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Introduction toMicroprocessors


Second edition

John Crisp

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NewnesAn imprint of ElsevierLinacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP200 Wheeler Road, Burlington MA 01803

First published 1998 as Introduction to Microprocessors

Reprinted 2000, 2001Second Edition 2004

© 1998, 2004, John Crisp. All rights reserved

The right of John Crisp to be identified as the author of this workhas been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs andPatents Act 1988

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Preface vii

1 Basic microprocessor systems 1

2 Binary – the way micros count 8

3 Hexadecimal – the way we communicate with micros 25

4 How micros calculate 38

5 An introduction to logic gates and their uses 49

6 Registers and memories 62

7 A microprocessor-based system 85

8 A typical 8-bit microprocessor 99

9 Programming – using machine code and assembly

language 121

10 High-level languages 132

11 The development of microprocessors and microcontrollers 151

12 The Pentium family 173

13 The PowerPC 184

14 The Athlon XP 194

15 Microcontrollers and how to use them 199

16 Using a PIC microcontroller for a real project 219

17 Interfacing 234

18 Test equipment and fault-finding 255

Appendix A: Special function register file 267

Appendix B: PIC 16CXXX instruction set 268

Further reading 271

Quiz time answers 273

Index 275

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The first edition of this book started with the words: ‘A modern societycould no longer function without the microprocessor.’

This is certainly still true but it is even truer if we include themicrocontroller. While the microprocessor is at the heart of ourcomputers, with a great deal of publicity, the microcontroller is quietlyrunning the rest of our world. They share our homes, our vehicles andour workplace, and sing to us from our greetings cards.

They are our constant, unseen companions and billions are beinginstalled every year with little or no publicity.

The purpose of this book is to give a worry-free introduction tomicroprocessors and microcontrollers. It starts at the beginning anddoes not assume any previous knowledge of microprocessors ormicrocontrollers and, in gentle steps, introduces the knowledgenecessary to take those vital first steps into the world of the micro.

John Crisp

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1Basic microprocessor


The microprocessor was born

In 1971 two companies, both in the USA, introduced the world to itsfuture by producing microprocessors. They were a young companycalled Intel and their rival, Texas Instruments.

The microprocessor and its offspring, the microcontroller, weredestined to infiltrate every country, every means of production, andalmost every home in the world. There is now hardly a person on theplanet that does not own or know of something that is dependent onone of these devices. Yet curiously, so few people can give any sort ofanswer to the simple question ‘What is a microprocessor?’ This, and‘How does it work?’ form two of the starting points for this book.

Let’s start by looking at a system

The word ‘system’ is used to describe any organization or device thatincludes three features.

A system must have at least one input, one output and must dosomething, i.e. it must contain a process. Often there are many inputsand outputs. Some of the outputs are required and some are wasteproducts. To a greater or lesser extent, all processes generate somewaste heat. Figure 1.1 shows these requirements.


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Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

A wide range of different devices meets these simple requirements. Forexample, a motor car will usually require fuel, water for coolingpurposes and a battery to start the engine and provide for the lights andinstruments. Its process it to burn the fuel and extract the energy toprovide transportation for people and goods. The outputs are thewanted movement and the unwanted pollutants such as gases, heat,water vapour and noise.

The motor car contains other systems within it. In Figure 1.2, we addedelectricity as a required input to start the engine and provide the lights


Figure 1.1

The essentialrequirements ofa system

Figure 1.2

An everydaysystem

Figure 1.3

Recharging thebattery

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Basic microprocessor systems

and the instruments but thereafter the battery is recharged by theengine. There must, then, be an electrical system at work, as in Figure1.3, so it is quite possible for systems to have smaller systems inside orembedded within them. In a similar way, a motor car is just a part ofthe transport system.

A microprocessor system

Like any other system, a microprocessor has inputs, outputs and aprocess as shown in Figure 1.4. The inputs and outputs of amicroprocessor are a series of voltages that can be used to controlexternal devices. The process involves analysing the input voltagesand using them to ‘decide’ on the required output voltages. Thedecision is based on previously entered instructions that are followedquite blindly, sensible or not.

His and hers garage door opener

Here is a little task that a simple microprocessor can solve for us.When the woman arrives in her car, a light signal is flashed at thesensor and only her garage door opens. When the man arrives home,his car flashes a light signal at the same sensor but this time his garagedoor opens but hers remains closed.

The cars are sending a different sequence of light flashes to the lightsensor. The light sensor converts the incoming light to electricalvoltage pulses that are recognized by the microprocessor. The outputvoltage now operates the electrical motor attached to the appropriatedoor. The overall scheme is shown in Figure 1.5.

In the unlikely event of it being needed, a modern microprocessorwould find it an easy task to increase the number of cars and garagesto include every car and every garage that has ever been manu-factured. Connecting all the wires, however, would be an altogetherdifferent problem!


Figure 1.4

The microprocessorsystem

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Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

The physical appearance of a microprocessor

A microprocessor is a very small electronic circuit typically 1⁄2 inch(12 mm) across. It is easily damaged by moisture or abrasion so to offerit some protection it is encapsulated in plastic or ceramic. To provideelectrical connections directly to the circuit would be impracticalowing to the size and consequent fragility, so connecting pins aremoulded into the case and the microprocessor then plugs into a socket


Figure 1.5

Opening the rightgarage door

Figure 1.6


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Basic microprocessor systems

on the main circuit board. The size, shape and number of pins on themicroprocessor depend on the amount of data that it is designed tohandle. The trend, as in many fields, is forever upward. Typicalmicroprocessors are shown in Figure 1.6.


Integrated circuits

An electronic circuit fabricated out of a solid block of semiconductormaterial. This design of circuit, often called a solid state circuit, allowsfor very complex circuits to be constructed in a small volume. Anintegrated circuit is also called a ‘chip’.

Microprocessor (p)

This is the device that you buy: just an integrated circuit as in Figure 1.6.On its own, without a surrounding circuit and applied voltages it is quiteuseless. It will just lie on your workbench staring back at you.

Microprocessor-based system

This is any system that contains a microprocessor, and does notnecessarily have anything to do with computing. In fact, despite all thehype, computers use only a small proportion of all the micro-processors manufactured. Our garage door opening system is amicroprocessor-based system or is sometimes called a microprocessor-controlled system.


The particular microprocessor-based systems that happen to be usedas a computer are called microcomputers. The additional circuitsrequired for a computer can be built into the same integrated circuitgiving rise to a single chip microcomputer.


This is a complete microprocessor-based control system built onto asingle chip. It is small and convenient but doesn’t do anything thatcould not be done with a microprocessor and a few additionalcomponents. We’ll have a detailed look at these in a later chapter.


An MPU is a MicroProcessor Unit or microprocessor. A CPU is aCentral Processing Unit. This is the central ‘brain’ of a computer and


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can be (usually is) made from one or more microprocessors. The IBMdesign for the ‘Blue Gene’ supercomputer includes a millionprocessors!


MPU is the thingCPU is the job.


The word micro is used in electronics and in science generally, tomean ‘one-millionth’ or 1 10–6. It has also entered general languageto mean something very small like a very small processor ormicroprocessor. It has also become an abbreviation for micro-processor, microcomputer, microprocessor-based system or a microcontroller – indeed almost anything that has ‘micro’ in its name. In thescientific sense, the word micro is represented by the Greek letter (mu). It was only a small step for microprocessor to becomeabbreviated to P.

Some confusion can arise unless we make sure that everyoneconcerned is referring to the same thing.

Quiz time 1

In each case, choose the best option.

1 A microprocessor:

(a) requires fuel, water and electricity.(b) is abbreviated to c.(c) is often encapsulated in plastic.(d) is never used in a CPU but can be used in an MPU.

2 A system must include:

(a) an input, an output and a process.(b) something to do with a form of transport.(c) a microprocessor.(d) fuel, water and electricity.

3 All systems generate:

(a) movement.(b) chips.(c) waste heat.(d) waste gases.


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Basic microprocessor systems

4 An MPU:

(a) is the same as a P.(b) can be made from more than one Central Processing Unit.(c) is a small, single chip computer.(d) is an abbreviation for Main Processing Unit.

5 Integrated circuits are not:

(a) called chips.(b) used to construct a microprocessor-based system.(c) solid state circuits.(d) an essential part of an engine.


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2Binary – the way micros


Unlike us, microprocessors have not grown up with the idea that 10 isa convenient number of digits to use. We have taken it so much forgranted that we have even used the word digit to mean both a fingerand a number.

Microprocessors and other digital circuits use only two digits – 0 and1 – but why? Ideally, we would like our microprocessors to doeverything at infinite speed and never make a mistake. Error free orhigh speed – which would you feel is the more important?

It’s your choice but I would go for error free every time, particularlywhen driving my car with its engine management computer or whencoming in to land in a fly-by-wire aircraft. I think most people wouldagree.

So let’s start by having a look at one effect of persuading micro-processors to count in our way.

The noise problem

If the input of a microprocessor is held at a constant voltage, say 4 V,this would appear as in Figure 2.1.

If we try to do this in practice, then careful measurements would showthat the voltage is not of constant value but is continuously wandering


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Binary – the way micros count

above and below the mean level. These random fluctuations are calledelectrical noise and degrade the performance of every electroniccircuit. We can take steps to reduce the effects but preventing italtogether is, so far, totally impossible. We can see the effect bydisconnecting the antenna of our television. The noise causes randomspeckles on the screen which we call snow. The same effect causes anaudible hiss from the loudspeaker. The effect of noise is shown inFigure 2.2.

Most microprocessors use a power supply of 5 V or 3.3 V. To keep thearithmetic easy, we will assume a 5 V system.

If we are going to persuade the microprocessor to count from 0 to 9,as we do, using voltages available on a 5 V supply would give 0.5 Vper digit:

0 = 0 V

1 = 0.5 V

2 = 1 V

3 = 1.5 V

4 = 2 V

5 = 2.5 V

6 = 3 V

7 = 3.5 V

8 = 4 V

9 = 4.5 V


Figure 2.1

A constant voltage

Figure 2.2

A ‘noisy’ voltage

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Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

If we were to instruct our microprocessor to perform the task 4 + 4= 8, by pressing the ‘4’ key we could generate a 2 V signal which isthen remembered by the microprocessor. The + key would tell it toadd and pressing the ‘4’ key again would then generate another 2 Vsignal.

So, inside the microprocessor we would see it add the 2 V and thenanother 2 V and, hence, get a total of 4 V. The microprocessor couldthen use the list shown to convert the total voltage to the requirednumerical result of 8. This simple addition is shown in Figure 2.3.

This seemed to work nicely – but we ignored the effect of noise. Figure2.4 shows what could happen. The exact voltage memorized by themicroprocessor would be a matter of chance. The first time we pressed


Figure 2.3

It works! 4 + 4does equal 8

Figure 2.4

Noise can causeproblems

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Binary – the way micros count

key 4, the voltage just happened to be at 1.5 V but the second time wewere luckier and the voltage was at the correct value of 2 V.

Inside the microprocessor:

1.5 V + 2 V = 3.5 V

and using the table, the 3.5 V is then converted to the number 7. So ourmicroprocessor reckons that 4 + 4 = 7.5!

Since the noise is random, it is possible, of course, to get a final resultthat is too low, too high or even correct.

A complete cure for electrical noise

Sorry, just dreaming. There isn’t one. The small particle-like compo-nents of electricity, called electrons, vibrate in a random fashionpowered by the surrounding heat energy. In conductors, electrons arevery mobile and carry a type of electrical charge that we have termednegative. The resulting negative charge is balanced out by an equalnumber of fixed particles called protons, which carry a positive charge(see Figure 2.5).

The overall effect of the electron mobility is similar to the randomsurges that occur in a large crowd of people jostling around waiting toenter the stadium for the Big Match. If, at a particular time, therehappens to be more electrons or negative charges moving towards the


Figure 2.5

Equal charges result inno overall voltage

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left-hand end of a piece of material then that end would become morenegative, as shown in Figure 2.6. A moment later, the opposite resultmay occur and the end would become more positive (Figure 2.7).These effects give rise to small random voltages in any conductor, aswe have seen.


Figure 2.6

A random voltage hasbeen generated

Figure 2.7

The opposite effect isequally likely

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Binary – the way micros count

Thermal noise

The higher the temperature, the more mobile the electrons, the greaterthe random voltages and the more electrical noise is present.

A solution:

High temperature = high noise


Low temperature = low noise.

Put the whole system into a very cold environment by dropping it inliquid nitrogen (about –200°C) or taking it into space where the‘shade’ temperature is about –269°C. The cold of space has createdvery pleasant low noise conditions for the circuits in space like theHubble telescope. On Earth most microprocessors operate at roomtemperature. It would be inconvenient, not to mention expensive, tosurround all our microprocessor circuits by liquid nitrogen. And evenif we did, there is another problem queuing up to take its place.

Partition noise

Let’s return to the Big Match. Two doors finally open and the fans pourthrough the turnstiles. Now we may expect an equal number of peopleto pass through the two entrances as shown in Figure 2.8 but in realitythis will not happen. Someone will have trouble finding their ticket;friends will wait for each other; cash will be offered instead of a ticket;someone will try to get back out through the gate to reach anothersection of the stadium. As we can imagine, the streams of people maybe equal over an hour but second by second random fluctuations willoccur.

Electrons don’t lose their tickets but random effects like temperature,voltage and interactions between adjacent electrons have a verysimilar effect.


Figure 2.8

The fans enterthe stadium

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Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

A single current of, say, 1 A can be split into two currents of 0.5 A whenmeasured over the long-term, but when examined carefully, each willcontain random fluctuations. This type of electrical noise is calledpartition noise or partition effect. The overall effect is similar to thethermal noise and, between them, would cause too much noise andhence would rule out the use of a 10-digit system.

How much noise can we put up with?

The 10-finger system that we use is called a ‘denary’ or ‘decimal’system. We have seen that a 5 V supply would accommodate a10-digit counting system if each digit was separated by 0.5 V or, usingthe more modern choice of 3.3 V, the digits would be separated byonly 0.33 V.

Question: Using a 5 V supply and a denary system, what is the highest

noise voltage that can be tolerated?

Answer: Each digit is separated by only 5 V/10 = 0.5 V.

The number 6 for example would have a value of 3 V and the number7 would be represented by 3.5 V. If the noise voltage were to increasethe 3 V to over 3.25 V, the number is likely to be misread as 7. Thehighest acceptable noise level would therefore be 0.25 V. This is notvery high and errors would be common. If we used a supply voltage of3.3 V, the situation would get even worse.

So why don’t we just increase the operating voltage to say, 10 V, or100 V? The higher the supply voltage the less likely it is that electricalnoise would be a problem. This is true but the effect of increasing thesupply would be to require thicker insulation and would increase thephysical size of the microprocessor and reduce its speed. More aboutthis in Chapter 11.

Using just two digits

If we reduce the number of digits then a wider voltage range can beused for each value and the errors due to noise are likely to occur lessoften.

We have chosen to use only two digits, 0 and 1, to provide themaximum degree of reliability. A further improvement is to provide asafety zone between each voltage. Instead of taking our supply voltageof 3.3 V and simply using the lower half to represent the digit 0 and thetop half for 1, we allocate only the lower third to 0 and the upper thirdto 1 as shown in Figure 2.9. This means that the noise level will haveto be at least 1.1 V (one-third of 3.3 V) to push a level 0 digit up to theminimum value for a level 1.


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Binary – the way micros count

How do we count?

Normally, we count in the system we call ‘denary’. We start with 0then go to 1 then to a new symbol that we write as 2 and call ‘two’.This continues until we run out of symbols. So far, it looks like this:










At this point we have used all the symbols once and, to show this, weput a ‘1’ to the left of the numbers as we re-use them. This gives us:






. . . and so on up to 19 when we put a 2 on the left-hand side and startagain 20, 21, 22 etc.

When we reach 99, we again add a ‘1’ on the left-hand side and putthe other digits back to zero to give 100. After we reach 999, we go to1000 and so on.

Counting is not easy. We often take it for granted but if we think backto our early days at school, it took the teacher over a year before wewere happy and reasonably competent. So counting is more difficultthan microprocessors – you’ve mastered the difficult part already!


Figure 2.9

A better choice ofvoltages

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The basic basis of bases

The base of a number system is the number of different symbols usedin it. In the case of the denary system, we use 10 different symbols, 0. . . 9, other numbers, like 28 657, are simply combinations of the 10basic symbols.

Since the denary system uses 10 digits, the system is said to have abase of 10. The base is therefore just the technical word for the numberof digits used in any counting system.

Counting with only two figures

We can count using any base that we like. In the denary or decimalsystem, we used a base of 10 but we have seen that microprocessorsuse a base of 2 – just the two digits 0 and 1. This is called the binarysystem.

We usually abbreviate the words BInary digiT to bit.

Counting follows the same pattern as we have seen in the denarysystem: we use up the digits then start again.

Let’s give it a try. Start by listing all the digits:


and that’s it!

We now put a ‘1’ in the next column and start again:



It is convenient at this stage to keep the number of binary columnsthe same and so we add a 0 at the start of the first two digits. Theseextra zeros do not alter the value at all. For example, the denarynumber 25 is not affected by writing it as 025 or 0025 or even000 000 000 000 025.

The binary and decimal equivalents are:

Binary Denary

00 0

01 1

10 2

11 3


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Binary – the way micros count

We do the same again – put a ‘1’ in the next column and repeat thepattern to give:

Binary Denary

100 4

101 5

110 6

111 7

and once more:

Binary Denary

1000 8

1001 9

1010 10

1011 11

Confusion and the cure

Here is a number: 1000. But what number is it? Is it a thousand indenary or is it eight written in binary?

I don’t know. I could take a guess but the difference between flying anaircraft at eight feet and a thousand feet is a serious matter. The onlyway to be certain is to say so at the time. This is done by showing thebase of the number system being used to make the meaning quiteclear. The base of the number system is shown as a subscript after thenumber.

If the 1000 were a binary number, it is written as 10002 and if it werea denary number it would be shown as 100010.

It would be easy to advise that the base of the number system in useis always shown against every number but this would be totallyunrealistic. No one is going to write a base after their telephonenumber or a price in a shop. Use a base when it would be useful toavoid confusion, such as by writing statements like 1000 = 8 (athousand = eight???). Write it as 10002 = 810 and make life a littleeasier.

Converting denary to binary

Of course, if someone were to ask us for the binary equivalent of ninewe could just start from zero and count up until we reach nine. This isa boring way to do it and with larger numbers like 1 000 00010 it wouldbe very tedious indeed. Here is a better way. The method will beexplained using the conversion of 5210 to binary as an example.


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A worked example

Convert 5210 to binary

Step 1: Write down the number to be converted


Step 2: Divide it by 2 (because 2 is the base of the binary system), write thewhole number part of the answer underneath and the remainder 0 or 1alongside


26 0

Step 3: Divide the answer (26) by 2 and record the remainder (0) as before


26 0

13 0

Step 4: Divide the 13 by 2 and write down the answer (6) and the remainder (1)


26 0

13 0

6 1

Step 5: 2 into 6 goes 3 remainder 0


26 0

13 0

6 1

3 0

Step 6: Dividing 3 gives an answer of 1 and a remainder of 1


26 0

13 0

6 1

3 0

1 1

Step 7: Finally, dividing the 1 by 2 will give 0 and a remainder of 1


26 0

13 0

6 1

3 0

1 1

0 1


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Binary – the way micros count

Step 8: We cannot go any further with the divisions because all the answers willbe zero from now on. The binary number now appears in the remaindercolumn. To get the answer read the remainder column from the bottomUPWARDS


26 0

13 0

6 1

3 0

1 1

0 1

= 1101002


1 Divide the denary number by 2 – write the whole number result underneathand the remainder in a column to the right.

2 Repeat the process until the number is reduced to zero.

3 The binary number is found by reading the remainder column from thebottom upwards.

Another example

Here is one for you to try. If you get stuck, the solution is given below.

Convert 218710 to a binary number


1093 1

546 1

273 0

136 1

68 0

34 0

17 0

8 1

4 0

2 0

1 0

0 1

= 1000100010112

Doing it by calculator: Many scientific calculators can do the conver-sion of denary to binary for us. Unfortunately, they are limited to quitelow numbers by the number of digits able to be seen on the screen.

To do a conversion, we need:

1 A scientific calculator that can handle different number bases.2 The instruction booklet.


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3 About half an hour to spare – or a week if you have lost theinstructions.

The exact method varies but on my elderly Casio it goes somethinglike this:

To tell the calculator that the answer has to be in binary I have topress mode mode 3 then the ‘binary’ key.

It now has to be told that the input number is decimal. This is theexciting key sequence logic logic logic 1 now just put in our number52 and press the = key and out will pop the answer 110100.

Converting binary to denary

If we look at a denary number like 8328, we see that it containstwo eights. Now these two figures look identical however closelywe examine them, but we know that they are different. The 8 on theright-hand end is really 8 but the other one is actually 8000 becauseit is in the thousands column.

The real value of a digit is dependent on two things: the digit used andthe column in which it is placed.

In the denary system, the columns, starting from the right, are units, tens,hundreds, thousands etc. Rather than use these words, we could expressthem in powers of ten. A thousand is 10 10 10 = 103 and in a similarway, a hundred is 102, ten is 101 and a unit is 100. Each column simplyincreases the power applied to the base of the number system.

Columns in a binary world also use the base raised to increasingpowers as we move across the columns towards the left.

So we have:

23 22 21 20

The denary equivalent can be found by multiplying out the powers oftwo. So 23 is 2 2 2 = 8 and 22 = 4, 21 = 2 and finally 20 = 1. Startingfrom the right-hand side, the column values would be 1, 2, 4, 8 etc. Let’suse this to convert the binary number 1001 into denary.


Step 1: Write down the values of the columns

8 4 2 1

Step 2: Write the binary number underneath

8 4 2 1

1 0 0 1


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Binary – the way micros count

Step 3: Evaluate the values of the columns

8 1 = 8

4 0 = 0

2 0 = 0

1 1 = 1

Step 4: Add up the values

8 + 1 = 9

As we have seen, all the columns containing a binary 0 can be ignoredbecause they always come out to 0 so a quicker way is to simply addup all the column values where the binary digit is 1.


1 Write down the column values for the binary system using the same numberof columns as are shown in the binary number.

2 Enter the binary number, one bit under each column heading.

3 Add the values of each column where a 1 appears in the binary number.

Calculator note: This is much the same as we saw the previous conversion.To tell the calculator that the answer has to be in decimal I have to pressmode mode 3 then the ‘decimal’ key.

It now has to be told that the input number is binary. This is done by the keysequence logic logic logic 3 now just put in our binary number 1001 andpress the = key and out will pop the answer 9.

Another example

Once again, here is one for you to try. If you have problems, theanswer follows.

Convert 1011001012 to a denary number

Step 1: Write down the column values by starting with a 1 on the right-hand sidethen just keep doubling as necessary

28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Step 2: Enter the binary number under the column headings

256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1

Step 3: Add up all the column values where the binary digit is 1

256 + 64 + 32 + 4 + 1 = 357

So, 1011001012 = 35710 or just 357 since denary can be assumed inthis case.


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Bits, bytes and other thingsAll the information entering or leaving a microprocessor is in the form ofa binary signal, a voltage switching between the two bit levels 0 and 1.

Bits are passed through the microprocessor at very high speed and inlarge numbers and we find it easier to group them together.

NibbleA group of four bits handled as a single lump. It is half a byte.

ByteA byte is simply a collection of 8 bits. Whether they are ones or zerosor what their purpose is does not matter.

WordA number of bits can be collected together to form a ‘word’. Unlike abyte, a word does not have a fixed number of bits in it. The length ofthe word or the number of bits in the word depends on themicroprocessor being used.

If the microprocessor accepts binary data in groups of 32 at a time thenthe word in this context would include 32 bits. If a differentmicroprocessor used data in smaller handfuls, say 16 at a time, thenthe word would have a value of 16 bits. The word is unusual in thiscontext in as much as its size or length will vary according to thesituations in which it is discussed. The most likely values are 8, 16, 32and 64 bits but no value is excluded.

Long wordIn some microprocessors where a word is taken to mean say 16 bits,a long word would mean a group of twice the normal length, in thiscase 32 bits.

Kilobyte (Kb or KB or kbyte)A kilobyte is 1024 or 210 bytes. In normal use, kilo means 1000 so akilovolt or kV is exactly 1000 volts. In the binary system, the nearestcolumn value to 1000 is 1024 since 29 = 512 and 210 = 1024.

The difference between 1000 and 1024 is fairly slight when we haveonly 1 or 2 Kb and the difference is easily ignored. However, as thenumbers increase, so does the difference. The actual number of bytesin 42 Kb is actually 43 008 bytes (42 1024).

The move in the computing world to use an upper case K to mean 1024rather than k for meaning 1000 is trying to address this problem.


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Binary – the way micros count

Unfortunately, even the upper or lower case b is not standardized sotread warily and look for clues to discover which value is being used. Ifin doubt use 1024 if it is to do with microprocessors or computers.

Bits often help to confuse the situation even further. 1000 bits is akilobit or kb. Sometimes 1024 bits is a Kb. One way to solve the bit/byte problem is to use kbit (or Kbit) and kbyte (or Kbyte).

Megabyte (MB or Mb)

This is a kilokilobyte or 1024 1024 bytes. Numerically this is 220 or1 048 576 bytes. Be careful not to confuse this with mega as inmegavolts (MV) which is exactly one million (106).

Gigabyte (Gb)

This is 1024 megabytes which is 230 or 1 073 741 824 bytes. In generalengineering, giga means one thousand million (109).

Terabyte (TB or Tb)

Terabyte is a megamegabyte or 240 or 1 099 511 600 000 bytes (Tera =1012).

Petabyte (PB or Pb)

This is a thousand (or 1024) times larger than the Terabyte so it is 1015

in round numbers or 240 which is pretty big. If you are reallyinterested, you can multiply it out yourself by multiplying the TB figureby 1024.

Quiz time 2

In each case, choose the best option.

1 Typical operating voltages of microprocessors are:

(a) 0 V and 1 V.(b) 3.3 V and 5 V.(c) 220 V(d) 1024 V.

2 The most mobile electrical charge is called:

(a) a proton and has a positive charge.(b) a voltage and is always at one end of a conductor.(c) an electron and has a negative charge.(d) an electron and has a positive charge.


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3 The denary number 600 is equivalent to the binarynumber:

(a) 1001011000.(b) 011000000000.(c) 1101001.(d) 1010110000.

4 When converted to a denary number, the binarynumber 110101110:

(a) will end with a 0.(b) must be greater than 256 but less than 512.(c) will have a base of 2.(d) will equal 656.

5 A byte:

(a) is either 1024 or 1000 bits.(b) is simply a collection of 16 bits.(c) can vary in length according to the microprocessor used.(d) can have the same number of bits as a word.


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3Hexadecimal – the waywe communicate with


The only problem with binary

The only problem with binary is that we find it so difficult and maketoo many errors. There is little point in designing microprocessors tohandle binary numbers at high speed and with almost 100% accuracyif we are going to make loads of mistakes putting the numbers in andreading the answers.

From our point of view, binary has two drawbacks: the numbers aretoo long and secondly they are too tedious. If we have streams andstreams of ones and zeros we get bored, we lose our place and dosections twice and miss bits out.

The speed of light in m/s can be written in denary as 29979245910 orin binary as 100011101111001111000010010112. Try writing thesenumbers on a sheet of paper and we can be sure that the denarynumber will be found infinitely easier to handle. Incidentally, thisbinary number is less than half the length that a modern micro-processor can handle several millions of times a second with (almost)total accuracy.


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In trying to make a denary number even easier, we tend to split it upinto groups and would write or read it as 299 792 459. In this way, weare dealing with bite-sized portions and the 10 different digits ensurethat there is enough variety to keep us interested.

We can perform a similar trick with binary and split the number intogroups of four bits starting from the right-hand end as we do withdenary numbers.

1 0001 1101 1110 0111 1000 0100 1011

Already it looks more digestible.

Now, if we take a group of four bits, the lowest possible value is 00002

and the highest is 11112. If these binary numbers are converted todenary, the possibilities range from 0 to 15.

Hexadecimal, or ‘hex’ to its friends

Counting from 0 to 15 will mean 16 different digits and so has a baseof 16. What the digits look like really doesn’t matter. Nevertheless, wemay as well make it as simple as possible.

The first 10 are easy, we can just use 0123456789 as in denary. For thelast six we have decided to use the first six letters of the alphabet:ABCDEF or abcdef.

The hex system starts as:

Hex Denary

0 0

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

A 10

B 11

C 12

D 13

E 14

F 15

When we run out of digits, we just put a 1 in the second column andreset the first column to zero just as we always do.


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Hexadecimal – the way we communicate with micros

So the count will continue:

10 16

11 17

12 18

13 19

14 20

15 21

16 22

17 23

18 24

19 25

1A 26

1B 27

1C 28

1D 29

1E 30

1F 31

20 32

. . . and so on.

It takes a moment or two to get used to the idea of having numbers thatinclude letters but it soon passes. We must be careful to include thebase whenever necessary to avoid confusion. The base is usuallywritten as H, though h or 16 would still be acceptable.

‘One eight’ in hex is equal to twenty-four in denary. Notice how Iavoided quoting the hex number as eighteen. Eighteen is a denarynumber and does not exist in hex. If you read it in this manner itreinforces the fact that it is not a denary value.

Here are the main options in order of popularity:

16H = 2410

16H = 2410

16h = 2410

16h = 2410

1616 = 2410

The advantages of hex

1 It is very compact. Using a base of 16 means that the number ofdigits used to represent a given number is usually fewer than inbinary or denary.

2 It is easy to convert between hex and binary and fairly easy to gobetween hex and denary. Remember that the microprocessor onlyworks in binary, all the conversions between hex and binary arecarried out in other circuits (Figure 3.1).


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Converting denary to hex

The process follows the same pattern as we saw in the denary to binaryconversion.


1 Write down the denary number.

2 Divide it by 1610, put the whole number part of the answer underneath andthe remainder in the column to the right.

3 Keep going until the number being divided reaches zero.

4 Read the answer from the bottom to top of the remainders column.


A worked example

Convert the denary number 23 823 to hex

1 Write down the number to be converted

23 823

(OK so far).

2 Divide by 16. You will need a calculator. The answer is 1488.9375.The 1488 can be placed under the number being converted

23 823



Figure 3.1

Hex is a goodcompromise

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Hexadecimal – the way we communicate with micros

but there is the problem of the decimal part. It is 0.9375 and this isactually 0.9375 of 16. Multiply 0.9375 by 16 and the result is 15.Remember that this 15 needs to be written as a hex number – in thiscase F. When completed, this step looks like:

23 823

1488 F

3 Repeat the process by dividing the 1488 by 16 to give 93.0 There isno remainder so we can just enter the result as 93 with a zero in theremainder column.

23 823

1488 F

93 0

4 And once again, 93 divided by 16 is 5.8125. We enter the 5 underthe 93 and then multiply the 0.8125 by 16 to give 13 or D in hex

23 823

1488 F

93 0

5 D

5 This one is easy. Divide the 5 by 16 to get 0.3125. The answer hasnow reached zero and 0.3125 16 = 5. Enter the values in thenormal columns to give:

23 823




F = 5D0F



6 Read the hex number from the bottom upwards: 5D0FH (rememberthat the ‘H’ just means a hex number).


Convert 44 25610 into hex

44 256

2766 0

172 E

10 C

0 A



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A further example

Convert 540 70910 to hex

540 709

33 794 5

2112 2

132 0

8 4

0 8

= 84025H

So 540 70910 = 84025H but, especially when the hex number does notcontain any letters, be careful to include the base of the numbersotherwise life can become really confusing.

Converting hex to denary

To do this, we can use a similar method to the one we used to changebinary to denary.


Convert A40E5H to denary

1 Each column increases by 16 times as we move towards the right-hand side so the column values are:

164 163 162 161 160

65536 4096 256 16 1

2 Simply enter the hex number using the columns

65536 4096 256 16 1

A 4 0 E 5

3 Use your calculator to find the denary value of each column

65536 4096 256 16 1

A 4 0 E 5

655360 16384 0 224 5

The left-hand column has a hex value of 1010 (A = 10) so thecolumn value is 65536 10 = 655360. The next column is 4 4096 = 16384. The next column value is zero (256 0). The fourthcolumn has a total value of 16 14 = 224 (E = 14). The last columnis easy. It is just 1 5 = 5 no calculator needed!

4 Add up all the denary values:

655 360 + 16 384 + 0 + 224 + 5 = 671 97310


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Hexadecimal – the way we communicate with micros


1 Write down the column values using a calculator. Starting on with 160 (=1)on the right-hand side and increasing by 16 times in each column towardsthe left.

2 Enter the hex numbers in the appropriate column, converting them intodenary numbers as necessary. This means, for example, that we should write10 to replace an ‘A’ in the original number.

3 Multiply these denary numbers by the number at the column header toprovide a column total.

4 Add all the column totals to obtain the denary equivalent.

Another example

Convert 4BF0H to denary

163 162 161 160 column values

4096 256 16 1 column values

4 11 15 0 hex values

16 384 2816 240 0 denary column totals

Total = 16 384 + 2816 + 240 + 0 = 19 44010

Converting binary to hex

This is very easy. Four binary bits can have minimum and maximumvalues of 00002 up to 11112. Converting this into denary by putting inthe column headers of: 8, 4, 2 and 1 results in a minimum value of 0and a maximum value of 1510. Doesn’t this fit into hex perfectly!

This means that any group of four bits can be translated directly into asingle hex digit. Just put 8, 4, 2 and 1 over the group of bits and addup the values wherever a 1 appears in the binary group.


Convert 1000000101010112 to hex

Step 1 Starting from the right-hand end, chop the binary number into groups offour.

100/ 0000/ 1010/ 1011/

Step 2 Treat each group of four bits as a separate entity. The right-hand group is1011 so this will convert to:

8 4 2 1 column headers

1 0 1 1 binary number

8 0 2 1 column values


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The total will then be 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 1110 or in hex, B.

The right-hand side binary group can now be replaced by the hexvalue B.

100/ 0000/ 1010/ 1011/


Step 3 The second group can be treated in the same manner. The bits are 1010and by comparing them with the 8, 4, 2, 1 header values this means thetotal value is (8 1) + (4 0) + (2 1) + (1 1) = 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 =1010 or in hex, A.

We have now completed two of the groups.

100/ 0000/ 1010/ 1011/


Step 4 The next group consists of all zeros so we can go straight to an answerof zero. The result so far will be:

100/ 0000/ 1010/ 1011/

0 A B

Step 5 The last group is incomplete so only the column headings of 4, 2, and 1are used. In this case, the 4 is counted but the 2 and the 1 are ignoredbecause of the zeros. This gives a final result of:

100/ 0000/ 1010/ 1011/

4 0 A B

So, 1000000101010112 = 40ABH.

Having chopped up the binary number into groups of four the processis the same regardless of the length of the number. Always rememberto start chopping from the right-hand side.


