott closed his eyes and opened them just a second later.

The Boogeyman

“Oh no,” he whispered to himself. “Why?”

He sighed and then tuned back into the conversation above.

“Definitely not me Martyn, definitely not me.” Etho said.

“That didn’t sound convincing, I’m just gonna say,” Scott added as he got out of the cave.

“Yeah, right?” Martyn agreed.


Scott got geared, deciding it’d be better to get this out of the way before everyone was suited up. The quicker he got this done, the quicker he could get the first day things done.

Once he fully emerged from the cave, he wore iron boots, a shield, and an iron axe. Out of the cave he met Skizz, Impulse, Tango, Etho and Martyn; Impulse was leading a cow in a boat.

“What are you doing?” Scott asked.

“This is my cow!” Impulse said, rowing away from Scott.

“What if I killed it?” Scott asked.

“Don’t kill it!” Skizz exclaimed, going to stand in between the cow and Scott.

“What if I kill you instead?” Scott said, a slight smirk tugged on his face. “I’m not going to kill you.”

“Wait a second,” Impulse started, “Shield out, iron axe… this is very menacing.”

Impulse ran away (not by far, he just crossed the hill), Scott watched as he walked over to his friends.

Skizz was still there, protecting the cow. Scott saw this as an opportunity and went for it.

“Life is short, only 24 hours,” Skizz started. “And murdering is not part of it!”

“Well for some people, it is,” Scott said, pulling his axe back out, “Sorry!”

“Hey!” Skizz exclaimed.

Scott raised his axe and critted Skizz, he started yelping out pleas but Scott didn’t want this to go on, so he hit and hit Skizz until he died.

“There we go, cured!” Scott smiled, walking back up the hill.

“WHAT?!” He could hear from ahead.

“Scott what!” Tango yelled running over to him.

“Yeah, I couldn't let it go on!” Scott admitted. “I needed someone alone!”

Scott didn’t want to lose 8 hours, how could he not take that opportunity.


Scott met Joel after the next boogeyman was chosen (to which it was Bdubs and he killed Skizz immediately).

“You want the one emerald?” Scott asked, What kind of dude wants an emerald?

“What if there’s a wandering trader?” Joel explained.

“Fair, I guess, weird though,” Scott said, giving Joel the mineral.


The boogeyman was chosen for a third time (Scott was so glad it wasn’t him), and there was not a kill immediately, so that was good.

Scott was wandering around and found a little coral reef, near the border, and decided that was where his home was going to be. After he made the decision, he went to the woodland mansion and met Pearl, Jimmy and Joel.

“This is Scott energy!” Jimmy said, from inside the mansion. “He so looted this mansion.”

“I’m flattered you think I’d loot this already, but I didn’t, Petal,” Scott said as he dug inside the mansion, meeting his boyfriend, ex-soulmate, and one-sided rival.

“Mhm, yea, sureeee,” Jimmy said, dragging out the last word as he walked down the hallway. Scott joined the three and looked around the mansion.


They didn’t find anything, which was weird. Whoever looted the mansion looted it well.

After their adventure, Pearl and Scott separated from the Bad Boys over to Skizz and his entourage.

“If you’re hunting down Skizz you’re not allowed!” Grian exclaimed as he lit up the area.

“Why?” Scott asked.

“He’s got boogeyman immunity!”

“I take no responsibility for Bdubs killing him after I did,” Scott said, laughter filled the air.


Scott was quietly humming while setting up some things to start his base when he heard the zombie villager growl and footsteps. He turned and saw Martyn trying to steal the villager.

“I don't think so!” Scott yelled as he sped walked a couple steps. Martyn got out of the boat after taking a heart or two of damage.

“I’m just joshing, I wanted to come see what was going on over here.” Martyn said, walking towards Scott and looking around. “Smart idea to be around water, that’s for sure.”

“Yeah, and it’s close to the border so you can really only get attacked from three sides, instead of four,” Scott explained, he’s quite proud of his spot and decided to boast about it. “You can join me if you’d like,” He offered the blond, in the back of his mind he got a flashback to a night at the Faction Isles. The night he cheated on Sausage with Martyn, and he found out.

