Ledger-Star from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

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TWO MONDAY OCTOBER 9 1944 rc i WILLIAM KIRBY 's xS 4 A ry at me post i Jiiirbecthe Retired Keeper In? of thA Pqta fe at Salef women 5 essentia! 4 distance from the office they said Lieut SwaiHnn Promoter! case think i shall like the uieur jwanson rromorcu Rosemont Church which offers me OILSALE 4 A (Paid Political Advertisem*nt Club Without New Case of Polio Meeting Place in id 4 PJ i TUI MULTI USE SPOT MEMOVIi past year will be discussed Wallace Clark is president y4 of Norfolk George of William sister Mrs 82 77 con 34th the 74 7B 74 84 5fl S3 85 'ST js I orty secoijd street as driver the truck A in Spanish was 1 pre sented recently in Mexico City Try Cudul If ft help youTl be glad you did Atlanta Atlantic City Boaton Chacleaton Chicago Galveston Jacksonville Lynchburg Miami New Orleana New York Norfolk Norfolk Airport Raleigh Richmond 3 a Hi dun a Ui fwaahinrlon uBR SSs1 Wilmipgton PEPTO BlSMOL JLowcet Highest Last Lait Night 24 Hr 53 85 '48 73 00 57 3 57 50 51 Si Registrations closed Saturday afternoon at 1 and the books will not reopen until after the election Registration in Vlr ginia Is permanent but It is neces sary to transfer registration when: voter moves his residence from one precinct Into another Help Wanted fUtsdiul's N7CMUKMnWT just the work I Want to The board of deacons of the Christian Temple will meet tonight to act on the resignation Craig Is chairman of the board All three Second District congres sional candidates have accepted in vitmions to speak before the East Ocean View Chamber of Commerce tomorrow night at 8 it was ahnounced by an official of that organization today The meeting will be open to the general public it stressed This willbe the third t(me In two days that joint appearances are scheduled for the three candidates Ralph Daughton Democrat Thomas Woodward Republican BURLINGTON MAYOR DIES Burlington Oct 9 (Pi Ear! Homer 60 Mayor of Bur lington sincdT 1919 died at his home here last midnight follow ing a heart attack Dental Care Emphasized By Holy Trinity Speaker The importance of dental care for small children was stressed by Dr Novena Marple in an address be fore the Holy Trinity Parent Teacher Association Sunday after noon in the school auditorium Dr Marple suggested parents placing their children under dental care at an early age to prevent jiecay and loss of teeth which in later life would causeserious consequence The Rev Bradican wel comed parents members to participate in the organization of the Athletic Association Mrs Bader presented several vocal selections accompanied by Mrs Murphy Sister Rose senior glass' won the tendance prize 'A andW Bruce Shafer Jr Inde pendent They are speaking tonight at 7 at the Pinewood Hotel Vlr ginia Beach at a meeting of the Beach Lions Club Tomorrow after noon at 1 they will speak before the Club of Chesa peake Beach it has been an nounced Tomorrow speeches will be made at the new building Shore Drive at ifteenth street the Cham ber of Commerce announced 1 A 3 1 COMMITTEE of INDEPENDENT VIRGINIANS The number of new registrations and transfers for the general elec tion in November in the city of Norfolk may equat or exceed the record year of 1928 yrhen the con test between Herbert Hoover and Alfred Smith for the Presidency aroused unprecedented Interest Col' Nottingham general registrar said The registrar would not even hazard a guess today on the total number of registrations I know is that got three or four weeks of steady he said He Icould not recSIT the 1928 figures exactly but said he thought there were about 5000 registrations of new voters that year and about 1000 transfers 75 73 The Weather orecast: Norfolk Portsmouth and vicinity air cool dry weather through Tuesday Daytime temperatures in the middle and nighttime temperatures in the upper Gentle winds Virginia air through Tuesday with moderate temperature in the afternoons and cool at night North air and cool through Tuesday Sun rises Tuesday at 7:07 a and sets at 6:37 war time Humidity (8:30 data for Council president of the Southern conven tion of Congregational Christian Churches Rosemont church has been with a pastor since the Rev rank Morgan resigned to accept a call to Old Zion Church Said Dr Hard Ship Masters Cautioned To Avoid Danger Areas Shipmasters have been cautioned to keep their vessels out of restrict ed areas In Chesapeake bay as Na val exercises and firing are being held daily Chesapeake Beach is listed as and other parts of the bay also restricted include Smith Point to Cedar Point Bloodsworth island and Pone island and Hooper strait In Areas and firing is aimed in an easterly direction and vessels are warned to pass to the westward in navigating In this vicinity At Base In Bermuda Lieut John Swanson USNR a Virginian has been promoted to personnel officer of service 'per sonnel at the Naval Operating Base Bermuda