Convert the number 11000111110012 to hex

Split it into groups of four starting from the right-hand side

1/ 1000/ 1111/ 1001/

Add column headers of 8 4 2 1 to each group

1 8421 8421 8421 column headings

1/ 1000/ 1111/ 1001 binary number

1 8 8421 81 column values

1 8 15 9 group value in denary

Now just convert group values to hex as necessary. In this exampleonly the second group 15, will need changing to F.

Final result is 11000111110012 = 18F9H.


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Hexadecimal – the way we communicate with micros

Converting hex to binary

This is just the reverse of the last process. Simply take each hexnumber and express it as a four bit binary number.

As we saw in the last section, a four-bit number has column headervalues of 8, 4, 2 and 1, so conversion is just a matter of using thesevalues to build up the required value. All columns used are given avalue of 1 in binary and all unused columns are left as zero.

When you are converting small numbers like 3H we must rememberto add zeros on the left-hand side to make sure that each hex digitbecomes a group of four bits.

Imagine that we would like to convert 5H to binary. Looking at thecolumn header values of 8, 4, 2 and 1, how can we make the value 5?The answer is to add a 4 and a 1. Taking each column in turn: we donot need to use an 8 so the first column is a 0. We do want a 4 so thisis selected by putting a 1 in this column, no 2 so make this 0 andfinally put a 1 in the last column to select the value of 1. The 5H isconverted to 01012. All values between 0 and FH are converted in asimilar way.


Convert 2F6CH to binary

Step 1 Write the whole hex number out with enough space to be able to put thebinary figures underneath

2 F 6 C

Step 2 Put the column header values below each hex digit

2 F 6 C

8421 8421 8421 8421

Step 3 The hex C is 1210 that can be made of 8 + 4 so we put a binary 1 in the8 and the 4 columns. The four-bit number is now 11002

2 F 6 C

8421 8421 8421 8421


Step 4 Now do the same for the next column. The hex number is 6, which ismade of 4 + 2, which are the middle two columns. This will result in thebinary group 01102

2 F 6 C

8421 8421 8421 8421

0110 1100


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Step 5 Since 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15, the hex F will become 11112

2 F 6 C

8421 8421 8421 8421

1111 0110 1100

Step 6 Finally, the last digit is 2 and since this corresponds to the value of thesecond column it will be written as 00102

2 F 6 C

8421 8421 8421 8421

0010 1111 0110 1100

The final result is 2F6CH = 00101111011011002.

But do we include the two leading zeros? There are two answers, ‘yes’and ‘no’ but that’s not very helpful. We need to ask another question:why did we do the conversion? were we doing math or micro-processors? If we were working on a microprocessor system then theresulting 16 bits would represent 16 voltages being carried on 16wires. As the numbers change, all the wires must be able to switchbetween 0 V and 3.3 V for binary levels 0 and 1. This means, of course,that all 16 wires must present so we should include the binary levelson all of them.

If the conversion was purely mathematical, then since leading (left-hand end) zeros have no mathematical value there is no point inincluding them in the answer.


1 Write down the hex number but make it well spaced.

2 Using the column header values of 8, 4, 2 and 1, convert each hex numberto a four bit binary number.

3 Add leading zeros to ensure that every hex digit is represented by fourbits.


Convert 1E08BH to binary

Step 1

1 E 0 8 B

8421 8421 8421 8421 8421

Step 2

0001 1110 0000 1000 1011

So, 1E08BH = 000111100000100010112.


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Hexadecimal – the way we communicate with micros

Using stepping stones

It is fairly easy to convert binary to hex and hex to binary. I find it mucheasier to multiply and divide by 2 rather than by 16, so when facedwith changing hex into denary and denary into hex I often changethem into binary first. It is a longer route but at least I can do it withoutmy calculator (see Figure 3.2).

Obsolete octal – probably not worth reading

Octal is another number system which has no advantages over hex butis still met from time to time. Only a brief look will be offered here justto make sure that we have at least mentioned it.

In hex, we used binary bits in groups of four because 11112 adds up to15 which is the value of the highest digit (F) in hex. In octal, we usegroups of three bits. The highest value is now 1112 which is 7. Octaltherefore has eight digits and counts from 0 to 7. The countproceeds:








There is no 8th digit so reset the count to 0 and put a 1 in the nextcolumn.


Figure 3.2

A longer route mayprove easier

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Now go straight to 20



No letters are involved and it is often not recognized as octal until werealize that none of the numbers involve the digits 8 or 9.

Conversions follow the same patterns as we have seen for hex.

Octal to denary: the column heading values are 84, 83, 82, 81, 80.

Denary to octal: divide by 8 and write down the remainder then readremainders from the bottom upwards. Use the subscript 8 to indicatean octal number, e.g. 6410 = 1008.

Octal to binary: write each octal digit down as a three digit binarygroup.

Binary to octal: start from the right-hand side and chop the binarynumbers into groups of three, then evaluate each group.

I think that is enough for octal. It’s (fairly) unlikely you will meet itagain so we can say ‘goodbye Octal’.

Quiz time 3

In each case, choose the best option.

1 Which of these represents the largest number?

(a) 10008

(b) 100010

(c) 10002

(d) 1000H

2 The number CD02H is equal to:

(a) 5248210

(b) 5422810

(c) 5632210

(d) 5284210


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Hexadecimal – the way we communicate with micros

3 The base of a number system is:

(a) always the same as the highest digit used in the system.(b) usually +5 or +3.3.(c) equal to the number of different digits used in the system.(d) one less than the highest single digit number in the system.

4 Which of these numbers is the same as101101110102:

(a) 164610

(b) 5BA16

(c) AB5H(d) B72h

5 The number of digits in a denary number is often:

(a) more than the number of digits in the equivalent binarynumber.

(b) less than or equal to the number of digits in the equivalent hexnumber.

(c) more than the number of digits in the equivalent hexnumber.

(d) more than the number of digits in the equivalent decimalnumber.


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4How micros calculate

How the microprocessor handles numbers (and letters)

In the last chapter, we saw how numbers could be represented inbinary and hex forms. Whether we think of a number as hex or binaryor indeed denary, inside the microprocessor it is only binary. Thewhole concept of hex is just to make life easier for us.

We may sit at a keyboard and enter a hex (or denary) number but thefirst job of any microprocessor-based system is to convert it to binary.All the arithmetic is done in binary and its last job is to convert it backto hex (or denary) just to keep us smiling.

There was a time when we had to enter binary and get raw binaryanswers but thankfully, those times have gone. Everything wasdefinitely NOT better in the ‘good old days’.

The form binary numbers take inside of the microprocessor dependson the system design and the work of the software programmers. Wewill take a look at the alternatives, starting with negative numbers.

In real life, it is easy, we just put a – symbol in front of the number andit is negative so +4 becomes –4. Easy, but we don’t have any way ofputting a minus sign inside the microprocessor. We have tried severalways round the problem.


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How micros calculate

Signed magnitude numbers

The first attempt seemed easy but it was false optimism. All we had todo was to use the first bit (msb) of the number to indicate the sign 1 =minus, 0 = plus.

This had two drawbacks.

1 It used up one of the bits so an 8-bit word could now only holdseven bits to represent numbers and one bit to say ‘plus’ or ‘minus’.The seven bits can now only count up to 11111112 = 127 whereasthe eight bits should count to 255.

2 If we added two binary numbers like +127 and +2, we wouldget:

The msb (most significant bit) of 1 means it is a minus number and theactual number is 0000001 = 1. So the final result of +127 + 2 is not129 but minus 1.

When we use a microprocessor to handle arithmetic with theseproblems, we can ensure that the microprocessor can recognize thistype of accidental negative number. We can arrange for the micro-processor to compensate for it but it is rather complicated and slow.

Luckily, a better system came along which has stood the test of time,having been used for many years.

Complementary numbers

This has two significant advantages:

1 It allows the full number of bits to be used for a number so an 8-bitword can count from 0 to 111111112 or 255.

2 It is easy to implement with addition and subtraction usingsubstantially the same circuitry.

So, how do we manage to use all eight bits for numbers yet still be ableto designate a number positive or negative?

That’s clever. We will start by looking at positive numbers first becauseit is so easy. All positive numbers from 0 to 255 are the same as we getby simply converting denary to binary numbers. So that’s done.





The msb means the

number is negative This part is the

number 1

↑ ↑

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ExampleAdd 01011010 + 00011011.

The steps are just the same as in ‘normal’ denary arithmetic.

Step 1 Lay them out and start from the lsb (least significant bit) or right-hand bit

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 +

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

Add the right-hand column and we have 0 + 1 = 1.

So we have

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 +

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1


Step 2 Next we add the two 1s in the next column. This results in 2, or 10 inbinary. Put the 0 in the answer box and carry the 1 forward to the nextcolumn

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 +

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

0 1


Step 3 The next column is easy 0 + 0 + 1 = 1

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 +

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

1 0 1


Step 4 The next line is like the second column, 1 + 1 = 10. This is written as ananswer of 0 and the 1 is carried forward to the next column

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 +

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

1 1

Step 5 We now have 1 in each row and a 1 carried forward so the next columnis 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 or 11 in binary. This is an answer of 1 and a 1 carriedforward to the next column

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 +

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1

1 1 1


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How micros calculate

Step 6 The next column is 0 + 0 + 1 = 1, and the next is 1 + 0 = 1 and the finalbit or msb is 0 + 0 = 0, so we can complete the sum

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 +

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 90 + 27 = 117

1 1 1


Here is a question to think about: What number could we add to 50 togive an answer of 27? In mathematical terms this would be written as50 + x = 27.

What number could x represent? Surely, anything we add to 50 mustmake the number larger unless it is a negative number like –23:

50 + (–23) = 27

The amazing thing is that there is a number that can have the sameeffect as a negative number, even though it has no minus sign in frontof it. It is called a ‘two’s complement’ number.

Our sum now becomes:

50 + (the two’s complement of 23) = 27

This magic number is the two’s complement of 23 and finding it is verysimple.

How to find the two’s complement of any binary number

Invert each bit, then add 1 to the answer

All we have to do is to take the number we want to subtract (in itsbinary form) and invert each bit so every one becomes a zero and eachzero becomes a one. Note: technically the result of this inversion iscalled the ‘one’s complement’ of 23. The mechanics of doing it will bediscussed in the next chapter but it is very simple and the facility isbuilt into all microprocessors at virtually zero cost.

Converting the 23 into a binary number gives the result of 000101112

(using eight bits). Then invert each bit to give the number 111010002

then add 1. The resulting number is then referred to as the ‘two’scomplement’ of 23.

1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 The one’s complement

1 +

1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 The two’s complement


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In this example, we used 8-bit numbers but the arithmetic would beexactly the same with 16 bits or indeed 32 or 64 bits or any othernumber.

Doing the sumWe now simply add the 50 and the two’s complement of 23:

50 + (the two’s complement of 23) = 27

1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 50

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 + The two’s complement of 23

1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Answer is 27


The answer is 100011011.

Count the bits. There are nine! We have had a carry in the last columnthat has created a ninth column. Inside the microprocessor, there isonly space for eight bits so the ninth one is not used. If we were to askthe microprocessor for the answer to this addition, it would only giveus the 8-bit answer: 000110112 or in denary, 27. We’ve done it! We’vegot the right answer!

It was quite a struggle so let’s make a quick summary of what wedid.

1 Convert both numbers to binary.2 Find the two’s complement of the number you are taking away.3 Add the two numbers.4 Delete the msb of the answer.


A few reminders1 Only find the two’s complement of the number you are taking away

– NOT both numbers.2 If you have done the arithmetic correctly, the answer will always

have an extra column to be deleted.3 If the numbers do not have the same number of bits, add leading

zeros as necessary as a first job. Don’t leave until later. Both of thenumbers must have the same number of bits. They can be 8-bitnumbers as we used, or 16, or 32 or anything else so long as theyare equal.

A quick way to find the two’s complement of a binary number

Start from the left-hand end and invert each bit until you come to thelast figure 1. Don’t invert this figure and don’t invert anything afterit.


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Example 1What is –2410 expressed as an 8-bit two’s complement binarynumber?

1 Change the 2410 into binary. This will be 11000.2 Add leading zeros to make it an 8-bit number. This is now

00011000.3 Now start inverting each bit, working from the left until we come to

the last figure ‘1’. Don’t invert it, and don’t invert the three zeros thatfollow it.

Example 2What is –10010 expressed as a 16-bit two’s complement binarynumber?

1 Convert the 10010 into binary. This gives 11001002.2 Add nine leading zeros to make the result the 16-bit number

0000000001100100.3 Now, using the quick method, find the two’s complement:

The result is 1111 1111 1001 1100

Example 3Find the value of 1011 01112 – 00 10112 using two’s complementaddition.

1 The second number has only six bits so add two zeros on the left-hand end to give 1011 0111 – 0000 1011.

2 Invert each bit in the number to be subtracted to find the one’scomplement. This changes the 00001011 to 11110100.

3 Add 1 to give the two’s complement: 11110100 + 1 = 11110101 (ordo it the quick way).





0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0


these Result is 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0




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4 Add the first number to the two’s complement of the second number:

1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 +

1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 The result so far is 110101100 which includes that extra carry so wecross off the msb to give the final answer of 101011002.

Floating point numbers

Eight-bit numbers are limited to a maximum value of 111111112 or25510. So, 0 – 255 means a total of 256 different numbers. Not verymany. 32-bit numbers can manage about 41⁄4 billion. This is quiteenough for everyday work, though Bill Gates’ bank manager may stillfind it limiting. The problem is that scientific studies involve extremelylarge numbers as found in astronomy and very small distances as innuclear physics.

So how do we cater for these? We could wait around for a 128-bitmicroprocessor, and then wait for a 256-bit microprocessor and so on.No, really, the favourite option is to have a look at alternative ways ofhandling a wide range of numbers. Rather than write a number like 100we could write it as 1 102. Written this way it indicates that thenumber is 1 followed by two zeros and so a billion would be writtenas 1 109. In a similar way, 0.001 is a 1 preceded by two zeros wouldbe written as 1 10–3 and a billionth, 0.000000001, would be 1 10–9. The negative power of ten is one greater than the number of zeros.By using floating point numbers, we can easily go up to 1 1099 ordown to 1 10–99 without greatly increasing the number of digits.

Fancy names

NormalizingChanging a number from the everyday version like 275 to 2.75 102

is called normalizing the number. The first number always starts witha single digit between 1 and 9 followed by a power of ten.

In binary we do the same thing except the decimal point is now calleda binary point and the first number is always 1 followed by a power oftwo as necessary.

Three examples1 Using the same figure of 275, this could be converted to 100010011

in binary. This number is normalized to 1.00010011 28.2 A number like 0.00010012 will have its binary point moved four

places to the right to put the binary point just after the first figure 1so the normalized number can be written as 1.001 2–4.


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3 The number 1.1012 is already normalized so the binary point doesnot need to be moved so, in a formal way, it would be written as1.101 20.

A useless factAnything with a power of zero is equal to 1. So 20 = 1, 100 = 1. It istempting but total nonsense to use this fact to argue that since 20 = 1and 100 = 1 then 2 must equal 10!


There are some more fancy names given to the parts of the number tomake them really scary.

The exponent is the power of ten, in this example, 9. The mantissa, ormagnitude, is the number, in this case 8.0245. The radix is the base ofthe number system being used, 2 for binary, 16 for hex, 10 fordecimal.

Storing floating point numbers

In a microprocessor, the floating point is a binary number. Now, in thecase of a binary number, the mantissa always starts with 1 followed bythe binary point. For example, a five digit binary mantissa would bebetween 1.0000 and 1.1111.

Since all mantissas in a binary system start with the number 1 and thebinary point, we can save storage space by missing them out and justassuming their presence. The range above would now be stored as0000 to 1111.

It is usual to use a 32-bit storage area for a floating point number. Howthese 32 bits are organized is not standardized so be careful to checkbefore making any assumptions. Within those 32 bits, we have toinclude the exponent and the mantissa which can both be positive ornegative. One of the more popular methods is outlined below.



A normalized number: 8.0245 109



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Exponent Mantissa S

Bit 31 24 23 1 0

Bit 0 is used to hold the sign-bit for the mantissa using the normalconvention of 0 = positive and 1 = negative.

Bits 1–23 hold the mantissa in normal binary.

Bits 24–31 hold the exponent. The eight digits are used to representnumbers from –127 to +128 using either two’s complement numbersor excess-127 notation.

We have already met two’s complement numbers earlier in thischapter so we will look at excess-127 notation now.

Excess-127 notation

This is very simple, despite its impressive name. To find the exponentjust add 127 to its value then convert the result to binary. This additionwill ensure that all exponents have values between 0 and 255, i.e. allpositive values.

ExampleIf the exponent is –35 then we add 127 to give the result 92, which wecan then convert to binary (01011100).

When the value is to be taken out of storage and converted back to abinary number, the above process is reversed by subtracting the 127from the exponent.

Size, accuracy and speed

The mantissa can go as high as 1.1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1112. Tothe right of the binary point the decimal equivalents are values of 1.5+ 0.25 + 0.125 + 0.0625 etc. Adding these up gives a total that isvirtually 2 – but not quite. The larger the number of bits in themantissa, the more accuracy we can expect in the result. The exponenthas eight bits so it can range from –127 to +128 giving a maximumnumber of 1 2128 which is approximately 3.4 1038. The accuracyis limited by the number of bits that can be stored in the mantissa,which in this case is 23 bits.

If we want to keep to a total of 32 bits, then we have a trade-off toconsider. Any increase in the size of the exponent, to give us largernumbers, must be matched by reducing the number of bits in themantissa that would have the effect of reducing the accuracy. Floatingpoint operations per second (FLOPS) is one of the choices formeasuring speed.


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How micros calculate

IBM are building (2002) a new super computer employing amillion microprocessors. The Blue Gene project will result in acomputer running at a speed of over a thousand million millionoperations per second (1 petaflop). This is a thousand times fasterthat the Intel 1998 world speed record or about two million timesfaster than the current top-of-the-range desktop computers.

Single and double precision

If we need more accuracy, an alternative method is to increase thenumber of bits that can be used to store the number from 32 (single-precision) to 64 (double-precision). If this extra storage space isdevoted to increasing the mantissa bits, then the accuracy is increasedsignificantly.

Binary coded decimal (BCD)

Binary coded decimal numbers are very simple. Each decimal digit isconverted to binary and written as a 4-bit or 8-bit binary number. Thenumber 5 would be written as 01012 or 000001012. So far, this is thesame as ‘ordinary’ binary but the change occurs when we have moredigits.

Consider the number 2510. In regular binary this would convert to110012. Alternatively, we could convert each digit separately to 4-bitor 8-bit numbers:

2 = 00102 or 0000 00102

5 = 01012 or 0000 01012

Putting these together, 2510 could be written using the 4-bit numbersas 0010 01012. This uses one byte and is called Packed BCD.

Alternatively, we could use the 8-bit formats and express 2510 as 00000010 0000 01012 and would now use two bytes. This is calledUnpacked BCD.

There are two disadvantages. Firstly, many numbers are of increasedlength after converting to BCD, particularly so if we use unpackedBCD or the numbers are very large like 25 1075. In addition,arithmetic is much more difficult although, generally, microprocessorsdo have the ability to handle them.

The advantage becomes apparent when the microprocessor iscontrolling an external device like digits on displays at a filling stationor accepting inputs from a keyboard. The coding is simple and doesnot involve the conversion of the numbers to binary.


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OverallArithmetic → use binaryInputting and outputting numbers → use BCD

Quiz time 4

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The number –3510, when expressed as an 8-bitbinary number in two’s complement form, is:

(a) 00100011.(b) 1111011101.(c) 11011101.(d) 00110101.

2 The number 710 converted to an unpacked BCDformat would be written as:

(a) 1110 0000.(b) 7H.(c) 0000 0111.(d) 0111.

3 The signed magnitude number 110011002 isequivalent to:

(a) –7610.(b) 20410.(c) CCH.(d) 121210.

4 In the number 0.5 1024 the number:

(a) 10 is the mantissa.(b) 24 is the exponent.(c) 0 is the sign bit.(d) 5 is the radix.

5 A signed magnitude number that has a figure:

(a) zero as the msb is a negative number.(b) one as the lsb is a negative number.(c) one as the msb is a negative number.(d) zero as the lsb is a negative number.


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5An introduction to logic

gates and their uses

Opening and closing gates

In the last chapter the binary values zero and one are represented bytwo different voltages. Binary zero is a voltage close to 0 V and binaryone by a voltage close to +5 V (some logic circuits use other voltagelevels but this is a popular value and will serve as an example).

A gate is a simple electronic circuit that has a single output voltage thatcorresponds to one of the two binary values. These gates are oftenreferred to as ‘logic gates’ and the output voltages as ‘logic 0’ or ‘logic1’ instead of binary 0 and 1. The distinction is just in the name. If youwere to ask a mathematician or a computer programmer, they willrefer to the outputs as binary values but an electronics engineer willcall them logic levels. It really doesn’t matter.

What decides the output voltage?

We connect one or more voltages to the input of the gate. These inputvoltages are either logic 0 or logic 1 levels. The logic gate looks at theinput voltages and ‘decides’, depending on its design, what voltage toproduce at the output of the circuit.

There are only four basic designs of gate. They are called the NOT gate,the AND gate, the OR gate and the XOR gate. Notice how we use capitalletters for the names of the gates otherwise we can finish up with somealmost indecipherable sentences. Not not or and not and or not . . .


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A little reminder before we start. Logic gates are clever little chaps butthey are not magic. Just like any other electronic circuit, they needpower supplies to make them work. Now, because all gates andmicroprocessors need power supplies, we tend to assume thateveryone knows that. You will notice that power supplies are notshown in any of the diagrams in this chapter but that doesn’t mean thatthey are not there!

We will explore these gates now, starting from the simplest.

The NOT gate

It has only one input and performs a very simple function. It simplyreverses the binary value. If we put a logic 1 into it, we get a logic 0 at theoutput. Similarly, a 0 at the input gives a 1 at the output. On a diagram,we represent a NOT gate by a symbol as shown in Figure 5.1.

A truth table

This is an alternative to the wordy description of how a gate works. Itsimply lists all the possible inputs to the gate together with thecorresponding outputs. The truth table for a NOT gate is really easy.There are only two possible inputs: 0 and 1 as we can see in Figure5.2.

So, how is it used in the microprocessor?

The truth table only shows what happens to a single bit but in themicroprocessor we may want to use a NOT gate to invert a hexnumber like A4H. In this case the hex number is first converted toan 8-bit binary number. This process is not performed by the


Figure 5.1

Symbols for a NOT gate

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An introduction to logic gates and their uses

microprocessor but by other external circuits. By the time it reachesthe microprocessor it has been converted to the binary equivalent of101001002.

The NOT gate has only one input so, to handle an 8-bit binary word,we will need eight NOT gates. Now it becomes much easier. EachNOT gate inverts just one of the bits and all the outputs are groupedtogether to form a new hex number. See how it works in Figure 5.3.The result was the hex number 5BH. This is curious. If we add A4H tothis result of 5BH we get FFH or all ‘ones’ in binary, 111111112. Therewas nothing special about the number A4H. It happens with any pairof numbers generated by NOT gates. Why is this? Figure 5.3 gives aclue.


Figure 5.2

The truth table fora NOT gate

Figure 5.3

Inverting a hexnumber

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A little extra bitWe can show an inversion by drawing a line over the top. In Figure 5.2the input was given the letter A and the output was shown as X. Wecould say: X = A.

AND gate

Unlike the NOT gate, an AND gate has more than one input. In fact wecan have as many inputs as we like but the good news is that inmicroprocessors only two inputs are used. This simplifies the symbolsand the truth tables considerably.

An AND gate is any circuit that gives a logic (or binary) 1 if (andonly if) every input to the circuit is at logic 1. So in microprocessors,with only two inputs, it is easier to say that it gives a 1 out if both ofthe inputs is at logic 1. The symbols for the AND gate are shown inFigure 5.4.

The truth table in Figure 5.5 has four rows to cover all the possiblecombinations of inputs.

What is the point of an AND gate?We often meet an AND gate without realizing it. When we climb intoan elevator the door must be closed AND the floor button pressedbefore the motor will start. This is an AND gate in action.

In a microprocessor, groups of AND gates are used to handle pairsof inputs at the same time just like we did with the NOT gates. Forconvenience we usually use hex numbers to describe groups of


Figure 5.4

Symbols for an AND gate

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inputs and outputs but remember it’s all really happening inbinary.

Unless we appreciate that the hex numbers are really just groups ofones and zeros, it may seem odd to talk about putting numbersthrough AND gates. Figure 5.6 may make it (a little) clearer. In thisfigure, we have used hex inputs of 37H and 5BH giving a result of13H. Note that the AND gate does not add numbers.

A little extra bitIn data books and manuals, the AND function is abbreviated to a dotlike a period (full-stop). So, if an AND gate had two inputs called A andB and an output called X, then we could write X = A.B

Sometimes it is further simplified to X = AB

Very occasionally we come across a symbol so we can writeX = A B.


Figure 5.5

The truth table for anAND gate

Figure 5.6

An AND gate inaction

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The NAND gate

The word NAND is just a fancy contraction of NOT and AND. TheNAND gate is just an AND gate followed by a NOT gate so all theoutputs shown in the AND truth table are just inverted by the NOTgate.

On a diagram, this combination is indicated by putting a small circleon the end of the symbol. The symbol and truth table are shown inFigure 5.7.

It is better not to make a big effort to learn the NAND gate. Justremember that it’s the same as the AND gate except the output hasbeen inverted by the NOT gate that has been added internally.

The symbol has a line over the top to indicate the added NOTfunction. A two input NAND could be written as X = A.B or X = AB orvery occasionally X = A B.

The OR gate

This follows on nicely from the AND gate. The OR gate gives alogic one at its output if either (or both) of the inputs is at a logicone. Just like the AND gate, the OR gate can have as many inputsas we wish but in a microprocessor, we only use two inputversions. Its symbols and truth table are shown in Figures 5.8 and5.9.


Figure 5.7

The truth tablefor a NANDgate

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An introduction to logic gates and their uses

Another extra bitThe OR function can be written as + or sometimes . So, if an OR gatehad two inputs called A and B and an output called X, then we couldwrite X = A + B or X = A B. Don’t mistake this + sign as ‘plus’ as inaddition 3 + 4 = 7.

The NOR gate

As we would expect, this is just the same as the OR gate except for theNOT gate added to the output. The symbol has the inversion line overit to give X = A + B or A B (see Figure 5.10).


Figure 5.8

Symbols for an OR gate

Figure 5.9

The truth table for anOR gate

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The XOR gate

This is called the Exclusive-OR gate, which is abbreviated to XOR orEOR. Here are two examples of everyday English, both using the word‘or’.

We get into an elevator and the operator says to us ‘Do you want to goup or down?’ We have a choice, we can decide to go up or we can godown. We have two possible answers – ‘up’ or ‘down’.

On the way home we buy a burger. We are asked ‘Do you wantketchup or mustard?’ This time we could answer ‘ketchup’ or‘mustard’ or we could say ‘both’.


Figure 5.10

The NOR gate

Figure 5.11

The XOR ordifference gate

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This is a fine example of how we can make something which is reallyeasy appear difficult. The word ‘or’ in English has two differentmeanings which can be referred to as exclusive and inclusive. The firstexample used the exclusive ‘or’ because we could have one or theother but not both. The second situation uses the inclusive ‘or’ becausewe could have one or the other or both. We use both meaningseveryday and understand them so well that we know automaticallywhich one is meant.

In the XOR gate the output is a logic one if either input is a logic 1 butnot both. Only two-input XOR gates are manufactured, whether foruse in a microprocessor or not (see Figure 5.11).

To look at it in another way, the output from an XOR is a logic one ifthe two inputs are different. For this reason, it is often called a‘Difference’ gate.

The electronic padlock

When we want to take some money out of our bank account we cango to the money machine and pop our card in. It then asks us to keyin our code number which is usually a four-digit number. If the numberis correct, we have access to our account.

In the background is a microprocessor with two useful attributes:

1 Microprocessors are very good at spotting whether a number is zeroor not.

2 They contain a series of XOR gates.

So how can it check my number? One easy method is to compare ourkeyed-in number with the number read from the magnetic strip on theback of the card. Each of our code numbers is treated as a hex numberand converted to a four-bit binary number. This results in one 16-bitbinary number from the keyboard and another from the magnetic stripon the card, which now have to be compared.

Inside the microprocessor are 16 XOR gates each with two inputs –one from the card and one from the keyboard. Every time the bitscoincide, whether they are both zeros or both ones, the output will bea zero.

The 16 results are quickly scanned looking for any output which is notzero. This would indicate an incorrect number. The process is shownin Figure 5.12 but for clarity, only four of the XOR gates have beenshown. In real life, there will be 16 of them, of course.

The extra bitThe XOR function can be written as . So, if an XOR gate had inputscalled A and B and an output called X, then it would be abbreviatedas X = A B.


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The XNOR (or ENOR) gate

This is the inverted version of the XOR gate. These result in the outputbeing at logic 1 only when the two inputs have the same value or areequivalent. For this reason, it is often referred to as the Equivalencegate (see Figure 5.13).


Figure 5.12

Using an XORgate to comparenumbers

Figure 5.13

The truth table foran XNOR orequivalence gate

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An introduction to logic gates and their uses

The tri-state buffer

This looks like a logic gate but behaves more like a switch. In Figure5.14 we can see that it is quite simple having only an input, an outputand another connection called an ‘enable’. The purpose of the enableline is to switch the buffer on or off. When the buffer is switched on, anysignal applied to the input appears at the output and when it is switchedoff, the buffer is disconnected so that there is no output signal present.

So, why not just use a switch?The problem with a switch is that, once closed, the input and outputare physically joined so that input and output circuits are connectedtogether. The buffer is a one-way device for signals so that the outputis isolated from the input to prevent any changes in the next circuitfrom interfering with the input circuits.

Look for the circlesIn the NOT, NAND NOR and XNOR gates a small circle was shownat the output to indicate that the output has been inverted. The same


Figure 5.14

A tri-state buffer islike a switch

Figure 5.15

An active-low tri-statebuffer

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thing occurs with the buffer. If a circle is shown, the output is aninverted copy of the input.

We apply a similar convention to the enable input. If the input has tobe a logic 1 level to switch it on, then it is as shown in Figure 5.15. If,however, the enable input has to be a logic 0 to enable it a small circleis shown at the point where the enable line connects with the buffer.When the buffer is switched off, it is said to be disabled. This wouldgive us four possible buffers as in Figure 5.16.

Quiz time 5

In each case, choose the best option.

1 Which of the gates shown in Figure 5.17 would havean output of logic zero?

(a) A, B, C.(b) A and D.(c) B and D.(d) None of them.


Figure 5.16

The four types of tri-state buffer

Figure 5.17

Which outputs areat logic 0?

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An introduction to logic gates and their uses

2 If the hex number 4C is applied to eight NOT gates,the output would have the value of:

(a) B3.(b) 4C.(c) FF.(d) CD.

3 Which two-input gate has an output of logic 0 whenboth inputs are at logic 1:

(a) OR.(b) AND.(c) NOT.(d) XOR.

4 A gate is:

(a) necessary to keep the cattle in the field.(b) always operated from a supply of +5 V.(c) an electronic circuit with three connecting wires.(d) an electronic switching circuit whose output voltage depends

on the inputs.

5 Adding the input and output binary values of a NOTgate:

(a) can be 0, 1 or 2 depending on the inputs.(b) will give a voltage around 2.5 V.(c) always results in 1.(d) is not possible.


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6Registers and memories

The logic gates that we met in the last chapter occur in their millionsin microprocessors and in the surrounding circuitry. They are to befound in all microprocessors from the oldest and simplest, to this years’‘Ultimate Wonder Child’ and even next year’s ‘New and ImprovedUltimate Wonder Child MkII’.

When logic gates are used in a microprocessor, they are usuallygrouped together into circuits, called flip-flops, each one being able tostore a single binary digit.

A flip-flop or bistable

A flip-flop or bistable is a circuit that can store a single binary bit –either 0 or 1. One useful characteristic of the flip-flop is that it can onlyhave an output of 0 or 1. It cannot hover somewhere in between. Theflip-flop is shown in Figure 6.1. The purpose of the clock input is to tellthe flip-flop when to accept the new input level.

The sequence of the events is:

1 Apply the binary level to be stored.2 Wait a short time (a few nanoseconds) until the voltage is properly

established.3 Apply a signal to the clock input to tell the flip-flop to memorize the

signal present at the input.


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Why do we have to wait?When we apply a voltage to a length of wire, we would hope that thevoltage changes as in Figure 6.2. Unfortunately, it takes a fewnanoseconds to settle down. The rise of voltage travels along theconnecting wire and is reflected from the end causing another voltageto be reflected towards the input. This reflection is itself reflected andafter repeated reflections, the voltage slowly settles down to its newlevel as in Figure 6.3. This occurs if we suddenly tip a bucket of waterinto a half-filled bath. The added water sets up a wave that is reflected


Figure 6.1

A flip-flop – thebasic buildingblock of amicroprocessor

Figure 6.2

A voltage isswitched on – howwe would like it tochange

Figure 6.3

A voltage isswitched on – whatreally happens?

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backwards and forwards along the bath as the new level is established.If we didn’t wait for the voltage to settle down, we could accidentallystore an incorrect value.

And what about the clock signal?This is just an input to tell the flip-flop that it is time to read the inputlevel. All microprocessor operations are carefully timed by clockpulses to ensure that the system operates in the correct sequence.

The clock signal is usually a positive-going voltage pulse. This pulsecan be used to switch two circuits at different times by designing onecircuit to respond to an increasing voltage and the other to use adecreasing voltage. If, for example, the pulse in Figure 6.4 were to be10 ns wide then this could create the required delay for the voltage tosettle. The circuit supplying the input voltage is kicked into action bythe positive-going edge and then 10 ns later the negative-going edgeinstructs the flip-flop to save the data present at that time.

A register

A register is just a collection of flip-flops. A flip-flop can only store onebit so to handle 32 bits at a time we would need 32 flip-flops andwould refer to this as a 32-bit register. To save space, Figure 6.5 showsan 8-bit register.

The register has two distinct groups of connections: the data bits 0 to7 and the control signals. The data connections or data lines carry the


Figure 6.4

Using a clockpulse to controltiming of acircuit

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Registers and memories

binary levels in or out of the register. The number of data linesdetermines the size of the register so a 64-bit register would have 64data connections.

The three control signals include two new ones

1 Enable. This is a simple on/off switch for the register. We met this inChapter 5 with the tri-state buffer. The line over the top of the wordindicates that it is ‘on’ when this line is ‘low’ or at logic zero. Wetend to say the line is ‘active low’ in this situation. Therefore, itfollows that the register is disabled or switched ‘off’ when the enableline is at logic 1 or ‘high’. Nearly all control lines are active low. Thebenefit of having the enable line is that we are able to disconnect aregister without doing any physical uncoupling of links etc.

2 Read/write. The terms ‘read’ and ‘write’ are used to describe thedirection of data movement. We ‘write’ data into a register then‘read’ the data to recover it.

