Odnajdźcie swój nowy wygląd – łapcie unikalne style w Sklepie (2024)

Odnajdźcie swój nowy wygląd– łapcie unikalne style wSklepie (1)

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Odnajdźcie swój nowy wygląd– łapcie unikalne style wSklepie (3)

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\n '), this.$container.parent().append('\n



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(n.removeClass(this.slider2OutsideLeftClass), s.addClass(this.slider2OutsideRightClass)) : (n.removeClass(this.slider2OutsideRightClass), s.addClass(this.slider2OutsideLeftClass)), Modernizr.csstransitions || (s.remove(), n = s = null), this.$activeSlide = i, this.activeSlideIndex = e, this.updateslider2Nav(), setTimeout((function() { r.updateContainerHeightStart() }), 1500) }, i.prototype.updateslider2Nav = function() { this.$slider2NavInner && this.$slider2NavInner.length && (this.$slider2NavInner.removeClass(this.slider2NavActiveClass), this.$slider2NavInner.eq(this.activeSlideIndex).addClass(this.slider2NavActiveClass), this.$slider2NavItemsMobile.removeClass(this.slider2NavItemsMobileActiveClass), this.$slider2NavItemsMobile.eq(this.activeSlideIndex).addClass(this.slider2NavItemsMobileActiveClass)) }, i.prototype.gotoSelectedSlide = function(i) { var n = t(i.currentTarget).index(), s = this; (n = e.getCurrentState() < e.RESOLUTION_DESKTOP && this.options.isNation ? this.$slider2NavItemsMobile.index(t(i.currentTarget)) : this.$slider2NavInner.index(t(i.currentTarget))) > this.activeSlideIndex ? 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() => t.default : () => t; return i.d(e, { a: e }), e }, i.d = (t, e) => { for (var n in e) i.o(e, n) && !i.o(t, n) && Object.defineProperty(t, n, { enumerable: !0, get: e[n] }) }, i.o = (t, e) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e), (() => { "use strict"; i(281); var t = i(35); function e(t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var n = e[i]; n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, n.key, n) } }! function(t, i) { var n = function() { function n(e) { ! function(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n), this.$bundle = t(e), this.navItemClass = ".js-stylebundle2-nav_item", this.$bundleWrapper = this.$bundle.find(".js-stylebundle2_wrapper"), this.$bundleStyleButton = this.$bundle.find(".js-bundlestyle2"), this.$bundleItem = this.$bundle.find(".js-slider2-frame-idw"), this.$bundleMainPic = this.$bundle.find(".js-bundle-main-pic-2"), this.bundleStyleActiveClass = "stylebundle2-styles_item__active", this.bundleStyleClass = ".js-bundlestyle2", this.bundleShadowClass = ".stylebundle2-styles_img-style__shadow", this.bundleAnimClass = "stylebundle2-styles_img-style__anim", this.$bundleStyleItem = this.$bundle.find(".stylebundle2-styles_item"), this.bundleStyleItemClass = ".stylebundle2-styles_item", this.is, this.hammertime = void 0, this.init(), this.bindEvents() } var s, r; return s = n, (r = [{ key: "init", value: function() { var t = this; this.is = new Infiniteslider2({ container: this.$bundleWrapper, updateOnResize: !0 }), this.$bundleWrapper.each((function() { t.hammertime = new i(this, { touchAction: "pan-y" }) })), this.initAnim() } }, { key: "initAnim", value: function() { this.$bundle.find(this.bundleShadowClass).addClass(this.bundleAnimClass) } }, { key: "bindEvents", value: function() { var e = this; this.hammertime.on("panend", this.controlSlides.bind(this)), t("body").on("click", this.bundleStyleItemClass, (function(t) { return e.controlStyles(t) })) } }, { key: "controlSlides", value: function(t) { Math.abs(t.deltaX) > 50 && (t.deltaX < 0 ? this.is.gotoNextSlide() : this.is.gotoPrevSlide()) } }, { key: "controlStyles", value: function(e) { var i = t(e.currentTarget), n = i.find(".stylebundle2_style").attr("src"); t(".js-bundle-main-pic-2").eq(0).attr("src", n), i.parent().find(".stylebundle2-styles_item").removeClass(this.bundleStyleActiveClass), i.parent().find(".stylebundle2-styles_img-style").removeClass(this.bundleAnimClass), i.addClass(this.bundleStyleActiveClass) } }]) && e(s.prototype, r), n }(); t(".js-stylebundle2").each((function() { new n(this) })) }($, i.n(t)()) })()})();

Odnajdźcie swój nowy wygląd – łapcie unikalne style w Sklepie (2024)


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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

Last Updated:

Views: 6244

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.