Scott shook his head slightly to clear his mind, he won’t cheat on his boyfriends. He won’t, hell he doesn't even want Martyn that way anymore.

Okay maybe that was a lie, but it doesn't matter he won’t act on it because he’d need to talk to his boyfriends first and Martyn doesn’t want him like that anyways.

“Want to be a Coral Kid?” Scott asked, looking down at Martyn. They’re a good distance away from one another, but Scott still needed to look down at him.

“Sure, yeah, it’s a good spot,” Martyn said as he turned to look at the surroundings. “Yeah,” he breathed out. “I’ll be a Coral Kid with you.” Martyn smiled up at Scott and his heart fluttered a little, he blamed it on the wind sending a shiver down his spine.

“Perfect,” Scott said.

“I’m going to go get some things, need anything?” Martyn asked as he turned and started to walk away.

“Nope, thanks though. I’ll be here, you go do your boogeyman duties,” Scott said with a sly smirk.

“I’m not the boogeyman!” Martyn called as he walked away, and Scott laughed.


Martyn ignored the way his heart fluttered at the first sight of Scott when he emerged from the cave. The last time they actually saw one another was in the Faction Isles, which they both lived before and a little after Double Life, and then Scott moved to empires for Chromia.

Before he moved, Scott used to rant about it, this new colorful empire he was planning for when the world was set up. Quite frankly the cyan haired never did shut up about it unless Martyn took matters into his own hands.

Martyn never complained though, surprising since he’s never loved listening, unless it was Scott who was talking. It was always Scott that had his attention, even when Scott’s was on Sausage, Tango, or Jimmy.

Martyn has known of his crush on the siren since the end of Third Life, and he refuses to call it love even though it’s been over a year. He’s refused to call it love because of Scott’s relationships. Even when Scott would sneak out of Sausage’s bed just to scurry over to Martyn’s, for comfort or lust, Martyn didn’t call it love. He knew Scott would crawl back to Sausage during the day.

When Sausage found out about the pair’s little rendezvouses, he wasn’t angry, not at all. He was just sad, and Scott knew it hurt Sausage a lot.

When Scott brought up the idea of polyamory to Sausage he said something along the lines of “No, you’re a f*cking cheater,” which fair, but they never discussed they were exclusive. Scott loved Sausage. Martyn knew that, and Martyn didn’t dwell on the polyamory part too much because Scott never asked him to be his boyfriend.

Or vice versa.

Scott and Jimmy were in an open relationship during the Pirates up until right before Double Life was announced, and then Jimmy fell in love with Tango.

Maybe Martyn should've swooped in there, uh? Then he could've comforted Scott, he could've been there for him like in the Faction Isles.

Okay maybe Martyn should stop dwelling on their… situationship? Whatever it was, it didn’t matter at this moment because the man of his thoughts just killed Skizz.

“WHAT?” Martyn yelled as he saw the message on his comm. He looked to where Scott was and walked towards him.

“Yeah, I couldn't let it go on!” Martyn heard Scott as he approached the group cautiously. “I needed someone alone!”

“And Skizz was the perfect target?” Martyn asked.

“You all left him, what was I supposed to do? I didn’t want 8 hours gone.”

“It’s not even 8 hours, it's 8 days,” Tango said.

“Okay, still,” Scott lifted his hands up. “I just wanted it to be over with.”

Maybe Martyn wanted to team up with Scott, having an extra hour on his side was useful. Yeah, Martyn thought. That’s why he wanted Scott on his side, no other reason.


“This doesn’t work! It’s given people way too much freedom to die,” Martyn heard Grian say as he got into ear-range, which Martyn could hear their conversations way farther back than the rest of them could. He has solar-sound hearing.

Martyn and Etho started to dig down to land in the cave, and they traded some items before Grian, Tango, Impulse, and Skizz joined. (All of Team T.I.E.S, if Martyn joined them they could’ve become Team T.I.M.E.S which would’ve been really hilarious considering their circ*mstances).

Grian did some magic commands and the boogey would be chosen in a minute.

Their comms beeped.

3, Martyn saw, he sucked in a breath.



You are…. The Boogeyman. f*ck, Martyn thought.

“Where’s Skizzle? Where’s Skizzle?” Etho said as he ran towards said man with his weapon out.

