module MakeMakefile - mkmf: Ruby Standard Library Documentation (2024)

mkmf.rb is used by Ruby C extensions to generate a Makefile which will correctly compile and link the C extension to Ruby and a third-party library.



Command which will translate C files to assembler sources in the generated Makefile


Command which will translate C++ files to assembler sources in the generated Makefile


Makefile rules that will clean the extension build directory


Common headers for Ruby C extensions


Common libraries for Ruby C extensions


Command which will compile C files in the generated Makefile


Command which will compile C++ files in the generated Makefile


make compile rules


The makefile configuration using the defaults from when Ruby was built.


Extensions for files compiled with a C++ compiler


Extensions for files compiled with a C compiler


Extensions for header files


Argument which will add a library to the linker


Argument which will add a library path to the linker


Command which will link a shared library


A C main function which does no work


Extensions for source files


Command which will compile a program in order to test linking a library


Private Class Methods

[](name) click to toggle source

# File mkmf.rb, line 2838def self.[](name) @lang.fetch(name)end

[]=(name, mod) click to toggle source

# File mkmf.rb, line 2842def self.[]=(name, mod) @lang[name] = modend

Public Instance Methods

append_cflags(flags, *opts) click to toggle source

Check whether each given C compiler flag is acceptable and append it to $CFLAGS if so.


a C compiler flag as a String or an Array of them

# File mkmf.rb, line 1021def append_cflags(flags, *opts) Array(flags).each do |flag| if checking_for("whether #{flag} is accepted as CFLAGS") { try_cflags(flag, *opts) } $CFLAGS << " " << flag end endend

check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil, &b) click to toggle source

Returns the signedness of the given type. You may optionally specify additional headers to search in for the type.

If the type is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the type name, in uppercase, prepended with SIGNEDNESS_OF_, followed by the type name, followed by =X where “X” is positive integer if the type is unsigned and a negative integer if the type is signed.

For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then check_signedness('size_t') would return +1 and the SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler. The SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 macro would be set for check_signedness('int')

# File mkmf.rb, line 1422def check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil, &b) typedef, member, prelude = typedef_expr(type, headers) signed = nil checking_for("signedness of #{type}", STRING_OR_FAILED_FORMAT) do signed = try_signedness(typedef, member, [prelude], opts, &b) or next nil $defs.push("-DSIGNEDNESS_OF_%s=%+d" % [type.tr_cpp, signed]) signed < 0 ? "signed" : "unsigned" end signedend

check_sizeof(type, headers = nil, opts = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns the size of the given type. You may optionally specify additional headers to search in for the type.

If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the type name, in uppercase, prepended with SIZEOF_, followed by the type name, followed by =X where “X” is the actual size.

For example, if check_sizeof('mystruct') returned 12, then the SIZEOF_MYSTRUCT=12 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1393def check_sizeof(type, headers = nil, opts = "", &b) typedef, member, prelude = typedef_expr(type, headers) prelude << "#{typedef} *rbcv_ptr_;\n" prelude = [prelude] expr = "sizeof((*rbcv_ptr_)#{"." << member if member})" fmt = STRING_OR_FAILED_FORMAT checking_for checking_message("size of #{type}", headers), fmt do if size = try_constant(expr, prelude, opts, &b) $defs.push(format("-DSIZEOF_%s=%s", type.tr_cpp, size)) size end endend

convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil, &b) click to toggle source

Returns the convertible integer type of the given type. You may optionally specify additional headers to search in for the type. convertible means actually the same type, or typedef’d from the same type.

If the type is an integer type and the convertible type is found, the following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the type name, in uppercase.

  • TYPEOF_, followed by the type name, followed by =X where “X” is the found convertible type name.

  • TYP2NUM and NUM2TYP, where TYP is the type name in uppercase with replacing an _t suffix with “T”, followed by =X where “X” is the macro name to convert type to an Integer object, and vice versa.

For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return “unsigned long”, and define these macros:

# File mkmf.rb, line 1457def convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil, &b) type, macname = *type checking_for("convertible type of #{type}", STRING_OR_FAILED_FORMAT) do if UNIVERSAL_INTS.include?(type) type else typedef, member, prelude = typedef_expr(type, headers, &b) if member prelude << "static rbcv_typedef_ rbcv_var;" compat = UNIVERSAL_INTS.find {|t| try_static_assert("sizeof(rbcv_var.#{member}) == sizeof(#{t})", [prelude], opts, &b) } else next unless signed = try_signedness(typedef, member, [prelude]) u = "unsigned " if signed > 0 prelude << "extern rbcv_typedef_ foo();" compat = UNIVERSAL_INTS.find {|t| try_compile([prelude, "extern #{u}#{t} foo();"].join("\n"), opts, :werror=>true, &b) } end if compat macname ||= type.sub(/_(?=t\z)/, '').tr_cpp conv = (compat == "long long" ? "LL" : compat.upcase) compat = "#{u}#{compat}" typename = type.tr_cpp $defs.push(format("-DSIZEOF_%s=SIZEOF_%s", typename, compat.tr_cpp)) $defs.push(format("-DTYPEOF_%s=%s", typename, compat.quote)) $defs.push(format("-DPRI_%s_PREFIX=PRI_%s_PREFIX", macname, conv)) conv = (u ? "U" : "") + conv $defs.push(format("-D%s2NUM=%s2NUM", macname, conv)) $defs.push(format("-DNUM2%s=NUM2%s", macname, conv)) compat end end endend

create_header(header = "extconf.h") click to toggle source

Generates a header file consisting of the various macro definitions generated by other methods such as have_func and have_header. These are then wrapped in a custom #ifndef based on the header file name, which defaults to “extconf.h”.