according to a report re ceived by tile iftn Naval district here today Lieutenant home is in Danville where his mother Mrs Dakota Swanson resides He has been a member of the Naval Re serve since August 8 1942 He re ported at Bermuda in June 1943 as a lieutenant (junior grade) and was promoted to his present rank Octo ber 1 1943 Norfolk Lions have no den which to roar Wednesday accord ing to Ralph Daughtrey secretary of the club Members planned an outing on Wednesday but arrange ments were changed" as It was found impractical to have the out ing Upon tqking the matte? up with Ames and where the club meets each week It was found that the dining room had been rented for the day So the Lions are willing to roar but have no place to roar the secretary ex plains VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In our fprtyyears learned: that your appear a nee must be our chief concern: it has becomes tra dition with us why our woolens and painstak ing hand tailoring startyou off to a better appear ance And our expert fitting will keep you loolfKjg better This service never involves extra cost The clothing men buy here continues to satisfy tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow PRINCESS ANNE WOMEN MEET The Club of Princess Anne County will have a birthday luncheon tomorrow at 12:30 at the Pocahontas hotel Virginia Beach An outline of work for the Mrs new not available at either of the Nojfolk War price and Ration boards Sam Patterson manager of the Mon ticello avenue board said today ull instructions for handling the new registration have not been received and no steps will be taken' until further notice from the Dis trict Office of Price Administratlon he said He intimated that registra tion would probably be held during the last week in this month Announcement explaining'' the procedure for registering for the new 'books will be made In the local newspapers as 'soon as they have been completed he said urg ing motorists to await this an i nouncement before going to their ration boards SUITS from $30 TOPCOATS from $2575 Borland Leaves Soon To Attend Convention City Manager Borlarfd will leave Norfolk Wednesday after noon for Chicago to attend the an nual meeting of the International City Managers Association In ses sion the latter part of the week He will return to his office next week to resume work on the final draft of the city bbdget for 1945 which must be presented to council not later than October 31 4 I DR HARDCASTLE Christian temple Pastor Accepts Call to Rosemdnt 4 Coming unexpectedly to Jhe gregation of Christian Temple and Llewellyn avenue was resignation Sunday of the pastor the Rev rH Hardcastle who has served the church for the past 11 years and under whose leadership debt of the church was paid off last year Dr Hardcastle read his resigna tion to the congregation at the 11 service yesterday morn ing He said he had accepted the pastorate of the Rosemont Chris tian Church at and would assume his duties at that church on January 1 'T myself hate to leave for I love the congregation any my work said Mr Hardcastle "I am not disgruntled or discouraged or he said is absolute harmony in the congre gatipR I felt that when the church paid off the debt last yaj that a chapter had been closed was time for the Christian Temple: to have a new minister to carry on the work here? I feel that a min ister can stay too long he added and I feel that the call Jo Rosemont Church is a very definite call which I must The congregation was greatly disturbed when Dr Hardcastle an nounced his resignation Said vipond member of the general board connected with the church is sorry Mr Hardcastle is He said the pastor was greatly beloved by his congregation and had done excellent work here Dr Hardcastle came to Norfolk from the Suffolk Christian Church where he had served for 10 years He put Ml his energies to his new work and debts discharged during his pastorate included $90000 which remained on the building when he arrived in 1933 and $5000 on the parsonage No debts remain now and the church is the largest and most modern in the Southern con ventions Both church and Su nday school were redecorated this year and the membership has increased steadily under Di leadership After his graduation from Elon College Dr Hardcastle took courses at Yale Divinity School and laught for a year in Defiance College Defiance Ohio He was active in Norfolk minis terial circles and served as presi dent of the Tidewatert Ministerial Union and on the executive com mittee ofthe Tidewater Boy Scout Council or four years he was Prevention 'Observance Starts With Parade st Norfolk fire department i uon vveex wmen runs uiruugu tober 14 today with a parade which was scheduled to get under way at 10:30 a Included In the parade were mo torcycle units from the police de partment the Band fire department automobiles fire de partment apparatus auxiliary lire department units under Auxiliary ire Chief Henry Cowles