You may remember that the flip-flop in Figure 6.1 included a separateline for reading the data and another for writing. Now, while this wasOK with a single flip-flop, a 64-bit register would require 128 lines justto carry the data in and out. By using the tri-state buffer from Chapter5, we can use each line to read and write data as required. The tri-statebuffers are all controlled by the logic level applied to the read/writeline. The normal convention applies – the line over the ‘write’ meansthat this line is taken low to write data and, of course, high to readdata.

It may be interesting to look inside the register to see how the tri-state buffer is used to achieve this two-way traffic on a single wire.Have a look at Figure 6.6. Two tri-state buffers are connected back-to-back. In the first example, logic 1 input will enable the top buffer.The control voltage is inverted to a logic 0, which then disables the


Figure 6.5

An 8-bit register

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lower buffer. Data can now flow from left to right. When the controlsignal changes to a logic 0, the top buffer is disabled and the lowerone is enabled and the reverse direction of data flow is possible.Note how two buffers and an inverter are used for each line to becontrolled. A single control line is used to switch all the data lines atthe same time.

What are registers for?

Registers are storage areas inside the microprocessor. Almost thewhole of the microprocessor is made of registers. They store the datathat is going to be used, they store the instructions that are to be usedand they store the results obtained. Nearly all registers involve tri-statebuffers to control the direction of data flow.

In most cases, the data to be stored is applied to the inputs of theregister and, after a short pause to let the voltages stabilize, the registeris enabled by the voltage on the enable control. The information isthen safely stored until it is next required.


Figure 6.6

Two-waydata flow

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The sequence is:

1 The read/write line is taken to logic 0 to allow the register to receivedata from an external source.

2 The enable control switches ON the tri-state buffers at the input toeach flip-flop.

3 The data is written to each flip-flop and then the enable control putsthe register to sleep until the next time it is needed.

How long can it be stored?

It will be stored until the power supplies are removed – either by anequipment fault or, more usually, by the system being switched off.The data does not deteriorate in storage.

Shift registers

These are a variation on the register theme. They still consist of groupof flip-flops but the interconnections have been changed. Have a lookat the arrangement in Figure 6.7 and see if you can guess the likelyoutcome.

This is called a shift register because the data is shifted from one flip-flop to the next each time the clock pulse occurs. Specifically, the oneshown is a shift left register because each bit moves one place to theleft on each clock pulse. All the bits move at the same time. The lastone in bit 7 drops off the end and is lost while at the other end, a newbit is entered into bit 0.

In Figure 6.8, the register has been loaded with the binary equivalentof 3610 or 24H and a series of zeros has been chosen to be loaded atthe bit 0 end.


Figure 6.7

A shift-left register

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Follow the sequence through and in particular note what happens tothe numbers stored:

1 After one clock pulse, all the bits will have moved one place to theleft. A new ‘0’ will have entered bit 0 and the last, which was in bit7, will have fallen off the end of the world. The bits stored at thistime are 01001000 and the numerical value is 48H or, in denary,7210. Notice how shifting the bits to the left has multiplied the valueby 2.

2 After eight clock pulses, all the existing data in the register will havebeen flushed out and refilled with zeros. The register will hold thenumber zero so there is a limit to how many times we can multiplyby shifting the register.

3 After 5000 clock pulses, it is still full of zeros. Admittedly, they willbe new zeros that have replaced the others but that will not makeany difference.

What happens if we don’t apply any input data to enter bit 0?If the input connection is simply left unconnected, there will be novoltage information coming in to the first flip-flop. The input is said tobe ‘floating’ and will assume some voltage which may be low or high.As the clock pulses are applied this may well result in random data


Figure 6.8

A shift-leftregister inaction

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entering the register. Random data is of no help to anyone so wenormally overcome this problem by building in a bias in the design ofthe register to make it have a tendency to move towards one logic levelrather than the other. It is up to the manufacturer but most floatinginputs will float high and enter ones.

The shift register considered has been a shift-left register, which meansthat the information is fed in at the right-hand end and movesprogressively towards the left along the register until it drops off theend.

By re-arranging the register, it is easy to produce a shift-right register asin Figure 6.9. This has all the same properties except it shifts datatowards the right and divides the number by two each time the clockpulse is entered. Compare Figures 6.7 and 6.9.

A real world use for a shift register

It is interesting that a shift register can perform simple multiplicationand division but it can do many jobs that are more interesting.

One example would be automatic checking of inputs. In Figure 6.10it is controlling an automatic ticket dispenser. The customer insertssome money and presses any button of the eight available to obtain theticket required – but which button was pressed?

As a button is pressed the voltage output can be designed to changefrom logic 0 to logic 1 so to start with, we can assume no buttons arepressed and the response from each button is zero. Along comes acustomer who, having read the instructions, inserted some money andre-read the instructions and stared at the buttons, eventually decides topress a button.

Pressing a button generates a burst of eight clock pulses and the valueof each button is loaded into the shift register. Once the button hasbeen pressed the zeros and ones corresponding to each of the buttons


Figure 6.9

A shift-rightregister

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is loaded into the shift register. The output from each button is madeavailable to external circuits and one such circuit will be activated anda ticket will drop down the chute.

For how long would the customer have to press the button?The microprocessor is amazingly fast compared with us. If we feel thetemperature of a piece of metal and it is too hot, we immediately takeour hand off. But how long did this take? For most people the time tothink and then respond would be about one-tenth of a second. Insport, it means that the person at the receiving end must use bodymovement or magic to predict what is going to happen. Waiting torespond to the flight of the ball will make them too late.

Most people would therefore press a button for at least 0.1 s. So whatcan the microprocessor do in the same 0.1 s? A modern micro-processor can check a button in about 0.25 µs or 0.25 millionths of asecond. In other words, it can check about 4 000 000 buttons in asecond.

We have a best response time of 0.1 s. The microprocessor has aresponse time of about 0.25 s. This means than the microprocessorlives at a speed of about 400 000 times faster than us. Can you imaginehow we would feel faced with a creature called a ‘Waitabit’ thatmoves 400 000 times slower than us? It would take 11 hours to pressthe button. After all that effort, it may run off at 3 cm/h (1.2 in/h) tospend 11 years having a cup of coffee. By way of compensation, it maywell live for 28 million years!

Rotate registers

These are modified versions of the shift registers. There are only twosimple changes necessary. The first is that the data is loaded in parallel.


Figure 6.10

Using a shift register

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This means that the data is loaded into each flip-flop in the register atthe same time. This requires a separate connection to carry each bitbut the good news is all the data is loaded under the control of a singleclock pulse so it is very much faster. Once loaded, subsequent clockpulses cause the data to be moved along the register as before. The lastbit of data is connected back to the other end of the register instead ofdropping off the end into our bin. Have a look at Figures 6.11 and6.12.

As with shift registers, rotate registers can be made in rotate right aswell as left versions. In microprocessors, the same register can be usedto rotate or shift in either direction.

The benefit of using a rotate rather than a shift register is that the datais not destroyed. We have seen that a shift register is progressivelyemptied as bits fall into the bin at the end. With a rotate register, thedata is not changed. If we rotate left say, six times, we only have torotate right six times to recover all the original data.


Figure 6.11

A rotate-left register

Figure 6.12

Datamovement ina rotate-leftregister

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The function of a memory is to store information – almost the same aswe said for the register. Generally, a register lives within themicroprocessor and stores small quantities of data for immediate useand it can do useful little tricks like shift and rotate. A memory isdesigned for bulk storage of data but that is all it can do – no tricks thistime.

Well, almost no tricks – some types can remember the data even whenthe power is switched off. The ability to remember data after the poweris switched off is the dividing line between the two main types ofmemory. If it loses its data when the power is switched off, then we callthe memory RAM or volatile memory. If it can hold on to the datawithout power, we call it ROM or non-volatile memory (volatile means‘able to evaporate’). This is seen in Figure 6.13.


The letters RAM stands for Random Access Memory which is a silly,out-of-date, name. It should be called read/write memory or RWM butit is so difficult to get something to change once it is established.Anyway, let’s leave the name for the moment and look at thememory.

The memory comes in an integrated circuit looking like a smallmicroprocessor and is usually called a memory chip. Inside, there area large number of registers, hundreds, thousands, millions dependingon the size of the memory. Incidentally, when we are referring tomemories, we use the word ‘cell’ instead of register even though theyare the same thing.

So, each of the internal cells may have 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits storedin flip-flops. Figure 6.14 shows the register layout in a very smallmemory containing only 16 cells or locations, each of which can hold4 bits and is given a memory number or address.


Figure 6.13

The two classes ofmemory

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This RAM word

In prehistoric computing days, the memory would be loaded in order.The first group of bits would go into location 0, the next would go intolocation 2, then location 3 and so on rather like a shift register. Thismeant that the time to load or recover the information would increaseas we started to fill the memory and have to move further down thememory. This was called sequential access memory (or serial accessmemory), abbreviated to SAM. This was OK when a large computermay hold 256 bits of information but would be impossibly slow if wetried this trick with a gigabyte.

To overcome this problem, we developed a way to access any memorylocation in the same amount of time regardless of where in thememory it happens to be stored. This system was called randomaccess memory or RAM.

All memory, whether volatile or non-volatile is now designed asrandom access memory so it would be much better to divide the twotypes of memory into read/write and read only memory. But it won’thappen, RAM is too firmly entrenched.

Accessing memory

Each location in a memory is given a number, called an address. InFigure 6.14, the 16 locations of memory would be numbered from0 to 15, or in binary 0000–11112. The cells are formed into arectangular layout, in this case a 4 4 square with four columnsand four rows.


Figure 6.14

The layout of cells ina memory

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To use a cell, the row containing the cell must be selected and thecolumn containing the cell must also be activated. The shaded cell inFigure 6.15 has the address 0110 which means that it is in row 01 andin column 10.

To access this cell we need to apply the binary address to the row andcolumn decoders. When the address 0110 is applied, the first half ofthe address, 01, is applied to the row decoder and the second half ofthe address is applied to the column decoder. A decoder circuit is asmall logic circuit that, when fed with the address of the location, isable to switch on the appropriate row and column.

The maximum number of locations that can be addressed will dependon the number of bits in the address. We have already seen that a 4-bitaddress can access 16 locations. This was because 24 = 16, so,generally 2n = number of locations where n is the number of bits in theaddress. To take a more realistic example, if we had 20 address lineswe would have 220 = 1 048 576 or 1 Meg locations.

Two types of RAM

Ram chips can be designed in two different forms which we call staticRAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM), as seen in Figure 6.16.

Static RAM

These are constructed of flip-flops. The problem with the flip-flop isthat it draws current all the time. Therefore, it tends to get rather warm


Figure 6.15

Selecting a memorylocation

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and, on a single chip, the components cannot be packed together verytightly. The benefit is that they are very fast and are used where speedof access is important. Static RAM is often called SRAM.

Dynamic RAM

These store the information in capacitors, which are small componentsthat store an electrical charge in the form of static electricity. They arecalled ‘dynamic’ owing to one of its drawbacks. In use, the electricitystored in each capacitor leaks away because of the imperfectinsulation. So, after a little while the charge has to be replacedotherwise the DRAM will be empty and all the stored information willbe lost. This replacing is called ‘refreshing’ and has to be performed atintervals of about 2 ms by a DRAM control circuit. To prevent anyinterference with the operation of the microprocessor system, therefreshing is done in the background whenever the DRAM is not beingused.

Once the static charge is stored, no further current is required (exceptfor refreshing), therefore less heat is being generated internally and wecan pack more memory into a given space. We say it has a highpacking density.

Memory organization

A memory contains a number of cells or registers that, themselves storea number of bits. In Figure 6.14, we saw a really simple memory with16 locations, each of which could store between 1, 4 or 8 bits. Thememory organization is always quoted as ‘number of locations x bitsstored in each’ so this memory would have an organization ofanywhere between 16 1, 16 4 or 16 8.

Static RAMs usually store 8 bits in each location so a typical chip sizewould be 131 072 8 giving a total storage capacity of 1 048 576 bits.This is often referred to as 128 K 8.


Figure 6.16

The two types ofRAM

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Dynamic RAMs store either 1 or 4 bits in each location. One bit ineach is very popular, so a typical chip organization would be1 048 576 1 which, as we can see, would actually hold the sametotal number of bits as the example SRAM – it’s just the organizationthat has been changed.

Three types of ROM

All ROMs are used to store information on a more-or-less permanentbasis. In use, the ROM can be read but new information cannot bestored in it. In other words, we cannot write to it (see Figure 6.17).

Masked ROM

A masked ROM is manufactured to our specification and cannot bechanged. We must be very sure that the information is correct beforeit is made otherwise it all goes in the waste bin and the personresponsible is looking for a new job. The initial cost is necessarily highdue to the expense of the tooling required. It is only worthwhile if atleast a few thousand identical chips are required (see Figure 6.18).


Figure 6.17

Three types ofROM

Figure 6.18

The economicsof ROM choice

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Programmable ROM (PROM)

This chip is supplied with all the data held at zero by means of smallinternal fuses. When one of the fuses is blown, the associated bitchanges from 0 to 1. To blow the fuses a piece of programmingequipment is needed. This equipment can be purchased quite cheaplyif only one PROM is to be programmed at a time. If a larger throughputis needed then this will inevitably increase the cost of the equipment.Once the fuse is blown, it cannot be repaired so if you make a mistake,the chip is wasted.

The ROM is useful for low volume production because the initial costsare much lower than the masked ROM but you do have to programthem yourself.

Erasable programmable ROM (EPROM)

As the name would suggest, this chip allows us to program it, thenchange our mind and try again. To erase the data there are twomethods – ultraviolet light or electrical voltage pulses.

EPROMs are ideal for prototyping since it is so easy to change the datato make modifications.


The chip is bombarded with ultraviolet light via a transparent windowon the chip. A specially constructed EPROM eraser provides the light.We pop the chip in, close the lid and switch on the timer. After a fewminutes, the data is erased. When erased, all the data output is set to1. We then put the chip into an EPROM programmer, usually the samepiece of gear that was used to program the PROM. We can feed in thenew data and within a couple of minutes, we have finished theprocess.

They can be erased and reprogrammed about 700 times before theybecome increasingly reluctant to erase and their life is over. Onceprogrammed, the data is safe for about seven years. For long termstorage, it is best to reload them or, better still, use a masked ROM ifavailable.

A safety note: be extremely careful not to expose your eyes to theultraviolet light from the eraser. The wavelength of 253.7 nm is verydangerous.

Electrically erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM)

This chip uses electrical voltage pulses as inputs to clear the previousdata and is then reprogrammed in the same way as the UVEPROM. Ithas the added advantage that individual parts of the data can be


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reprogrammed without deleting everything first as is the case with theultraviolet version. EEPROM can be found as serial access (SAM), aswell as the more usual random access.

The reprogramming can be done while installed in the micro-processor-based system. It does not need a separate programmer. Theirdisadvantage is that they are slow to program and have a limitednumber of reprogramming cycles.

Pin layout of an EPROM

Figure 6.19 shows the pin-out diagram for a 1 Mb (1 048 576 bits)EPROM with an organization of 131 072 8 bits.

Power supplies

The main power supplies to operate the chip are the +5 V applied tothe V+ pin and 0 V on the GND (ground) pin.

To program the memory, the programming voltage is applied to Vpp.When not being programmed, it should be held at +5 V. Be careful toread the data book – the value of Vpp differs widely.

Address pins

Address pins are always numbered starting from A0. We have seen thatthe number of location is given by 2n so with 17 address lines (A0 toA16) the number of locations would be 217 = 131 072.


Figure 6.19

Pin out diagram ofan EPROM

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Data pins

Like the addresses, these pins always start counting from zero. In theEPROM shown in Figure 6.19, they are abbreviated to D for data andgo from D0 to D7 – eight in all. Some manufacturers call them outputpins and number them O0, O1, O2 etc. The output from these pins iseither 0 V or +5 V or near to these values.

Control pins

1 Chip enable (CE), sometimes called chip select (CS), is the main on/off switch for the chip. It is usually active low, which means that thechip needs a logic 0 voltage to be applied to switch the chip on. Thisis indicated by a line over the CE. When the chip is switched off, itgoes to sleep and the power drops with a reduction of about 150times.

2 Output enable (OE) leaves the chip fired up but with its outputdisconnected from the data pins. This is done by disabling a series oftri-state buffers immediately before the data pins. Disconnecting theoutput pins is very much faster than switching the chip off. Watch outfor the line over the name to indicate the polarities required.

Unconnected pins

These are shown as NC and are not used. They are physically separatefrom the internal chip and therefore have no effect of anything. Theyshould be left unconnected.

Pin layout of a SRAM

Have a look at the SRAM in Figure 6.20. Many of these pins will berecognized as being the same as we saw with the EPROM.


Figure 6.20

Pin out diagramsof RAM chips

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Data pins

Since the SRAM is a read/write memory, the data pins are used to readdata into the chip and to write data out to the microprocessor system.With this in mind, they have been called input/output pins (I/O) and,as usual, are numbered from zero.

Control pins

1 Write enable (WE) controls internal tri-state buffers to control theflow of data to write or read on the data pins. The line over the WEindicates that, to write data, the pin must be held low.

2 There are two chip selects, one shown as active low and one asactive high. To enable the chip, both must have the correct voltagepresent. This provides a degree of flexibility to the system designer.If either is not required, it can simply be held down permanently toits appropriate voltage and then the other can then be used tocontrol the operation of the chip.

Pin layout of a DRAM

Row address strobe (RAS) and Column address strobe (CAS)

At first glance, there does not seem to be enough address pins for thenumber of locations to be addressed. A0 to A9 is only 10 pins, whichwould suggest a total of 210 or 1024 locations. The trick here is to usethe same pins twice and hence load in a total 220 or 1 048 576addresses.

The sequence of events dictates that the RAS line is taken low and thebottom half of the address is loaded into the Rows – RAS then returnshigh. Then the CAS is taken low while the remainder of the address isfed into the columns. After this, the state of the write line (same as R/W)determines whether data is entering or leaving the DRAM.

There is only a single bit stored in each address, the data entering viathe data in (Din) pin and leaving via the data out (Dout) pin.

Some more memories that don’t fit into the generalpattern


Single in-line memory modules are a collection of separate RAM chipsthat are mounted on a piece of board to make installation quicker andeasier. They are not actually a different type of memory.


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RAM Cards

The problem with RAM memory is that it is volatile. The informationis lost as soon as the system is switched off. RAM cards overcome thisby providing the RAM chips with their own on-board battery. In thisway, the RAM card can be removed from the system without losing thedata. It is really a RAM pretending to be ROM. This provides full speedoperation and permanence during the 10-year life of the battery.

Flash memory

This is non-volatile RAM (NVRAM). In fact, it is really a form of RAMwith a battery installed to provide power during shutdown periods.Rather like a single chip version of a RAM card.


Memory maps

A microprocessor has a number of address lines that can be used toaccess RAM or ROM or other devices within the system. As we saw inthe memory chips, the total memory addressable by a microprocessoris found by the formula 2n where n is the number of address lines. Forexample, an 8-bit microprocessor generally has 16 address lines andcan access 216 or would have 65 536 or 64 bytes of memory. TheDigital Alpha 21064 has 34-bit address lines giving 234 or a little over17 Gbytes. This memory is shared between the RAMs, ROMs andother devices, including some for the microprocessor itself to use.

The system designer has to decide in what way the available memoryis to be used. Using the memory map of the 8-bit microprocessor as asimple example, we start off with a blank space as in Figure 6.21.When the microprocessor is first supplied with power it willimmediately start following the first program provided. How does it

Figure 6.21

The starting point for amemory map

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know what program is first? The answer to this is that it goes to a pre-determined address, which has been built into the microprocessorduring manufacture.

If we assume the startup address is FFFAH, then we must put someuseful information at that address for it to follow. This implies thatsome ROM memory must be at the top end of the memory map. Mostprovide some extra fast programming ability and this usually requiresthat some RAM to be available at the bottom end of the memorymap.

There is nothing else that is allocated to any particular address so anyother RAM and ROM memories can be placed at any position onthe map. The map does not have to be full, indeed it seldom is. Thebalance between RAM and ROM depends on the purpose to which thesystem is to be put. A control system running a piece of manufacturingmachinery is likely to be predominately ROM whereas a computerwould need significant RAM. A simple memory map is shown inFigure 6.22.

Sorting out the addresses

This is just an exercise in hex numbers in which a ‘hex’ calculator willprove invaluable. Now, 1 kbyte of memory occupies 210 or 1024locations, which is 400H in hex. The first section of RAM extendsfrom: start address + highest RAM address = 0000H to 03FFH so thehighest address in the ‘Fast instructions’ section is 03FFH. The UserRAM extends from 0400H to 3FFFH. How many kilobytes of memoryis this?

This is 15 kbytes of memory. This was found by subtracting 0400Hfrom 4000H to give 3C00H and then dividing this result by 400H, the


Figure 6.22

A typical small systemmemory map

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hex equivalent of 1 kbyte. The division is best done by calculator.Remember that the fact that the user-RAM ended at 3FFFH means thatthe total number of locations, including the first one in 4000H so itwas more convenient to use the figure of 4000H straight from thememory map. This is sometimes a little difficult to fully come to termswith, but a cup of coffee and a slump in an armchair often helps.

In a similar way, the video RAM that holds the information to bedisplayed on a monitor can be found by subtracting the lower addressD800H from the higher address E000H to give 800H. Dividing by400H indicates 2 kbytes of video RAM.


If a 12 kbytes block of ROM started at the address 8000H, what is thehighest address in the ROM?

Since 1 kbyte = 1024, it follows that 12 kbytes = 12 1024 or 12 288in denary. Converting this to hex gives 3000H. Now, we have to be abit careful. If the ROM includes 3000H addresses, they will run from0 to 2FFFH. Adding the start address of 8000H to the highest addresswill give 8000 + 2FFF = AFFFH, which is the highest address in theROM.

Quiz time 6

In each case, choose the best option.

1 An SRAM with 12 address pins and 8 data pinswould have:

(a) an organization of 12 8 bits.(b) approximately 163⁄4 M locations.(c) an organization of 12 8 bits.(d) a storage capacity of 32 768 bits.

2 A bistable:

(a) can store two bits of information.(b) is another name for flop-flip.(c) has a floating output.(d) is made from several registers.

3 The pin that is most similar to one marked as CS maybe labelled as:

(a) OE.(b) CAS.(c) CE.(d) Vcc.


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4 If, in a memory map, the lowest address of an8kbyte RAM is 1000H the highest addresswould be:

(a) 8192H.(b) 2FFFH.(c) 7FFFH.(d) 3000H.


(a) is programmed by ultraviolet light.(b) loses the data if the power supplies are disconnected.(c) is a form of non-volatile memory.(d) is used in a SIMM.


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7A microprocessor-based


How simple can a microprocessor-based system actually be? It mustobviously contain a microprocessor otherwise it is simply anotherelectronic circuit. A microprocessor must be programmed. This meansthat it must be provided with a series of instructions to be followed.However we program the microprocessor, the result is a series ofbinary numbers that represent the simple step by step instructions to befollowed. These instructions must be stored in some memory. But dothe instructions have to be stored in RAM or ROM? It must be in ROM.Remember that RAM will hold random data when first switched onand if our microprocessor was controlling the operation of a dynamitefactory, the last thing that we would want is for it to start followingrandom instructions at the rate of a million a second!

What determines how fast the microprocessor carries out theinstructions? For the moment we will say that regular pulses of voltageapplied to the microprocessor determine its speed. This voltage pulseis called a clock pulse.

The clock

A clock circuit controls the operation of the microprocessor. Thisproduces a series of voltage pulses like a ticking clock. The wholesystem runs sequentially, doing the required jobs one after the other.One step completed for each tick of the clock system.


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The clock circuit can be mostly internal to the microprocessor or it canbe entirely external. It is unlike a normal watch or clock in that theexact speed is not important. It may be running at a nominal rate of200 MHz but if it actually ran at 199 MHz or 201 MHz there would beno great panic. With a modern watch, the equivalent error of sevenminutes a day would mean a trip back to the supplier. In Figure 7.1 atypical clock pulse is shown.

The shape of the clock pulse is stipulated in detail in the micro-processor specification. If it does not stay within the limits stated,serious problems can occur. Let’s assume that two circuits have toswitch at the same time but they operate at slightly different voltages.In Figure 7.2 the two operating voltages occur at virtually the samemoment due to the very fast rise time. In Figure 7.3 the clock pulse hasa very slow rise and fall time and Circuit 1 will switch before Circuit2. In this example, the difference is about 2 ns. Whether or not a 2 nsdifference is significant will depend on the circuit being considered.


Figure 7.1

A 200 MHzclock pulse

Figure 7.2

An almost verticalleading edgemeans zero risetime

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A microprocessor-based system

All microprocessor technical data will stipulate the maximum rise timeand fall time and between which voltages it is being measured. Forexample, the Intel 80386 has a supply voltage of 0–5 V and must havea rise time (and fall time) of less than 2 ns when measured between0.8 V and 4.2 V.

If the rise time (written as tr or trise) is not shown, it is normallymeasured between 10 and 90% values of the supply voltage. Eachmicroprocessor has a maximum frequency for the clock pulses and aminimum value.

Why is there a minimum speed?

Microprocessors have internal registers and storage areas calledcapacitors that are like dynamic RAM and need refreshing at intervals.As the clock speed is reduced, the interval between refreshing getslonger until the register or capacitor can no longer hang on to theinformation and the whole operation collapses. Typically, the mini-mum clock speed is about a quarter of the maximum speed. The Intel80386 will run down to 800 kHz.

The first microprocessor, in 1971, was the Intel 4004. It ran at a clockspeed of 0.108 MHz and handled 4 bits at a time. In 1998, the 64-bitAlpha 21164 runs at 600 MHz, king for a day but will, no doubt, soontake its place on the museum shelf. (It is 700 MHz now and the ink isbarely dry!)

The most basic system is therefore going to include a microprocessor,clock and a ROM chip to provide the built-in sequence of instructions.The only other essential is to have wires or other conductors toconnect the circuit. Figure 7.4 shows the most basic microprocessor-


Figure 7.3

The rise time isabout 2 ns

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based system with just the bare essentials. As usual, the power suppliesare not shown.

All microprocessors are connected internally and to the rest of thesystem by collections of conductors called buses.


These conductors are in groups, since many will be going to the sameplace for much the same purpose. For example, an 8-bit micro-processor normally uses 8 connectors to carry the data between themicroprocessor and the memory. It would make diagrams verycomplicated if each wire were to be shown separately so we groupthem together and refer to them as the data bus. A bus is therefore acollection of conductors providing a similar function.

In a microprocessor-based system we have three main buses: the databus, the address bus and a control bus. The data bus is a two-way buscarrying data around the system. Information going into the micro-processor and results coming out. The address bus carries addressesand is a one-way bus from the microprocessor to the memory or otherdevices. The control bus is rather different from the other two. It is asomewhat looser collection of conductors. If we look at a micro-processor-based system we can easily see the data and address busessince they consist of many parallel connections. However, the controlbus is just an association of all the other necessary connections suchas those to the chip select and read/write pins.

Address information, data and control signals have to be carriedaround inside the microprocessor as well as in the external system. Wewill therefore meet internal as well as external buses.


Figure 7.4

The most basicmicroprocessor-based system

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Input/output circuits

The signal on the data bus has only a very low power level and to beof use it must be amplified.

The first response was to put a series of amplifiers; one on the end ofeach of the connections on the data bus but this was soonsuperseded by a more sophisticated chip with more facilities. Forexample, if we wanted to send a signal to a printer at 1 ms intervalsit would not be sensible to tie up the main processor with countingout these time intervals. It would be much better to tell the outputchip to do its own timing and thus release the microprocessor formore important jobs.

The output devices have become quite complex and now go under avariety of names:

I/O controller – input/output controllerPIA – programmable interface adapterVIA – versatile interface adapterPIO – programmable input/outputPPI – programmable peripheral interface

. . . and many others.

Whatever name is given to the device, they are basically the same andare essential to any microprocessor-based system. An improved basicsystem is shown in Figure 7.5.


Figure 7.5

An input/output chiphas been added

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A practical microprocessor system

Apart from in the most minimal of circuits, some RAM is needed. Evenif the microprocessor-based system is controlling an oven, we stillneed the facility to vary the instructions to change the temperature, thetime cycle, the fan speed etc., so some RAM must be added. Somemicroprocessors have a small amount of RAM included internally,enough for this sort of system to work but still quite limited.

If we add some external RAM, the microprocessor is controlling theoperation of three chips: ROM, RAM and I/O. To control the flow ofinformation it needs to send chip select and read/write informationalong the control bus.

Read/write signals tell the RAM and the I/O chip whether they have toread, i.e. accept information from the data bus or to write informationonto the data bus.

Chip select is the on/off switch for each of the chips and we have to bevery careful to ensure that only one set of information is beingconnected to the data bus at one time.

If a ROM chip were to be putting a binary 0 onto one of the data busconnections and, at the same time, another ROM or a RAM chip wasapplying a binary 1, there would be a disagreement between the twochips. What would happen? It is sad but the likely outcome is a fightto the finish with one or other of the chips being condemned to thewaste bin.

To prevent this from happening, an address decoder circuit samplesthe address bus and selects the appropriate chip. If the microprocessorwishes to send some data to the RAM chip, it applies a suitable addressto the address bus that is applied to the ROM, RAM and the I/Ocontroller but there are no problems at the moment since all thesechips are switched off. The address decoder applies the inputs from theaddress bus to an array of logic gates that have been organized tocomply with the memory map of the system. The output from theaddress decoder then switches the RAM chip on and the ROM and I/Ochips off. The design of the address decoder can be modified to controlany number of external chips in the system. An upgraded system isshown in Figure 7.6.

How it all works

To demonstrate its operation we can ask it to perform a simple task.

Instruction: Send the number 25H which is in the ROM and store it inthe RAM at address 2500H. This is what happens – follow the actionon Figure 7.6.

1 The microprocessor has to collect the instruction from an address inROM. It does this by putting the address onto the address bus.


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2 The address is applied to the ROM and the RAM as well as theaddress decoder. This will not cause any problems because all thechip selects will be switched off at the moment. When the logicgates within the address decoder responds to the input from theaddress bus the result will be that the ROM is switched on and theother two are kept off.

3 Switching on the ROM will mean that it takes in the address fromthe address bus. Inside the ROM chip, the row and columndecoders activate one of the memory locations and the binarynumber stored at that location is placed on the data bus byswitching on the tri-state buffers. As soon as the information is read,the chip select will switch the ROM chip off.

4 The information which is now on the data bus is read by themicroprocessor. It is an instruction which can be interpreted as ‘goto address F600H and read the number that is stored in thataddress’.

5 In response to this instruction, the microprocessor puts the addressF600H onto the address bus.


Figure 7.6

A completemicroprocessorsystem

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6 The address decoder applies this number to its logic gates and thisresults in the chip select of the ROM chip being switched on again.The ROM chip accepts the address F600H into its row and columndecoders and then puts the number 25H onto the data bus.

7 This number is stored temporarily in the microprocessor.8 The microprocessor then puts the number 2500H onto the address

bus and the address decoder puts a signal on the chip select of theRAM chip to switch it on. It then sends a logic 1 on the read/writeline. The RAM is switched on and it is told to read the data on thedata bus. The read/write line goes to the I/O chip as well but again,this causes no problem because its chip select line is keeping itswitched off.

The number 25 is now safely stored in the RAM chip and will remainthere until it is over-written with new information or the power isswitched off.

Another look at the address decoder

We have seen in Chapter 6 that the number of locations that can beaddressed is 2n where n is the number of address lines. By feeding thenumbers into our calculators we can see that the relationship betweenlines and locations is as shown in Table 7.1.

We can also use this table to identify the number of lines needed toaccess a known number of address locations. For example, if wewanted to access 700 locations, we can see that 9 lines could access512 locations which is too few. Therefore, we would have to go to 10


Table 7.1 Larger memories need more address lines

Number ofaddresslines

Number oflocations

Number ofaddress


Number oflocations

Number ofaddress


Number oflocations

1 2 13 8k 25 32M2 4 14 16k 26 64M3 8 15 32k 27 128M4 16 16 64k 28 256M5 32 17 128k 29 512M6 64 18 256k 30 1024M=1G7 128 19 512k 31 2G8 256 20 1024k=1M 32 4G9 512 21 2M 33 8G

10 1024 = 1k 22 4M 34 16G11 2k 23 8M 35 32G12 4k 24 16M 36 64G

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A microprocessor-based system

lines which would actually give access to 1024 locations. The ‘real’answer of 9.45 is not sensible because we cannot have 0.45 of aconnecting wire so if 9 is not enough, it will have to be 10.

For those who like to see the calculations, the mathematical result isgiven by:

number of address lines =log10 (number of locations)


Designing a decoding circuit

Let’s imagine that we have a microprocessor-based system using eightmemory chips, ROM or RAM it doesn’t matter. Each of the chips holds8 kbytes of memory. From Table 7.1 we can see that an 8 kbytes chipwill require 13 address lines in order to access each of their internallocations. Assume too, that the microprocessor that we are using has a16-bit address bus so we have the situation shown in Figure 7.7. Theaddress lines are numbered from A0 (address line number 0) to A15.The 13 bits A0–A12 are heading off towards the ROM and RAM chips.The remaining three address lines, A13–A15, are used by the addressdecoder.

The decoding chip

The decoder circuit can be made from separate logic gates or can bebought ready-built in a single integrated circuit. For ease of construc-tion, most designers opt for this choice for the result is smaller,dissipates less heat and is less expensive (and it works first time). Thereis very little to be said for the build-it-yourself approach.

The basic requirements are three input address lines and eight outputlines each connected to one of the chip select pins on a memory chip.

To switch the chips on, the chip select must be taken to a logic 0 voltage.A logic 1 voltage level will switch the chip off. It is vital, of course, thatonly one chip can be switched on at the same time otherwise they willload competing data onto the data bus and are likely to be destroyed.The three addresses can result in 23 = 8 different inputs to the logic gates


Figure 7.7

There are three‘spare’ address lines

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built into the decoder chip. The internal design ensures that when theaddress pins are all at zero, the first output goes to a logic 0 and all theothers remain high. The memory chip to which this first output isconnected is switched on and all the others are on. When the nextcombination of inputs 0, 0, 1 is applied, the second memory chip isswitched on and the others are off. The next combination switches onthe next memory chip and so on until the three input wires haveswitched on each of the memory chips with a single combination ofaddresses (see Figure 7.8). With three inputs and eight outputs, it isreferred to, reasonably enough, as a 3 to 8 decoder.

Table 7.2 looks a lot worse than it really is. It is really just asummary of the decoder chip outputs. If the microprocessor putthe address C2F1H on the address bus, then in binary it would be:1100 0010 1111 0001. It has been broken up into groups of four


Figure 7.8

The operation ofthe addressdecoder

Table 7.2 The 3–8 decoder can control eight memory chips




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chip 0 selected0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chip 1 selected0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Chip 2 selected0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Chip 3 selected1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Chip 4 selected1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Chip 5 selected1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Chip 6 selected1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Chip 7 selected

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just to make it a little easier to read. The most significant bit, A15, ison the left-hand end.