For example:

# extconf.rbrequire 'mkmf'have_func('realpath')have_header('sys/utime.h')create_headercreate_makefile('foo')

The above script would generate the following extconf.h file:

#ifndef EXTCONF_H#define EXTCONF_H#define HAVE_REALPATH 1#define HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H 1#endif

Given that the create_header method generates a file based on definitions set earlier in your extconf.rb file, you will probably want to make this one of the last methods you call in your script.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1749def create_header(header = "extconf.h") message "creating %s\n", header sym = header.tr_cpp hdr = ["#ifndef #{sym}\n#define #{sym}\n"] for line in $defs case line when /^-D([^=]+)(?:=(.*))?/ hdr << "#define #$1 #{$2 ? Shellwords.shellwords($2)[0].gsub(/(?=\t+)/, "\\\n") : 1}\n" when /^-U(.*)/ hdr << "#undef #$1\n" end end hdr << "#endif\n" hdr = hdr.join("") log_src(hdr, "#{header} is") unless ( == hdr rescue false), "wb") do |hfile| hfile.write(hdr) end end $extconf_h = headerend

create_makefile(target, srcprefix = nil) { |conf| ... } click to toggle source

Generates the Makefile for your extension, passing along any options and preprocessor constants that you may have generated through other methods.

The target name should correspond the name of the global function name defined within your C extension, minus the Init_. For example, if your C extension is defined as Init_foo, then your target would simply be “foo”.

If any “/” characters are present in the target name, only the last name is interpreted as the target name, and the rest are considered toplevel directory names, and the generated Makefile will be altered accordingly to follow that directory structure.

For example, if you pass “test/foo” as a target name, your extension will be installed under the “test” directory. This means that in order to load the file within a Ruby program later, that directory structure will have to be followed, e.g. require 'test/foo'.

The srcprefix should be used when your source files are not in the same directory as your build script. This will not only eliminate the need for you to manually copy the source files into the same directory as your build script, but it also sets the proper target_prefix in the generated Makefile.

Setting the target_prefix will, in turn, install the generated binary in a directory under your RbConfig::CONFIG['sitearchdir'] that mimics your local filesystem when you run make install.

For example, given the following file tree:

ext/ extconf.rb test/ foo.c

And given the following code:

create_makefile('test/foo', 'test')

That will set the target_prefix in the generated Makefile to “test”. That, in turn, will create the following file tree when installed via the make install command:


It is recommended that you use this approach to generate your makefiles, instead of copying files around manually, because some third party libraries may depend on the target_prefix being set properly.

The srcprefix argument can be used to override the default source directory, i.e. the current directory. It is included as part of the VPATH and added to the list of INCFLAGS.

