The Out Of Work & Burnin’ Down The House Complaint Thread. - Page 26 (2024)

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  • DanaTA Posts: 13,084

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Ledhead said:

    The only thing I seem to be allergic to is being rich.

    I'd learn to live with it. Zirtec. Or lots and lots of Kleenex Softique. :lol:


  • Rezca Posts: 3,390

    April 2013 edited December 1969


    Drew this in under ten minutes XD
    Quite a welcome relief from having so much trouble drawing an earlier pic involving my gryphon :P

    "Ixion the silver coatl sleeping off a hefty lunch and resting his head on the sizable bulge his prey is making in his slender midsection. Snakes don't have eyelids, but dragon-snakes do. :)

    I so totally failed at drawing his other wing XD
    And yes he has some jewelry on his horns. I didn't put much detail into them since it's just a sketch, but they're charms that ward off magic. His species has a natural resistance to magic, but in his age that resistance has faded and withered away, hence the need for outside assistance."

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  • kyoto kid Posts: 40,560

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    M F M said:

    Glad to hear some positivity happening in the lives of KK and Miss Wolf (and any others who happen to be lurking) (^_^)d. Now all we need is for Misty to win her lottery, and Teh Wooly to get his Serpent Goddess (^/\^).

    PS @KK: have you asked Ms Client-rep whether she'd be willing to be a referee for you? it sounds like she'd be willing to put in a good word for you, if the need arose... ?

    ...well I have to win the megabucks too. Have my ticket for tomorrow night's draw. (got it while waiting for the "epic" hold by the state UC office).

    If I win, I can retire and not worry about UC claims or having to go out and look for a job again.

  • ps1borg Posts: 12,776

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    M F M said:

    end_of_thread.spam() @ps1? :P

    Temporarily :)

  • TJohn Posts: 11,004

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    (gently nudges thread)

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  • Rezca Posts: 3,390

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    I drew myself as a raptor =3

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  • Good Mornin :D

    an Access database update project today. woot

    i wanted to practice dreamweaver today. oh well. added mysql to my host-site, but i don't know how to get data into it.

    had a funny dream about squirrels last night.

  • Woolyloach Posts: 0

    April 2013 edited December 1969


    Bah, Daz is useless! >:-(

    Got a nice email from Support telling me to reset my download, except of course there IS no download to reset, the order is in perpetual limbo! >:(

    I just requested a refund, I don't have the patience to deal with this kind of mind-numbing incompetence. >:-(

    I'll go spend it at Rendo or RDNA instead. :smirk:

    Oh, more complaints: terrible storms with hail and high winds and rain, I got soaked to the skin getting home last night. Got kept up all night with lightning, hail on the windows, and worries about broken glass and power failures. :blank:

    Thankfully I have food and coffee so my mood should improve shortly. :)

  • Sfariah D Posts: 25,680

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:

    No, Kulay, you seem to have omitted any mention of a boyfriend.

    I met him in Richmond. I realized I liked him after I moved to Raleigh. I am hoping that I can get internet at home. hopefully not limited bandwith, so I can skype him.

  • Mistara Posts: 38,675

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Emergency Espresso Perkolating !!!

  • kyoto kid Posts: 40,560

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Misty Whisky said:

    had a funny dream about squirrels last night.

    ...see, now they're even invading our dreams. All part of their nefarious plan to have us simply hand the world over to them in our sleep. Don't be surprised to wake up some morning turn, on the telly, and see the White House, The Congress, #10 Downing Street, The House of Parliament, The Kremlin, The Great Hall of the People, etc, etc, etc, all under total control of these malevolent fuzzy tailed rodents.

    Where's the tinfoil? Where's the large stainless steel mixing bowl?

  • kyoto kid Posts: 40,560

    April 2013 edited December 1969


    Magento is acting stupid once again. When I try to submit a post, It gives me a blank reply form . It seems I have to first Preview what I wrote then submit, sometimes several times over, to get it to post. When editing a post (due to typos that slip through) it does not update it with the changes after submitting and replaces certain characters like "(" and ")" with odd codes.

  • TJohn Posts: 11,004

    April 2013 edited April 2013

    Kyoto Kid said:

    Misty Whisky said:

    had a funny dream about squirrels last night.

    ...see, now they're even invading our dreams. All part of their nefarious plan to have us simply hand the world over to them in our sleep. Don't be surprised to wake up some morning turn, on the telly, and see the White House, The Congress, #10 Downing Street, The House of Parliament, The Kremlin, The Great Hall of the People, etc, etc, etc, all under total control of these malevolent fuzzy tailed rodents.

    Where's the tinfoil? Where's the large stainless steel mixing bowl?
    Death has a little fluffy tail...

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    Post edited by TJohn on

  • Kyoto Kid said:


    Magento is acting stupid once again. When I try to submit a post, It gives me a blank reply form . It seems I have to first Preview what I wrote then submit, sometimes several times over, to get it to post. When editing a post (due to typos that slip through) it does not update it with the changes after submitting and replaces certain characters like "(" and ")" with odd codes.

    Could this be due to your connection issues? I don't seem to be having any problems, except for typing...but that's my fingers acting up. Maybe whatever it was is now over.


  • kyoto kid Posts: 40,560

    April 2013 edited December 1969 Never had this happen until today.