In Table 7.3, we can see that 13 out of the 16 address lines go to thememory chip and the other three are fed to the decoder chip. The threelines going to the decoder chip carry the data 1 1 0. We can see thatthe values C = 1, B = 1 and A = 0 occur near the bottom of the table.These values result in Chip 6 receiving a logic 0 value and thus beingselected for use. All other chips are deselected by the logic 1.

Full and partial decoding

Full decoding

In the above example, the 8 kbyte memory chips used 13 address linesand the decoder used three. This makes a total of 16 lines used out ofa 16-bit address bus. There are no unused lines and this is referred toas ‘full decoding’.

Partial decoding

Now let’s make a small change. The memory chips used are 4 kbyteeach rather than 8 kbyte. What effect would this have?

The first result would be that the number of address lines going to thechips would be reduced to 12. There are still only eight chips to beselected so a 3–8 decoder is enough. So what have we got now?Twelve address lines to the chips and three to the decoder and one leftover and unused. If nothing is connected to this line, then it cannotmatter what voltage it carries (see Table 7.4).

We will look at our previous address C2F1H. If it happened to go to avalue of 1, the address would change from:

1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 (C2F1H)

to1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 (D2F1H).


Table 7.3 In full decoding, every address line is used

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1


This selectschip 6

This address is internally decodedwithin the memory chip and pointsto a single memory location

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We now have two numbers that can be placed on the address buswhich will result in access to the same memory location since all thebits that are actually used are identical. If we instructed themicroprocessor to store some information in the address C2F1H andthen to recover the information from address D2F1H, we would getthe same information again. The address D2F1H is referred to as aghost address or an image address. It is important to appreciate thatghost or image addresses have no effect at all on the operation of themicroprocessor system. They are merely alternative names for a singleaddress. Incomplete or partial decoding always gives rise to imageaddresses, their number and their addresses are easily worked out. Intechnospeak, we say that partial decoding results in more than onesoftware addresses pointing to the same hardware address.

A worked example

The eight memory chips were now changed to 1 kbyte chips. Somedata is stored in the address 4000H. Find (a) how many imageaddresses will occur and (b) the image addresses.

(a) A 1 kbyte memory chip would have 10 address lines. This wastaken from Table 7.1 and the decoder chip still needs three inputs.The 16-bit address we were given, 4000H would result in threeunused lines as in Table 7.5. These three binary digits can take onthe values 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110 and 111 which resultsin eight different values. This could have been done the slick wayby saying 23 = 8. Putting these eight numbers into the address willresult in eight different addresses.

One real address and seven ghosts or images. But which is theghost and which is the real one? It doesn’t matter. We can assume


Table 7.4 One address line is unused

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 1 0 X 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

←→3 lines fordecoding

←→12 lines to the memory

This line is unused so itcan have a value of0 or 1

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A microprocessor-based system

anything we like since they all point to the same physical memory.Having said this, most people seem to opt for the lowest address asthe ‘real’ one.

(b) Now, to find the actual ghost addresses, all we have to do is to feedin all the binary options, 000, 001 etc. into the ‘real’ address togenerate each of the ghost addresses. This is shown in Table 7.6.

The resulting addresses are 4000H, 4400H, 4800H, 4C00H,5000H, 5400H, 5800H and 5C00H. Strictly speaking, we should,perhaps, only give the last seven addresses since the questionasked for the image addresses and the first one is actually the realaddress. Notice how the addresses increase in a definite pattern. Italways works out this way.

Image addresses and the memory map

You may remember the memory maps that we looked at in the lastchapter. They showed the addresses taken by the various memory


Table 7.5 There are now three unused address lines

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

←→To the decoder

←→To the 1 kbye memory chip


Table 7.6 Generating the image addresses

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Address15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40000 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44000 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48000 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4C000 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50000 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54000 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58000 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5C00

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devices and the unused addresses in between them. When we havepartial decoding, it gives rise to image addresses. Now, if we put theseimage addresses on the memory map a curious thing occurs. Everyimage address always falls in one of the unused areas on the map so theywill never cause problems by clashing with an existing memory chip.

Quiz time 7

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The Digital Alpha 21064 microprocessor has a 34-bitaddress bus which can access a memory of:

(a) 64 Gbytes.(b) 64 Mbytes.(c) 16 Gbytes.(d) 160 Mbytes.

2 The data bus:

(a) is bi-directional.(b) consists of eight conductors.(c) can be used to carry data to RAM and ROM memory chips.(d) is connected to the chip select pins.

3 A 16-bit address bus is carrying the address 4567Hand is partially decoded with lines A15 and A13being unused. Which one of these addresses wouldaccess a different hardware location:

(a) E567H.(b) 4567H.(c) 6567H.(d) 8567H.

4 Which one of the following is NOT essential in amicroprocessor-based system:

(a) an address bus.(b) ROM.(c) a clock signal.(d) RAM.

5 Image addresses are:

(a) also called ghost addresses.(b) due to several hardware addresses pointing to the same

software address.(c) the same as partial addresses.(d) caused by full decoding.


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8A typical 8-bitmicroprocessor

The 8-bit microprocessor is described in some detail to provide afoundation upon which others can be built since the story ofmicroprocessors is one of evolution rather than ‘bolts out of theblue’.

An 8-bit microprocessor – the Z80180

This microprocessor is the modern version of an old favorite called theZ80 which was developed in 1978 which was itself just an improvedversion of the Intel 8080. There are many similarities since some of theengineers that designed the 8080 left Intel and went to work for Zilogto build the Z80 which proved to be one of the most popular andlongest living microprocessors – it is still widely used even in mobilephones.

When Zilog developed the Z80180, they were naturally anxious tohold on to their previous customers by making the new versioncompatible with the earlier Z80. This allows customers an easy andinexpensive way of updating their system without the high design costsof starting afresh with a completely different device.


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The Z80180 can run any programs that were written for the Z80 aswell as adding some new features. Technically, this is referred to asproviding full backwards compatibility.

The X in Z8X180

If we were to go to a Ford dealer to buy a truck, they will offer us awhole series of them, all of which are basically the same but with achoice of engine sizes, gearboxes, seating arrangements and manyother options. In this way, they can please the maximum number ofcustomers without incurring significant redesign costs.

Microprocessors are much the same. They start with a basic designand similar versions are indicated by a slight change in the typenumber. So far, Zilog have produced the Z80180, Z8S180, and theZ8L180. By comparing the type numbers, we can see that they onlydiffer in the third number or letter and by replacing this letter by X wecan refer to a generalized type as the Z8X180. This use of X is ingeneral use throughout the industry. The group of microprocessors arereferred to as a family.

Despite the push from the computer industry for faster and fastermicroprocessors, there are many purposes for which small, slow andsimple microprocessors is ideal. Billions of 4- and 8-bit micro-processors and microcontrollers are whirring away embedded insidethings like microwave ovens, printers and instruments. Most of usshare our homes with about fifty of these devices without being awareof their existence. They massively outnumber the well publicizedhigh-speed computer microprocessors.

Inside of the central processing unit (CPU)

Figure 8.1 shows the main parts of the Z80180 CPU. It consists of anumber of different registers which store or make use of the data when


Figure 8.1

The centralprocessing unit(CPU)

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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

carrying out the instructions in the program. In order to maintainbackward compatibility, most of the registers use the same system oflabelling with letters to keep it familiar to anyone who has used theZ80.

Instruction register

The instruction register is just a small memory able to store 8 bits, or 1byte of information. This information is an instruction for themicroprocessor to carry out. The information is latched into theinstruction register to release the internal data bus for other purposes. Itdoesn’t do anything with the binary input – it just remembers what it is.

Instruction decoder

The instruction decoder is the part of the microprocessor that is able toactually carry out an instruction. Its first step is to identify whichinstruction that has been entered. It does this by comparing its binarycode with an internally stored list. Once it has located the instructionit follows a built-in program called a microprogram. This micropro-gram is designed into the microprocessor by the manufacturer anddetails all the necessary steps to complete any instruction of which itis capable. This is the commercially sensitive and critical part of themicroprocessor.

When the Z80180 is given a job to do, it must be given an instruction.An instruction is in the form of an 8-bit binary number. We will becoming back to this in a little while.

Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

This is a simple pocket calculator. It can add, subtract, multiply, divide,and do various tricks with logic gates AND, OR, XOR etc. Comparedwith the average scientific calculator, it is pretty poor.

CPU register banks

Technical information about a microprocessor will always include adiagram or listing of the internal registers. Registers are smallmemories, of between 8 and 128 bits each, depending on themicroprocessor being considered. In the Z80180, they are all 8 or 16bits in size.

Each microprocessor has its own collection of registers so it is essentialto read the technical information carefully to see what they do.

There are ‘general purpose registers’ that are under the control of theuser and can be used for a variety of temporary storage purposes.


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There are also special purpose registers that are dedicated to particularfunctions, like the instruction register, for instance.

The Z80180 has sixteen general-purpose registers, and six for specialpurposes. Figure 8.2 shows the registers.

We will concentrate on the upper two registers for the moment. TheMain register set and the alternate register set are identical except forthe small ‘ against the letters. This ‘ is called ‘prime’ so D’ would beread as ‘dee prime’. The prime is only there to distinguish between thetwo sets of registers.

Why have two sets? Having two sets allows the programmer to use themain set of registers while the prime registers can be loaded with otherinformation ready for immediate use when required.

Imagine the microprocessor is busily controlling a printing machinewhen the fire alarm is activated. When the fire alarm signal reaches themicroprocessor, it immediately abandons the printing program andstarts to run the ‘Fire Alarm’ program alerting the fire fighters,evaluating the building etc. Some of the information for running thisprogram could be stored in the spare set of registers. When the alarmprogram has been completed, the microprocessor calmly switchesback to its main register set, and continues its printing work until itmelts in the fire.


Figure 8.2


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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

The accumulator

The programmer can use it at any time to store an 8-bit binary number.It can also store numbers to be used in arithmetic operations or forlogic operations like AND, OR etc. The results of such calculations areput back into the accumulator after completion. Being only an 8-bitregister, it can only hold one byte at a time so any previous data storedin this register will be overwritten as soon as anything else is stored.

The flag register

This is an 8-bit register but it is unusual in that each bit stored is quiteindependent of all the others. In all other registers, each bit is just partof a single binary value so each bit has a numerical value.

A status register or flag register is like a window for us to see into theworkings of the microprocessor. It’s rather like a simple communica-tion system. For example, it allows us to say to the microprocessor, ‘ifyou see a negative number during your calculation, just let meknow’.

We do not have to take any notice of the flags, they are just indicatorsthat we may take note of or ignore, just as we wish – rather like athermometer on the wall.

Each flag is identified by a letter and these are shown in Figure 8.3. Youwill see that two of the bits, 3 and 5, are marked with an X to show thatthey are not used. These bits were left spare for later development(which has never happened).

A note: In microprocessors, computers and electronics generally,something that is marked with an X is not used, and so we don’t carewhat the voltage or binary value is.

Another note: a flag is said to be ‘set’ when its value is 1 and is‘cleared’ to 0.


Figure 8.3

The Z80180 flagregister

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Sign flag (S)The S flag is just a copy of the bit 7 of the accumulator. A negativenumber has a 1 in bit 7 and a positive number has a 0 in bit 7 so thisflag indicates the sign of the number. You may remember that signedmagnitude numbers use a 1 to indicate a negative number and 0 toindicate a positive number. Likewise a negative number expressed intwo’s complement form will have its left-hand bit as a 1. The numberzero is treated as a positive number so we cannot use the S flag to spota zero result. We do this by employing a special ‘zero’ flag as we willsee in a moment.

Zero flag (Z)The Z flag spends all its time watching for a result of zero.

You may remember that when we were looking at the uses of an XORgate, we used this gate to check the code number in a cash dispenser.When the entered value and the card number were the same, itallowed cash to be withdrawn. What actually happened was that thetwo numbers were compared and if they were the same, then the resultwould be zero and the Z flag would spring into action. It ‘sets’ orchanges to a binary 1 if it sees a zero result and stays at binary 0 at allother times.

Two things to be careful about. The Z flag only goes to a one state if allbits in the latest result are zero. Also, be careful about the way round:result 0 makes the Z flag = 1; result not zero, Z flag = 0.

All these results would give a Z flag value of zero:

0100 0000

1111 1111

0000 0001

1001 1010

Only a result of 0000 0000 would make the Z flag go to a binary 1.

Add/subtract flag (N)The N flag is just there to tell us whether the last arithmetic instructionwas ‘add’ or ‘subtract’. N = 0 for add, N = 1 for subtract. Not veryexciting.

Carry flag (C) and the half-carry flag (H)When addition is carried out, it sometimes results in a bit being carriedover to the next column. The C flag copies the value of the carry frombit 7 and the H flag records the carry from bit 3 into bit 4 duringadditions. It also reflects the value of the ‘borrow’ in subtractions.


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Here is an example of an addition showing the C and H flags.

Parity/overflow flag (P/V)This is used for two separate purposes.

The ‘V’ in the title refers to oVerflow in arithmetic calculations. Somecombinations of numbers can be misinterpreted and give an appar-ently incorrect answer, as we will see.

When the flag spots a possible error it is set, when no error is likely, itis cleared.

Here is an example where we could see a problem.

We are going to add two positive numbers +96 and +66 so even ifwe can’t guess the result, we do at least know that it is a positivenumber.

In this example, we have added two numbers that start with zero andare therefore positive and the result starts with a one, which is anegative number so the P/V flag will be set.

An easy way to check for a possible error is to look at the carry into bit7 and the carry out of bit 7.


0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

1 1 1

0 + 1 + the carry = 0

and a carry of 1 so

C flag = 1

No carry from this

column so H flag = 0

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 96

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 = 66 +

1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 = –34??


The sign bit indicates a

negative number

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The rule is:

Carry in and carry out

or = No error so P/V flag = 0

No carry in and no carry out

In our example, there was a 1 carried into bit 7 from the previouscolumn but there was no bit carried out from bit 7. This does not fitinto the rule above so the P/V flag will be set to 1 indicating a possibleerror in the result.

Its second purpose is to operate in its parity mode.

In this mode, it checks a byte of data and counts the number of 1states, if the total is an even number, the P/V flag is set and if odd, it iscleared.

So the byte 10110101 would mean P/V = 0 since the number 1 occurs5 times, which is an odd number. And 10010110 would result in P/V= 1 because there are four occasions when the number 1 occurs and4 is an even number.

This flag operates in the P or V mode depending on the instructionbeing carried out at the time.

We will look at parity in more detail in Chapter 17.

The general-purpose registers

The general-purpose registers are all 8-bit registers but if we like, wecan use them two at a time as 16-bit registers. When pairing them up,our choice is restricted to the way suggested by Figure 8.2. We cancombine BC, DE or HL but it’s not a free choice, we cannot choose anytwo such as B and L. We can use a pair like BC as a 16-bit register and,at the same time, use D/E/H/L as separate 8-bit registers. As usual, thealternate register set behaves in exactly the same manner.

They have labelled the first four as B, C, D and E, so it may seem a littleodd to use H and L for the last two.

The reason for this is that these registers are also used to keep track ofmemory addresses. The Z8018X has a 16-bit address bus and sorequires a 16-bit register to be able to store a full address. The H andL stand for High and Low bytes of the address so if we wanted to storethe address 2684H, we would put 84 in the L register and 26 in the Hregister, using binary of course. As well as being used to hold anaddress, the H and L registers can still be used for any other purposethat we want, just like B,C, D and E.


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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

Special-purpose registers

Program counter (PC)A program is a list of instructions for the microprocessor to carry out.Before use, they must be stored in some ROM or RAM. Let’s assumethat we used addresses starting from 6400H. To run the program wemust tell the microprocessor to ‘go’ from 6400H.

What we are actually doing is loading the address 6400H into theprogram counter and the microprocessor starts from there. Once it hascompleted the instruction in 6400H, it goes to the next address 6401Hand then 6402H etc until it reaches the end of the program.

The purpose of the program counter is to keep track of the address thatis going to be used next.

Stack pointer (SP)If someone gave us a telephone number to remember, we would belikely to reach for a scrap of paper and a pencil to write it down. Ournote may look like Figure 8.4.

If we were then given another couple of numbers, we are likely to jotthem down, in order, under the first one as in Figure 8.5.


Figure 8.4

A number toremember

Figure 8.5

A few more numbers

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We could read them back in order by reading the bottom one first,then the next and finally the top one. The first one to be entered wasthe last one to come out.

The microprocessor could do something similar by storing informationin a series of 16-bit memory locations called a ‘stack’. The stack isloaded in order and then unloaded starting from the last number storedand working back to the top of the stack. The first number that wasstored would be retrieved last and for this reason it would be called a‘first-in, last-out’ method or FILO. For maximum confusion, this canalso be called a LIFO system that, of course, means exactly the same.Have a think about it.

Inside the microprocessor, a series of RAM locations are reserved to beused as a stack and an address counter must be employed to keeptrack of what address of the stack is to be used next. This counter iscalled a stack pointer since it ‘points at’ the next address to be used.

The stack is generally used by the microprocessor to store data on avery temporary basis. We are allowed to use it but the microprocessortakes priority and doesn’t know that we have been fiddling with it. Forexample, if the microprocessor had stored three bits of data in order asin Figure 8.6(a) and we put one piece of our data on the end as inFigure 8.6(b), there would now be data in four locations. However, themicroprocessor would not be aware of this. When the microprocessorwished to retrieve its data, it would unload three bytes andaccidentally get the wrong one as in Figure 8.6(c).


Figure 8.6

Using the stack

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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

The moral of this story is leave the stack alone – or be very careful! Thetechnical data will always give you sufficient information to be able toknow whether or not the microprocessor will be using the stack but itstill takes a lot of working through to be sure.

Index registersWe have two index registers, one called X and the other called Y. Theyboth perform the same function.

An index is used in situations in which we wish to perform a sequenceof similar tasks one after the other. Perhaps to use data stored in a seriesof memory locations. The 16-bit content of the index register can beadded to the contents of the program counter (PC) to produce a newaddress.

As an example, let’s assume that we are running a program whichafter using address 2600H we would like it to use some data stored inaddress 3800H. We could do this by loading the 16-bit number1200H into the X register and instruct the microprocessor to go to theaddress written as PC + IX (program counter and index X). In thiscase, the microprocessor goes to address 2600H + 1200H = 3800Hto retrieve the data to be used. This jump from 2600H to 3800H iscalled an offset or we may say that the index X register has providedan offset of 1200H. In this example, index register Y could have beenused equally well.

Index registers are often used to input data previously entered into atable or from another part of the memory. The user of a program maybe asked to type in a number. This number would be entered in RAMbut the program that is going to use this data is stored in ROM. Asuitable offset in one of the index registers could shift the addresssufficiently to bring it into the RAM area of the memory map.

These registers are also used in situations where the program seeks aresponse from the user. The screen may show:


Enter the number of copies

to print

We could implement this by storing the response in one of the indexregisters and, as the printer performs each copy, the number stored isdecreased by one (decremented) until it reaches zero. Every time thatthe counter is decremented, we instruct the microprocessor to check


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the state of the Z flag. When the count finally reaches zero, the Z flagwill be set and the printer can be stopped.

R counter (R)This is a simple counter in which the lower seven bits are used tocount the number of instructions that have been carried out by themicroprocessor while it has been running the present program. It isreset to zero whenever the micro is restarted.

Figure 8.7 shows the remaining parts of a microprocessor. All theseparts are inside the single block marked ‘microprocessor’ (µP) in Figure7.4. These include all the facilities for connecting the device toexternal circuits and a few other essentials.

Data buffers

The data buffer is an 8-bit register to store the information beingprovided by the external data bus. Once the buffer stores the binaryinformation then tri-state buffers can lock-in the information dis-connecting the external data bus so it can be used for carrying otherdata. This process is called ‘latching’. As a general rule, all inputs to achip from a bus are latched in. This is because the buses take time toset up new voltages on their lines and need to get started on this jobas soon as possible.


Figure 8.7

The Z80180microprocessor

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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

The address and data buses

As with all microprocessors, there are three buses, the address, dataand control. As we saw in the previous chapter, the control bus is aloose collection of connections that send signals around the system tomake connections and control the operation of each area as necessary.Here we will concentrate on the address and data buses in theZ80180.

The Z80180 has a (sort of)16-bit address bus and an 8-bit data bus.

In the smaller microprocessors, it was usual practice to make theaddress bus twice the width of the data bus but there is no reason whythis has to be the case. The choice of address bus width will dependon the anticipated size of the memory that needs to be addressed in thefinal designs. Unusually, in this microprocessor there are twoconflicting requirements: it has to remain compatible with the 16-bitaddress bus of the Z80 but we would like to be able to address 1 MBwhich requires 20 address lines.

These requirements are met by the block shown as MMU or memorymanagement unit.

Memory management unit (MMU)

This circuit includes an 8-bit register that holds address informationthat can be controlled by the software being used. These 8 bits arecombined with the top four address lines, A12–A15, of the addressbus. The lower half of these 8 bits are added to the top 4 bits of theaddress bus and the upper 4 bits are used to expand the useablememory by adding the four extra address lines, A16–A19, to allow atotal of twenty lines to be addressed – see note below. The process isshown in Figure 8.8.

The Z80180 family is manufactured in three different packages. Theoriginal 40 pins of the old Z80 has increased to 64 pins in the dual-in-line (d.i.l.) package similar to that shown at the top of Figure 1.6. Theyalso make a 68 pin plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) version which isjust like the square package in Figure 1.6. Finally, there is an 80 pinsurface mount type.


Figure 8.8

Expanding theaddress bus

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Surface mount devices do not have pins that go through holes in theprinted circuit board but have connectors that come out horizontallyand then soldered onto the surface of the board. This method allowssignificant space savings.


The smaller number of pins on the d.i.l. layout has limited the numberof address pins to nineteen and therefore the maximum memory thatcan be accessed is now 219 or 512k (really 524288 since a ‘k’ in thiscase is taken as 1024 as we met in Chapter 2).

Address buffers

These are tri-state buffers just like the data buffers except they are one-way devices. The microprocessor sends addresses out along theaddress bus but no address information can come in this way. If weneed to send an address into the microprocessor then we are loadinginformation and all information whatever it is goes into the data buswhich, as we have seen, can send any data out to the external circuitsor accept any data into the microprocessor.

Clock generator

As we saw in Chapter 7, a microprocessor needs a square wave signalto keep all the internal operations in step otherwise it will all end inchaos with data and instructions moving at the wrong times andgetting jumbled up.

In this particular microprocessor the clock speed can be set to valuesbetween 6 MHz and 33 MHz. The clock signal originates from either acrystal or an external signal source – but never at the same time. Usingan external signal can be useful where the microprocessor is used aspart of a larger installation and this would allow the microprocessortiming to be governed by the surrounding circuitry.

There are three nice things about increasing the frequency of a crystal:they get smaller, lighter and cheaper. The clock circuitry includes adivide-by-two circuit to allow the use of a double-frequency crystalwith the above-mentioned benefits.


You may remember our sad little story of our microprocessor-basedsystem controlling the printer while all around the office was burning.It stopped its main program and went off to phone the fire services,alert the maintenance staff, activate sprinklers etc.


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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

Fire is not the only hazard our little friend can safeguard us from. Itcould warn for other things like the paper running out in the printer ordata corruption on the telephone cable.

Now, we would not want it to send for more paper to deal with apossible problem with the telephone cable so the microprocessorneeds to be told what the problem is and what to do about it.

The different programs for each of these problems are stored in a groupof addresses in a ROM chip. As an example, we could load theprograms at these addresses:

0800–0855H = paper supplies0870–08A8H = telephone data.

Both of these programs have 08 as the high byte of the address. Thisvalue would be stored in the interrupt vector register. The low bytes 00and 70 are supplied by the sensing device. As soon as the telephonedata is corrupted it is noticed by a sensor, and it sends a signal tointerrupt the microprocessor together with the 70H.

It then combines the 08H from the I register with the 70H from theexternal device and puts it into the program counter. The micro-processor program then switches to address 0870H and calls thetelephone maintenance engineer.

When the microprocessor is interrupted, it stores information inter-nally about what it was doing at the time of the interrupt so that whenthe interrupt is dealt with it can return to its previous task.

Interrupt priorities

Not all problems are treated equally, by us or by a microprocessor. Itis unlikely that we would ever meet a sentence like: ‘I have forgottento put any sugar in the coffee – I’ll go and get some – and I have alsonoticed that your house is on fire’.

As with all other microprocessor, Z80180 interrupts are partlygenerated by external circuits and some result from internal sources.The external ones can usually be blocked or ‘masked’ so we can tellthe microprocessor to ignore them and all interrupts are placed inorder of priority so multiple interrupts are prioritized.

In the case of the Z80180, an unrecognized instruction code is giventop priority to prevent any random operation due to corruption duringprogramming or transmission. This is called a TRAP.

After this comes a single non-maskable interrupt or NMI. This is usedfor critical situations that must interrupt any other program that isrunning.


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Then follows three levels of external but preventable (maskable)interrupts. If we don’t want the program interrupted, all we have to dois to insert a ‘don’t interrupt’ code into the software. Some documenta-tion refers to this type of interrupts as INT0, INT1, INT2, where thefigure show the priority whereas as others use IRQ to stand forInterrupt ReQuest.

The remaining seven levels refer to internal interrupts generated byinterrupt control registers and internal circuitry may need to interruptthe program for a moment in order to perform some other task.

There will be a little more on interrupts in Chapter 17.

Power saving

The power consumed by a microprocessor is mainly the result ofinternal activity so the more we make it do, the more power it uses.Changing the clock speed from 6 MHz to 33 MHz nearly doubles thepower requirement.

We can add the ‘sleep’ instruction to the program and this has theeffect of stopping the CPU clock and the data and address buses aredisconnected. To wake the CPU up, we apply a signal to one of theinterrupt inputs or activate the reset circuit by holding the voltage onthe reset pin low.

We can also switch off the input/output circuitry on the micro-processor putting it into a ‘system stop’ mode.

The Z8X180 family has three members: Z80180, Z8S180 and theZ8L180. The S version operates with a power supply of 5 volts and theL version supply is reduced to 3.3 volts.

The effect on the power consumption of switching between normaloperation and ‘system stop’ mode is shown in Table 8.1.

Bus state controller

In a system, the microprocessor is connected to all the surroundingcircuits by a series of connections called the system bus. Sometimes


Table 8.1

Normal operation ‘System Stop’ mode

Z80180 100 mW 25 mWZ8S180 90 mW 15 mWZ8L180 60 mW 6 mW

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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

these devices may wish to send data along the system bus and the busstate controller ensures that we don’t have multiple devices trying tosend data along the same connections at the same time.


Direct memory access (DMA) controller

As the name may suggest, this circuit provides direct access to thememory without using the central processing unit. The DMA canprovide high-speed transfer of data from one part of the memory toanother. It can also pass data directly to and from the memory andexternal devices. This provides significant improvements in operatingspeed of the whole system.

Dynamic memory refresh

Do you remember that the problem with dynamic memories was theconstant refreshing that was needed to keep the RAM data intact?Well, an internal register is used to handle the refreshing process forus. It fits in the job between instructions and does not slow themicroprocessor in any way and neither the programmer nor the user isaware that it is continuing in the background. Some microprocessorsdo not have this register and an external chip is added to the system toperform the refreshing. Either way, it has no obvious effect on theoperation of the system.

Wait states

To make it easier to send information to relatively slow externaldevices the microprocessor is able to insert ‘wait states’ which caninsert more time into its bus cycle timing. They can be programmed inby the software being used or internally by a wait state generator.

Serial inputs and outputs

To move data in or out in serial mode in which the stream of data isapplied to a single input connection one bit after another we are givena choice of two options.

First is a clocked serial input/output (CSIO). This is a simple high-speeddata connection to another microprocessor that is capable of sendingand receiving data, though not at the same time. The transmission issynchronized to the microprocessor clock.

There are also two asynchronous serial communications interfaces(ASCI). These provide two other data connections that can beprogrammed to select the required speed of transmission and providetwo-way transmission.

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How the system works

In the beginning

After the power supplies are first switched on, there is a short delaybuilt in to allow the voltages to settle and for the clock to start. Thisdelay is produced by a circuit similar to that shown in Figure 8.9.

The circuit uses a capacitor. A capacitor is a device designed to storeelectricity rather like a bucket can be filled with water.

When the micro system is switched off, the capacitor has a short circuitacross it and the current that is flowing through the resistor bypassesthe capacitor hence there is no electricity stored and hence there is novoltage across it. The same effect is achieved by holding the reset pinat zero volts for a time equivalent to at least six clock cycles.

Then we switch on and the current flowing through the resistor nowaccumulates in the capacitor and the voltage starts to increase. Thevoltage grows in the way shown in Figure 8.10 and after a short periodof time, less than a microsecond, the voltage reaches two volts, whichis enough to switch the microprocessor on.

The clock starts ticking and the microprocessor follows a sequence ofsteps called a start-up microprogram that was built into the micro-processor by the manufacturer.

It performs some internal tests and similar housekeeping jobs and thenputs an address on the address bus. This address is, reasonablyenough, called the startup address and is again fixed by themanufacturer. In the Z80180 the startup address happens to be 0000Hand so this part of the memory map must contain some ROM to holdthe start-up program.


Figure 8.9

The ON/OFF switch

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A typical 8-bit microprocessor

Back at Figure 6.22 we saw a typical memory map in which the start-up program was held in the high end of the memory. The Z80180would require a quite different map and this indicates yet anotherincompatibility between microprocessors.

The first instruction

The startup address is read by the address decoder. The decoder thenapplies a chip select signal on the Control bus. This signal then selectsa ROM chip. All other chips ignore the signal since they have not beenselected. The address enters the ROM chip and the row and addressdecoders access a memory cell. The contents of that cell are put on thedata bus to be read by the microprocessor.

The second read

The microprocessor sends out the next address onto the address bus.The address decoder will activate the ROM chip again. The ROM chipwill put some more data on the data bus, which will again be read bythe microprocessor.

What does the microprocessor do with all this data?

If the first read of the ROM resulted in the data C0H and the secondread produced 86H, the microprocessor combines the two to producea 16-bit address, C086H. Remember that all this will be in binary – theuse of hex is just to help us see what is happening.

The microprocessor places this new address C086H on the addressbus. The choice of C086H is not made by the microprocessor designer.


Figure 8.10

Generating a shortdelay whenswitching on

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This number is chosen by the system designer – that is, the person thatincorporates the microprocessor into a microsystem.

Then what?

The address, C086H in our example, accesses a ROM chip, whichsends a binary number back to the microprocessor along the data bus.Inside the microprocessor, this number is interpreted as an instruction.Comparing the incoming number with an internal list of built-incontrol codes discovers exactly what the instruction is. This is allperformed by the micro-program.

What happens next will depend on what the instruction was.

Why?Why was it an instruction? Because the microprocessor said so!Microprocessors assume that the first binary number that arrivesrepresents an instruction so if we wanted to give it the instruction ADD25H then the binary code meaning ADD will go in first, followed bythe data to be used, in this case 25H.

What if we made a mistake and put the 25 in first, followed by thebinary code for ADD in our program?

The microprocessor would interpret the 25 as an instruction – whichcould mean anything at all, or nothing. If this mystery instructionneeded a number, it would use the binary equivalent of our ADD input– which again could be anything. If the false instruction did not needa number, then ADD instruction would be correctly read as an ADDinstruction but it would then take the next available binary input as thenumber to be added. Our microprocessor has now carried out anincorrect instruction using incorrect data and the program could doalmost anything. The whole program has got out of step and may dosomething quite unexpected. Not much fun in our dynamite factory.

The address being used at any time is known to the microprocessor byreferring to the current value in the program counter, which isincreased by one every time an instruction or some data is used.

The fetch–execute cycle

This is the order of operations by a microprocessor and is the cause ofall the confusion in the last paragraph.

The microprocessor applies no intelligence at all. It follows the patternshown in Figure 8.11 regardless of whether it is following the programor it has been fed with a program with an error in it and is now carryingout a totally useless set of random instructions.


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It will follow our instructions so don’t blame the microprocessor – it’sup to us to feed it with something sensible. Always remember GIGO –garbage in, garbage out.

As we have seen, there is nothing inherently different between aninstruction and data. They are both binary numbers and theinterpretation is only a matter of what the microprocessor is expectingat that particular time.

Quiz time 8

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The stack is:

(a) an abbreviation for stack pointer.(b) a series of RAM locations that can be used by the micro-

processor to store data.(c) a collection of programs.(d) a chimney.

2 A CPU:

(a) is an essential part of any microprocessor.(b) is an abbreviation for computer processing unit.(c) can contain more than one MPU.(d) is a function of a register.


Figure 8.11

The fetch–executecycle

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3 Adding the binary numbers 1100 1100 to 00101001 within a Z80180 microprocessor would resultin C and H flags being in the condition:

(a) C clear and H clear.(b) C clear and H set.(c) C set and H clear.(d) C set and H set.

4 The interrupt vector register (I) in the Z80180microprocessor is used to store the:

(a) high byte of the interrupt address.(b) start up address for the microprocessor.(c) low byte of the interrupt address.(d) stack pointer address.

5 The fetch–execute cycle:

(a) works in hexadecimal.(b) assumes the second, fourth, sixth etc. inputs are data.(c) assumes the first input is an instruction.(d) is a system used by the Instruction register to channel

information to the correct part of the microprocessor.


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9Programming – using

machine code andassembly

We can use a microprocessor as part of a computer or as part of adynamite process controller and the only essential difference is in theinstructions that it is given.

Since the microprocessor has no intelligence at all, it relies entirely onfollowing a sequence of instructions as we discussed in the fetch–execute cycle.

If you were sitting in a lecture theatre and the speaker said, ‘We’llfinish now’, you would know that it was time to pick up your bits andpieces and leave the room. Those words were not the only possibility,other instructions would have served the same purpose like, ‘Right,that’s it, thank you’; ‘We’ll break here’; ‘It seems a good time for abreak’; ‘We’ll stop at this point and continue at the next session’, andmany other variations. Teachers can clear a whole classroom instantlyjust by looking at their watch and saying, ‘Well, . . .’. There are literallydozens of ways of telling people that it is time to leave a room evenbefore resorting to the less polite possibilities.

Microprocessors, on the other hand, have nothing like this degree offlexibility, in fact they have almost no flexibility at all. It is veryfrustrating, but we do not share any common language with amicroprocessor (Figure 9.1). Each microprocessor has a built-in list of


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instructions that it can understand. This list is called its ‘instruction set’and may consist of about a hundred or so instructions which must beput together in the right order to carry out the function required. Thisis the job of the programmer and is similar to a builder, constructing ahouse by putting a lot of simple pieces like wood, tiles, bricks in thecorrect order. When the microprocessor is designed, the instructiondecoder recognizes these inputs and starts an internal process thatallows the microprocessor to carry out the instruction. This pre-supposes that the microprocessor is familiar with the instruction or, toput it another way, the instruction is in a language that is understoodby that particular microprocessor.


Figure 9.1

A smallcommunicationproblem

Figure 9.2

They areall saying‘ADD’

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Programming – using machine code and assembly

As we have seen, we cannot talk directly to a microprocessor and,even worse, microprocessors often cannot talk directly to each other(Figure 9.2). This is particularly the case when the microprocessorshave been developed by rival organizations.