# File mkmf.rb, line 2265 def create_makefile(target, srcprefix = nil) $target = target libpath = $DEFLIBPATH|$LIBPATH message "creating Makefile\n" MakeMakefile.rm_f "#{CONFTEST}*" if CONFIG["DLEXT"] == $OBJEXT for lib in libs = $libs.split(' ') lib.sub!(/-l(.*)/, %%"lib\\1.#{$LIBEXT}"%) end $defs.push(format("-DEXTLIB='%s'", libs.join(","))) end if target.include?('/') target_prefix, target = File.split(target) target_prefix[0,0] = '/' else target_prefix = "" end srcprefix ||= "$(srcdir)/#{srcprefix}".chomp('/') RbConfig.expand(srcdir = srcprefix.dup) ext = ".#{$OBJEXT}" orig_srcs = Dir[File.join(srcdir, "*.{#{SRC_EXT.join(%q{,})}}")] if not $objs srcs = $srcs || orig_srcs $objs = [] objs = srcs.inject( {[]}) {|h, f| h.key?(o = File.basename(f, ".*") << ext) or $objs << o h[o] <<= f h } unless objs.delete_if {|b, f| f.size == 1}.empty? dups = {|b, f| "#{b[/.*\./]}{#{f.collect {|n| n[/([^.]+)\z/]}.join(',')}}" } abort "source files duplication - #{dups.join(", ")}" end else $objs.collect! {|o| File.basename(o, ".*") << ext} unless $OBJEXT == "o" srcs = $srcs || $objs.collect {|o| o.chomp(ext) << ".c"} end $srcs = srcs hdrs = Dir[File.join(srcdir, "*.{#{HDR_EXT.join(%q{,})}}")] target = nil if $objs.empty? if target and EXPORT_PREFIX if File.exist?(File.join(srcdir, target + '.def')) deffile = "$(srcdir)/$(TARGET).def" unless EXPORT_PREFIX.empty? makedef = %{$(RUBY) -pe "$$_.sub!(/^(?=\\w)/,'#{EXPORT_PREFIX}') unless 1../^EXPORTS$/i" #{deffile}} end else makedef = %{(echo EXPORTS && echo $(TARGET_ENTRY))} end if makedef $cleanfiles << '$(DEFFILE)' origdef = deffile deffile = "$(TARGET)-$(arch).def" end end origdef ||= '' if $extout and $INSTALLFILES $cleanfiles.concat($INSTALLFILES.collect {|files, dir|File.join(dir, files.delete_prefix('./'))}) $distcleandirs.concat($INSTALLFILES.collect {|files, dir| dir}) end if $extmk and $static $defs << "-DRUBY_EXPORT=1" end if $extmk and not $extconf_h create_header end libpath = libpathflag(libpath) dllib = target ? "$(TARGET).#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}" : "" staticlib = target ? "$(TARGET).#$LIBEXT" : "" conf = configuration(srcprefix) conf << "\libpath = #{($DEFLIBPATH|$LIBPATH).join(" ")}LIBPATH = #{libpath}DEFFILE = #{deffile}CLEANFILES = #{$cleanfiles.join(' ')}DISTCLEANFILES = #{$distcleanfiles.join(' ')}DISTCLEANDIRS = #{$distcleandirs.join(' ')}extout = #{$extout && $extout.quote}extout_prefix = #{$extout_prefix}target_prefix = #{target_prefix}LOCAL_LIBS = #{$LOCAL_LIBS}LIBS = #{$LIBRUBYARG} #{$libs} #{$LIBS}ORIG_SRCS = #{orig_srcs.collect(&File.method(:basename)).join(' ')}SRCS = $(ORIG_SRCS) #{(srcs - orig_srcs).collect(&File.method(:basename)).join(' ')}OBJS = #{$objs.join(" ")}HDRS = #{{|h| '$(srcdir)/' + File.basename(h)}.join(' ')}LOCAL_HDRS = #{$headers.join(' ')}TARGET = #{target}TARGET_NAME = #{target && target[/\A\w+/]}TARGET_ENTRY = #{EXPORT_PREFIX || ''}Init_$(TARGET_NAME)DLLIB = #{dllib}EXTSTATIC = #{$static || ""}STATIC_LIB = #{staticlib unless $static.nil?}#{!$extout && defined?($installed_list) ? "INSTALLED_LIST = #{$installed_list}\n" : ""}TIMESTAMP_DIR = #{$extout && $extmk ? '$(extout)/.timestamp' : '.'}" #" # TODO: fixme install_dirs.each {|d| conf << ("%-14s= %s\n" % d) if /^[[:upper:]]/ =~ d[0]} sodir = $extout ? '$(TARGET_SO_DIR)' : '$(RUBYARCHDIR)' n = '$(TARGET_SO_DIR)$(TARGET)' cleanobjs = ["$(OBJS)"] if $extmk %w[bc i s].each {|ex| cleanobjs << "$(OBJS:.#{$OBJEXT}=.#{ex})"} end if target config_string('cleanobjs') {|t| cleanobjs << t.gsub(/\$\*/, "$(TARGET)#{deffile ? '-$(arch)': ''}")} end conf << "\TARGET_SO_DIR =#{$extout ? " $(RUBYARCHDIR)/" : ''}TARGET_SO = $(TARGET_SO_DIR)$(DLLIB)CLEANLIBS = #{'$(TARGET_SO) ' if target}#{config_string('cleanlibs') {|t| t.gsub(/\$\*/) {n}}}CLEANOBJS = #{cleanobjs.join(' ')} *.bakTARGET_SO_DIR_TIMESTAMP = #{timestamp_file(sodir, target_prefix)}" #" conf = yield(conf) if block_given? mfile ="Makefile", "wb") mfile.puts(conf) mfile.print "all: #{$extout ? "install" : target ? "$(DLLIB)" : "Makefile"}static: #{$extmk && !$static ? "all" : "$(STATIC_LIB)#{$extout ? " install-rb" : ""}"}.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb" #" mfile.print CLEANINGS fsep = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR') {|s| s unless s == "/"} if fsep sep = ":/=#{fsep}" fseprepl = proc {|s| s = s.gsub("/", fsep) s = s.gsub(/(\$\(\w+)(\))/) {$1+sep+$2} s.gsub(/(\$\{\w+)(\})/) {$1+sep+$2} } rsep = ":#{fsep}=/" else fseprepl = proc {|s| s} sep = "" rsep = "" end dirs = [] mfile.print "install: install-so install-rb\n\n" dir = sodir.dup mfile.print("install-so: ") if target f = "$(DLLIB)" dest = "$(TARGET_SO)" stamp = '$(TARGET_SO_DIR_TIMESTAMP)' if $extout mfile.puts dest mfile.print "clean-so::\n" mfile.print "\t-$(Q)$(RM) #{fseprepl[dest]} #{fseprepl[stamp]}\n" mfile.print "\t-$(Q)$(RMDIRS) #{fseprepl[dir]}#{$ignore_error}\n" else mfile.print "#{f} #{stamp}\n" mfile.print "\t$(INSTALL_PROG) #{fseprepl[f]} #{dir}\n" if defined?