  • TJohn Posts: 11,004

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:

    Kyoto Kid said:


    Magento is acting stupid once again. When I try to submit a post, It gives me a blank reply form . It seems I have to first Preview what I wrote then submit, sometimes several times over, to get it to post. When editing a post (due to typos that slip through) it does not update it with the changes after submitting and replaces certain characters like "(" and ")" with odd codes.

    Could this be due to your connection issues? I don't seem to be having any problems, except for typing...but that's my fingers acting up. Maybe whatever it was is now over.

    Having similar issues myselves. (No we're not. Are too!)

  • Chohole Posts: 33,604

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Yes you are not alone, or should that be No you are not alone. We over this side of the pond have been getting it for some time, and now it appears to have spread over to your side.

    We surmise it may be connected to the Spamhaus thingummy, but are not sure about that. Whatever is causing it, it is mighty annoying.

    THe other day I had 7 goes to make one post, luckily as KK has discovered posting from the preview screen sometimes helps.

    THe back button is your friend here, as hitting the back button usually retrieves your post when you get the blank screen. Doesn't seem to help when edits don't post though.

  • ps1borg Posts: 12,776

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Morning. Cool today under a grey sky. Perhaps it will rain a little *likes rain* :)

  • kyoto kid Posts: 40,560

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    ...supposed to do the same later this week here. Wish I could trade you for some of the sunny warm weather you've had there.

  • TJohn Posts: 11,004

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Fragment of a non-existent bad novel:

    "I should have known it was going to be a lousy day as soon as I saw the dead carp lying on the other pillow, eyeing me with a cold blank stare. Things were not going according to plan; I would have to improvise..."

  • kyoto kid Posts: 40,560

    April 2013 edited April 2013

    chohole said:

    Yes you are not alone, or should that be No you are not alone. We over this side of the pond have been getting it for some time, and now it appears to have spread over to your side.

    We surmise it may be connected to the Spamhaus thingummy, but are not sure about that. Whatever is causing it, it is mighty annoying.

    THe other day I had 7 goes to make one post, luckily as KK has discovered posting from the preview screen sometimes helps.

    THe back button is your friend here, as hitting the back button usually retrieves your post when you get the blank screen. Doesn't seem to help when edits don't post though.

    ...I have been getting more and more of those "Unable to post comment at this time" errors lately as well. Seems "Thanks" and "Thank you" are dirty words according to it.

    Yeah the moment it happens i hit the back arrow.

    I also temporarily copy my post to the clipboard just in case it really messes up.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on

  • DanaTA Posts: 13,084

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Cold here. April 3, and where is the warm? The daffodils in my garden are plentiful, as evidenced by the sea of leaves, but there are only a few tiny buds so far, and none are open. I wouldn't open, either, in this weather! Currently 46F, high was 47F an hour ago. :-/ As I tell my friends, we no longer have four seasons in New England, we have two...Sprimmer (Spring/Summer) and Auter (Autumn/Winter). Represented graphically, I think the seasons would now be a square wave, rather than a sine wave.


  • DanaTA Posts: 13,084

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    OK, the weirdness has caught up to the East Coast now. I had to post that last one twice. :shut:


  • kyoto kid Posts: 40,560

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    ...maybe 'tis the squirrels who are to blame. Gnawing on the comm wires with their nasty little pointy sharp teeth.

    Disrupt the humans' ability to communicate with each other, invade their dreams, eat from their bird feeders, pelt them with acorns, make them swerve and crash their cars.

    The signs are there, the end times are nigh. The Great Tentasquirrel will arise and none shall escape the grasp of his many writhing appendages.

    Humanity is doomed, doomed I say.

  • DanaTA Posts: 13,084

    April 2013 edited April 2013

    The song, The Red, Red, Robin...who wrote that? Was the person color blind? Was the person a non-native English speaker?

    Firstly, the Robin (at least the ones we have here in the states) is not red. It is a brownish grey, with a dark burnt orange breast. The Northern Cardinal is red. The House Finch is partly red. But the American Robin definitely is not.

    Secondly, bobbing? People bob for apples. Well, actually the apples there's another misnomer. Buoys bob on the ocean. But the American Robin sort of hops, as it listens for the movement of grubs or worms under the surface.

    I guess the song would sound strange if the actual colors and verbs were used. Then again, it was written with these errors built in!

    Still, I guess it's a better song than Ring Around the Rosey for our children. :grrr:


    Post edited by DanaTA on

  • Chohole Posts: 33,604

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Song was written in 1926 by some guy called Harry Wood it seems. He did come from over your side of the pond, but over this side we only have robin redbreasts, no other sort. In Winter they really do show up as red against the snow.

  • Richard Haseltine Posts: 96,681

    April 2013 edited December 1969

  • Chohole Posts: 33,604

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    and another one in full song

  • DanaTA Posts: 13,084

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    And both of those have orange, not red, breasts! I understand that each person sees things differently, and a lot of people consider a darker orange as red. Still, compare the oranges to the red of the Northern seems apparent.

    European Robin

    There is one, the Australian Scarlet Robin, that can be quite close to red, and is commonly known as a red-breasted robin. It's still orange, though. The American Robin is quite different from the others, it is a larger bird.


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  • DanaTA Posts: 13,084

    April 2013 edited December 1969

    Testing posting.



This discussion has been closed.

The Out Of Work & Burnin’ Down The House Complaint Thread. - Page 26 (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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