Within one company, such as Intel, there is a commercial pressure toensure that each succeeding microprocessor understands the binarycodes of the previous designs. This is referred to as being ‘upwardcompatible’. There is nothing to prevent a company from designing amicroprocessor that has the same pins and programming capability asanother. The Z80180 for instance was designed as an updated copy ofthe Intel Z80 which, in turn, was a revised version of the 8080A. It wasa pin for pin compatible plug-in replacement. This may be irritating forthe original designers but is accepted provided the internal design hasnot been copied. Indeed, it often does the original company no harm.If several compatible microprocessors are being sold it will inducemany programmers to write programs using this code. This willincrease the sales of these microprocessors and, perhaps, no-one willsuffer.

The Intel Pentium was under similar attack during 1997/8 from othermicroprocessors like the Athlon series made by A.M.D. These can runPentium programs and, for some purposes, are superior to thePentium.

Machine code

The binary code that is understood by the microprocessor is calledmachine code and consists of streams of binary bits. They are fed fromthe RAM or ROM memory chips in blocks of 8, 16, 32 or 64depending on the microprocessor in use. To us the binary stream istotal gibberish.


If we refer to the Z80180 block diagram in Figure 9.3 we caninvestigate the instruction necessary to add two numbers together. Oneof the numbers is already stored in the accumulator or register A. Let’sassume this is the number 25H.

In comes the instruction: 11000110 00010101. It is in two parts, thefirst byte, 11000110, means add the following number to the numberstored in the accumulator. This first byte which contains the instructionis called the operation code, usually abbreviated to ‘op code’. Thesecond byte, 00010101, is the number 15H. This particular instructionhas two bytes. Some instructions have only the one byte and othersthree or more bytes. The additional bytes contain the data to be usedby the op code and is called the operand.


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And here’s the action1 The first byte goes into the instruction decoder where it is decoded

into a sequence of internal operations.2 It then copies the number 15H from the data buffer into ALU, the

arithmetic and logic unit.3 The number 25H from the accumulator is then copied into the ALU

to join the 15H which is already there. The two numbers areadded.

4 And the result is copied back to the accumulator.

What is the result?It is 3AH. Be careful not to let your brain jump back to decimal modeand shout 40 at you.

At the end of a machine-code program, we must include an instructionto stop the program, otherwise we can get some unexpected orunwanted results. You may remember that, at least in the developmentstages, the program is often stored in RAM.

Now, RAM locations take up random values when they are switchedoff so when the program has completed the last instruction, it will startexecuting the random values as if they were a program. Theseinstructions may, of course, do anything at all. They could even deleteor change the program that we have just written. Overall, the effect islike an aircraft overshooting the end of a runway.

The problems with machine code

There are so many. The program is not friendly: 1100011000010101 hardly compares with ‘Add 15H to the number 25H’ for


Figure 9.3

The microprocesseradds two numbers

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Programming – using machine code and assembly

easy understanding. There is nothing about 11000110 whichreminds us of its meaning ‘add the following number to the numberstored in the accumulator’ so a program would need to belaboriously decoded byte by byte.

Typing in streams of ones and zeros is so boring that we will makemany mistakes, particularly when we remember that a real programmay be ten thousand times longer than this. Can you imagine typingin half a million bits, finding the program does not run correctly andthen settling down to look for the mistakes?

Another problem is that the programmer must be aware of theinternal structure of the microprocessor. How else could you knowwhich register to use, or even which registers exist? So you masterall this and then change to another microprocessor and thenwhat? The whole learning process has to start again – newinstructions, new registers, and new coding requirements. It’s all toohorrible.

The difficulties with machine code hardly mattered in the early daysof the microprocessor. Everyone who programmed them werefanatics and loved the complexity and there were few serious jobsfor the microprocessor to do. This first program language was calleda ‘low-level’ language to differentiate it from our own verbalcommunication language which was called a high-level language.Machine code was later referred to as the ‘First generation’ language(see Figure 9.4).

Very soon, the microprocessor was used for an increasing range oftasks and revolutionary ideas like ‘speed and ease’ crept into the


Figure 9.4

High- and low-levellanguages

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discussions. This resulted in a new language called Assembly whichovercame the most immediate failings of machine code.

Assembly language, the second generation language

Assembly language was designed to do the same work as machinecode but be much easier to use. It replaced all the ones and zeros withletters that were easier to remember but it is still a low-levellanguage.

The assembly equivalent of our machine code example 1100011000010101 is the code ADD A,m. This means ‘add any nuMber ,m tothe value stored in the accumulator. We can see immediately that itwould be far easier to guess the meaning of ADD A,m than 1100011000010101 and so it makes programming much easier. If we had tochoose letters to represent the ‘add’ command, ADD A,m wasobviously a good choice. A big improvement over alternatives likeXYZ k,g or ABC r,h. The code ADD A,m is called a mnemonic.

A mnemonic (pronounced as nemonic) is just an aid to memory and isused for all assembly codes. Here are a couple of examples:

SLA E for shift to the left, the contents of register E.

LD B 25H load the B register with the number 25H.

Now see how easy it makes it by guessing the meaning of these:


LD C 48H

Finally, have a go at one that we have not considered yet.


If SLA E means shift the contents of register E one place to the left, thenSRA E means shift the bits one place to the right. LD C 48H means putthe number 48H into the C register. LD B B enables us to copy thenumber stored in the B register into the B register.

Note: the actual mnemonics differ between microprocessors. Themanufacturers issue an ‘instruction set’ that lists all the codes for eachof their microprocessors. Together with the number of clock cyclestaken by each instruction and a summary of the function of each.

Non-destructive readout

Incidentally, microprocessors in common with memories, always usenon-destructive readouts. This means that information is shifted fromone place to another by copying it and leaving the original numberunaltered. For example, after the instruction LD A C, the registers A


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and C will both finish up with the same information in them. Thisenables stored information to be used over and over again.

To allow us to type in ADD A,15 rather than 11000110 00010101, weneed another program to do the conversion. This program is called anassembler (see Figure 9.5).

The program allows us to type in the assembly code, called thesource code, and converts it to machine code referred to as objectcode. It can show the object code on a monitor screen or print itout or it can load it into the RAM ready for use. When starting theassembler, we have to state the RAM starting address that we wishto use. This is normally only a matter of making sure it is in RAMand avoiding the other programs already installed. The object codeis shown in hex numbers rather than binary to make it easier for us.An assembler can only work within the instruction set provided bythe microprocessor designer. It cannot add any new instructions andis (almost) just a simple converter or translator between mnemonicsand machine code.

Assemblers are available from many sources and all provide thenecessary conversion from source code to object code. In addition,they may provide other features that will help us in theprogramming.

Syntax help

Syntax is the structure of statements in a language, whether it beEnglish or a computer language. In English, most people wouldrecognize something is incorrect about saying ‘He are going’ ratherthan ‘He is going’. This is an example of a syntax error.

As an example, If we mistyped the instruction LD A C as LD A V thenthe assembler would be unable to convert this to object code since itwill not recognize the ‘V’ as a valid register. A real cheapie assemblermay just stop or miss out this instruction. A somewhat better one mayput a message on the screen saying ‘syntax error code not recognized’and a very helpful one may suggest a likely cause of the trouble. It maysay, ‘syntax error. Invalid register. Register name may only be A, B, C,D , E, H or L.’


Figure 9.5

An assembler

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Another facility offered by a good assembler is the label. A label is aword that can be used to represent an address while the program isbeing written.

You will recall that we have to instruct the microprocessor to stop atthe end of a program otherwise it will go off following randominstructions. One way of stopping the microprocessor is to give itsomething quite meaningless to do. Suppose you opened an envelope,and the message inside read ‘put the envelope on the desk, pick it up,open the envelope and obey the instructions’. So you open theenvelope, read the instructions, put it on the desk, pick it up and readthe instructions. So you open the envelope, read the instructions . . .and I’m sure you can guess the next bit. We, of course, would soonstop doing this because we would see that it is pointless. Amicroprocessor on the other hand has no memory of ever having seenthe instruction before and will be quite happy to do it forever ifrequired.

Every byte of a program is stored in a sequence of memory locationsso if we started a program in address 0300H we may have got to theaddress 0950H when the stop instruction is required. The last line ofthe program was ‘jump to address 0950H’. The jump instruction tellsthe microprocessor to go to the address that follows, in this case0950H, and perform the instruction to be found there. The micro-processor now finds itself in the endless loop shown in Figure 9.6.Once the microprocessor is in one of these loops it will runcontinuously until the power supply is switched off, or the reset pin istaken low, or one of the interrupt pins is activated.

So where does the label come in?Let’s imagine that we find that we have to add an extra byte at the startof the program. This will result in each byte being shifted one placedown in the memory and the last line of the program actually startingat address 0951H rather than 0950H. When the program tells themicroprocessor to jump to address 0950H it will no longer be in the


Figure 9.6

One way ofstopping amicroprocessor

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little loop. The new contents of address 0950H may provide anyrandom instruction and the whole program could crash. This problem,shown in Figure 9.7, will not be seen as a mistake by the assembler.Remember that the assembler is only checking for known codes, notsensible programs.

If we type a word over the position where the memory addressnormally resides it will be recognized by the assembler as a label. Thatis a word which is equivalent to the address it replaced. If we use thesame label anywhere else in the program it will be given the samevalue. The good thing about this is that if the program is changed andthe addresses change, then the value of the label is changedautomatically so the two ‘STOP’s in the last line will always have thesame value and the loop will be safe from accidental destruction(Figure 9.8).

Once the assembler accepts the label, it can be used as often as welike in the program but remember that a label can only ever have onemeaning within a single program. The choice of label is usuallyrestricted to avoid clashing with words that have a special meaning tothe assembler. Words that can do this are called ‘reserved’ words andusually include words such as jump, LD, ADD, HALT etc. The actuallist is provided with the assembler program.


Figure 9.7

A late change to theprogram can ruineverything

Figure 9.8

Labels to the rescue!

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Assemblers and all higher languages allow us to write remarks or notesto act as reminders but to be ignored by the assembler. To tell theassembler program not to attempt converting it to object code weprecede the note by a semicolon or the word REM: or somethingsimilar.

The last line of our program, using the mnemonic JP for jump could bewritten as:

STOP JP STOP ;this will hold the microprocessor in a loop.

Being able to add remarks to a program makes it much easier for theprogram to be understood at a later date. At the time of coding, theprogram seems, to the programmer at least, a model of clarity. Whenthe programmer is off sick and we have to take over, their strategy isnot obvious at all. It is even more embarrassing if the program that wecannot understand is the one that we wrote ourselves a few weeksearlier. The moral of this story is to add notes even if it seemsridiculously obvious at the time.

Summary of assembly language

Assembly and machine code are not portable. This means that they aredesigned to be used on a particular microprocessor and are generallynot able to be used on another type. They also require the programmerto have knowledge of the internal layout or architecture of themicroprocessor.

Despite the two problems of portability and architecture knowledge,assembly language has survived the onslaught of the new, modern‘improved’ languages considered in the next chapter.


Assembly languages have two overriding advantages in the hands of acompetent programmer (note the ‘competent’). A program written inAssembly is faster and is more compact, i.e. it takes less memory spaceto store it. Machine code and assembly languages are calledprocedural languages. This means that the program instructs themicroprocessor to complete the first instruction, then start the next,then the next and so on until it has finished the job. This is just like arecipe.

Nearly all microprocessor-based systems are designed to operate inthis way and it seems so obvious that it is difficult to think that there isany alternative – but there is, as we will see later.


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Quiz time 9

In each case, choose the best option.

1 An assembler:

(a) converts assembly programs into machine code.(b) is a type of microprocessor.(c) converts object code into machine code.(d) is essential for converting mnemonics into source code.

2 The data that follows the op code:

(a) is always present and consists of one or more bytes.(b) is called the object code.(c) is called the operand.(d) uses denary numbers.

3 A label is:

(a) an important feature in designer clothing.(b) a form of syntax error.(c) used to represent an address while the program is being

written.(d) the part of the program that comes before an operand.

4 Machine code is:

(a) not a low-level language.(b) written using mnemonics.(c) any language designed for controlling machinery in industry.(d) an object code.

5 The part of the microprocessor that can follow themachine code is called the:

(a) Assembler.(b) Instruction decoder.(c) Instruction register.(d) Mechanic.


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10High-level languages

Third-generation languages

The third-generation languages were intended to make life easier. Theywere designed to improve the readability by using English wordswhich would make it easier to understand and to sort out any faults(bugs) in the program. The process of removing bugs is calleddebugging. In addition, they should relieve the programmer of anyneed to understand the internal architecture of the microprocessor andso the program should be totally portable. Ideally the programmershould not even need to know what processor is being used. Theselanguages are called ‘high-level’ and are all procedural.

Over the years, many languages have been invented just as there havebeen many microprocessors. Just like the microprocessors, a fewlanguages had some special aptitude that made them stand out fromthe crowd. We will introduce some of the survivors.


In the early days of computers, they were seen as a means ofimproving the speed and accuracy of performing mathematicalcalculations – rather as new and improved calculating machines. IBMdominated the computer world at that time and employed John Backusto produce an improved language to supersede assembly language.


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High-level languages

The result, finalized in 1957, was Fortran. This was the first high-levellanguage to gain widespread acceptance. Its claim to fame was that itcould evaluate mathematical formulas. This gave rise to its name‘FORmula TRANslation’ (originally ‘IBM Mathematical Formula Trans-lating System’). (See Figure 10.1.)

Fortran has instructions built-in to handle most scientific formulas suchas finding the sine of an angle which would be extremely difficult to doin assembly language. Difficult, but not impossible. After all, theFortran program must first be converted into the machine codeunderstood by the microprocessor. If the Fortran program can beconverted to machine code, then it follows that the program couldhave been written in machine code in the first case. Its just a matter ofsaving an enormous amount of work.

As time went by, small additions and alterations were made to thelanguage giving rise to new ‘dialects’. The disadvantage of this is thatit starts to erode portability – one of the primary reasons for having ahigh-level language. In 1958 a re-defined language called Fortran 2was born which was replaced in turn by Fortran 3 and 4. Still newdialects were sprouting and, in 1966, a final, last, definitive versioncalled Fortran 66 was designed. Then we had the even more final andmore definitive Fortran 77 and the absolutely final and totallydefinitive Fortran 90. This is not as bad as it seems since each newversion included extras rather than changes. There was a Fortran 95version and there is another due out somewhere around the year 2004to 2006 which, at the moment, is just referred to as 200X but at leastthis name suggests a launch no later than the year 2009. In themeantime, an easily learnt version, simply called F, was launched. Thiswas compatible with Fortran 77, 90 and 95 but includes some moremodern characteristics while older more redundant sections were


Figure 10.1

The first successful high-levellanguage – and still going

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quietly dropped. High Performance Fortran (HPF) is similar to the 90and 95 versions except that it has been extended to allow micro-processors to be run in parallel for extra speed.


In assembly language, we used an assembler program to convert themnemonics to machine code. We usually refer to the conversionsbeing from source code to object code but it means the same thing. InFortran, or any high-level language, we use a compiler to produce themachine code. The compiler will also carry out the useful extras likeerror and syntax checking that we met with the assemblers. Compilersand assemblers are both software – that is, they are programs designedto do a specific job. If we were using a 68000 microprocessor, andwished to program it using a particular language, say Fortran, then wewould have to purchase a ‘Fortran 90 to 68000’ compiler. It would dojust this job and nothing else. We could not adapt it in any way toaccept a different high-level language or ‘target’ it at a differentprocessor (see Figure 10.2).

All assemblers are basically one-to-one converters. We enter the opcode and out comes the object code so the only difference betweentwo assemblers is in the amount of debugging and label handling helpthat it can provide. Compilers are different. There are not any directobject code equivalents to things like sine or square root so the finaloutput depends on the skills of the compiler designer. The programmermust look at each of the available commands in the high levellanguage and write an assembly program to perform the function.Some compilers are, therefore, inevitably better than others.

Libraries, linkers and loaders

When the designer has struggled through the process of devisingassembly code for a particularly nasty formula it would make senseto store the answer away to allow its use on another occasion.A collection of these solutions is called a library and can be purchased.


Figure 10.2

Compilersare likeassemblers

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Figure 10.3

From high level tolow level

This reduces the amount of totally original coding that is needed.Many ‘new’ formulas can be made from combinations of existingcode. Slotting these ready-made library routines into the mainprograms is performed by a linker which is another piece of software.The linker therefore joins or links together many separate pieces ofcode into one program ready for use. The last job to be done is to loadit into some RAM ready for use. Another piece of software is used todetermine which addresses in the microprocessor system memory areavailable. This is called a loader. A loader also converts labels to theirfinal addresses. Very often the linking and loading functions arecombined into a single linker-loader program. The process isillustrated in Figure 10.3.

Fortran source code

Fortran consists of numbered statements called program lines and areused to tell the system the order in which the instructions are to becarried out. In the absence of any other commands, the program linesare executed in numerical order.

Fortran code is written in a very compact form much closer tomathematics than English. For example, to load a number and find thesquare root of it may look like this:

1 Read (4) P

2 A = SQRT(P)

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In statement 1, the microprocessor is sent to input number 4 (this mustbe defined earlier) and retrieves a number which we call P. Statement2 finds its square root.

Fortran has accumulated enormous libraries to handle scientific andengineering problems. The drawback of Fortran is that its instructionsare so very compact that, unless you are happy with formulas, it canlook a little frightening. In addition, its format is very precise and thismakes it difficult and unforgiving to learn. If you have a morbid dreadof mathematics, you may find its approach a little daunting.


In Dartmouth College, USA, a simplified language was developed. Itwas based on Fortran and was designed as a simpler language andeasier to learn. This language was called Basic (Beginners’ All purposeSymbolic Instruction Code) and first appeared in 1960 (see Figure10.4).

In the early days, the emphasis was on ‘easy to learn’ and ‘using aminimum amount of memory’ as memory was very expensive. Thesetwo attributes made it very useful in colleges but was largely ignored‘in the real world’. As microprocessors appeared and gave rise to the


Figure 10.4

The Basics

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microcomputer, the benefits of low memory requirements gave it arenewed popularity and it ‘took off’.

To save memory, Basic was designed as an interpreted language. Aninterpreter rather than a compiler carried out the conversion of thesource code to the object code.

What’s the difference? The compiler converts the whole program intoobject code, stores it, then runs the program. The interpreter takes adifferent approach. The first instruction in the program is converted tosource code and it is then executed. The next item of source code isthen converted to object code and then ran and so on right through theprogram (see Figure 10.5). The interpreter never stores the whole ofthe machine code program. It just generates it, a line at a time, asneeded.


Figure 10.5

The Slow ’n’ easy interpreter

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The development of Basic

The explosion of microcomputers in the 1980s resulted in widespreadadoption of Basic. It was used, or at least played with, by more peoplethan any programming language before or since. More variations, ordialects, started to appear, as occurred with Fortran.

In the case of Fortran, the American National Standard Institute (ANSI)collected all the ideas together and produced the standard Fortranslike Fortran 66, 77 and 90. This did not happen with Basic and theresult is now an open market with several hundred differentcompeting, sort of compatible, Basics floating around. Most of theearlier ones have withered away leaving a few popular versions likeQ-Basic, GW Basic and Quick Basic. More recently, with the virtualmonopoly of the Windows operating system, a new version calledVisual Basic (VB) has appeared which has features to make thegeneration of Windows programs much easier.

Over the years, the language has developed to provide more and morefeatures until it closely rivals Fortran, even for calculations. Basic hasshaken off its beginner’s label and is used by many professionalprogrammers. Now that memory size is not such a problem, compiledversions are now used to accelerate the execution of programs.

There has been a series of versions of Visual Basic, VB1 to VB6 and wenow have VB.Net to allow easy manipulation of WindowsTM and Website material.

Basic is very readable

It uses line numbering as in Fortran and is generally readable. Here isan example. Test out its claim to readability by guessing theoutcome.

10 input A, B

20 Let C = A * B

30 Print C

40 End

On line 10, it requests two numbers A and B to be entered, possibly via akeyboard. Line 20 defines a new number C as the result of multiplyingthem together. Print means providing an output either onto a printer orto the screen of the monitor. The last line stops the program.

As you will remember, we always have to give a microprocessorsomething safe to do after it has completed a program otherwise it willstart following random instructions. We can do this by sending it in aloop as we did in the assembly example to follow the same instructionover and over again or we can send it off to follow another program.The END instruction does just this. The program is returned to a


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High-level languages

‘monitor’ program. A monitor program does the often forgotten parts ofthe system like scanning the keyboard to accept further instructionsand is in no way connected with the screen showing the visualimages.

The line numbers are executed in numerical order and any missingnumbers are just ignored. This allows us to use line numbers thatincrease in steps of five or ten instead of ones. The advantage of this isthat any forgotten instruction can be added later by giving it a new linenumber. For example, if we remembered that we wanted to divide thevalue of C by 2 then print this result as well, we could add a couple ofextra lines:

10 input A, B

20 Let C = A * B

30 Print C

32 Let D = C/2

35 Print D

40 End

A final point is that we do not say what A, B, C or D stand for beforewe start. The program implies the necessary information. In otherwords, we do not have to declare the variables.


Fortran and Basic, the son of Fortran, did not make enormous stepstowards employing normal English language phrases. This wasattempted by the US Defense Department who introduced Cobol in1959 – just before Basic (see Figure 10.6). Its purpose was not numbercrunching, like Fortran, but information handling. It proved to besuccessful at this and spread from the US Navy where it kept recordsof stocks and supplies, to the business world. The name was derivedfrom COmmon Business Oriented Language.

Cobol was designed, more in hope than reality, to be easily read bynon-programmers. However, it looked friendlier than the mathemat-ical approach of Fortran and has survived to the present day. It isgenerally used by large corporate computers rather than DesktopPCs.

Large businesses handle enormous amounts of information data. Justimagine the amount of information involved in a few everydayactivities. We apply to open a bank account – a form appearsasking an almost infinite number of questions. Then we want acredit card – more forms, more information mostly the same as wegave them for the bank account. Then we buy something. What webought, its stock number, its price, the date, our card number, and


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name are all transmitted to the national card centre and our accountis amended. None of these transactions involve particularly compli-cated mathematics. The calculations are basically addition andsubtraction of totals. So the calculating ability of Cobol does notneed to rival Fortran or even Basic. But what it can do it to extractrelated information – put in our post code and out comes all sorts ofinformation about us – credit rating, employment, home address,hobbies, purchasing patterns and almost anything else they want.Some of this information is bought and sold between companieswithout reference to us.

Like Fortran, it has survived by meeting a specific need and has had aseries of upgraded standard versions. They refer to the date ofadoption: Cobol 60, Cobol 74, Cobol 85, Cobol 97 and the new 2002version.

A real effort was made to allow the language to be understood by thosewho know more about English than about programming. To this end,Cobol statements are English phrases including a verb and ending witha comma. The phrases can be joined up to form a sentence or a singlestatement can end with a period (full stop).

A line may read:

1 Add staff to customers to give total people.


Figure 10.6

This is the business

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High-level languages


Pascal was first designed in Switzerland in 1971 (Figure 10.7). It ismostly an academic language and has been largely overtaken forprofessional programming by languages such as C. When learningother languages, a short course of Pascal is often employed as anintroduction. Pascal is used because it is ‘good for you’, just as it isoften said that to learn European languages it is ‘good’ to learn Latinfirst to lay down the rules of language before starting on French,German or Spanish.

Pascal is a very structured language. A structured program consistsof a series of separate, self-contained units each having a singlestarting point and a single exit point. The program layout looks likea simple block diagram with all the blocks arranged one under theother. Since every unit can be isolated from the ones above andbelow, detecting an error, or understanding a new program, isrelatively easy.

Languages like Basic can use instructions like GO TO to jump to a newpart of the program and this often results in what is called ‘spaghetti’programming, making it very difficult to find a fault in the program or


Figure 10.7

Pascal does you good

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even to understand what the program does (see Figure 10.8). Pascalavoids this by using instructions like ‘Repeat ... until’. Basic is cleaningup its act by incorporating this type of instruction into the more recentversions.

CApart from teaching good programming habits, Pascal was largelyreplaced by the language called C, invented a year after Pascal andallowing all the good practice programming methods of Pascal with afew extras (see Figure 10.9).

The main difference is that it is a lower-level language than Pascalwhich may seem a strange improvement. Its advantage is that it cancontrol low-level features like memory loading that we last met inassembly without all the drawbacks of using assembly language. Ithas many high-level features, and low-level facilities when werequire them and can produce very compact, and therefore fast,code.

C++ and object-oriented programming

A new version of C has included all of the previous C language andadded a new feature called object-oriented programming. Thisversion, called C++, is referred to as a superset of C (see Figure10.10).

Object-oriented programming is a somewhat different approach toprogramming. In all previous cases, a task has been set and we look at


Figure 10.8


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the problem in terms of what processing is required to reach therequired result. In object-oriented languages we have a number ofobjects which can be anything from some data, a diagram on amonitor screen, a block of text or a complete program. Once we havedefined our objects, we can then allocate them to their own storageareas and define ways of acting on the entire object at the sametime.

As an example, if we drew a square on the monitor screen and wishedto move it, we could approach this in two ways. We could take eachpoint on the screen and shift its position and hence rebuild the squarein a different position. The object-oriented approach would be todefine the shape as an object, then instruct the object to move. This israther similar to our way of handling parts of the screen in a Windowsenvironment. We use a mouse to take hold of an object, say a menu,and simply drag it to a new position. The menu is being treated as asingle lump, which is an example of an object.

All the menus have similarities and differences. Similar objects aregrouped into ‘classes’. A class includes the definition and type of thedata together with the methods of manipulation that can be applied toan object. In our example of a class including the menus, each specific


Figure 10.9


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menu is called an ‘instance’. All of a class share some properties called‘public’ properties and are different in some way, like different textbeing entered, these are called ‘private’ properties.

As we saw earlier, C++ is just standard C with the object-orientedextras added to it.


Although not its original destiny, Java was found to be ideal fortransmitting information over the Internet. It looks, at first glance, to besimilar to C++ but it has some important advantages. It is small anddoes not require any particular architecture and can therefore beembedded in other applications for use in a wide range of systems.This embedded Java code is called ‘Applets’ and is used in InternetExplorer and other browsers.

Fourth-generation languages

Fourth-generation languages are non-procedural and tend to concen-trate on what the program must do rather than the mechanics ofthe step-by-step approach of the procedural languages. A tempting


Figure 10.10

C plus objects andJava

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definition is to say they are the most recent, or the most popular or the‘best’ languages. None of these definitions apply, so it may be better tostick to non-procedural as the most likely definition.


Lisp was designed about the same time as Cobol and several yearsbefore Basic. It is the work of an American, John McCarthy (see Figure10.11).

Lisp (LISt Processing) involves the manipulation of data which is heldin lists or entered by keyboard and is associated with artificialintelligence. Lisp is a function-oriented language. This means that wedefine a function, such as add, subtract or more complex combina-tions. A list consists of a series of ‘members’ separated by spaces andenclosed in brackets. Samples of lists are (2 5 56 234) or (mother fatherson daughter).

A simple function defined as (PLUS 6 4) would return the answer 10 byadding the two numbers. Since it is an interpreted language, theprogram is executed one step at a time so inputted values are used asthey are entered. In some versions of Lisp, this would have beenwritten as (+ 6 4) using the mathematical symbol.


Figure 10.11

Lisp – dealing with lists

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We can define our own function by saying

>(defun result (A B)(+A B))

defun = define function and A B are inputted numbers and the answershave been given the name ‘result’. So, if we input the numbers 4 and5 we would receive the response 9. This has defined a function inwhich we enter two numbers A and B and they are added. We coulduse this to enter a list of values for A and B generating a list of all theresults.


The letters APL stand, reasonably enough, for ‘A ProgrammingLanguage’. This is another interpreted language developed by IBMaround 1962 and is only used for numerical data. It is a curiousmixture of Lisp and Fortran. It combines the function orientation ofLisp with the terse procedural mathematics of Fortran (see Figure10.12). It allows user-defined functions and has a large library ofsolutions to common problems. Most people would agree that givena choice, APL is not the language to learn if you are in a hurry. Forexample, the four basic functions of add, subtract, multiply and


Figure 10.12

A programming language

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High-level languages

divide are present but even here, life is not easy. What would youexpect the result of 2 * 3 to be? Well, it’s not 6. This would bewritten as 3 2 and 2 * 3 is actually 23 or 8. The statement: Value← 4 – –2 four take away minus two giving an answer of plus six.Notice the different symbols for minus and a negative number.Other mathematical functions like sin, cos and tan are replaced byspecial symbols that do not appear on standard keyboards.

Easy, it is not. The good news is that, once mastered, it provides fastcompact programs but the many cryptic statements would need toinclude many comments to help another person to understand yourprogram.


Prolog is called a ‘declarative’ language in which the programdesigner does not need to know exactly what the output will be whenstarting the design of the program. It was first developed in France in1972 with a view to its use in the development of artificial intelligence.Prolog stands for PROgramming by LOGic. Other versions weredeveloped, such as DEC10, IC Prolog, which were produced in the UKand other versions from the US (see Figure 10.13).


Figure 10.13

A logic-basedlanguage

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Prolog is another non-procedural language in that it is not a route to agoal but a set of information and a method from which the result canbe deduced. Basically the idea is to feed in some facts and ask theprogram to produce some conclusions. You will remember the littlelogic puzzles like ‘Graham is married to Anne, Kirk is the son of Peterand the brother of Matt . . . Is Kirk the brother of . . .’ You know the sortof thing – more and more interconnected pieces of information untilyour head hurts. Just the job for Prolog.

The program includes facts and rules then we can ask questions. Hereis a really simple example.


coins (franc, france)

coins (centime, france)

coins (dollar, usa)

coins (cent, usa)


french(x):–coins (x,france)

american(x):–coins (x,american)

Now we ask some questions:

?french (centime)

answer: Yes

?french (dollar)

answer: No

OK so far, but:

?american (dime)

answer: No

It has no data so it cannot say that dime is correct so it plays safe andsays it is incorrect.

The future

Increasing microprocessor speeds and using several to share theprocessing tasks together with the decreasing size and cost of memorywill be the key to the future. The idea of a desktop computer runningat 20 GHz and having 128 Gbytes of memory is no longer ridiculous.In fact, it is looking rather modest after looking at Table 10.1 in whichthe trend over the last 26 years is projected another 26 years into thefuture.

‘It cannot keep increasing’ – quote of the year 1972, 1973, 1974,1975, 1976 . . .


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High-level languages

A persistent occupant of my crystal ball is real spoken voicecommunication. A few years ago voice recognition was only a dreamand is now a reality and becoming increasingly efficient. Voicesynthesis is progressing nicely and is beginning to sound less robotic.When these two technologies mature, simultaneous language transla-tion will not be far away and real dialog with the computer will begin.Another million television programs suddenly become availablewithout sub-titles (you see, all progress comes at a price!).

Six million, million instructions per second and 800 GHz clock speedtogether with total voice control of computer functions will be here ina few years.

‘How about that Mr Spock?’


That’s my guess.

At least it is something to look back and smile about in the future.

Quiz time 10

In each case, choose the best option.

1 A compiler:

(a) converts machine code to a high level language.(b) is faster than an interpreter.(c) is another name for a linker.(d) is not available for the Basic language.

2 APL was largely influenced by:

(a) Cobol and Prolog.(b) Lisp and Fortran.(c) Fortran and Basic.(d) Pascal and Cobol.


Table 10.1

Similarly pricedmicroprocessorsystems

Intel 4004in 1972

Intel Pentiumin 1998

Microprocessorin 2024

Clock speed 0.108 MHz 300 MHz 833 GHzMemory 640 bytes 64 Mbytes 6.4 TbytesPerformance (MIPS) 0.06 approx. 600 approx. 6 000 000

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3 A fourth generation language can be described as alanguage which:

(a) is still being used.(b) is object-oriented.(c) was developed for artificial intelligence.(d) is non-procedural.

4 A language designed to allow logical deductions tobe made from input data is:

(a) C.(b) Latin.(c) Prolog.(d) Fortran.

5 Pascal:

(a) is a low level language compared with C.(b) is only of use if you are going to translate it to European

languages.(c) is a highly structured language.(d) was the first popular high-level language.


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11The development ofmicroprocessors and


Micros are getting bigger – and faster

As the complexity of microprocessors and other digital integratedcircuits has increased, there has been an inevitable increase in thenumber of transistors that are incorporated in their design.

In the list below, we have used transistors or their equivalent. Theseclassifications are not universally accepted, there are different namesand numbers floating around, so a degree of flexibility should beemployed when comparing different sources. This is particularly trueat the large end where the terminology has not yet ‘firmed up’.

SSI Small scale integration 1–10 transistors

MSI Medium scale integration 10–1000 transistors

LSI Large scale integration 1000–10 000 transistors

VLSI Very large scale integration 10 000–100 000 transistors

SLSI Super large scale integration 100 000–1 million transistors

ULSI Ultra large scale integration 1–10 million transistors

The increase in the number of devices has also had the effect ofnecessarily decreasing the size of each component. If the samecomponent size were used for the current front runners as was used for


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the original 4004 microprocessor, they would be about the same sizeas a page of this book. For reasons that we will look at in a moment,unless we reduced the size of the components, we couldn’t increasethe speed of operation and so the current microprocessors would havea maximum clock speed of under 1 MHz.

How do we measure the speed of a microprocessor?

This is a lot more difficult than we think because the developers ofmicroprocessors are in competition with each other so as soon as amethod is suggested, they try to exploit the situation to present theirmicroprocessor as faster than all the others.

Be wary when reading comparisons – which tests have they chosen,and why? While watching the last Olympic games, it occurred to methat I was probably faster that any of those competing in the 100metres. Yes, I felt confident that I could build a working micro-processor-based system quicker than any of the athletes. You see,comparisons all depend on the test that we have decided to use.Anyone can be World champion. It’s only a matter of choosing thetests well enough. With that in mind, here are a few popular speedcomparisons.

MIPS (millions of instructions per second)

This appears an easy measurement to take. It is simply a matter ofmultiplying the number of clock cycles in a second by the clock cyclestaken to complete an instruction.

The current Athlon for example can run at 2 GHz or 2000 MHz. It canperform up to 9 instructions per clock cycle so its number ofinstructions per second is simply 2 × 109 × 9 = 18 000 million cyclesper second.

Life is never that simple. Some instructions are more time consumingthan others as they take a different number of clock cycles to performthe task. Competitors will obviously choose instructions that give themost impressive results on their own microprocessor.

An extreme example occurred about ten years ago with the Intel80836, we could ask it to perform some additions. By consulting theinstruction set, we could see that they each take two clock cycles tocomplete. Now, if we take a clock frequency of 25 MHz, each clockcycle would last for 40 ns so an ‘add’ instruction would take 80 ns.This would equate to a speed of 12.5 MIPS. An unkind competitor maytake ‘at random’ the divide instruction that takes 46 clock cycles, theycould reduce its MIPS rating to a measly 0.54 MIPS. A really vindictiveperson could search through the instruction set with a magnifying glassand find that there is a really obscure instruction that takes 316 clock


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cycles. This would provide a speed of 0.08 MIPS – about the same asa four-bit microprocessor.