($installed_list) mfile.print "\t@echo #{dir}/#{File.basename(f)}>>$(INSTALLED_LIST)\n" end end mfile.print "clean-static::\n" mfile.print "\t-$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)\n" else mfile.puts "Makefile" end mfile.print("install-rb: pre-install-rb do-install-rb install-rb-default\n") mfile.print("install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default do-install-rb-default\n") mfile.print("pre-install-rb: Makefile\n") mfile.print("pre-install-rb-default: Makefile\n") mfile.print("do-install-rb:\n") mfile.print("do-install-rb-default:\n") for sfx, i in [["-default", [["lib/**/*.rb", "$(RUBYLIBDIR)", "lib"]]], ["", $INSTALLFILES]] files = install_files(mfile, i, nil, srcprefix) or next for dir, *files in files unless dirs.include?(dir) dirs << dir mfile.print "pre-install-rb#{sfx}: #{timestamp_file(dir, target_prefix)}\n" end for f in files dest = "#{dir}/#{File.basename(f)}" mfile.print("do-install-rb#{sfx}: #{dest}\n") mfile.print("#{dest}: #{f} #{timestamp_file(dir, target_prefix)}\n") mfile.print("\t$(Q) $(#{$extout ? 'COPY' : 'INSTALL_DATA'}) #{f} $(@D)\n") if defined?($installed_list) and !$extout mfile.print("\t@echo #{dest}>>$(INSTALLED_LIST)\n") end if $extout mfile.print("clean-rb#{sfx}::\n") mfile.print("\t-$(Q)$(RM) #{fseprepl[dest]}\n") end end end mfile.print "pre-install-rb#{sfx}:\n" if files.empty? mfile.print("\t@$(NULLCMD)\n") else q = "$(MAKE) -q do-install-rb#{sfx}" if $nmake mfile.print "!if \"$(Q)\" == \"@\"\n\t@#{q} || \\\n!endif\n\t" else mfile.print "\t$(Q1:0=@#{q} || )" end mfile.print "$(ECHO1:0=echo) installing#{sfx.sub(/^-/, " ")} #{target} libraries\n" end if $extout dirs.uniq! unless dirs.empty? mfile.print("clean-rb#{sfx}::\n") for dir in dirs.sort_by {|d| -d.count('/')} stamp = timestamp_file(dir, target_prefix) mfile.print("\t-$(Q)$(RM) #{fseprepl[stamp]}\n") mfile.print("\t-$(Q)$(RMDIRS) #{fseprepl[dir]}#{$ignore_error}\n") end end end end if target and !dirs.include?(sodir) mfile.print "$(TARGET_SO_DIR_TIMESTAMP):\n\t$(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(@D) #{sodir}\n\t$(Q) $(TOUCH) $@\n" end dirs.each do |d| t = timestamp_file(d, target_prefix) mfile.print "#{t}:\n\t$(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(@D) #{d}\n\t$(Q) $(TOUCH) $@\n" end mfile.print <<-SITEINSTALLsite-install: site-install-so site-install-rbsite-install-so: install-sosite-install-rb: install-rb SITEINSTALL return unless target mfile.print ".SUFFIXES: .#{(SRC_EXT + [$OBJEXT, $ASMEXT]).compact.join(' .')}\n" mfile.print "\n" compile_command = "\n\t$(ECHO) compiling $(<#{rsep})\n\t$(Q) %s\n\n" command = compile_command % COMPILE_CXX asm_command = compile_command.sub(/compiling/, 'translating') % ASSEMBLE_CXX CXX_EXT.each do |e| each_compile_rules do |rule| mfile.printf(rule, e, $OBJEXT) mfile.print(command) mfile.printf(rule, e, $ASMEXT) mfile.print(asm_command) end end command = compile_command % COMPILE_C asm_command = compile_command.sub(/compiling/, 'translating') % ASSEMBLE_C C_EXT.each do |e| each_compile_rules do |rule| mfile.printf(rule, e, $OBJEXT) mfile.print(command) mfile.printf(rule, e, $ASMEXT) mfile.print(asm_command) end end mfile.print "$(TARGET_SO): " mfile.print "$(DEFFILE) " if makedef mfile.print "$(OBJS) Makefile" mfile.print " $(TARGET_SO_DIR_TIMESTAMP)" if $extout mfile.print "\n" mfile.print "\t$(ECHO) linking shared-object #{target_prefix.sub(/\A\/(.*)/, '\1/')}$(DLLIB)\n" mfile.print "\t-$(Q)$(RM) $(@#{sep})\n" link_so = LINK_SO.gsub(/^/, "\t$(Q) ") if srcs.any?(&%r"\.(?:#{CXX_EXT.join('|')})\z".method(:===)) link_so = link_so.sub(/\bLDSHARED\b/, '\&XX') end mfile.print link_so, "\n\n" unless $static.nil? mfile.print "$(STATIC_LIB): $(OBJS)\n\t-$(Q)$(RM) $(@#{sep})\n\t" mfile.print "$(ECHO) linking static-library $(@#{rsep})\n\t$(Q) " mfile.print "$(AR) #{config_string('ARFLAGS') || 'cru '}$@ $(OBJS)" config_string('RANLIB') do |ranlib| mfile.print "\n\t-$(Q)#{ranlib} $(@)#{$ignore_error}" end end mfile.print "\n\n" if makedef mfile.print "$(DEFFILE): #{origdef}\n" mfile.print "\t$(ECHO) generating $(@#{rsep})\n" mfile.print "\t$(Q) #{makedef} > $@\n\n" end depend = File.join(srcdir, "depend") if File.exist?(depend) mfile.print("###\n", *depend_rules( else mfile.print "$(OBJS): $(HDRS) $(ruby_headers)\n" end $makefile_created = true ensure mfile.close if mfile end