White head and a display of Coast Guard firefighting equipment The parade forming at the Plume street fire station turned south on Bank street made a west turn 'to Main street proceeded west on Main to Granby street turned north on Granby and proceeded on Gran by to Princess Anne road made an east turrt on Princess Anne fpa and then down to Monticello ave nue and Princess Anne where it disbanded In getting ire Prevention Week under way Mayor a antes neeu issued a proclamation urging Nor citizens to make a more ear nest effort to eliminate fire haz ards iMaury Hight senool ana was employed by a 1 rv Hollenbeck prior to his enlist ment in April 1943 He was an ar morer gunner on a Liberator and has been stationed in England sinceApril 1944 He attended school at Lomrey ield Colo and jWas awarded his wings at Harlin gen lexible Gunnery school in Harlingen Tex He received his ad vanced in Pueblo Colo and Springfield Mass 1 He holds the Air Medal with three 5 Oak Leaf Clusters andtwo Bronze Stars Oakwood Resident Held In Check Cashing Case William Thomas Jernigan 18 of Oakwood Norfolk County was sent to federal grand jury when ar Jraigned before United States Com mlssioner Harry A Brinkley today Bond of $500 was furnished Jernigan is charged with aiding and abetting James Riddick in forg ing and "cashing a government check In the sum of $100 made payable to James Stith yen 1 dome street Riddick wan given a hearing be Commissioner Brinkley Sat urday and held in $500 bondi5 Asa aison secret service agent testified that Riddick and Jernigan found a wallet owned by Stith and containing two checks They went to a Granby street mer chant where Jernigan Identified Riddick who presented the checks In payment for merchandise it was charged and received the difference between the cost of the merchan dise and the check in cash ull er Part Time A' Good Hours Lunchroom on premised ather oley Will Preach Columbus Day Sermon New Grand Knight of Norfolk Council 367 Knights of Columbus is Dr rank Other officers are Jack Crowley deputy grand knight i A Ejanks chan cellor A A Sansone warden and ather Joseph Brennan chaplain Columbus Day will be observed by the Knights with a special serv ice in Blessed Sacrament Church for members in the armed services ather new pastor of St Joseph's Catholic Church will speak RGINIA BEACH CHURCH HON irst Baptist church at the Beach received Navy Department certificate at evening service on which marked the beginning of a nationwide dis tribution of the certlficates to churches which have provided cler gymen to serve as chaplains in the Navy Lieut Lonnie? Meachum USNR native of Batesville Ark but long a resident of Virginiare signed as pastor of this church to enter the Chaplain Corps He re turned 'recently from duty in the Pacific area with the Marines and was one of the' few chaplains now on duty near enough to present the certificate to his former church Chaplain Meachum (at left) and the Rev Roy Peterson present pastor hold up the certificate so that the congregation can see Official Navy photo Leigh Hanes Applauded" By Virginia Poets Leigh Hanes noted Virginia poet and editor of The Lyric second old est magazine of poetry In the coun try was enthusiastically received by approximately 125 poetry lovers Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs rank Darling in Hampton1 Mr Hanes gave a reading of his own poems to the Poetry Society of Virginia headed by Mrs John Leitch and Miss Josephine Johnson Representatives from all over the state were present at the meeting which in addition to the reading included a "luncheon at 1:30 and a reception at 4 A num ber of new members joined the so ciety following the meeting Wm Mi Kirby Dies ollowing Heart Attack William Meredith Kirby 69 busi ness manager of the Marine En gineers Beneficial Association 'died at a Norfolk hospital this morning at 9 as the result of a heart attack He had been a member of the association ever since its inception about 40 years ago and had been secretary and business manager for the past 10 years Mr Kirby served in the transport services during the last war and was chief engineer On the US Army trans port Meade for about 15 years or two years he was superintendent of the Chesapeake erry Company Surviving him are his wife Mrs Harriett Kirby five daughters Mrs Palmer Smith Mrs Lind say Gunnt Mrs ayen and Mrs a Daniel an and Mrs Leonard Staten Island a son Kirbv of Norfolk: a George Stockton three brothers Lewis Stanley and Sidney KirBy all of Norfolk 21 grand children and a great grandchild Mr Kirby was a lifelong resident of Norfolk The body will be taken from the Hollomon Brown uneral Home to the Armstrong Memorial Presbyter ian Chtarch for funeral services Wednesday afternoon at 3 Burial will be Elmwoo cemetery ITCHING TALK TO TOUR RUNM i UPSET Bo ftmila with upset atotpach add to the upset with overdoaaa at antadda or hanh physics Soothind pepto bismox is not laxative not' antadd It helps