We cannot even say that we can make it fair by using the sameinstruction for each microprocessor since they don’t always have theirtalents in the same area. If we had two microprocessors, each with a‘load’ instruction taking five clock cycles and they both ran on a10 MHz clock, what would be their speed? 10/5 = 2 MIPS. (In workingthis out we can just ignore the fact that the clock cycle is in megahertzsince the speed is measured in millions of instructions.) But can theydo the job at the same speed? Possibly or possibly not. What if one wasa 64-bit microprocessor and the other was an 8-bit microprocessor.The 64-bit one could shovel data at eight times the speed. For goodreason MIPS have been referred to as ‘Meaningless Indication ofPerformance by Sales reps’.

FLOPS (FLoating-point Operations Per Second)

To overcome the problem of which instructions should be employedsome standard floating-point operations can be used.

As a quick reminder, a floating point number is one in which we havemoved the decimal point to the start of the number, so 123.456 wouldbe converted to 1.23456 102. This makes the mathematics faster.Modern microprocessors would have values in the order of tenGFLOPS (GigaFLOPS).

This also meets with objections. The obvious question is, ‘What“operation” is being measured?’ Choose your operation carefully andthe opposition is left far behind.

Both of these tests, MIPS and FLOPS are supposed to be micro-processor tests and not system tests.

System tests

Other speed measurements tend to be system tests rather thanmicroprocessor tests but a brief overview may be in order since theyare often quoted, almost as alternatives.

BenchmarksThese tests are based on making the microprocessor-based systemrun a standard or ‘benchmark’ program. The immediate failing hereis that to get a program to run on microprocessors with incompatiblecode will mean that the compilers will also be tested, which is notpart of the system. There is also an immediate outcry from peoplewho disagree with the program chosen since it doesn’t suit theirsystem.


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I/O operations (input/output operations)As the name suggests, this measures the speed of accepting informa-tion in and sending it out again. But loading information from a CD forexample will depend on whether the information is being read fromthe same track or does the head have to move and include seek-time?

TPS (Transactions Per Second)This is a move to model the tasks set into real-life situations. It requiresthe system to take in information, modify it and then store it again. Itputs a heavy significance on memory access times and compilers.

SPECmark (Systems Performance Evaluation Co-operative’s benchmark)This is the average result of carrying out 10 agreed benchmark tests inan attempt to measure the system performance in a range of situations.Recent changes include one using floating point arithmetic, which isof more interest to serious number crunching in science andengineering and the other an integer test for the rest of us. These arereferred to as SPECfp95 and SPECint95. As a starting point forcomparison, the 200 MHz Intel Pentium Pro delivers a value of 8.71using the SPECint95.

How to make a microprocessor go faster?

Increase the clock speed

This seems the obvious answer and generating the necessary squarewave shown in Figure 6.4 is no problem. In a modern microprocessor-based system there are two clocks that we need to consider. There is asquare-wave clock that controls the internal operation of the micro-processor. This is the headline speed seen in the adverts, ‘the 2 GHzPentium’. There is also the operating clock, about 133 MHz, for thesystem to control the external devices and memory. This saves us fromupgrading all the external devices to match each new processor.

Internal clock speeds will probably continue to increase at least intothe low gigahertz range but there are limiting factors that will makecontinuous increases in speed difficult to achieve. It would be a trivialelectronic problem to generate a square wave of 1000 GHz or more,so there is obviously more to it. And there is.

Power dissipation

Heat is a form of power and is an unwanted by-product of any activityinside a microprocessor.

Power = voltage current


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So, to reduce heat production, we have to reduce either the voltage orthe current, or both.

We will start with voltage since it is a little more straightforward. Theearly microprocessors used a 15 V supply that has been steadilyreduced and the latest designs are pushing at 1.5 V. How much furthercan we go along this line? It appears as if we have nearly reached thelimit. The integrated circuits are made from a semiconductor calledsilicon. This passes electricity under the control of electric charges.The applied voltage creates this charge. In silicon, the simplest deviceneeds at least 0.6 V to operate although, by adding minute traces ofother materials, this figure can be reduced a little. A single transistorcan do little with voltages less than 1 V so in a complex circuit it isalready amazing that the total voltages can be as low as they are. Thechances of a microprocessor running on less than 1 V is slight indeed.If I were braver, I would say impossible. Another point with regard tothe voltage is that we must not forget the effects of random electricalnoise as we saw earlier in Figure 2.2. Sudden changes in current flowin nearby circuits can cause random changes. If the voltages arereduced too far, the microprocessor will become more prone torandom errors.

Bursts of current are promoted by the vertical leading and trailingedges of the clock pulses so the higher the clock frequency, the moreedges per second and the more current will flow and hence more heatwill be generated. To reduce the heat generated simply reduce theclock speed, which is exactly what we don’t want to do.

Size of architecture and its effects

As the electric charges move through the transistors inside themicroprocessor it takes a finite time. It follows then, that if we reduce thesize of the transistors we can move data around faster and this is true.

The smallest feature that could be fabricated in a microprocessor hadan initial size of about 10 m when microprocessors were firstproduced; it has now been reduced to 0.13 m, a significantreduction. This reduction has two drawbacks. Firstly, it is much moredifficult and expensive to manufacture without accepting enormousfailure rates. Secondly, the heat generated has not changed, since it isa feature of voltage and current but not size. This means that itstemperature will increase unless we can dissipate the power. Anunfortunate problem with semiconductors is that they are heatsensitive and will auto-destruct if the temperature rises too far. We doour best with heat sinks, which are basically slabs of aluminum withfins to increase the surface area, and fans to keep the heat moving. Atypical operating range is 0–85°C when measured in the centre of theouter case of the microprocessor (not the heat sink).


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To increase the system speed

When we look at the overall system, it is apparent that not all thingshave progressed at the same rate. The largest bottleneck is the memory.We already use a slower clock speed but the microprocessor still spendsa lot of its time humming a tune and bending paper clips waiting forinformation to arrive from the memory. During the life of themicroprocessor, the clock speed has increased from 0.1 MHz to about3 GHz, an increase of about 30 000 times. During this time, theseDRAM memories have got bigger but only about 2000 times faster.

Modern microprocessors have about 128 kbyte of on-board RAM,called a cache. When the microprocessor has to go to the externalmemory for information, it saves a copy of the address and theinformation in case it is needed again. It also saves the address andinformation from the next memory location. The reasoning behind thisis that since nearly all languages are procedural then the next locationis likely to be accessed next. If not, the program may jump back to aprevious address to repeat part of a program as in a counting loop toproduce a delay. When the microprocessor next requires access to thememory, it first checks the high speed cache to see if the informationis stored, if it is, we have scored a ‘hit’ and the system has increasedits speed. If it is not there, it is a ‘miss’ and the main memory is used.This new information is then stored in the cache for later.

This cache is sometimes called a level 1 cache, or L1 cache. Thisimplies that there may be a level 2 cache – and there is. The L2 cacheis usually 256 kbyte.

When data is needed, the microprocessor checks cache level 1, then2 and lastly, the main memory.

Making more use of each clock pulse


To put too much reliance on the clock frequency is like saying that themaximum rpm of the engine determines the maximum speed of avehicle. Yes, true, but other things like gearbox ratios are alsosignificant. Doing 9000 rpm in first gear will not break any speedrecords. The real speed of a microprocessor also depends on how muchuseful work is done during each clock cycle. This is where pipelining isreally helpful and is now incorporated in all microprocessors.

Let’s assume we have some numbers to move from the memory to thearithmetic and logic unit (ALU):

Clock pulse 1 A number is moved from a memory location to the


Clock pulse 2 It is then moved from the accumulator to the ALU.


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If we have another number to be loaded, this would have to repeat theprocess so loading two numbers would take four clock pulses. Threenumbers would take six clock pulses and so on.

During the first clock pulse, a number is being moved along the busbetween the memory and the accumulator and so the other part of thebus between the accumulator and the ALU is not used. During thesecond pulse, we still have one section of the bus idle (Figure 11.1).

Pipelining is the process of making better use of the buses. While onenumber is shifted from the memory to the accumulator, we can use thesame clock pulse to shift another number from the accumulator intothe ALU along the other section of the bus. In this way, we get moreaction for each clock pulse and so the microprocessor completesinstructions faster without an increase in the clock speed (Figure11.2).

If we get two jobs being done on the same clock cycle, then this hasmade a significant improvement to the speed without increasing theclock speed. If we can manage to get three pieces of informationmoving, or jobs done, this is even better. Incidentally the Pentiummanages five and the Pentium Pro can manage 12 and the Pentium 4can keep up to 126 instructions ‘in flight’. Unfortunately, we can neverget pipelining to work this well on all instructions, but every littlehelps.


If we wished to AND two binary numbers, we could do it by using alogic gate as we saw in Chapter 5 or we could use a microprocessorexecuting an instruction code. Now, comparing middle-of-the-range


Figure 11.1

One clockpulse movesone number

Figure 11.2

One clockpulse movestwo numbers

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devices, the logic gate would complete the task in 8 ns but acomparable microprocessor (80386, 25 MHz) would take a minimumof 80 ns.

This type of comparison established the belief that, given a choice,hardware is always faster than software. In the above case, it is 10times faster.

Given the job of carrying out a hundred such instructions we had achoice:

Software method = 100 operations 80 ns = 8000 ns (8 ms)

Hardware method = 1 operation at, say, 240 ns + 100 hardware

operations 8 ns = 1049 ns

This philosophy was followed throughout the development of 4- and8-bit microprocessors. This gave rise to more complex hardware anda steady increase in the size of the instruction set from a little under50 instructions for the 4004 up to nearly 250 in the case of thePentium Pro.

In the mid 1980s, the hardware-for-speed approach began to bequestioned. The ever-increasing number and complexity of theoperating codes was reversed in some designs. These microprocessorswere called RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers) and the ‘oldfashioned’ designs were dubbed CISC or (Complex Instruction SetComputers). History has not proved so black and white as thissuggests. It is much more a matter of shades of grey with new designsbeing neither wholly CISC nor RISC. The use of predominately CISCmicroprocessors outnumbers RISC designs by a wide margin, at least60:1. This does not imply that they are better but they simply have agreater proportion of the market. As we know, there is a lot more tomarket dominance than having the best product. Sadly.

CISC designs include all the 8-bit microprocessors and Pentium,Pentium Pro and all of the 68000 family whereas the RISC includesDigital Alphas and the IBM/Motorola Power PCs.

RISC versus CISC

Both RISC and CISC microprocessors employ all the go-fastertechniques such as pipelining, superscalar structures and caches. Asuperscalar architecture is when there are two ALUs that share theprocessing like having two microprocessors. So, what are the realdifferences?

By analysing the code actually produced by compilers, we find that asmall number of different instructions account for a very largeproportion of the object code produced. Most popular are theinstructions that deal with data being moved around.


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At this point a curious switch of design occurred. You will rememberthat the ‘normal’ or CISC microprocessor included a microprogram inits instruction decoder or control unit. This microprogram wasresponsible for the internal steps necessary to carry out the instructionsin the instruction code. So the microprocessor that we have beenpraising for its use of hardware to gain speed, is actually being runinternally by software.

The RISC approach was to reduce the number of instructionsavailable but keep them simple and do them fast. The number ofinstructions were reduced to under a hundred. Since instructioncodes can be easily enhanced by adding some extras to themicroprogram it was tempting to do it. No pruning of previousinstruction was possible owing to the need to maintain compatibilitywith previous versions.

Following the cries of ‘hardware is faster than software’ it seemed alogical step to do away with the microprogram and replace it withhardware that could carry out the simple steps necessary. Thishardware was made more simple by keeping all the instructions thesame length so that pipelining was easier to organize. The onlydisadvantage of these constant length instructions is that they all haveto be the same length as the longest and so the total program lengthwill be increased.

CISC kept shoveling bucketfuls of data backwards and forwardsbetween the microprocessor and the external memory using manydifferent types of instruction. RISC designs just had a simple load andstore instruction and everything else is done internally using a largenumber of registers to replace the external memory.

By the use of hardware for handling instructions and internal movesbetween registers, all instructions could be reduced to a single clockcycle, which gave a significant increase in speed. Generally, thePentium Pro has managed to match this speed by its extensive use ofpipelining.

As time goes by, there is an increasing tendency for the RISC/CISCdifference to decrease. Modern RISC microprocessors like the Pow-erPC970 have an increasing number of instructions even though theydo tend to be simple and fast and the more traditional CISC approach inthe Pentium 4 is also employing simple yet extremely fast instructions.

Who did what, when

As we know, our starting point was the Intel 4004 in 1972, veryquickly followed by the 8-bit 8008 processor. These are shown inFigure 11.3. Notice that, even within a company, there was noagreement about the operating voltages.


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Figure 11.3

The first 4- and 8-bitmicroprocessors

It also started the trend for numbering, rather than naming, amicroprocessor. This made good sense since each basic designgenerated a series of variations, different speeds, modified instructionsets etc. The numbers can give a clue as to some of the basiccharacteristics and the hierarchy. Sometimes an X is used to signify afamily of devices like the 80X86, so by giving different values to the X,we include the 80286, 80386 etc. The tendency now is to use a nameand a number. This was due more to a legal problem owing to thedifficulties of ‘owning’ a number. This was highlighted after Intelproduced the 80286 followed by the 80386 and 80486, which gave itscompetitors rather advanced warning of the name of the next one.Intel couldn’t copyright the number 80586 otherwise mathematicianswould fear prosecution if any calculation resulted in this number. Theytried to call it the P5, claiming world rights over the letter P. Finallythey went for ‘Pentium’. Apart from the fun of watching it all going on,the main beneficiaries, as usual, were the corporate lawyers (for whomwe all pay, of course).

Intel versus Motorola

In December 1973, Intel introduced the 8080A. This was a verypopular processor that had a 16-bit address bus so it can address up to64 kbytes of memory or, as the adverts said at the time, ‘a MASSIVE64k of memory’. The power supplies changed again, this time to +5 V,+12 V and –5 V. The number of instructions increased again and thenumber of pins increased to 40. Internally, there was the normalaccumulator and eight general-purpose registers. This, then, becamethe standard package size for future 8-bit microprocessors as shown inFigure 11.4.

At about the same time, Motorola introduced a rival in the form of theMC6800. Like the Intel 8080A, this one was an 8-bit microprocessor

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with 16 address pins. At this point, the similarities ended. It was notcompatible with the 8080A and so fought toe to toe in the marketplace, and came second!

The power supplies were simplified, now requiring only a single +5 Vsupply. A block diagram of the MC6800 is shown in Figure 11.5. Wecan see that it was unusual in not having any general purpose registersbut it did have two accumulators. The approach here was to use anexternal memory location for the temporary storage of information thatall previous microprocessors would have put into an internal register.The remainder of the microprocessor is quite familiar from our look atthe Z80 in Chapter 8. The 6800 performed slightly faster than the 8080on average, but not enough to break the hold of Intel in themarketplace.

The final 8-bit microprocessors

At this time, Intel was working on the design of a replacement for the8080A. It was a response to the criticisms of the 8080A: Why does itneed three different power supplies when the 6800 only need one?And why only one interrupt pin when the 6800 has two?

At this time some of the engineers that had been working on the 8080Aand were developing the replacement called the 8085A decided, orwere persuaded, to move to a rival company called Zilog.

Meanwhile, back at Intel, the 8085 was produced. It answered all thegripes about the 8080A and increased the clock speed to 5.5 MHz.Still 8 bits with a 16-bit address bus, it stayed with its eight internalgeneral purpose registers. It followed Motorola’s lead and opted for asingle +5 V power supply but to keep its customer base it kept itsinstruction code compatible with the 8080A.

Figure 11.4

A standard size for 8-bitmicroprocessors

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Back at Zilog, the other group of engineers that was also brought upwith the 8080A set to work on the Z80 which was later developed intothe Z80180. They combined much that was good about the Inteldesigns with some good ideas from the MC6800. A single powersupply was used and this not only returned to the use of internalgeneral purpose registers but increased their number to 14. Theinstruction code included all the code from the 8080A but added somenew ones to nearly double the total number.

Meanwhile a new player, MOS Technology entered the fray with itsown MCS650X family of which the MCS6502 is probably the bestknown. This flew to fame with the rise of the microcomputer in the1980s. It was basically an enhancement of the Motorola MC6800 andfollows the 8-bit trend of a 16-bit address bus and a single +5 V powersupply. Its contribution to progress was the idea of pipelining. Twobillion 6502s were sold.


Figure 11.5

MC6800 Motorola’s answerto the Intel 8080A

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Returning to the plot

The 6502 was said to be ‘accumulator-based’ in that it has no generalpurpose registers and a single accumulator through which all theincoming and outgoing data is passed but with pipelining and somefast instructions – it was very popular for a few years. In comparingFigure 11.6 with Figure 11.5 we can see the influence of the MC6800.Most of the blocks are the same. The MC6800 had two accumulatorsand one index register and the MCS6502 has two index registers andone accumulator.

There was little to choose between these microprocessors, as the 6502had the edge in the microcomputer market while the MC6800 wasmore popular in the industrial control field.


Figure 11.6

MCS6502 – an enhancementof the MC6800

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The one-chip microcomputer

To make a stand alone system, the microprocessor would require someRAM and ROM memory as we saw in Figure 7.6. In many industrialcontrol situations the size of the memory would not need to be verylarge and it occurred to the designers that all these necessary partscould be built into a single chip. When this occurred the namemicroprocessor was superseded by the one-chip microcomputer.

Intel produced the 8048. This was not simply an 8085 + RAM + ROM,but a new design. It included (yet another) change of instruction codeso it was not compatible with either the original 8080A or the 8085A.The on-board memory consisted of 1 kbyte of ROM and 64 bytes ofRAM which was quickly doubled to 2 kbytes and 128 bytes on a newversion, the 8049. It could also access 4 kbytes of external ROM. Afurther enhancement was a timer. This can count up or down toprovide time delays. Without this, the microprocessor would have tobe used for this function which would prevent it from getting on withsomething more useful.

Zilog, of course, were not far behind. It bought out the Z8. This wassimilar in concept but slightly upgraded. It had two counter/timers thatcould be used for counting incoming pulses as well as providing thetime delays. It had 2 kbytes of ROM and 128 bytes of RAM that itcalled general purpose registers. A big improvement was its ability toaccess 64 kbytes of external ROM and 64 kbytes of external RAM toallow the ‘one-chip’ to become more than one if needed.

Motorola replied with its MC6801 that included many of the featuresof others in its generation. It included 2 kbytes of ROM and 128 bytesof RAM together with a timer and UART. Its instruction set wascompatible with the MC6800 with a glimmer of 16-bit arithmeticcreeping in.

Rockwell launched their R6500, which was basically a 6502microprocessor with the addition of 2 kbytes of ROM and 64 bytes of


Figure 11.7

The first fourgenerations

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The microcontroller

As the home computer was being developed, the headlines were onlyinterested in the ever-increasing speed and capability of the micro-processors. However, behind the scenes, the microcontroller wasselling in greater numbers with little publicity. There is not much in theway of attention-grabbing headlines in a microcontroller being fittedinto a video recorder.

The mammoth engines of today’s computers were just not required formany uses in the real world. We are the limiting factor when it comesto everyday uses of microelectronics. We may want our computers towork faster but we still work at the same speed that our ancestors. Justhow fast do we want a vending machine to work? We want it to workat the same speed today as it did yesterday, or ten years ago. After allwe cannot press the buttons any faster and we don’t want the coffee tofly down the chute at ten time the previous speed.

If we want any change, we may like it to be more reliable. Is thePentium 4 any more reliable than the Z80? I doubt it. We wouldcertainly want it to be cheaper and use less power, and not require afan if it thinks about something.

The trend is to rethink what we really want and the answer in themajority of cases is something much closer to the present daymicrocontroller.

We will be coming back to microcontrollers in more detail in Chapters15 and 16.

Increasing the number of bits

It was inevitable that the 4-bit microprocessor that turned into the 8-bitshould, in turn, grow into a 16-bit microprocessor but first a fewmoments to answer a seemingly obvious question.

What do we mean by a 16-bit microprocessor?

The ‘size’ of a microprocessor is the width of the data registers, so an8-bit microprocessor can handle 8-bit numbers. It was traditional that4- and 8-bit microprocessors had an address bus that was twice thewidth of the data registers. This was just a coincidence and doesn’tfollow these days since no one wants, or could afford, the memory to


RAM. One interesting feature was that the internal RAM had a separatepower supply in the form of a battery so that the data wasn’t lost duringa power failure. It also included a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) that we will save for Chapter 15. The first fourgenerations of microprocessors are shown in Figure 11.7.

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fully use a 128-bit address bus (the number of locations is more than3 followed by 38 zeros!)

The other fallacy is that it is necessarily the same as the width of thedata bus. It is not. The Pentium family uses a 64-bit data bus but theyhave 32-bit data registers and are therefore 32-bit devices. It uses the64-bit data bus to load two 32-bit registers at a time. The Power PCand the Digital Alpha family are real 64-bit devices and have a 128-bitdata bus.

Curiously, the Intel 8088 was a real 16-bit microprocessor but had an8-bit external data bus. This was to allow it to be compatible with thecheaper 8-bit circuitry, which had not quite caught up with the idea ofusing 16 bits.

Even so, the data registers are not universally accepted as defining thesize of a microprocessor. Some people stick with the data bus to be thedefining size. So, in reference books and catalogues you may findmicroprocessors referred to as a different ‘size’ to the one youexpected. In this book I will stick with the data register as being thedefining feature.

The 68000 family

The M68000, first produced in 1979 was a VLSI chip employing about70 000 transistors. The M68000 microprocessor is well known as a16-bit microprocessor but, in reality, it is a 32-bit device if we stick toour definition above. It certainly has a 16-bit data bus but the internalregisters are 32-bit although some arithmetic operations can only use16-bit data. Occasionally this format is called a 16/32-bit processor. Itwas in a 64 pin dil (dual-in-line) package, as shown in Figure 11.4, buteven longer. Its length was often its undoing since it could easily snapin half if you attempted to remove it by prizing up one end of the chip.It has a 24-bit address bus that can therefore access 16 Mbytes ofmemory with a 12 MHz clock frequency.

One feature of M68000 is its pre-fetch action. When an instruction isbeing worked on, the microprocessor fetches the next instruction frommemory and stores it in a little queue, ready to be used. This can be donewhenever the present instruction is not using the external address anddata buses. This means that the next instruction is already loaded readyto go as soon as it is required, thus saving valuable time. It has a total ofseventeen 32-bit general-purpose registers of which eight are dataregisters, which can be used as 8-, 16-, or 32-bit registers as required.

One interesting feature is that this microprocessor can operate in twomodes, supervisory and user. The essential difference is that the usermode has a restricted list of instructions at its disposal. The operatingsystem can use the supervisory mode and thus use the full set of


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instructions but user programs only have access to a restricted range –enough to run the programs but, hopefully, not enough to screw thingsup too much. There is a software route between the two modes if youreally want to change.

The M68000 gave rise to its own family as the basic model progressed.The main advances are detailed in Figure 11.8.

As true 32- and 64-bit microprocessors have taken over the computingside, the 68000 family is used increasingly as a high-performanceembedded control for printers and disk drives.

Where do we go from here?

After the early one-chip microcomputer, the decreasing cost of thedesign and production of the integrated circuits made it easier toincrease the complexity of the chips.

This has caused the development to diverge along two separate paths:speed and power or cheap and small.

By heading off in the cheap and small route, we get microcontrollersthat are controlling the operation of most of the instruments andmachines that we use and even playing tunes in greetings cards. Wewill meet these in Chapters 15 and 16.


Figure 11.8

The M68000family

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The never-ending pursuit of more speed and more power forcomputers has resulted in the continuous development of larger andfaster microprocessors like the Pentium 4 and its competitors. Eachnew design is king for a day, and then overtaken and dispatched to themuseum. What cost a fortune three years ago is thrown out with thegarbage, unwanted. We will look at these here today, gone tomorrowdevices in the next three chapters.

Games machines

If we only needed computers to allow us to handle text on a wordprocessor, there would be little need for the development that hasoccurred in the last ten years – our typing is not getting faster and textis simple stuff. Introducing coloured pictures does little to increase thestress levels but things really start to change when we want to havemoving coloured pictures.

We are never satisfied: we want faster-changing, more lifelike images– with sound effects, of course. Our demands will outstrip the latestmicroprocessors almost regardless of their capability.

Many computers are used mostly for playing games and simulationsbut because they have other functions they must be designed tooperate across a wide range of fields and not really optimized for anyparticular task. This has resulted in the development of the dedicatedgames machine. We have a choice of three at the moment – they arethe Nintendo Gamecube, the Playstation and the X-Box.

Nintendo Gamecube

This is the oldest design and, inevitably, the least technicallyadvanced. It is generally cheap to buy the cube and the games are alsocheap and are most popular amongst users in the lower age groups.

They decided to use a 64-bit, 85 MHz, IBM PowerPC 750Cxemicroprocessor, also called the ‘Gekko’ which was its originalcodename during the production stages. It is a slightly modifiedversion of the one used in Macintosh computers and similar to thosedescribed in Chapter 13. The modifications were software additions ofalmost forty additional instructions to provide specific help in gameplaying but not necessary in the original computer applications.

The quality of the graphics during play can be indicated by the speedof handling graphic data which is conveniently measured by howmany shapes it is able to draw in one second. In this case the chosenATI 162 MHz Flipper GPU (Graphics Processor Unit) has a maximumspeed of 12 million polygons/second – this sounds fast but comparedwith the Playstation 2 and the X-box it is not impressive.


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The main game storage is a 1.5 GB 3 inch Nintendo optical disk. Thereis also a facility for a 64 MB memory card supplied by Panasonic.

Sony Playstation 2

Rather than taking a ready-made microprocessor off the shelf and thendesigning a games machine around it, Sony started by designing theirown microprocessor called the ‘Emotion Engine’ designed just to rungames programs as fast as possible. This ‘single job’ approach allowsthe design to be very focused. The microprocessor is surrounded bythe necessary circuitry to provide the necessary inputs and outputs.The overall blocks are shown in Figure 11.9.

If we load a game from a DVD, the startup information is passed to theEmotion Engine which prepares the game graphics and sound in eitheranalog or digital format. It then waits for input instructions arrivingfrom our controller or through the USB ports.

Inside the Emotion Engine, shown in Figure 11.10, our controllerinformation arrives through the Input/Output unit and the funbegins.


Figure 11.9

Playstation 2

Figure 11.10

The Emotion Engine

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Games involve serious numbers of calculations and they can be verycomplex. There are two types of calculations: straightforward calcula-tions (just the sort of thing we could do on a pocket calculator) andgeometric calculations. The ordinary calculations are performed bythe FPU (Floating-Point Unit) and the others are done by the VU(Vector Unit). So why so many calculations?

Does the car skid on the corner? This depends on how fast you aretelling it to turn, what speed you are driving at, the weather selectedand the car data. What is going to happen if you ‘accidentally’ hit atree or another vehicle?

These calculations have to be done in real time – if we turn the steeringwheel the car has to respond immediately. The geometric calculationsare performed by the Vector unit, which provides the results of what ishappening on screen. It also prepares the list of events that controleverything that appears on the screen – right down to the path taken bythe wheel that has broken off and the reflection in the driver’s mirror.

To a large extent, the final quality of the game experience depends onthe speed of these calculations. Floating point calculations areperformed at more than six billion a second! That is moving.

So, how good is the Playstation 2?That is too difficult to answer. Instead we can look at the technicalinformation but there is much more. Does the controller feel good? Arethe games exciting and realistic? Does an hour on the PS2 seem likeminutes or weeks?

Generally, the console is fairly expensive but, having bought it, thegames are cheap(ish). The thinking behind this is we only buy the PS2once and soon forget how much it cost, especially if it was a gift, butwe can afford plenty of games. Having plenty of games reduces theattraction of changing to another games machine – like the Xbox.

The Emotion Engine runs at only 294 MHz but these headline speedsare not a good indication of how fast it can do its job – this alsodepends on how well it has been designed for the job. You mayremember that the Gamecube microprocessor was running at485 MHz, more than 50% faster than the PS2, but look at the drawingspeeds: Gamecube 12 million polygons/sec, PS2 25 million polygons/sec, double the speed. This compares a general-purpose computermicroprocessor with a dedicated device.

The Microsoft Xbox

The Xbox is the latest offering in this market. They have opted for theopposite strategy to the Playstation 2 by making the console fairlycheap but charging more for the games. Presumably, the name of


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Microsoft together with an attractive upfront price will mean the boxesare carried out the shops and we will worry about the games later.They seem to sell to an older group than the other two and perhaps theprice of games may not be such a barrier.

The microprocessor chosen for this machine is the Pentium 3 runningat 733 MHz. They have gone for a standard micro rather than aspecialized design but even so, it has got such power that it can blastthrough a game at a good rate. The geometric drawing speed oftextured polygons is 50 million per second or twice the speed on thePS2 or eight times that of the Gamecube. In all cases, the polygoncount has texture included. The bare polygon is a simple wire-frameshape without any surface coloring which is essential to provide realityto the scene.

The North Bridge chip is the central block of the Xbox and providesinterconnections between the other units. It controls access to the64 MB memory that provides a cache for the use of the CPU (CentralProcessing Unit) to store program code and a larger share for the GPU(Graphics Processing Unit). The North Bridge also sends signals to theSouth Bridge chip.

The South Bridge provides all the external inputs and outputs via theUSB and network ports together with the audio signals.

The GPU design shown in Figure 11.12 is called the ‘nVidia’ is basedon the GeForce 3 design, another popular computer component. Thegraphic processor converts the CPU output into the finished informa-tion being sent to the CPU or television.

The information about each object on the screen such as its position,the lighting applied and the surface appearance is prepared togetherwith two features that are used to decrease the computing powernecessary or to improve the appearance with the same processor. The


Figure 11.11

The Xbox

Figure 11.12

The graphics chip

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‘pixel shader’ that can apply realistic lighting and surface textureeffects over a whole scene without each individual point beingcalculated separately and the vertex program oversees the detailedchanges that are necessary in critical areas. We tend to be veryselective when it comes to details, we would notice the slightestchange in a facial expression yet ignore whole leaves on a tree. Bycontrolling light and texture characteristics, the vertex shader fills indetails of these small but important changes.

Quiz time 11

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The ‘size’ of a microprocessor is determined by the:

(a) width of its data registers.(b) number of lines in its external data bus.(c) number of digits in its type number.(d) width of its address registers.

2 An integrated circuit having 15000 transistors isclassed as a:

(a) LSI device.(b) SLSI device.(c) VLSI device.(d) SSI device.

3 An untextured polygon:

(a) looks like a dinosaur.(b) is just a wire-frame shape.(c) has no shape.(d) is a cube.

4 An L1 cache is usually:

(a) onboard the microprocessor.(b) constructed from DRAM for maximum speed.(c) slower than Level 2 cache.(d) external to the microprocessor.


(a) means ‘radical instruction set computer’.(b) has longer instructions and is therefore slower than a CISC

chip.(c) is part of everyday life.(d) chips employ a smaller instruction set.


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12The Pentium family

The Pentium is a 32-bit microprocessor just like the previous Intel80386 and 80486 but has been considerably enhanced to improve itsspeed of operation. Even the 132 pins of the 80386 have increased to296 on the Pentium.

Other full RISC chips were being well-received at the time the CISCPentium was launched in 1993 and Intel took these new designs intoaccount but it was boxed into a corner by its own success. It had tomaintain absolute compatibility with the previous 8086, 80286,80386 and the 80486 together with their numerical co-processors. Thecompromise was to use all the RISC while maintaining the CISC codes.It has over 400 instruction codes. Some are performed by hardwareand some by microcode. Its two million plus transistors have beenincorporated into a superscalar structure. This means that it hasduplicated arithmetic and logic units that can allow it to carry out twoinstructions at the same time under favourable conditions.

It was launched at 66 MHz and in its first year became famous as themicroprocessor that couldn’t count. There was a flurry of letters in thecomputer magazines and a host of ‘How many Pentiums does it taketo change a light bulb?’ type jokes. At first, Intel denied there was aproblem even though they must have known about it. ‘And, no, youcan’t have your money back.’ More letters. ‘Alright, there is a very,very small matter of a few division sums.’ The error actually producedinaccuracies in the sixth or ninth decimal place in some particulardivision sums. This was insufficient error to affect more that a small


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minority of users but it started to undermine confidence in thePentium. The real problem was that two errors occurred during itsdesign at the same time. Either one, on its own, would have beenspotted but the two mistakes served to hide each other. Anyway, it’sbeen fixed. It only affected the early versions and is no longersignificant.

Over time the speed has increased to 200 MHz with the inevitablerumours of the Pentium II running at 400 MHz that will support a100 MHz system clock.

An outline of Pentium operation

See Figure 12.1.

Data and code caches

Connections to the outside world are via a 64-bit external data bus anda 32-bit address bus. The incoming data that consists of numerical dataand instruction codes are loaded very quickly into two internal caches– an 8 kbyte data cache and an 8 kbyte code cache. These caches shiftdata very rapidly on the internal pathways that are 128 and 256 bitswide.

Whenever possible, the Pentium uses burst mode to read and writedata. The burst mode system loads a cache for example, with moredata than the width of the data bus. If a cache line is 128 bits wide andit is fed from a 64-bit data bus, then we could completely fill the line


Figure 12.1

The Pentiumprocessor

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The Pentium family

by transferring 64 bits and then another 64 bits. Burst mode loads all128 bits very rapidly without further intervention from the micro-processor. Putting more new data into the cache will increase thechances of the cache holding the required information. This is calleda cache ‘hit’.

Prefetch buffer

The prefetch buffer is a small internal memory that holds a list ofinstructions that are waiting to be executed. This ensures that theinstruction decoder is never waiting for a new instruction from theexternal (slow) memory and it makes more efficient use of the externaldata bus since the new instructions can be loaded whenever theopportunity arises. When it gets a moment, the Pentium shifts aninstruction from the external program into the cache and transfers oneinstruction from the cache into the prefetch buffer and also sends asignal to the microcode circuit to prepare the code for the nextinstruction. So, with all the housekeeping done, the instructiondecoder can be fed with instructions and data at its maximum rate. Theprefetch buffer is actually two independent 32-bit buffers, eachproviding input to one of the ALUs.

The instruction decoder

The instruction decoder performs much the same function as in othermicroprocessors. It has two outputs that are fed to the two ALUs called‘u’ and ‘v’.

Arithmetic and logic units

These units are under the control of the aptly named control unit. Theblocks, shown in the diagram as ALU ‘u’ and ALU ‘v’ are actually fivestep pipelines that can operate in parallel to execute two instructionsin a single clock cycle. All commands other than floating pointarithmetic can be executed in the ‘u’ pipeline and a more limitedrange can be carried out in the ‘v’ pipeline. The five-stage pipeline canspeed the throughput to one instruction per clock cycle. In the correctconditions, both pipelines can be used simultaneously to handle twoinstructions in a single clock cycle. Sometimes this is not possible.Perhaps both instructions need access to the same piece of hardware,perhaps the result of an instruction is needed before the nextinstruction can be started. As a rather simplistic example, if we wishedto add two numbers then divide the result by 10, we cannot startdividing anything until the first answer is available. One minordrawback is that instructions cannot overtake each other even if thesecond one could have been finished very rapidly and they are notdependent on each other.