depend_rules(depend) click to toggle source

Processes the data contents of the “depend” file. Each line of this file is expected to be a file name.

Returns the output of findings, in Makefile format.

# File mkmf.rb, line 2150def depend_rules(depend) suffixes = [] depout = [] cont = implicit = nil impconv = proc do each_compile_rules {|rule| depout << (rule % implicit[0]) << implicit[1]} implicit = nil end ruleconv = proc do |line| if implicit if /\A\t/ =~ line implicit[1] << line next else impconv[] end end if m = /\A\.(\w+)\.(\w+)(?:\s*:)/.match(line) suffixes << m[1] << m[2] implicit = [[m[1], m[2]], [m.post_match]] next elsif RULE_SUBST and /\A(?!\s*\w+\s*=)[$\w][^#]*:/ =~ line line.sub!(/\s*\#.*$/, '') comment = $& line.gsub!(%r"(\s)(?!\.)([^$(){}+=:\s\\,]+)(?=\s|\z)") {$1 + RULE_SUBST % $2} line = line.chomp + comment + "\n" if comment end depout << line end depend.each_line do |line| line.gsub!(/\.o\b/, ".#{$OBJEXT}") line.gsub!(/\{\$\(VPATH\)\}/, "") unless $nmake line.gsub!(/\$\((?:hdr|top)dir\)\/config.h/, $config_h) if $nmake && /\A\s*\$\(RM|COPY\)/ =~ line line.gsub!(%r"[-\w\./]{2,}"){$&.tr("/", "\\")} line.gsub!(/(\$\((?!RM|COPY)[^:)]+)(?=\))/, '\1:/=\\') end if /(?:^|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*\\$/ =~ line (cont ||= []) << line next elsif cont line = (cont << line).join cont = nil end end if cont elsif implicit end unless suffixes.empty? depout.unshift(".SUFFIXES: ." + suffixes.uniq.join(" .") + "\n\n") end if $extconf_h depout.unshift("$(OBJS): $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)\n\n") depout.unshift("$(OBJS): $(hdrdir)/ruby/win32.h\n\n") if $mswin or $mingw end depout.flatten! depoutend

dir_config(target) click to toggle source

dir_config(target, prefix)

dir_config(target, idefault, ldefault)

Sets a target name that the user can then use to configure various “with” options with on the command line by using that name. For example, if the target is set to “foo”, then the user could use the --with-foo-dir=prefix, --with-foo-include=dir and --with-foo-lib=dir command line options to tell where to search for header/library files.

You may pass along additional parameters to specify default values. If one is given it is taken as default prefix, and if two are given they are taken as “include” and “lib” defaults in that order.

In any case, the return value will be an array of determined “include” and “lib” directories, either of which can be nil if no corresponding command line option is given when no default value is specified.

Note that dir_config only adds to the list of places to search for libraries and include files. It does not link the libraries into your application.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1799def dir_config(target, idefault=nil, ldefault=nil) if conf = $config_dirs[target] return conf end if dir = with_config(target + "-dir", (idefault unless ldefault)) defaults = Array === dir ? dir : dir.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) idefault = ldefault = nil end idir = with_config(target + "-include", idefault) $arg_config.last[1] ||= "${#{target}-dir}/include" ldir = with_config(target + "-lib", ldefault) $arg_config.last[1] ||= "${#{target}-dir}/#{_libdir_basename}" idirs = idir ? Array === idir ? idir.dup : idir.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) : [] if defaults idirs.concat(defaults.collect {|d| d + "/include"}) idir = ([idir] + idirs).compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end unless idirs.empty? idirs.collect! {|d| "-I" + d} idirs -= Shellwords.shellwords($CPPFLAGS) unless idirs.empty? $CPPFLAGS = (idirs.quote << $CPPFLAGS).join(" ") end end ldirs = ldir ? Array === ldir ? ldir.dup : ldir.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) : [] if defaults ldirs.concat(defaults.collect {|d| "#{d}/#{_libdir_basename}"}) ldir = ([ldir] + ldirs).compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end $LIBPATH = ldirs | $LIBPATH $config_dirs[target] = [idir, ldir]end

dummy_makefile(srcdir) click to toggle source

Creates a stub Makefile.