“Woah!” About everyone said, scared of if he’d actually do it.

Etho stopped and went back to his spot and everyone laughed.

“We’ve proven that none of us are the Boogey!” Grian exclaimed with a smile, putting his hands together in a silent clap. The avian was very animated, he’d tilt his head at the slightest of confusion, raise his eyebrows at anyone and anything, have a sly smile on his face or a gaping one.

This is useless info to gather, Martyn realized. Because Grian never was dramatic when it came to actual serious situations.

“That means nothing to me dude!” Skizz said, and everyone bursted into laughter once more.


After Grian’s fall, Skizz started talking to Martyn

“I missed your laugh dude!” Skizz said. And oh, did Martyn want to slice his throat then. “I’m doing a compliment to one person everyday!” Skizz smiled, oh lord the comedic value is so high, he should just cut him open.

But Martyn pushed the voices down and then decided to get to the nether.

There wasn’t much in there, just a salt delta, and when Martyn went back he ended up somewhere insanely different.


“I don’t think so!” Scott yelled once he noticed Martyn in the boat.

Martyn quickly got out with a laugh, he didn’t want the villager, he wanted to talk to Scott. He strolled towards the siren and spoke.

“I’m just joshing, I wanted to come see what was going on over here,” He said as he looked around the area.

“Yeah, it’s close to the border so you can really only get attacked from three sides, instead of four,” Scott told Martyn, and he nodded. “You can join me if you’d like.” Martyn remembered a time he said this at Faction Isles.

“Want to be a Coral Kid?” Scott looked down at Martyn with eyes that took Martyn back to the past.

“Sure, yeah, it’s a good spot, I’ll be a Coral Kid with you.” Martyn smiled and tried not to think about how he knows he’s going to have to betray him in the end.

Martyn is sure Scott said something, but Martyn’s thoughts trailed to his hair and his face and– Stop there, he’s a taken man, Martyn, he reminds himself.

But that didn't stop him before, did it?

“I’m going to go get some things, need anything?” Martyn asked, as he turned to walk away.

“Nope, thanks though. I’ll be here, you go do your boogeyman duties.” Scott called from behind him.

“I’m not the boogeyman!” Martyn yelled as he walked away from the reef.


Okay maybe he was the boogeyman, but he didn’t want to try and kill Scott.

He’s really bad at this, usually he’s good at being boogey but something's messing with his mind. A certain cyan-haired siren, who has two f*cking boyfriends, who he’s had a crush on since Third Life.

Martyn didn’t want to do anything with Scott… well he did. But he remembers how guilty Scott felt when Sausage found out. He remembers how the siren cried in his lap for hours. Martyn remembers the hurt look on Scott’s face every time he looked at Sausage after that.

It’s been two years since then, and now Scott was with Jimmy and Tango. Maybe, Martyn thought, maybe if he confessed to Scott before he moved to Chromia, maybe they’d be the two together. Maybe he’d even have Tango and Jimmy.

Scott and Jimmy were in an open relationship while Scott was at Pirates, so everything was consensual then. And Sausage knew him and Jimmy were in an open relationship, but he didn't want to be in one. Sausage wanted Scott to just be with him and Jimmy.

Which, fair, honestly. Hell, if Martyn got there before Sausage he’d just want Scott to be with him and Jimmy. But he wouldn't yell at Scott for something that they never discussed.

Scott wouldn’t have done anything with Martyn if he knew Sausage didn’t want to be open. Scott thought Sausage knew which is why it was so devastating when he caught them making out behind a tavern.

He will never be able to get Scott’s sobs out of his head. He’ll never be able to get the way Scott looked at him that night out of his head. The way Scott’s eyes used to be so lively but then they looked like they died.

Martyn will also never forget the way Scott kissed him that night.

Okay, Martyn was down bad.Completely and utterly in hell at this point. Every time Martyn tried to think his mind would always drift to Scott. Void, he’s already in so deep, there’s no crawling out now.

The blond would suppress these emotions around Scott. The man has two boyfriends and Martyn remembered. He won’t let Scott feel like that again.

Despite that, time was ticking and Martyn was running out of ideas. He hadn’t killed anyone yet, and if he didn’t by the end of the four days, he would lose 8 hours.