calm and sootha upset stomach Pleasant to the taste like it Ask your druUirt for ygrro mMOi when your stone ach is upset a NORwica ntODva Lowest temperature last night degrees at 5:45 a zReadings made at Airport War Savings Time Temperatures: Acardui UTxirTft Rec laatl BisrrnAaa off its observance of ire Pre ven 1 Hnr TXZnaV which HIM thmilffh Of RYSt Joseph ASPIRIN WORLDS LARGEST LlLER At Howwomena girls may getwted relief from functional periodic pain Total to 26 One new case of Infantile paralysis was reported in Norfolk last weekend Dr John Sleet said today bringing the total num ber of cases for the year to 26 The new patient taken to the Henry A Wise contagious disease hospital late Saturday is a four year old boy Spurgeon Baptist Revival Begins Tonight The Rev Sterling Price pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in New port News wfU begin revival ser vices at Spurgeon Memorial Baptist Church Norfolk tonight "continu ing through Sunday The Morris pastor has extended an Invitation to all Interested Vt LARRY PENTECOST Hamp ton Roads representative of the United States Lines has been pre sented with a four star pennant awarded by the War Shipping Board to the United States Lines for efficiency DR ISADORE SHAPIRO son of Mrs Shapiro 318 West Thirty eighth street has graduated from the University of Virginia Medical Schooland is now serving on the faculty jn the pathology depart ment Next June fte" begins his IntArnshln in snrtrorv at thn nncL graauate nospnai in JAMES GARRETT apcaiveL al uie uieeuug ui me XLSta brook Civic League tonight at 8 The meeting will be held In the hall and presided over by Gardner president' POLICE JUSTICE Savory Amato tried a docket of 326 cases today including for the most part persons charged with being drunk disorderly conduct and gaming HERMAN CAPS formerly of Norfolk will arrive riday to spend the weCk eird here prior to leav ing for Jacksonville la where he will become chief clerk of the Jacksonville branch of the ord Motor Company Mr Capps was formerly connected with the ord Motor Company here from 1925 until the building was purchased by the Navy at which time he held the position of assistant chief clerk Since the closing of the Norfolk branch he has been con nected with the auditing depart ment of the home office of the com pany "in? Dearborn transfer to Jacksonville comes as a promotion to the position' of chief clerk and he will report for his new duties on October 17 Ac companying Mr Capps here will be Mrs Capps and their "daugh ter Jean who will remain lit Nor folk until a home can be' secured in Jacksonville Their other daughter Dorothy will continue her sophom*ore year at Northwes tern University in Evanston III While a resident of Norfolk Mr Capps was actively engaged in fraternal and religious circles hav ing been a charter member "dea con and treasurer of the Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church and a Past Master of Ruth Lodge No 89 A A THE NOROLK LEDGER DISPATCH TNON'T scratch nd suffer from the nagging itch of dry cc zema or simple rectal irritation Soothing medicated Resinol gives lingering relief from such distress? or bathlns upur mild Retiool Soap REEIHOLS Civilian in Navy Uniform Gets Walter Boyd Sword Jr 18 of Saltville came to Norfolk some few weeks ago bringing with him a Navy uniform Walter said his idea was to join the Navy but a broken foot prevented that so he went to work 6ri(a farm near Bowers Hill He liked the uniform so much that he wore it at all times even when he came into Portsmouth for a visit he told the comrqissloner During his short stay in Ports mouth a few hours on Saturday mgnt ne ran aroui or rne snore Patrol and his arrest followed 'To day he was given a hearing before United States Commissioner Harry A Brinkley and was sentenced to 60 days in jail suspended for a period of one year Sword never did tell the 'commissioner where or from whom he bought the uniform I i Brownley Clears Up Statement On Rent Deposits A number of operaton of hous ing units and rental agents today took exception to the statement published Saturday In the Ledger Dispatch In regard to deposits made by rental and operators prior to the new regulations They said it was too sweeping and that there were operators and agents who werecareful to comply with every part of the rental re quirements issued by the OPA re gardless of their personal opinions in the dnatter Claud Borwnley Jr said that his statement referred only to those who had taken advantage of the law In regard to deposits and had no reference whatever to those operators and agents who had com plied with the law The new regulations how in ef fect which make deposits illegal unless they leave the approval of the Rent Control Office were not aimed at those who had complied with the law said Mr Brownley The new regulations were made to take care of such loopholes through which some operators and agents took advantage of those who had to rent