# File mkmf.rb, line 2119 def dummy_makefile(srcdir) configuration(srcdir) << <<RULES << CLEANINGSCLEANFILES = #{$cleanfiles.join(' ')}DISTCLEANFILES = #{$distcleanfiles.join(' ')}all install static install-so install-rb: Makefile @$(NULLCMD).PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rbRULES end

enable_config(config, default=nil) { |config, default| ... } click to toggle source

Tests for the presence of an --enable-config or --disable-config option. Returns true if the enable option is given, false if the disable option is given, and the default value otherwise.

This can be useful for adding custom definitions, such as debug information.


if enable_config("debug") $defs.push("-DOSSL_DEBUG") unless $defs.include? "-DOSSL_DEBUG"end
# File mkmf.rb, line 1711def enable_config(config, default=nil) if arg_config("--enable-"+config) true elsif arg_config("--disable-"+config) false elsif block_given? yield(config, default) else return default endend

find_executable(bin, path = nil) click to toggle source

Searches for the executable bin on path. The default path is your PATH environment variable. If that isn’t defined, it will resort to searching /usr/local/bin, /usr/ucb, /usr/bin and /bin.

If found, it will return the full path, including the executable name, of where it was found.

Note that this method does not actually affect the generated Makefile.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1641def find_executable(bin, path = nil) checking_for checking_message(bin, path) do find_executable0(bin, path) endend

find_header(header, *paths) click to toggle source

Instructs mkmf to search for the given header in any of the paths provided, and returns whether or not it was found in those paths.

If the header is found then the path it was found on is added to the list of included directories that are sent to the compiler (via the -I switch).

# File mkmf.rb, line 1205def find_header(header, *paths) message = checking_message(header, paths) header = cpp_include(header) checking_for message do if try_header(header) true else found = false paths.each do |dir| opt = "-I#{dir}".quote if try_header(header, opt) $INCFLAGS << " " << opt found = true break end end found end endend

find_library(lib, func, *paths, &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the entry point func can be found within the library lib in one of the paths specified, where paths is an array of strings. If func is nil , then the main() function is used as the entry point.

If lib is found, then the path it was found on is added to the list of library paths searched and linked against.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1079def find_library(lib, func, *paths, &b) dir_config(lib) lib = with_config(lib+'lib', lib) paths = paths.flat_map {|path| path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)} checking_for checking_message(func && func.funcall_style, LIBARG%lib) do libpath = $LIBPATH libs = append_library($libs, lib) begin until r = try_func(func, libs, &b) or paths.empty? $LIBPATH = libpath | [paths.shift] end if r $libs = libs libpath = nil end ensure $LIBPATH = libpath if libpath end r endend

find_type(type, opt, *headers, &b) click to toggle source

Returns where the static type type is defined.

You may also pass additional flags to opt which are then passed along to the compiler.

See also have_type.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1302def find_type(type, opt, *headers, &b) opt ||= "" fmt = "not found" def fmt.%(x) x ? x.respond_to?(:join) ? x.join(",") : x : self end checking_for checking_message(type, nil, opt), fmt do headers.find do |h| try_type(type, h, opt, &b) end endend

have_const(const, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the constant const is defined. You may optionally pass the type of const as [const, type], such as:

have_const(%w[PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER pthread_mutex_t], "pthread.h")

You may also pass additional headers to check against in addition to the common header files, and additional flags to opt which are then passed along to the compiler.

If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the type name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_CONST_.

For example, if have_const('foo') returned true, then the HAVE_CONST_FOO preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1350def have_const(const, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) checking_for checking_message([*const].compact.join(' '), headers, opt) do try_const(const, headers, opt, &b) endend

have_framework(fw, &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the given framework can be found on your system. If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the framework name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_FRAMEWORK_.

For example, if have_framework('Ruby') returned true, then the HAVE_FRAMEWORK_RUBY preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

If fw is a pair of the framework name and its header file name that header file is checked, instead of the normally used header file which is named same as the framework.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1176def have_framework(fw, &b) if Array === fw fw, header = *fw else header = "#{fw}.h" end checking_for fw do src = cpp_include("#{fw}/#{header}") << "\n" "int main(void){return 0;}" opt = " -framework #{fw}" if try_link(src, opt, &b) or (objc = try_link(src, "-ObjC#{opt}", &b)) $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_FRAMEWORK_%s", fw.tr_cpp)) # TODO: non-worse way than this hack, to get rid of separating # option and its argument. $LDFLAGS << " -ObjC" if objc and /(\A|\s)-ObjC(\s|\z)/ !~ $LDFLAGS $LIBS << opt true else false end endend

have_func(func, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the function func can be found in the common header files, or within any headers that you provide. If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the function name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_.