Speaking of…. When did he last sleep? Like two days ago? Okay– maybe that isn’t rare for him or really anyone on the server for the “sessions.” They never really slept, ever. Only during breaks.

However, when people were sleeping, it was a mutual agreement to not mess with them while they were. Keyword there is them, you could mess with their base as much as you wanted, set up traps, just as long as it wasn’t where they were sleeping.

It took some getting used to all the little extra rules after not playing for a few months, Martyn has to keep reminding himself of these things. He would usually not be bothered but he’s teaming up with Scott this time. Which was probably a bad idea to be honest.


Martyn emerged from the cave he was in when he found out the mansion was on fire.

“FIRE! THERE’S A FIRE!” He screeched.

“YEAH I KNOW!” Jimmy screeched from atop the mansion. “Did you do this Scott?”

“No, I didn’t Jimmy,” Scott said as he started to put the fire out.

“Oh my god, is anyone inside?” Martyn asked, as he climbed up.

“No, they live on top though,” Scott answered, and Martyn got up and started to put out more of the fire.

“Was this you, Martyn?” Jimmy asked frantically. Man, who would do this?

“No!” Martyn exclaimed, still helping to put the fire out.

“It was them over there, wasn’t it,” Jimmy sighed as he continued to put the fire out.

“I think it’s a lost cause, Jimmy,” Scott said with a slight frown on his face. Scott was smart in these games, not letting anything emotional get in his way, but when it came to Jimmy or Tango, he couldn't help but comfort them.

Martyn wished he was a part of that. He shook his head and jumped down to go to where Scar, Cleo, and Bdubs were sitting.

“Them over there are NOT happy!” Martyn laughed as he climbed up the mountain to meet the trio.

“Hey Martyn!” Cleo grinned, laughing at the scene unfolding across the pond.

“You know, I got accused of it, thanks to you lot.” Martyn smiled, no real grimace behind his tone.

“We should’ve sold tickets!” Scar said, gesturing towards the manor, “Why didn’t I think of it, I’m the salesman!”

“I would’ve bought one,” Martyn stated, a little amused. And then the three started to talk… about something. Martyn didn’t really pay attention to it to be honest. He was too busy watching Scott help his boyfriend put out the fire.

Scott and his stupid cyan-hair that looked so natural on him, Scott and his stupid grin, with those sharp teeth, oh my void. Martyn rubbed his eyes and sighed. He turned to see his ex-soulmate and her children or whatever they were speaking to one another. The blond then turned and walked away, he was done with whatever thoughts were coming to his brain about Scott and whatever bickering was happening with the dysfunctional family.


Martyn ended up with Etho in his little farm area, trying to help while the voices in his head were telling him to just kill Etho. Kill him in cold blood.

But that was boring was it not? To just murder someone when you could do something extravagant, that was boring and Martyn is anything but that.

Eventually, Scott, Tango, Skizz, Etho, and Impulse were all in the hole and Martyn decided nothing better than now.

So he walked up and mined a little strip and placed TNT. He lit them one by one and they exploded below. However, it didn’t blow up anyone, not it blew up the cow of all things!

Martyn heard complaints and woah’s and Scott confirmed that Martyn was the boogeyman and he just ran. The session was almost over, he needed to find someone quick.


The blond ended up finding Pearl and BigB towards the end of the final night. The moon was high in the sky and the two were peacefully talking. Martyn strolled up to them and started talking to them.

“Hey, have either of you known if the boogeyman has made a move yet?” Martyn asked, as he stood next to BigB.

“No, have you?” BigB asked, and Martyn shook his head. “Wait, what if it’s you?”

“It’s not! I would’ve killed Skizz,” Martyn laughed out.

“I’m not sure I believe that,” Pearl laughed out, her sharp eyes looked at Martyn like she knew he was the boogey. Her intimidation stare was terrifying to say the least.

“Well, you shouldn’t,” Martyn said as he attacked BigB and killed him. “If we learned anything it’s that B is always right,” He yelled as he ran off, finally free from the curse. “I’m off, goodnight Pearl!”

Ditch The Clowns, Get The Crowns (Baby I’m The One To Beat) - Chapter 1 - newhyperfixationsweekly - 3rd Life (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.