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Floating-point unit (FPU)

For floating-point arithmetic, the FPU has an 8-bit pipeline that isfurther enhanced by using a hardware multiplier and divider. This is asignificant advance over the 80486, which was not pipelined in theFPU. Between them, the pipeline and the hardware, the FPU runsabout ten times faster than the 80486 with equivalent clock speeds.You may remember from earlier discussions that one of the benefits ofthe RISC designs was the use of hardware for the execution ofarithmetic operations.

The ‘u’ pipeline has some overlap with the floating-point pipeline sothere are restrictions on the occasions when two instructions can beexecuted at the same time.

There are eight FPU registers 80-bits wide, arranged as a stack. Bits 0to 63 hold a 64-bit mantissa. Bits 64 to 78 hold a 15-bit exponent andthe last bit holds a sign bit.

S Exponent Mantissa

Bit 79 78 64 63 0

Notice how the layout of the floating-point number differs from theexample that we saw in Chapter 4.

Branch prediction

When the program reaches a ‘branch’ or ‘jump’ instruction, themicroprocessor is sent to another part of the program. Theseinstructions are usually ‘conditional’ as in ‘jump to address xxxx if thevalue in the accumulator is not zero’. When this jump happens, thenext few instructions that are loaded into the pipelines are all incorrectand the pipeline has to be emptied and restocked with the newinformation. This is called ‘flushing’ the pipeline and causes anirritating delay of four or five clock cycles.

The branch prediction logic holds about 256 entries in a cache to aidthe Pentium in guessing the next instruction. If we can guess what iscoming next before it happens, then the data and instructions can beloaded ready to go.

But how do we guess? There are two likely outcomes: either thebranch will be taken and we jump to another part of the program, orwe don’t take the branch and we continue with the next instruction.The branch prediction logic argues that what the microprocessor didlast time, it will probably do again. This is true more often than not.The reasoning behind this is that when a loop occurs, the program issent back to repeat a section several, or many, times. It can only NOT


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The Pentium family

take the branch once, so on average it will take a branch more oftenthan it doesn’t.

In the cache are stored the instructions immediately before the branchor jump together with the target address assuming the branch is taken.It also stores statistical information of how often the branch was takenin the past. This information is used to predict the likely outcome ofthe current situation and is correct for about 85% of the time.When the branch has occurred, the history information is updated tomake the next guess even better.

General purpose registers

The Pentium has seven general-purpose registers, all 32-bits wide.One of them is used as an accumulator and to maintain compatibilitywith the 80386 and the 80486, it can be addressed as a single 32-bitregister, two 16-bit or four 8-bit registers. There are three other general-purpose registers that can be similarly split and three that only offer thechoice of 32- and 16-bit use.


The handling of interrupts has not changed beyond all recognitionsince we were looking at the Z80.

There are two hardware interrupts available. The NMI or non-maskable interrupt is activated by the pin voltage going to a logic 1 orhigh-level. Immediately on the completion of the current instruction,the Pentium puts the content of the flag register and the current addressonto the stack. It then goes to the flag register and resets the interruptflag to prevent any further interrupts. It then services the interrupt. TheNMI normally occurs as a result of hardware failures to quickly limitthe damage caused.

The IRQ or interrupt request is also activated by the appropriate pingoing to a logic 1 or high-level but in this case remember that it is onlya request and can be blocked by resetting the interrupt flag in the flagregister. If more than one interrupt is received they are checked forpriority and the highest one wins. IRQs are generally initiated byperipheral equipment such as a printer.


These interrupts are issued by the microprocessor itself and occurwhen the microprocessor has found itself in a difficulty that it cannotresolve.

When an exception occurs, an on-screen message often appearsannouncing that an exception has occurred and the Pentium attempts


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the instruction again. Asking the Pentium for an impossible answercauses some exceptions. This could be ‘division by zero’. Dividingany number by zero is not possible and the Pentium cannotrespond.

Another one, which often strikes terror into the heart of the user, is‘General Protection Error’. The software has sent the Pentium off to anaddress that doesn’t exist and obviously, therefore, no instructions areavailable.

The MMX Pentium

MMX (MultiMedia eXtensions) is an addition to the standard Pentiumdesigned to increase the speed of multimedia, communications andother applications where large numbers of repetitive calculations arerequired.

It started by analysing a wide range of typical applications: graphics,video, games, speech recognition etc. Intel was looking for time-consuming common characteristics. Many were found in which afairly simple instruction like changing the colour of a pixel is appliedto a large number of pixels. This gave rise to the idea called SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data). Using SIMD, we can perform thesame operation on multiple bits of data, and this is executed inparallel. MMX allows eight pixels to be moved around and processthem together. SIMD is the heart of MMX.

MMX technology maintains full compatibility with previous instruc-tions and has added a further 57 instructions. No danger of the RISCapproach here!

MMX instructions take over control of the eight floating-point registersand it has a further eight registers for holding addresses, loop control,data manipulation instructions etc. The floating-point registers arehighly flexible in that the 64-bit mantissa section can be used for eightseparate bytes, four 16-bit words, two 32-bit ‘doublewords’ or a single64-bit ‘quadword’.

Saturation arithmetic

In normal fixed-point arithmetic adding two numbers can cause anoverflow to occur and the msb can be lost. To take a simple example,adding the number 1 to the byte 1111 would give the result 10000.This would offer the result of zero and an overflow would haveoccurred as seen in Chapter 4. To check for the overflow, themicroprocessor would have to take time out to check the status registerto see if the overflow flag has been set. This is time consuming. Whenapplied to graphics, perhaps shading, the sudden return to zero maycause a sudden and unwanted change in colour.


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The Pentium family

Saturation arithmetic ensures that any increase that would cause awrap-around effect of returning the value to zero is prevented (seeFigure 12.2). If we counted up from 0000, the Pentium would allowthe count to proceed normally until it reached the maximum value of1111 and it would then be held at that value. The colour in ourexample would reach black but would be prevented from accidentallyreturning to white.

The Pentium 4

As we have mentioned before, one of the limits on operational speedis the size of the internal components and, until recently the smallestdetail was limited to 0.18 µm. As the competition between the AMDcontinued, it was time for the next step as AMD started using 0.13 µmtechnology and, as expected, the Pentium 4 also upgraded to the sametechnology for the faster versions of 1.8 GHz and above. The operatingvoltage has also been reduced from 1.75 down to 1.5 volts allowingcloser spacing and a further increase in speed (and 25% reduction incost). The new design has allowed the Pentium 4 to increase itstransistor headcount from 42 million to 55 million increasing thenumber of connecting pins to 478. Intel has moved a long way fromthe 16 pins of their 4-bit offering in 1972.

Thermal safety

The power dissipation increases as any integrated circuit works fasterand the Pentium 4 is no exception. Now, bearing in mind that theactual processor circuit is just 10 mm × 10 mm (0.4 square inches) andconsumes 55 watts. We must be very careful to ensure that it doesn’toverheat. This is achieved by using a large heat sink and a cooling fan.The new Pentium has a thermal safety circuit. If the microprocessorstarts to overheat, the cooling fan will increase its revs and theoperating speed of the microprocessor will decrease. If things get


Figure 12.2

Saturation arithmeticpreventswraparound

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serious and it reaches a dangerous level of 69°C (155°F) the thermalcircuit will call it a day and shut down the computer to prevent themicroprocessor from being destroyed.

The system bus

Also called the FSB or Front Side Bus, is 64 bits wide and ‘QuadPumped’ which is a fancy way of saying that each clock pulse,presently running at 133 MHz, will shift four lots of data along the bus.Now, rounding off the figures a bit, 133 MHz × 4 = 533 MHz so the buslooks like a single 533 MHz bus. Incoming and outgoing informationis stored in the 256 kB level 2 Advanced Transfer Cache which is fed256 bit wide pathways. Intel calls it ‘Advanced Transfer Cache’ whichis not quad pumped though being wider, still matches the speed of thesystem bus.

Instruction Decoder, Level 1 Execution Trace Cache and BranchPredictor

The data that is selected by the predictor is loaded into a buffer andthen passed onto the Instruction Decoder.

At this stage, the incoming instructions are analysed and convertedinto an internal code sequence which can be accessed from the Microcode as we saw when we looked at the Z80180 microprocessor.

Once the instructions have been decoded, up to about 12 000instructions called ‘Micro-Operation/Operand’ or µOP are stored inorder of use, all ready to go. The correct order is much assisted by theBranch prediction – known by Intel as the Branch Target Buffer (BTB).This stores previous experience to guess what is likely to happennext.

Hyper pipeline

As we saw in Chapter 11, the pipeline is the organization of themicroprocessor and not a separate device within the design, so wedon’t get a ‘pipeline’ block shown in Figure 12.3. The predictordesigns are now very much improved, having had the experiencegained with earlier versions of the Pentium. The better the prediction,the longer and faster we can risk make the pipeline. So pleased wereIntel with their predictions that they called the new longer pipeline a‘hyper pipeline’. For maximum speed we would like a long pipeline sothat many simple steps can be carried out at greater speed but theoverall outcome depends on the predictor circuits making the rightguess. A wrong guess means that the pipeline is loaded with incorrectdata and has to be refilled, or ‘flushed’, which takes valuable time. The

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The Pentium family

Pentium 4 now has a pipeline of 20 stages which allow 126instructions to be in use at a single time which can include up to 48load and 24 store instructions.

Micro-OP and Memory usage

The µOps that pour out of the Execution Trace Cache are arranged inorder and they will be a mixture of information to be stored in memorylocations and arithmetic operations. The arithmetic operations aredivided in floating-point operations and integer operations. Thefloating-point register deals with moving and storing while the ALU(Arithmetic and Logic Unit) deals with the more complex operationssuch as multiplication of 128-bit numbers and MMX (multimediainstructions) as we met a little earlier. The SIMD (Single InstructionMultiple Data) that was applied to the earlier Pentiums have beenextended by an extra 144 instructions. This facility is now called SSE2(Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 instructions). The general idea is that ifwe have to perform an action on many bits of data, it is simpler and


Figure 12.3

The Pentium 4processor

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faster to collect them all together and perform the function on all ofthem at the same time.

Rapid Execution Engine

For the integer instructions there are two ALUs clocked at twice thecore processor speed which is a four-fold improvement over the basicfunction and provides a data transfer rate of 48 GB/s.

A level 1 data cache handles the data outputs from the ALUs and theAGUs (Address Generation Units).

Future development

The new Pentium design with speeds over 1.8 GHz and 0.13 µmtechnology is given the codename ‘Northwood’ that replaces theprevious ‘Williamette’. The Williamette had reached the end of itsdevelopment whereas the Northwood is just starting and since it isalready running at 2.8 GHz, the magic 3 GHz chip is imminent, thenwe can probably look forward to the even more magic 4 GHz beforethe Northwood design is obsolete.

The Celeron

The bold type in computer adverts always shouts about ‘price andspeed’ and many people fall into the trap of assuming that a 2.8 GHzmicroprocessor is obviously faster than a 2.5 GHz microprocessor.This is a false assumption but still well established so for this section ofthe market there is a demand for a very cheap microprocessor with ahigh clock speed.

The solution is to use the Pentium design and cheapen it by taking outsome of the non-essential areas. There have been twelve such versionsto track the Pentium releases during its development. In the 2 GHzCeleron, the price reduction has been achieved at the expense ofreducing the L2 cache from 512 kB down to 128 kB and the FSB downfrom 533 MHz to 400 MHz.

Quiz time 12

In each case, choose the best option.

1 SIMD is:

(a) used in standard Pentiums but not in the MMX versions.(b) a way of preventing wraparound.(c) single in-line multimedia data.(d) single instruction multiple data.


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The Pentium family

2 Branch prediction logic:

(a) is another name for the prefetch register.(b) is only used in MMX versions.(c) saves memory in 85% of occasions.(d) attempts to guess the future steps to be taken by a program.

3 An exception:

(a) will be ignored if the I flag is set to a high level.(b) is an unusual branching of the program.(c) is an interrupt signal generated by the microprocessor.(d) occurs whenever the Pentium is surprised by an arithmetic


4 The initials SIMD stand for:

(a) SIM card type D.(b) Single Instruction Multiple Data.(c) Superscalar Instruction Mode for Data.(d) Streaming Instructions Modular Data.

5 In its construction, the Pentium 4 uses:

(a) 0.13 µm technology.(b) 1.8 µm technology.(c) 1.3 µm technology.(d) 0.18 µm technology.


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13The PowerPC

Intel was producing a series of CISC microprocessors and, togetherwith Microsoft, was in a position to dominate the market. Beingincreasingly squeezed out was the traditional king of computers, IBM,which, at one time, produced more computers that all othermanufacturers combined. Big Blue as IBM was called, on account oftheir logo and the blue suits worn by their army of salesmen, laid downthe standard design for the computer that now eclipses all othersdesigns in the world.

As long ago as the mid-1970s IBM had developed a RISC micro-processor but it didn’t really make it in the market place. RISC did not‘come of age’ until Acorn produced the ARM 2 and 3 microprocessorsfor their Archimedes microcomputer, but this too, failed to muscle itsway into the market as it made little attempt to make it compatiblewith Intel code. Acorn, at that time, was introducing the Archimedes asa replacement for the much-loved BBC microcomputer. By 1990, itwas apparent that the terrible twins, Microsoft and Intel, would takeover the world if no one fought back.

As it happens, this was the very year in which a fledgling companycalled ‘AMD’ was hatched to grow over the years to become apersistent irritant to Intel. As yet, Microsoft still rules the worldbut there is a system called Linux that may, one day, becometroublesome.


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The PowerPC

Meanwhile, an alliance was formed between IBM, Motorola andApple Computers. To this alliance IBM brought their POWERmicroprocessor (Performance Optimized With Enhanced RISC). Thiswas the successor to the earlier 801 RISC microprocessor and waschosen because it was a RISC microprocessor and already hadsoftware developed. Motorola would build the chip and Apple wouldbring its computer operating system, which was light years ahead ofthe Microsoft equivalent at that time. The new family of micro-processors was to be called the PowerPC series.

The designers took great care to make it attractive to softwarecompanies by being careful to address the problem of futuredevelopment. They distinguished between the overall architecturalfeatures that will stay the same throughout the series, rather than howthese features will actually be implemented. This allows the pro-grammers to know which parts they can rely on to be consistent andwhich bits are likely to change. For example, they designed the systemfor 64-bit operation even though only 32 bits were to be used in theearly devices.

The PowerPC 601 (or MPC601)

The PowerPC 601 was introduced in 1994 and followed the agreedPowerPC architecture as shown in Figure 13.1. It used 2.8 milliontransistors which is slightly less than the Pentium but many of thePentium transistors were tied up with maintaining compatibility withtheir earlier microprocessors.


Figure 13.1

The PowerPC 601architecture

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Many of the blocks shown are familiar after our look at the Pentium.The 601 is a 32-bit microprocessor using a 64-bit data bus and a 32-bitaddress bus.

Bus interface unit

This serves the usual purpose of connecting the data bus and addressbuses to the microprocessor. It also acts as a control device todetermine whether the data is to be read into the microprocessor orwritten into the external memory.


This is a single 32 kbyte cache which is shared by data andinstructions. Later versions have increased the total cache available toprovide two separate 32 kbyte caches, one for data and the other forinstructions.

Within the cache, the information is arranged in a series of groups orlines of 64 bytes. To provide a high-speed link between the cache, thebus interface unit and the instruction unit and queue, a 256-bit internalbus is provided.

On many occasions, the result of a particular instruction is not of greatinterest in itself but just provides the data to be used for a futureinstruction. So when an instruction is completed, the result is stored inthe cache rather than being put back into the main memory. Writingthe result back into the cache is called a ‘write-back’ organization asopposed to ‘write-through’ action when the information is sent to theexternal memory. This, of course, saves a lot of time since the cache isabout seven times faster than accessing the main memory and amillion times faster than using the hard drive.

Instruction queue and instruction unit

The fast internal bus maintains a queue of up to eight instructions.Using the normal RISC ideas, all the instructions are the same lengthat 32 bits. Eight such instructions can fit across the 256-bit width of theinternal bus.

The function of the instruction unit is to send instructions to the threepipelines: integer unit, floating-point unit and the branch predictionunit. With the right mixture of instructions, we can handle threeinstructions at the same time. To keep the pipelines busy, it also has thefacility of running some of the instruction out of order. This is limitedto instructions that are not interdependent.


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The PowerPC

The branch prediction unit

In the Pentium, the branch prediction included analysis of the historyof each branch or jump instruction to help predict whether it is likelyto be taken. The PowerPC uses a single stage pipeline which decodesand executes in a single clock cycle employing a very much simplerstrategy that curiously seems to work just as well.

It makes no choices. If the branch is sending the program back to anearlier instruction, it always assumes that the branch will be taken.This is usually the correct choice since such loops in programs are verycommon. On the other hand, if the branch instruction offers thechance to jump forward, it assumes the branch will not be taken. If thepredictions are correct, instructions are pre-fetched and loaded intothe instruction queue and the correct data is available in the pipelinesand no delay is experienced. If incorrect, the pipeline has to be flushedand reloaded losing several clock cycles.

In the case of unconditional jumps, the program just tells themicroprocessor to move to another section of the program and nochoice is involved. If the jump is to a distant address, the relevantinstructions may not be in the cache and the cache would have to beflushed (re-loaded) (see Figure 13.2).

Integer unit and registers

As expected with a RISC processor, there are plenty of registers. In thissection of the 601, we have 32 registers, each 32-bits wide. Theseregisters are dual-ported. This means that two circuits can access theregisters at the same time without interfering with each other. This is


Figure 13.2

Branch prediction

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like someone reading the back of your newspaper as you are readingthe front – except that registers don’t find it irritating. ‘Port’, by the way,is just a fancy electronic word meaning ‘connection’. Transistors,generally, have three wires going to them and so are described asthree-port devices.

The integer unit handles all instructions like integer arithmetic bitmanipulation and transferring data to and from the external memoryand is organized into a three-stage pipeline. In Figure 13.3, the secondclock pulse executes the first instruction. The next clock pulseexecutes the second instruction and the last clock pulse executes thethird. We have achieved the target of one clock pulse per clock pulse.And in the fourth clock pulse, we can see the next instruction justarriving to be decoded immediately after the first write-back.

Floating-point unit

This has a further 32 registers but in this case, they are 64-bits wideand to fill a register with a single clock pulse, there is an internal 64-bitbus connecting it with the cache. The pipeline is five stage: prefetch,buffer, decode, execution and write-back.

Memory buffer

This acts as a buffer for the external memory. The buffers include tworeads and three writes, each up to 32 bytes. It is also used in writing-back to the cache.

Big and little endians

The main memory is divided into locations each having its ownaddress. Each location can hold a single byte of information. If wewanted to store a 32-bit number, then we would have to utilize fourconsecutive locations.


Figure 13.3

Integer unitpipeline

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The PowerPC

Imagine that we wished to store the 32-bit number00000000 01010101 00010001 111111112 and we had addresses24646603H, 24646602H, 24646601H and 24646600H available.Little-endian format would store the most significant byte in thehighest memory address so, in our example, the data 00000000 wouldgo into address 24646603H. This is used by Intel microprocessors.Big-endian, which Motorola uses, works the other way around. Themost significant byte is put in the lowest memory address so, in ourexample, the data 00000000 would go into address 24646600H.These are shown in Figure 13.4. All the PowerPC microprocessors areswitchable to enable little or big-endian to be used.

PowerPC 970

A large number of PowerPCs have continued to power the Apple-Macand IBM desktops and, in addition, support both the UNIX and Linuxoperating systems.

The latest offering is the 970 with its 52 million transistors started lifeas a 1.8 GHz device and has now progressed to 2.0 GHz. This mayappear slow but it has compensating attributes such as its 900 MHzbus as opposed to the 533 MHz bus of the Pentium 4.

It is a 64-bit micro so it handles data in 64-bit chunks but remainscompatible with earlier 32-bit designs. It has two level 1 caches, onefor instructions at 64 kB and a data cache of 32 kB, which aresomewhat larger that the Intel product but both companies use a level2 cache of 512 kB.

As memory size is continuing to increase with each design, the sizeof memory that can be directly accessed increases with the move to64-bit processing. The Pentium 4 can access 40 GB of memory,which seems excessively large at the moment but there was a timewhen 4 MB was something to wonder at. The PowerPC 970 canhandle memory of Star Trek proportions measured in terabytes(thousands of Gigs).


Figure 13.4

Big and littleendians

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For maximum microprocessor speed we need a high clock speedcombined with the maximum use being made of every part of themicroprocessor. The early 8-bit microprocessors would accept the firstinstruction and it would pass through the microprocessor beingdecoded, then acted upon, then having the results stored before itconsidered the next instruction. This meant that each bit of the microwas doing nothing for much of the time.

Modern micros load many instructions at the same time and split upthe tasks so that as many as possible can be carried out at the sametime to have the minimum time wastage.

As with the Pentium 4, the PPC970 makes use of level 1 caches that,as is now common, are split into an Instruction cache and a Datacache. There is also a level 2 cache and an external level 3 cache.

Loading the instructions

The instructions pour down from the Instruction cache at a maximumrate of eight per cycle, though five is a more likely overall figure. Butthis is still fast.

The PP970 uses a very long pipeline and can be handling up to 200instructions simultaneously. The price of such a long pipeline is thatwe must be careful to ensure that it is filled with the most usefulinstructions and hence we need to back it up with very effectivebranch prediction techniques.

Branch prediction

To obtain the maximum possible speed, the PP970 has devoted a greatdeal of resources into its branch prediction. As the instructions areloaded, the branch prediction circuitry scans the incoming instructionlooking for branch instructions. Every time we meet a branchinstruction that offers a choice of outcome the branch will have to beaccepted or rejected.

The 970 has two branch prediction methods. The first is very similar tothat used in the Pentium 4 and, to over simplify the situation, it followsthe same sort of reasoning as we often adopt in everyday life. If it


Table 13.1 Cache sizes

L1 Instruction L1 Data L2 cache

PowerPC 970 64 kB 32 kB 512 kBPentium 4 It’s a secret 8 kB 512 kB

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The PowerPC

usually happens, it is most likely to happen again. The 970 keeps arecord of the previous 16384 branches in its BHT (Branch HistoryTable) to see how often each choice was made and then thisinformation is further sorted by a prediction program before it comesto a final decision.

The second method involves a similar sized table called a GlobalPredictor. This method also comes up with a final go/no go for thebranch but it decides by generating an 11-bit vector that stores theactual execution path taken by the previous eleven fetch groupsleading up to the branch.

So there are two independent mechanisms that make a decision as towhether the branch should be taken. If they disagree, we need areferee. This job is performed by a ‘Selector Table’ that stores thesuccess rate for each of the two previous methods for each particularbranch. It then makes the final decision – and it is said (by IBM) to bevery successful, which it probably is.

Handling the instructions

Having combined the incoming instruction stream from the Instructioncache with the information from the Branch predict, the instruction arequeued and passed to the Decode, Crack and Group Formation Unit.

At this stage, in order to keep the instruction handling speed at amaximum, this unit takes the instruction codes from the Instructioncache, decodes them and cracks them into their component partscalled Internal Operations (IOPs). These very small but simple tasksare passed out to specialized units like the five blocks shown along thebottom of Figure 13.5.


Figure 13.5

The PowerPC 970

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The IOPs are executed in whatever order that will result in the fastestthroughput and to reduce the complexity of keeping track of theexecution of each and every one, they are organized in groups of fiveand then the groups are tracked.

Of the final row shown, there are the arithmetically based block thathandle the vectors, floating point and integer calculations, the load-store that handles the transfer of data to the memory via the secondlevel cache and finally the feedback path for the branch predictioninformation.

The PC market place

The PowerPC may not be in our PC but it may well be in our car. TheFord Motor Company has elected to use the PowerPC as first choicefor their engine management computer into the next century.

Quiz time 13

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The maximum number of instructions that thePowerPC 970 can be dealing simultaneously is:

(a) 200.(b) 3.(c) 16384.(d) 128.

2 Write-back:

(a) reverses the order of the bits of data.(b) is used to double-check the accuracy of data before use.(c) is only used in the little-endian system.(d) stores results in the cache rather than in the external memory.

3 The PowerPC 970 has an internal bus running at afrequency of:

(a) 64 bits/s although it can run at 32 bits/s.(b) 512 kB/s.(c) 900 MHz.(d) 533 MHz.

4 A register that can be accessed by two circuits at thesame time is referred to as:

(a) a second-level cache.(b) dual-ported.


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The PowerPC

(c) a buffer.(d) a three-ported device.

5 Big endian format:

(a) stores the low byte in the highest address.(b) stores the high byte in the highest address.(c) is used in all microprocessors.(d) is used in a cache but never in the main memory.


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14The Athlon XP

This is AMD’s competitor to the Pentium and is concentrating the mindof both companys and greatly benefiting the rest of us.

Competition concentrates the mind as well as improving things for thecustomers.

AMD has been creeping up on Intel for several years and finally theAthlon’s 37 million transistors are giving the Pentium a seriousproblem. It is usually cheaper and, in many tests, faster. The thoughtbehind the Athlon is not to compete in terms of clock speed but to gofor real speed by doing more work for each clock cycle. Even so, theAthlon XP is now competing head-to-head on speed, having matchedthe Pentium at 2.8 GHz using the same 0.13 micron technologythough with a different internal design and ensuring (of course) that thetwo microprocessors are not pin-for-pin compatible. The Athlonincludes a similar system of protection against thermal overload as inthe Pentium.

An outline of the Athlon XP is shown in Figure 14.1.


For maximum speed the caches are on-chip. This eliminates the travel-time delay as the data is moved.

From the external memory and the surrounding hardware, theincoming information from the system bus is fed into a 64 kB


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The Athlon XP

instruction cache and a separate 64 kB data cache. The data cachefeeds data into the L2 cache, which is somewhat larger at 256 kB andhas techniques to ensure that the L2 cache does not duplicate any ofthe information stored in the data cache and hence we effectively havea 384 kB local high speed storage area.

Branch predict

As with all current microprocessors, great care is taken to guess thelikely result in each branch instruction. Such instructions produce,usually, two alternative routes for the program. They answer questionslike ‘is the result zero?’ and the answer will determine what happensnext. If we always wait until the question is answered and only then dowe load the instructions for the next bit of the program there is muchwasted time as we saw in the earlier microprocessor designs. If weguess correctly, we can already pre-load the next part of the programand get started on it. The branch prediction circuitry does the guessing.If it gets it wrong, the old data is ditched and replaced.

Hardware data prefetch

This is a further form of prediction similar in which the incominginstructions are monitored and, as they are still arriving, the data thatwill be needed is guessed at, and loaded into the data cache so theAthlon loads data before it knows that it will be needed. As with thebranch prediction, incorrect data has to be overwritten but on balance,it speeds up the data flow.


Figure 14.1

The Athlon XPprocessor

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Instruction decoders

To make full use of its slower clock speed, the Athlon has threeinstruction decoders that can run independently. Each of these canhandle three operations per clock cycle giving an overall throughputof nine operations per clock cycle, which is still significantly greaterthan the six operations per clock cycle of the Pentium.

Pipelines and instructions

The Athlon has three independent integer pipelines and also threesimilar floating-point pipelines whereas the Pentium has four pipelinesfor integers but only two for floating points.

The three floating-point execution units simultaneously handle:

(a) store and load functions(b) add functions(c) multiply functions such as all the Intel MMX (multimedia

extensions) instructions plus AMCs own SIMD (single instructionmultiple data) instructions to provide full support SSE (streamingSIMD extension) and more lifelike 3D imaging and graphics –AMD’s name for these new instructions is ‘3D NOW!’ technology.(MMX is an Intel trademark; 3D NOW! is an AMD trademark.)

The state of the competition

The Pentium had a ‘rapid execution engine’ which had two ALUs(arithmetic and logic units) for the integer instructions, each clocked attwice the core processor speed running a front side bus at 533 MHzwhereas the Athlon XP had only a 333 MHz FSB. This continues thepattern of the Pentium claiming the headline figure for speed. However,on balance, the Athlon is, by most tests, slightly faster than the Pentium.

An update . . .That was written yesterday. This morning came the news that Intel hasburst through the 3 GHz barrier (just) with a 3.06 GHz device. This,they say, includes hyper-threading, a technique that involves splittinga program into units that can be ran simultaneously. It allows the microto run multiple applications at the same time, with the processorappearing to be two processors. Such multitasking is available inWindows XP and Linux and probably all their successors. So wheredoes this leave the future, are we going to go for greater and greaterspeeds, or will we develop multi-tasking so we effectively have greaterand greater numbers of micros sharing the work? I have a feeling thattask sharing will be the answer.

It seems likely that Intel is now back out in front.

Exciting times ahead . . .


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The Athlon XP

Another update . . .Almost immediately, Athlon has replied with what appears to beanother significant step forward – 64-bit computing.

The microprocessor which as yet has been living with the codename‘Hammer’ will be sold as the more user-friendly name of ‘AMD Athlon64’ and will be available in mid-2003 and will join the PowerPC 970in the ‘64’ club. It will be able to run 64-bit, 32-bit and 16-bitapplications without any speed penalty and so avoid the cost of buyingnew software.

The only technical information that is included in the initialannouncement is a new bus system using ‘hypertransport’ technologywhich AMD claims to increase throughput by 50% over existingdesigns. Intel will have something to say about that claim, I expect.The clock speed of the first batch will be little different from the XP,around the 2.8 GHz, but the design will provide more scope fordevelopment and will be able to run programs at a higher speed.

Really exciting times ahead . . . over 3 GHz clock speeds, 64-bitcomputing and multiple instructions being carried out simultaneously.Sounds good.

The desktop speed Olympics is shared between the PowerPC 970,Pentium 4 and the Athlon 64 whereas the computer market isdominated by the IBM clones leaving just a minor role for thePowerPC 970 in the Apple-Mac. As we saw earlier, the result of anyspeed test does depend on the nature of the test. Having said that, andat the risk of irritating the fans of each, in the race for the overall speedfreak the Athlon 64, when it is available, will appear to be the winnerwith the other two virtually shoulder to shoulder a pace behind. But itdepends on the test chosen and we know that any speed king will bedethroned so very quickly.

A (very) approximate comparison based on the currently availableinformation is shown in Table 14.1.


Table 14.1

PowerPC 970 Pentium 4 Athlon 64

Clock speed 2 GHz 2.8 GHz 2 GHzBus speed 900 MHz 533 MHz 533 MHzBits 64 32 64Process size 0.13/ 0.09 microns 0.13 microns 0.13 micronsOp systems OSX IBM linux Windows WindowsComparative speed 1988 1984 2372Max memory Terabytes 40 GB Terabytes

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Quiz time 14

In each case, choose the best option.

1 Compared with the Pentium 4, the Athlon XP designhas:

(a) faster FSB, running at 533 MHz.(b) the same speed of FSB.(c) slower FSB, running at 333 MHz.(d) faster FSB, running at 2.8 GHz.

2 As the Pentium 4 and the Athlon XP are both using0.13 micron technology:

(a) it does NOT imply any other similarities between thedesigns.

(b) they will both run at the same clock speed.(c) they will have the same number of pins.(d) the cache sizes are equal.

3 The three floating point execution units in the AthlonXP simultaneously handle store and load, multiplyfunctions and:

(a) SIMD functions.(b) add functions.(c) divide functions.(d) 3D NOW! functions.

4 When Branch prediction is correct it:

(a) increases the overall speed of running the program.(b) increases the length of the pipeline.(c) decreases the clock speed.(d) prevents overheating of the microprocessor.

5 The Athlon Instruction cache has a capacity of:

(a) 256 kB.(b) 32 bits.(c) 64 kB.(d) 384 MB.


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15Microcontrollers and

how to use them

Getting ready for takeoff

In the 1960s, electronics started to awake from its slumber that hadused thermionic valve technology that was recognizably similar tocircuits that had been built for thirty years. The pace of progress wasgentle. The first semiconductor material was developed and thetransistor came into use in just a few years. The photographic processused to design and produce the transistor quickly led to simpleintegrated circuits and the microprocessor.

The start of the microcontroller

No sooner had the microprocessor and the associated memoriesarrived in 1971 than it became obvious that the microprocessor wasalways accompanied by other circuits, like input/output devices,memory and timing circuits so it would be a good move to combinethem into a single device.

We had a choice – we could keep everything general and universaland call it a microprocessor or design it for a single purpose and callit a microcontroller.

The multipurpose devices went into computers and even here we hada choice. Computers were either ‘microcomputers’ where price was asignificant feature and these microprocessors had some built-in ROMand RAM. Soon, however, speed became the main feature as the pricesbegan to fall and we could afford to equip our homes with computing


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power which equalled many offices of just a few years previously andthe microprocessors became expensive and fast. Speed headlinesdrive the publicity machines as home and office computers becamefaster and faster. They sold in their millions.

Meanwhile the single-purpose devices, really the descendents of theearly microcomputers, were developed further and made reallycheaply, sold by the billion and were never mentioned. They powerthe pocket calculator, video recorders, cameras, microwaves, washingmachines and greetings cards that play music – in fact almost anythingvaguely electronic.

Just a thought

The microcontrollers outnumber the population of the world manytimes and as mentioned earlier we are likely to be sharing our homeswith, possibly, fifty of them. They are in every essential industry – foodproduction, transport, communications, research, weaponry, powergeneration, medicine, heating and air conditioning – there is little thatwe rely on that does not use a microcontroller. If they learn tocommunicate independently of us, they may develop their ownagenda. Now there’s a thought.

Most microcontrollers are similar

Once we have learned to drive, most vehicles are easily recognized asbeing very similar. We are happy with the general idea and canconcentrate on the minor differences. Microcontrollers are much thesame. Having already become familiar with the basic building blocksof the simple microprocessor in Chapter 8, we can move very easilyinto the microcontroller. It is not surprising then to find that allmicrocontrollers are basically very similar.

To give an overall impression of the range of microcontrollersavailable we are going to look at three popular ranges. The first is the8051, probably the most widely used microcontroller, over twentyyears old and continuously developed by many different companiesand showing no signs of fading away. The next is from the AVRfamily produced by the Atmel Corporation, one of the leaders in thisfield. From this range we look at the AT90S/LS2343 one that is small,modern and RISC. The final one will be explored in Chapter 16.

The 8051

Probably the transition between the microcomputer to the micro-controller occurred with the Intel 8048 as we saw in Chapter 11. The8048 added on-chip RAM, ROM and a timer so it could be used as asingle purpose device such as controlling a keyboard – it was, in fact,a microcontroller.


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Microcontrollers and how to use them

With the experience gained by using this, it became apparent thatthere was a significant market for a microcontroller.

In 1980, Intel launched the 8051 which, twenty-three years later, isalive and well. In fact very well indeed. It is probably the most popularmicrocontroller ever. It is made by about 44 suppliers.