To check functions in an additional library, you need to check that library first using have_library(). The func shall be either mere function name or function name with arguments.

For example, if have_func('foo') returned true, then the HAVE_FOO preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1113def have_func(func, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) checking_for checking_message(func.funcall_style, headers, opt) do if try_func(func, $libs, headers, opt, &b) $defs << "-DHAVE_#{func.sans_arguments.tr_cpp}" true else false end endend

have_header(header, preheaders = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the given header file can be found on your system. If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the header file name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_.

For example, if have_header('foo.h') returned true, then the HAVE_FOO_H preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1153def have_header(header, preheaders = nil, opt = "", &b) dir_config(header[/.*?(?=\/)|.*?(?=\.)/]) checking_for header do if try_header(cpp_include(preheaders)+cpp_include(header), opt, &b) $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", header.tr_cpp)) true else false end endend

have_library(lib, func = nil, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the given entry point func can be found within lib. If func is nil, the main() entry point is used by default. If found, it adds the library to list of libraries to be used when linking your extension.

If headers are provided, it will include those header files as the header files it looks in when searching for func.

The real name of the library to be linked can be altered by --with-FOOlib configuration option.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1053def have_library(lib, func = nil, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) dir_config(lib) lib = with_config(lib+'lib', lib) checking_for checking_message(func && func.funcall_style, LIBARG%lib, opt) do if COMMON_LIBS.include?(lib) true else libs = append_library($libs, lib) if try_func(func, libs, headers, opt, &b) $libs = libs true else false end end endend

have_macro(macro, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not macro is defined either in the common header files or within any headers you provide.

Any options you pass to opt are passed along to the compiler.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1036def have_macro(macro, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) checking_for checking_message(macro, headers, opt) do macro_defined?(macro, cpp_include(headers), opt, &b) endend

have_struct_member(type, member, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the struct of type type contains member. If it does not, or the struct type can’t be found, then false is returned. You may optionally specify additional headers in which to look for the struct (in addition to the common header files).

If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the type name and the member name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_.

For example, if have_struct_member('struct foo', 'bar') returned true, then the HAVE_STRUCT_FOO_BAR preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

HAVE_ST_BAR is also defined for backward compatibility.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1241 def have_struct_member(type, member, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) checking_for checking_message("#{type}.#{member}", headers) do if try_compile(<<"SRC", opt, &b)#{cpp_include(headers)}/*top*/int s = (char *)&((#{type}*)0)->#{member} - (char *)0;#{MAIN_DOES_NOTHING}SRC $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s_%s", type.tr_cpp, member.tr_cpp)) $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_ST_%s", member.tr_cpp)) # backward compatibility true else false end end end

have_type(type, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the static type type is defined. You may optionally pass additional headers to check against in addition to the common header files.

You may also pass additional flags to opt which are then passed along to the compiler.

If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the type name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_TYPE_.

For example, if have_type('foo') returned true, then the HAVE_TYPE_FOO preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1289def have_type(type, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) checking_for checking_message(type, headers, opt) do try_type(type, headers, opt, &b) endend

have_var(var, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the variable var can be found in the common header files, or within any headers that you provide. If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the variable name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_.

To check variables in an additional library, you need to check that library first using have_library().

For example, if have_var('foo') returned true, then the HAVE_FOO preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1135def have_var(var, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) checking_for checking_message(var, headers, opt) do if try_var(var, headers, opt, &b) $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", var.tr_cpp)) true else false end endend

pkg_config(pkg, *options) click to toggle source

Returns compile/link information about an installed library in a tuple of [cflags, ldflags, libs], by using the command found first in the following commands:

  1. If --with-{pkg}-config={command} is given via command line option: {command} {options}

  2. {pkg}-config {options}

  3. pkg-config {options} {pkg}

Where options is the option name without dashes, for instance "cflags" for the --cflags flag.

The values obtained are appended to $INCFLAGS, $CFLAGS, $LDFLAGS and $libs.

If one or more options argument is given, the config command is invoked with the options and a stripped output string is returned without modifying any of the global values mentioned above.