homes or apartments Cardul is a liquid medicine vhlch many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and ner OU4 StHtfXL Of fUOOUOOftl DOTlOdlQ dbtresa how it may help: Taken like tonie: It should stimulate appetite aid dlges tbos help build re sistance for the to coma 2 Started 3 days be foro Ums" it should help relieve Traffic Accident Victim Reported Recovering Kirk Hodges 37 214 Lucille avenue who was taken to De 'Paul Hospital Saturday following a street car truck accident on Hamp ton boulevard was today reported to be in condition Hodges siiffpred a severe laocra tlon of his right hand when the street car he was operating collided with an eastbound truck coming out of Eighty ninth street Police listed Graydon Gray 1088 West orty second street as driver of Three Candidates Speak Jointly At Three Meetings iniT wo Days New Voters Here May Exceed High Mark Established in 192 iBuliiiiina GRANBY STREET AND TAZEWELL Tlfowutr' Largest Store for Mm and Boys 1 Ovtfltton to Officer of tho Armed orces KEEP UP APPEARANCES mm removing many spots you can yourself with Mufti nanny iof quick uce uu uum ing hats gloves upholstery and otherarticlesof many kinds of material A favorite for over years 80c and 60c else MUTI Of Cape Charles Lighthouse Dies George Smith Rolliflson 59 of 716 Pine street Berkley retired lighthouse keeper of Cape Charles died suddenly at 11:55 last night at the home of a neighbor Mr Rollinsdn was retired from the lighthouse March 1943 after 19 years as keeper He was a native of Cape Hatteras The son of the late Miles and Ellen Rollinson he is survived by his wife Ethel Roberts Rollinson one daughter Mrs A Tharp one step daughter Mrs Rollin son two step sons D' ulcher and ulcher all of Norfolk two half sisters MrsMaltlda Bar nett of South Port and Mrs Miller of Buckstort The body has been removed to Sykes uneral Home Berkley where services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon At will be in Riverside Memorial Park Kz it C10T1HM you buy HERE Today is clothing you will like tomorrow Dr Sleet Leaving Thursday On Vacation Dr John Sleet city health commissioner will leave Thursday forwhat he said today is his first vacation since 1938 He will go Io the mountains of West Virginia accompanied by Mrs Sleet and his daughter Miss Martha Sleet Mail Handler Accused Of Opening Package Willie Hiles mail handler at the Portsmouth post office will beven preliminary heAritig Before United States Commissioner Harry A Brinkley tomorrow morning on acharge that he did detain open mail matter and Mjles according to Keart and Schoonover post office inspectors while on duty Sunday morning operfed packages containing rayon stock ings and left the post office with the stockings In a paper bag was arrested on High street a short out EHollenbeck Jr) Missing Iri Action 8Sgt: Charles HolIenbeck'Jr S1 29 year old son of Mr and Mrs xiouenoecK ussz uauenune bou has been missing in action VWE 4 All since September zi accoruing io a telegram received here by his at tnelr home 1003 Colley ave 3' He a 1 1 ded Gasoline ApplicationBlanks Not Available Application blanks for the gasoline A ration book are "When Governor Bricker heard that Ke had been put on the ticket GeraldSmith's new party he immediately notified him that he would not perm it and did notwant hii uupport Whe vl Earl Browder announced the disband ing of the Communist party and came out for the fourth term nobody in the New Deal has mentioned it" The Norfolk A Southern Railroad located on West Water St in rear of the old Custom House has been vacated by the railroad company and is for sale rontage on Water St of 234 feet by a epth of over 350 feet to the river and a frontage on the river of over 200 feet Also a slip 100 feet on the water by 200 feet deep used for barges and tugboats The frontage back 50 feet is brick and steel construction balance Is of steel construction Wide paved driveway on both aides of the property Low insurance rate A total of over 66000 square feet of storage space Location central and very acces sible This choice property can be acquired at a very reason able price i COER Realtor 161 PLUME PHONE 35730 LOOK BMVM oiwpw 1 I i joi y' Sr! S' H'' draSe 1 3K 44 ft' JU ft i 0 wiiriwwi will A JHMEH a m' wImEH A 'W A Uncle Dan Sain: IKI 0 BsBBEuSR MM BaBouHSr HHML 'WW'rf ''SW' 15 4 1 7 Sis 4 11 'th? A WtttWTV 4 Jf ft a 1 VI ST HU 01'1 9 is iur 1 ftft jiw ait 4 ft ''i' 17 vkv 'ti 4U a I 1 I IWI" I faNEf Mik Sv wgr IK uaaagMgf ISSN previous day) Rel Dry Wet Hum I 8:30 636 594 79 I 8:30 a 639 592 77 11:30 a 721 620 56 A Data Precipitation 24 hours Wind velocity 5 Hourly Temperatures 1943 1944 5 a 56 62 6 a m' 55 62 7 a 54 63 8 'Tn 56 65 9 a 59 67 10 a 65 61 Ila 70 71 Noon 74 73 Highest temperature yesterday 72 degrees at 3:40 MW I I IRY'St Joseph ASPIRIN WORLDS LARGEST SELLER At 10.

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Ledger-Star from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.