# File mkmf.rb, line 1856def pkg_config(pkg, *options) _, ldir = dir_config(pkg) if ldir pkg_config_path = "#{ldir}/pkgconfig" if Logging.message("PKG_CONFIG_PATH = %s\n", pkg_config_path) envs = ["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"=>[pkg_config_path, ENV["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"]].compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)] end end if pkgconfig = with_config("#{pkg}-config") and find_executable0(pkgconfig) # if and only if package specific config command is given elsif ($PKGCONFIG ||= (pkgconfig = with_config("pkg-config") {config_string("PKG_CONFIG") || "pkg-config"}) && find_executable0(pkgconfig) && pkgconfig) and xsystem([*envs, $PKGCONFIG, "--exists", pkg]) # default to pkg-config command pkgconfig = $PKGCONFIG args = [pkg] elsif find_executable0(pkgconfig = "#{pkg}-config") # default to package specific config command, as a last resort. else pkgconfig = nil end if pkgconfig get = proc {|opts| opts = Array(opts).map { |o| "--#{o}" } opts = xpopen([*envs, pkgconfig, *opts, *args], err:[:child, :out], &:read) {puts{|s|"=> #{s.inspect}"}} opts.strip if $?.success? } end orig_ldflags = $LDFLAGS if get and !options.empty? get[options] elsif get and try_ldflags(ldflags = get['libs']) if incflags = get['cflags-only-I'] $INCFLAGS << " " << incflags cflags = get['cflags-only-other'] else cflags = get['cflags'] end libs = get['libs-only-l'] if cflags $CFLAGS += " " << cflags $CXXFLAGS += " " << cflags end if libs ldflags = (Shellwords.shellwords(ldflags) - Shellwords.shellwords(libs)).quote.join(" ") else libs, ldflags = Shellwords.shellwords(ldflags).partition {|s| s =~ /-l([^ ]+)/ }.map {|l|l.quote.join(" ")} end $libs += " " << libs $LDFLAGS = [orig_ldflags, ldflags].join(' ') Logging::message "package configuration for %s\n", pkg Logging::message "incflags: %s\ncflags: %s\nldflags: %s\nlibs: %s\n\n", incflags, cflags, ldflags, libs [[incflags, cflags].join(' '), ldflags, libs] else Logging::message "package configuration for %s is not found\n", pkg nil endend

try_const(const, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the constant const is defined.

See also have_const

# File mkmf.rb, line 1319 def try_const(const, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) const, type = *const if try_compile(<<"SRC", opt, &b)#{cpp_include(headers)}/*top*/typedef #{type || 'int'} conftest_type;conftest_type conftestval = #{type ? '' : '(int)'}#{const};SRC $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_CONST_%s", const.tr_cpp)) true else false end end

try_type(type, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not the static type type is defined.

See also have_type

# File mkmf.rb, line 1262 def try_type(type, headers = nil, opt = "", &b) if try_compile(<<"SRC", opt, &b)#{cpp_include(headers)}/*top*/typedef #{type} conftest_type;int conftestval[sizeof(conftest_type)?1:-1];SRC $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_TYPE_%s", type.tr_cpp)) true else false end end

with_config(config, default=nil) { |config, default| ... } click to toggle source

Tests for the presence of a --with-config or --without-config option. Returns true if the with option is given, false if the without option is given, and the default value otherwise.

This can be useful for adding custom definitions, such as debug information.


if with_config("debug") $defs.push("-DOSSL_DEBUG") unless $defs.include? "-DOSSL_DEBUG"end
# File mkmf.rb, line 1676def with_config(config, default=nil) config = config.sub(/^--with[-_]/, '') val = arg_config("--with-"+config) do if arg_config("--without-"+config) false elsif block_given? yield(config, default) else break default end end case val when "yes" true when "no" false else val endend

Private Instance Methods

cc_command(opt="") click to toggle source

# File mkmf.rb, line 2869def cc_command(opt="") conf = cc_config(opt) RbConfig::expand("$(CXX) #$INCFLAGS #$CPPFLAGS #$CXXFLAGS #$ARCH_FLAG #{opt} -c #{CONFTEST_CXX}", conf)end

conftest_source() click to toggle source

# File mkmf.rb, line 2865def conftest_source CONFTEST_CXXend

have_devel?() click to toggle source

# File mkmf.rb, line 2857def have_devel? unless defined? @have_devel @have_devel = true @have_devel = try_link(MAIN_DOES_NOTHING) end @have_develend

link_command(ldflags, *opts) click to toggle source

# File mkmf.rb, line 2875def link_command(ldflags, *opts) conf = link_config(ldflags, *opts) RbConfig::expand(TRY_LINK_CXX.dup, conf)end
module MakeMakefile - mkmf: Ruby Standard Library Documentation (2024)


What is the ruby standard library? ›

The Ruby Standard Library is a vast collection of classes and modules that you can require in your code for additional features. Below is an overview of libraries and extensions followed by a brief description.

What are Ruby modules? ›

In Ruby, modules are somewhat similar to classes: they are things that hold methods, just like classes do. However, modules can not be instantiated. I.e., it is not possible to create objects from a module. And modules, unlike classes, therefore do not have a method new .

Is Ruby more readable than Python? ›

Readability: Comparing the syntax of Ruby vs Python, both are easy to read, yet Python is more explicit, making it more maintainable. “Batteries Included” Language: Python offers a comprehensive standard library and many third-party packages for accelerating development.

What is the purpose of lib in Ruby on Rails? ›

The lib directory in a Rails application is used for storing custom modules, utility classes, and other reusable code that doesn't belong in the standard application directories like app , config , or test .

Is Ruby a library or framework? ›

Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.

What is the library function gets used for in Ruby? ›

To make the program to interact with user, a program usually needs input from the users. To do this, we can use gets method. gets function takes input from the keyboard in string format and stores the value in the variables.

What is the difference between gem and library? ›

A Ruby Gem is a library or plug-in. It's some functionality that you'll install to fill a specific need. The RubyGems software allows you to easily download, install, and use ruby software packages on your system.


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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.