These suppliers have often added some extra features to make versionsor ‘variants’ as they are called particularly suitable for specific jobs.There are at least 92 variants all compatible with the original code.Even within variants, there are a series of options that lifts the totalnumber of members of the 8051 family to several hundred.


The device numbering is not very obvious as many microcontrollers areavailable from several different suppliers with their own product code.They then produce a group of basically similar devices with minorchanges like different operating voltages or differing amount of RAMand ROM on-board memory – these groups are referred to as ‘families’.

The family is given a name which often has little connection with theproduct codes. For example, Intel’s 8051 family has the family nameof MCS51. This contains the 803X, 805X, 875X and the low powerversions bXC45X and the 8XCX52. As usual the X refers to any figureor letter in that position.

The situation is further confused (or possibly simplified) by referring toall of them as ‘the’ 8051.

The block diagram of the 8051

The block diagram shown in Figure 15.1 is the family portrait of the8051 family. There are some features that differ between the family


Figure 15.1

8051 blockdiagram

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members, principally the memory configuration – some versions haveless memory and some have none at all. However, we will look at theoperation of our ‘middle-of-the-road’ version and worry about theindividual differences later.

The 8051 pinout

As in all micro and digital chips, a line over a pin designation indicatesthat it is active low or, put more simply, to use this feature we need toapply zero volts.

The pinout shown in Figure 15.2 looks, at first glance to be rathercomplicated due to the dual use of many pins. This is a commonfeature of microcontrollers as a method of reducing the number of pinsto be used. The more pins, the more expensive and the larger thedevice. This is bad news for a device often destined to be embeddedwithin another circuit.

There are variants available that provide the increased number of pinsso that there is a separate pin for each function.

ResetRegardless of what program is being run, we must always be able togain control of the microcontroller just as we must with a micro-processor. The procedure is just the same. The microcontroller has areset pin which, in the 8051, is taken from the bus control block and,in normal operation must be held to zero volts. When a positive


Figure 15.2

Pinout of the 8051

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voltage over 2.0 V is applied to it the microcontroller immediatelyreturns to its startup memory location, which in this case is 0000H. Wecan arrange this to occur automatically when the power is switched onbut we should also provide a reset switch to gain control of the systemat any time without removing the power. This is the ‘reset’ switchwhich we use when our computer locks up and ignores us.

When changing microcontrollers, remember to check the polarity ofthe reset voltage. Compare this circuit in Figure 15.3 with the oneshown in Figure 8.7.

Clock inputAs we have seen in Chapter 7, we are going to need a clock signal. Theoriginal design of the 8051 called for a 12 MHz crystal though laterversions can run at 33 MHz, 40 MHz or even 44 MHz. As analternative, we can use a ceramic resonator or an external signal. Theclock input is shown in Figure 15.4 using a crystal. To use an externalsignal throw away the crystal and the capacitors then apply theexternal signal to the Xtal1 pin and leave Xtal2 disconnected.


Figure 15.3

The reset switch

Figure 15.4

The clock

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PortsWe have four ports numbered 0 to 3. In the standard 8051 ports 0, 2and 3 are dual purpose and port 1 is just an input/output port. In somevariants, all ports are dual purpose.

With regard to the memory, we can use the on-chip memory, whichkeeps the circuit as simple as possible and makes the embedding of thedevice at its most convenient.

The on-chip memory may be masked ROM or an EPROM which wemet in Chapter 6. To use external memory obviously increases the chipcount but can allow up to 64 kB of memory, which is the standard sizefor 8-bit microprocessors.

The external memory is accessed by taking the ‘external access’ (EA)pin to a logic zero. To switch the external ROM on, the output enable(OE) pin of the external memory is taken low by the program storeenable (PSEN) pin of the 8051. In a similar way, an external RAM isaccessed for reading and writing by the read (RD) and write (WR) pinsapplying a logic zero voltage to the output enable (OE) and read/write(R/W) pins respectively.


The 8051 has a total of five interrupt signals. Two of these can beexternally generated and three are of internal origin. Interrupts arediscussed more generally in the chapter dealing with interfacing butbasically, when an interrupt occurs, the program which is running atthe time is interrupted and another code sequence is ran, called aninterrupt service routine (ISR). When the ISR is compete, themicrocontroller returns to its original program and continues as if theinterruption has not occurred. There is a different ISR for each interruptwhich must be pre-loaded in specific memory addresses, all ready togo if needed.

What if two interrupts occur at the same time?The interrupts are checked continuously in what we call the pollingorder. Starting from the top, the order in the 8051 is:

External Interrupt 0Timer 0External Interrupt 1Timer 1Serial port

In addition, each interrupt can be given two levels of priority so if twointerrupts occur, the one with the high priority will be handled first. Iftwo have the same priority, it is decided by the polling order.


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A timer or counter is a series of bistables or flip-flops that change stateonce for every input signal, thus one of these circuits would divide theinput frequency by a factor of two. If this signal is then fed into the nextbistable, the output is 1

4 of the original frequency. The next circuitwould have an output of 1/8, then 1/16 and so on.

There are two timers, T0 and T1. These can be programmed to divideby 256, 8192 or 65536 and will generate an interrupt signal uponcompletion that can be detected by the software. One of the modesallows the timer/counter in 8-bit (divide by 256) mode to reload andstart counting again each time continuously.

The input signal being counted can originate from an external circuitso it counts the number of incoming pulses, or it can use an internalsignal which is actually 1/12 of the clock frequency in use. Asmentioned above, it generates an interrupt signal when it reaches itsmaximum value. We can preload the timer with a number to startcounting from. This will allow the interrupt to be generated after anyrequired number of events, or time interval.

Serial port

Since the microcontroller normally handles data eight bits at a time, itis operating in parallel but two receive or transmit serial data we haveperform serial/parallel conversions. This is always achieved by using ashift register working under the control of a clock signal. The workingof a shift register is described in Chapter 17.

The serial port is able to transmit and receive data, at the same time,this is referred to as a full duplex system. As the name suggests, the bitsof data are moved one after the other in a continuous stream. Pin 10is called RXD or receive data and pin 11 is the TXD, transmit data but,as is often the case, things are not quite that simple.

It can operate in three ways, or modes numbered 0, 1, 2 and 3.

Mode 0This is the case that spoils the simple RXD, TXD as, in this mode only,the TXD pin is actually used as a clock signal and the RXD is used toreceive or transmit data. The clock frequency is fixed at 1/12 of theonboard oscillator frequency and this, of course, determines the speedat which the data is transferred via an 8-bit shift register.

Mode 1This mode also sends data in 8-bit lumps but its frequency is adjustableand operates as an 8-bit UART (universal asynchronous receivertransmitter – see more about this in Chapter 17). The 8 bits are


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increased to 10 bits buy adding a logic 0 to indicate the start of thegroup and a logic 1 to mark the end of the group. This is the normalformat used in RS232 transmissions. Unfortunately, the output voltagesdo not comply with the RS232 standards so an external chip must beadded to do the voltage conversion. Some suitable chips are discussedin Chapter 17.

Mode 2This is very similar to Mode 1 except the number of bits transmitted isincreased from 10 bits to 11. The extra bit can be used as a parity bitwhich is used to check for transmission errors, The pattern is Start bit(0), 8 data bits, parity bit and stop bit (1). (Have a look at Chapter 17again.) The transmission rate can be 1/32 or 1/64 of the onboardoscillator frequency.

Mode 3This is an 11-bit transmission with a programmable baud rate. Thebaud rate is near enough the same as the transmission rate measuredin bits per second.

Watchdog timer

When a microcontroller is embedded in equipment it may find itselfused in areas where electrical interference is a problem. This, or asoftware problem can cause the microcontroller to lock up by gettinginto an endless loop. The watchdog timer will reset the micro-controller after a period of time, about 20 milliseconds, unless it is toldnot to. Stuck in a software loop, it no longer generates this ‘don’t resetme’ signal and so the microcontroller is reset and escapes from theloop.

The watchdog timer is only fitted into some of the 8051 variants but isavailable as a stand-alone chip but is commonplace in newerdesigns.

When we want to leave the microcontroller in a continuous loop, wehave a choice of ensuring that the loop contains the required softwarecode or disabling the watchdog timer before the loop is started.

AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers

Taking the AT90S/LS2343 as an example, we can see a really basicmicrocontroller with minimal complexity yet having many usefulfeatures that make it inexpensive, small and comparatively fast. TheRISC design and the width of the registers allows the vast majority ofinstructions to be executed in a single clock cycle and all the others,apart from five, are completed in two cycles.


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In Figure 15.5, we have a block diagram. It is quite a relief to see thatmostly it is quite familiar after looking at the earlier 8-bit micro-processors and the 8051 considered in previous chapters. Already wesee that most devices are a combination of one or two innovative ideasadded to a standard mix.

Inputs and outputs

One notable feature of the block diagram, we see only five input/outputs shown as PortB 0 to 4 so we have only five connections fordata which is a small number until we look at the sister version, theAT90S/LS2323 which has only three – PortB 0 to 2! Yet they are called8-bit devices and in previous 8-bit micros we have grown to expect atleast one and sometimes two 8-bit input/output connections. Theanswer is just that the ‘8-bit’ description refers to the internal data buswidth.

The PortB pins can be used to send data in either direction, they canbe used as inputs or outputs. As is common with other microprocessorsand microcontrollers, the direction of data movement through each ofthe PortB lines is individually controlled by a data-direction register.Loading a ‘one’ into the data-direction register will make the


Figure 15.5


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corresponding PortB line into an output, on the other hand a ‘zero’, ofcourse, will change it into an input.


This microcontroller has three memories, or four if we count thegeneral purpose registers. The loading of the memory storage areasemploys a serial transfer of data and is achieved by the SPI (serialprogramming interface).

One ROM storage area is achieved by a Flash memory organized as 1k× 16. The program instructions are all either 16 or 32 bits wide and canbe cleared and reprogrammed whilst remaining in circuit. It can becleared and reprogrammed at least 1000 times. The contents of theFlash memory cannot be changed by the program being executed bythe CPU and so is free from accidental corruption.

The data is held in an EEPROM, which again can be cleared andreprogrammed electronically without removal from the device. It onlyholds 128 bytes of memory but is able to go through at least 100 000cycles.

Data corruption can occur in the EEPROM if the supply voltage isreduced too far but this effect can be avoided by any one of thefollowing three methods. The first we have already mentioned – usethe Flash memory for critical data. The other two methods are ways todetect the reduction in voltage and immediately put the micro-controller into a safe condition. This is often referred to as ‘brown outprotection’. An external circuit detects the falling voltage and appliesa low voltage to the reset pin which effectively switches the chip offuntil the supply voltage recovers. The alternative is to put themicrocontroller into a power-down sleep mode which is a powersaving mode which has the effect of preventing any decoding orexecution of any instructions – which, of course, precludes any‘writes’ to the EEPROM.

It also has 128 bytes of SRAM (Static RAM) for the temporary storageof data and 32 8-bit general purpose registers that can be connectedtwo at a time with the ALU (arithmetic and logic unit) which is theheart of the ‘brain’ within the microcontroller.


The AT90S/LS2343 has an internal RC oscillator which runs at 1 MHz,4 MHz or 10 MHz depending on the version in use. It is one of the fewof the micro devices that does not make use of an external crystalalthough it can use an external clock pulse. This external clock pulseonly requires a single pin and hence we have an extra pin to use as anoutput.


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There are only three interrupts. The first, and highest priority, is thereset which is activated by a low voltage applied to pin 1, a power-onreset or a signal from the watchdog. The next is an external interruptrequest as described in a moment. Lastly, an overflow from the timer/counter circuit.

Pinout and package

These are shown in Figure 15.6 and we can see that it is available as an8-pin DIL (dual in line) package which has two lines of pins and also thesurface mount version, plastic gull wing SOIC (small outline IC).

Pin 1 – Active low reset. Must go low for at least 50 ns.Pin 2 – External clock signal input or PortB 3Pin 3 – PortB 4. All lines can sink 20 mA and therefore are able to

power LEDs directly. Sinking means that the LED or other loadis connected between the positive Vcc supply and a lowvoltage output at the port.

Pin 4 – Ground.Pin 5 – PortB 0 or MOSI. In serial programming mode, MOSI is the

serial data input.Pin 6 – PortB 1 or MISO/INT0. In serial programming mode, MISO is

the serial data output. This pin can also act as the externalinterrupt described in the previous paragraph.

Pin 7 – PortB 2 or SCK/T0. In serial programming mode, SCK is theserial clock input. This pin can also provide the timer/counter0 clock input.

Pin 8 – Vcc. The LS version requires a positive supply voltage thatremains in the range 2.7–6.0 V.

Sleep modes

When the microcontroller is not being used, it can switch off some ofits circuitry to save power. Sleep modes are employed in all modern


Figure 15.6


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microcontrollers and make an enormous difference to the overall lifeof an intermittently used device. This enables sealed units in toys andgreetings cards to remain active for months or years.

Idle-modeTo see the benefits, this microcontroller has a normal operating currentdrain of 2.4 mA but when switched to the ‘idle’ mode, the current fallsto 0.5 mA. It does this by stopping the CPU activity but allows thetimer/counter, watchdog and interrupts to remain operational. This isabout an 80% power reduction but we can do a lot better than thatotherwise my musical socks would have stopped long ago.

Power-down modeIn this mode, only the external interrupt and watchdog (if enabled)continue to work and current falls to less than 1 microamp, which isa really impressive reduction in power. The microcontroller can bearoused from its sleep only by one of the following: an external reset,the watchdog (if enabled) or INTO external interrupt.

The PIC16F84A

This is another modern RISC development and has many features thatare similar to the AVR that we have just looked at. The AT90S/LS2343was chosen as representative of the very small and basic micro-controllers found embedded in many products. This PIC16F84Aexample from Microchip Technology is a mid-range device which islarger and more capable than the AVR.

The PIC series ranges from a really simple 8-pin, 4 MHz micro-controller on a level with the AT90S/LS2343 that we have justconsidered up to a 40-pin 25 MHz device. As mentioned thePIC16F84A is a mid-size version that has 18 pins and runs up to20 MHz.

The PICs are designed for easy use and are becoming increasinglypopular as the first step into the world of microcontrollers. MicrochipTechnology provides a PICSTART™ PIC development system thatprovides, at a very reasonable price, an assembler, compiler, EPROMand EEPROM programmer, all the hardware manuals and even asample PIC to play with. It should be mentioned that other companieshave similar systems compatible with the PIC series and for othermicrocontrollers like the AVR and 8051 series.

It has proved to be such an easy, off the shelf, starting point that tomany people ‘PIC’ is not only their first choice but is becoming usedas a generic term for any microcontroller.

The general layout of the PIC16F84A is shown in Figure 15.7.


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Supply voltage

The DC supply voltage must remain in the range 2.0–5.5 V for it towork happily though similar versions such as the PIC16F84 can runbetween 2.0 and 6.0 V.

Sleep mode

To save the current drain, a software instruction can put the PIC into asleep mode. The supply current is very dependent on the clockfrequency and is normally between 1 and 20 mA and when put tosleep the drain is reduced to approximately 1 µA.

To obtain the lowest possible sleep current we should hold all I/O pins atVDD or VSS and disable any external clock and hold the master clear pinin a logic high state – not in the reset state. The purpose of all this is toprevent any voltages from floating up and down. If it did so, it wouldswitch and the technology used results in very low currents drawnexcept at the moment of switching during which it causes a really highspike of current so the higher the frequency, the more often this spikeoccurs – hence the increased current.

The microprocessor will wake if: a reset occurs by a logic low voltagebeing applied to the MCLR pin, a wakeup pulse arrives from thewatchdog unit (if it is enabled) or an ‘EEPROM write complete’ signal.


Figure 15.7


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As usual, we have two blocks of memory. One is the program memoryand the other is for data. For maximum speed, they each have aseparate bus connection so that both memories can be accessedduring a single clock cycle.

Program memoryThe program memory is situated in the flash memory which isorganized as 1028 × 14. All instructions in the PIC16 series use 14-bitinstructions.

The reset vector points to address 0000H and the interrupt vector is0004H so address locations 0005H to 03FFH are available for us tohold our programs.

Data memoryThe data area is subdivided into two areas, the FSR (file select register)and the GP (general purpose registers) as shown in Figure 15.8.


Figure 15.8

Register file map

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The SFR (special function register)

This register controls the operation of the CPU and involves suchthings as the input and output ports, EEPROM address and data, timer,program counter and that sort of housekeeping.

All the register files are 8-bits wide and are arranged in two bankscalled bank 0 and bank 1. We have to instruct the microcontroller asto which bank is to be used and this is done by using specialinstructions to access some of the page 1 registers. Those accessibleare indicated in Figure 15.8. Microchip Technology are planning toremove the choice of using the OPTION and the two TRIS registersand suggest that the STATUS register is used instead. This does notaffect the use with this chip but it will ensure that upgrading in thefuture will not require any modifications to the software.

I/O (input/output) portsAll outputs can source or sink 25 mA and can therefore powersignificant external circuits without further power amplifiers beingrequired. Sinking means that the load is connected between thepositive Vcc supply and a low voltage output at the port and sourcingis connecting the load between a positive output on the pin to theground.

PortA and TRISA registersPortA is a 5-bit wide bi-directional port, each line being individuallycontrolled so some of the lines can be inputs whilst the others areoutputs. The choice of input or output is made by loading a 0 (output)or a 1 (input) into the appropriate bit of the data direction registerTRISA.

In common with other devices, when it first starts at power-on, the portis set as an input. This provides a safer option that running the risk ofrandom information being sent out to whatever it is connected to.

PortB and TRISB registersPortB is a 8-bit wide bi-directional port, each line being individuallycontrolled using TRISB in the same manner as in PortA. Each of thePortB pins have a weak internal pull-up which can be switched on oroff by the RBPU of the option register. The pull-ups are disabled whenthe port is being used as an output and also during power switch-on.

Any of the Pins RB4–RB7 that just happen to be configured as an inputhave an interrupt-on-change feature that can be useful. If any one ormore of these pins have changed logic state since they were last read,it causes an RB port change interrupt. This interrupt can be used towake the microcontroller from its ‘sleep’ mode.


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Status registerThis is very similar to the one we met when looking at the Z80 inChapter 8.

The bits are:

Bit 0 is the C(carry/borrow) bit. 1 = a carry out from the MSB (mostsignificant bit) of the result otherwise it is cleared to zero. For ‘borrow’the values are reversed. Subtraction is carried out using thetwo’s-complement method that we met in Chapter 4.

Bit 1 reflects the carry situation that last occurred from the 4th bit of theresult. This is also called the half-carry bit.

Bit 2 is the zero flag. It is set to ONE when the result of the last arithmeticor logic operation is ZERO. Be careful not to misread this.

Bit 3 goes to 0 after running the SLEEP instruction.

Bit 4 goes to 0 when a watchdog time-out has occurred.

Bit 5 is used to select between the two memory banks. It is cleared to0 to access Bank 0 and set to 1 if we need access to Bank 1.

Bit 6 and bit 7 – not used. It will be used in the future so by programmingthem for 0, future compatibility will be assured. This may save a lot oftime if our program is used on an upgraded version.


Option register

As the name suggests, it offers a series of options. One example is thecontrol of the prescaler.

The PrescalerTwo functions are affected by the prescaler, they are the timer, TMR0(timer zero) and the watchdog timer. Each of these circuits provides anoutput pulse after the count overflows and restarts from zero. In thecase of the watchdog, the time interval is about 18 ms. If a longer timeinterval is needed, we have three alternatives. We can simply switchthe watchdog off but, of course, we lose the benefits of the watchdogif the microcontroller gets caught in a loop. A simple way is to placethe software code CLRWDT (clear watchdog timer) in the program atanytime before the end of the countdown so it is reset for another18 ms and we can repeat this as necessary. Lastly, we can use theprescaler to reduce the frequency of the incoming pulses and henceincrease the time before the output signal is generated.

Bits 0, 1 and 2 PS2:PS0 (prescaler rate select bits) provide eightalternative pulse rates for use by the watchdog or TMR0. Setting thethree inputs to 000 will provide a clock signal which is equal to anexternal signal or chip oscillator. Changing the setting to 001 will halvethe frequency (or double the time). Increasing the setting to 010 will

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decrease the frequency to one quarter of the original. As the countincreases, the frequency will halve for each count until we reach themaximum bit value of 111 which will cause the watchdog time toincrease by a factor of 128. As it happens, the TMR0 has a divide bytwo circuit built in all the time so a setting of 000 will halve thefrequency and the maximum count will reduce the frequency by afactor of 256.

Bit 3 PSA – (prescaler assignment bit) – Unlike most other PICs, theprescaler can be applied to the TMR0 or the watchdog, but NOTboth, so the option register controls the choice. Bit 3 of the optionregister is set to 0 to prescale the TMR0 and a 1 selects thewatchdog.

The other bitsBit 4 T0SE (TMR0 source edge select). This controls the moment oftiming the clock input. A ‘0’ increments the count on the low-to-hightransition and a ‘1’ increments on the high-to-low transition.

Bit 5 T0CS (TMR0 clock source select). This decides where the clockpulses come from. The choices are a ‘0’ to an internal clock as on theCLKOUT pin and a ‘1’ counts the transitions on the RA4/T0CKI (timerzero clock input). This option allows pulses to be generated by anyexternal source like cans of beans moving along the conveyor belt orthe revolutions of an engine.

Bit 6 INTEDG (interrupt edge select). This is similar to bit 4 except weare controlling the moment at which an interrupt signal is recognizedof the RB0/INT pin. A ‘0’ uses the falling voltage edge and a ‘1’ sets therising edge.

Bit 7 RBPU (PortB pull-up enable). This controls the ‘pull-ups’ on thePORTB output. A ‘0’ allows each line to have its own pull-upenabled or switched off as required. A ‘1’ switches them all off. Apull-up circuit is shown in Figure 15.9. When the switch is closed byapplying a ‘0’ state to this pin it connects the output to the positivesupply via a current limiting resistor. This ensures that in the absence


Figure 15.9

A pull-up circuit

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of any input data the port will be pulled up to a positive state so thatit doesn’t wander about applying unpredictable inputs. The higherthe value of the resistance used, the easier an incoming voltage findsit to bring the voltage down and this is referred to as a ‘weak’ pull-uplike this one. Likewise, a reduction in the resistance value will makethe port input more determined to stay high and this is referred to asa ‘strong’ pull-up.

PCL (program counter low)PC is the program counter that keeps track of the instruction beingexecuted at the time. It is a 13-bit register divided into PCL for low byteand PCH for high byte. Its behaviour is common with othermicrocontrollers and microprocessors as described in Chapter 8.

StackThis register stores the return address when interrupts occur. It stores upto eight 13-bit addresses. Again, there are more details in Chapter 8.

Register 6–1: PIC16F84A configuration wordThis is a special register which is just memory location 2007H whichcan only be accessed during programming. Unprogrammed pins areread as ‘1’.

It is a 13-bit word with the following options:

Bit 13–4. This protects the program code from being read after theprogramming is complete. 1 = no protection 0 = all program memoryis code protected.

Bit 3 Power-up timer enabling. This allows a nominal 72 ms delay whenfirst switching the microcontroller on to allow power supplies to settle.The delay can be activated by loading bit 3 with ‘0’, no delay = ‘1’.

Bit 2 watchdog timer, disable with ‘0’, enable with ‘1’.

Bits 1–0 oscillator selection bits00 = LP oscillator01 = HS oscillator10 = XT oscillator11 = RC oscillator


The crystal or ceramic resonator options are shown in Figure 15.10and the crystal oscillators are divided into the frequency ranges:

LP low power crystals 32 kHz–200 kHz.XT crystal/ceramic resonator 100 kHz–4 MHz.HS high speed crystal/ceramic resonator 4 MHz–20 MHz.RC resistor/capacitor.


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A note on ceramic resonatorsThese offer an alternative to crystals for oscillators. They are generallylighter, more shock resistant and are usually somewhat smaller andcheaper to buy. The downside is that they do not have quite thefrequency accuracy or stability and in many respects they arepositioned somewhere between an RC network and the quartzcrystal.

An interrupt summary

The PIC16F84A has four sources of interrupts:

(i) External interrupt on the RB0/INT pin.(ii) TMR0 overflow.(iii) PortB change detector pins RB7–RB4(iv) EEPROM data write complete interrupt. This is used only when we

are loading new programs into the EEPROM.

Quiz time 15

In each case, choose the best option.

1 An 8-bit microcontroller has:

(a) an 8-bit data bus.


Figure 15.10

Oscillator options

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(b) eight ports.(c) an 8-bit address bus.(d) eight internal registers.

2 Compared with the Pentium 4, a microcontroller:

(a) is faster.(b) consumes less current.(c) is more complex.(d) is larger.

3 A watchdog circuit prevents:

(a) damage due to excessively high supply voltages.(b) an overrun in timer/counter circuits.(c) burglars.(d) wastage of power while the microcontroller is not being used.

4 It is NOT essential for a microcontroller circuit toinclude:

(a) registers.(b) a reset pin.(c) some memory.(d) a crystal.

5 The term ‘ISR’ refers to an:

(a) immediate service register.(b) internal system reset.(c) interrupt service routine.(d) instruction set register.


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16Using a PIC

microcontroller fora real project

PIC microcontrollers are a very convenient choice to get started in thisfield although, as we have seen, there are enormous areas of overlapbetween microprocessors and other microcontroller designs.

One convenience is that Microchip Technology has taken the RISCconcept seriously. There are only 35 instructions and, of these, only afew are required to write quite usable programs.

All data movements are based around just a single register called ‘W’for ‘working’. This performs much the same function as the accumu-lator in the earlier processors like the 6502.

Getting started

To program the PIC we need a copy of software instructions and moredetails of the register layout.

There is no getting away from the fact that when we first meet amicrocontroller, the information appears overwhelming – not only inthe quantity but in the apparent complexity. This is despite the effortsof the designers to make it as simple as possible. It is very much likeseeing a new foreign language, which it is really – and tackle it inmuch the same way, a bit at a time.


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There are four golden rules which may help:

1 Don’t get scared! From time to time, it will seem tempting just tothrow it all away and find something easier to do.

2 Start really simple – one step at a time.3 Be prepared for it to take a long time in the early stages.4 When you are feeling low and despondent, remember that everyone

else has felt the same. It will get better. Honest.

The hardware

Let’s keep it really simple. We have to buy a microcontroller andconnect it up and then program it.

The device that we are going to use is a PIC16F84A-04/P. The pinoutis shown in Figure 16.1. The number PIC16F84A is the type ofmicrocontroller. The 04 tells us that the maximum frequency is 4 MHzand the /P means that it is the standard plastic package. There is nominimum operating frequency and the slower it runs, the less power itconsumes.

Figure 16.2 shows the most basic circuit. It includes only the chipsupplies and a positive supply to prevent the MCLR (master clear) from


Figure 16.1

Figure 16.2

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Using a PIC microcontroller for a real project

accidentally resetting the PIC during the program. Unless they are tiedto a definite value all disconnected inputs will float up and down andcan cause random switching.

We need a clock signal and the simplest and cheapest is just an RCcombination. The resistor should be between 5 kΩ and 100 kΩ and thecapacitor should be greater than 20 pF. The values chosen for thiscircuit were not selected carefully and are not critical. In practice, it isdifficult to predict the operating frequency of an RC combination. If weneed a particular frequency it is better to use a variable resistor andadjust it to give the desired frequency.

Later on, when we have written the program we must tell theassembler what clock signal we are going to use. This programs thePIC to expect an RC oscillator. This information can, as an alternative,be included into the program. It’s our choice but it is slightly easier todo it at the assembly stage but we must remember to do it.

The software

There are three layers of information that we need to use the registers.Firstly, we need the names and addresses of the files as we met in theregister file map in Figure 15.8. The second step is the function of eachbit in each register, and this is shown in Appendix A, and finally, anexplanation of these functions as we see in Appendix B.

All this data looks daunting but the thing to remember is that we onlyuse one bit at a time and we can ignore the rest.

All PICs and indeed all microprocessors and microcontrollers usebinary code and nothing else. To make life easier for us, we useassembly language or a high level language. To use these languages,we need a program which is able to convert them to binary code.For assembly language, the required program is called an assemblerand for higher level languages a similar job is done by a compiler.

An assembler is part of the PICSTART PLUS development system butthere are other assemblers available that will handle code for all thePICs. The code that we write as the input to the assembler is called‘source code’ and the code that is supplied by the assembler is called‘object code’. The object code is really in binary but to make it easierfor us, it is usually displayed on the screen in hex.

Important note

As we type in the program we must not leave any spaces ininstructions or in the data.


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The programming steps

The purpose of our first program

We want to do something really simple but not something that mayhave happened by accident. We are going to configure all of PortB asoutputs and then make the output signal to be off, on, off, on, off, on,off, on. We can connect a series of LEDs to the output pins so alternatelights will be on.

1 We will start by selecting Bank 1 of the register file map. To do thiswe need to talk to the status register, so by referring to Figure 15.8, wecan see that the status register is file 03. From our look at the Statusregister in Chapter 15, we can see that bit 5 is the RP0 which controlsthe selection of Bank0 or Bank1. The first line of the program must setbit 5 of register 3.

Program starts:

BSF 3,5 ; Sets bit 5 of register 3 to select Bank1

It is worth mentioning at this stage, that anything written after thesemicolon is just a note for us and is ignored by the assembly program.This is called the comment field. It is always worth using this area toexplain the program, and this often saves hours trying to rememberwhat we were attempting to do when we first wrote the program. Thiscan be an even larger problem if someone else writes a program andis then off sick and we are left to find out why the program doesn’twork.

2 We now want to arrange for PortB to be an output. This involvesloading a 0 into each of the controlling bits in the data directionregister which we can see from Figure 15.8 is called TRISB and isregister number 86. To do this, we are going to clear the W registerusing the CLRW instruction and then copy this zero into register 86.This involves two extra instructions so, at this stage, our program willread:

BSF 3,5 ; Sets bit 5 of register 3 to select Bank1CLRW ; puts a zero into register WMOVWF 86 ; copies the zero into register 86 which is

; the PortB data direction register

3 Now we have sorted out the direction of the data flow and we caninput the actual data. This time we are going to clear bit 5 of register3 to allow us to access Bank0. We can now load our data into the Wregister. But what is the data? If we assume the LED is going to beconnected between the port output and the zero volt connection, thevoltages corresponding to the light sequence off, on, off, on, off, on,off, on will be 0V, +5 V, 0 V, +5 V, 0 V, +5 V, 0 V, +5 V and the data willbe 0,1,0,1, 0,1,0,1. We could enter this as a binary number written as


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B’01010101’ or as the hex number 55 which is a little easier toread.

Once the 55H is in the W register, we can use the code MOVWF tocopy it into register 06 which in Figure 15.8, we can see is the PortBdata register.

The program is now:

BSF 3,5 ; Sets bit 5 of register 3 to select Bank1CLRW ; puts a zero into register WMOVWF 86 ; copies the zero into register 86 which is

; the PortB data direction registerBCF 3,5 ; clears bit 5 of register 3MOVLW 55 ; this is the output data to give the on, off

; sequenceMOVWF 06 ; this copies the data into PortB

4 As it stands, the micro will perform each of these steps once andthen stop. We have a problem here because it will take only a fewmicroseconds to complete these instructions – certainly too fast for usto see if the correct sequence of LEDs are illuminated. We need to givethe micro something to do which will keep the LEDs operational andour choice here is to reload the output port continuously. Have a lookat our new program:

BSF 3,5 ; Sets bit 5 of register 3 to select Bank1CLRW ; puts a zero into register WMOVWF 86 ; copies the zero into register 86 which

; is the PortB data direction registerBCF 3,5 ; clears bit 5 of register 3MOVLW 55 ; this is the output data to give the on,

; off sequenceagain MOVWF 06 ; this copies the data into PortB

GOTO again ; this line forces the micro to return to; the previous line

The words ‘again’ are called labels and the assembler program noticesthat the two are identical and replaces them by the correct address.The fact that we have used ‘again’, a word that makes sense in thecontext is just to help us to understand the program, the assemblerwould accept ‘asdf’ or anything else just as happily. Some assemblersput restrictions on the names chosen. It may, for example, not allow itto start with a number, or use certain words or symbols.

5 At the end of the program, we have to put the instruction END to tellthe assembler to stop. It is called an ‘assembler directive’ and is thereto tell the assembler program that it has reached the end of ourprogram. Directives are not instructions to the microcontroller and arenot converted to machine code.


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6 At the start of the program we can use the directive ORG whichmeans ‘origin’ and gives the starting address for the assembledprogram. This has been added to our final program. If we had not donethis, the assembler will assume the address to be zero so, in this caseit would make no difference whether we added this directive or left itout. When the PIC is reset, it always goes to address 000 so if wewanted the program to start elsewhere we would have to leave aGOTO instruction at address 000 to tell the microcontroller where it isto start. Remember that the ORG is only an instruction to theassembler telling it where to start loading the program – the PICdoesn’t know anything about this because directives are not convertedto the program code.

So our final program is:

ORG 000 ; Program starts at address 000BSF 3,5 ; Sets bit 5 of register 3 to select Bank1CLRW ; puts a zero into register WMOVWF 86 ; copies the zero into register 86 which

; is the PortB data direction registerBCF 3,5 ; clears bit 5 of register 3 to select

; Bank0MOVLW 55 ; this is the output data to give the on,

; off sequenceagain MOVWF 06 ; this copies the data into PortB

GOTO again ; this line forces the micro to return to; the previous line

END ; the end of our code to be assembled

Notice how the program is written in columns or ‘fields’. It is necessaryto use the correct fields as this tells the assembler what the items are.Remember to use the semicolon to start notes that we wish theassembler to ignore.

Connecting the LEDs

For clarity, only one LED is shown but an LED and resistor should bejoined to all the pins 7–13 to show the full output.

LEDs come in different colours and sizes and the cathode must beconnected to a less positive voltage than the anode. The cathode isgenerally recognized either by a shorter connector wire or a flatmoulded onto the body.

Component values

Looking at the data for a standard red LED, the typical voltage (Vf)across them when lit is 2 volts with a maximum current of (If) 20 mA.The small ‘f’ stands for ‘forward’. The light lost by reducing the current


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below its maximum value is not very great and it would be quitereasonable to operate the LED on, say, 10 mA.

To limit the current flow, a resistor is connected in series. Now, if thesupply voltage for the microcontroller is 5 volts and about 0.7 volts are‘lost’ inside the PIC and the LED is using 2 volts, the series resistor mustbe ‘using up’ the other 2.3 volts. The value of the resistor is given byR = V/I = 2.3/(10 × 10–3) = 230 Ω. If in doubt start with 470 ohms andsee how it goes – this is a generally safe value for all situations.

More labels

The use of labels not only makes the program more readable but itallows modifications to be accommodated. For example, if we put inthe actual address instead of the label and then modified the programby adding an extra instruction, the actual addresses would all shufflealong a bit to make room for the new instruction, making our oldaddress inappropriate. The program would not work and it might takeus hours before we see what we have done whereas a label would besorted out by running it through the assembler with the new instructionadded.

There is another useful assembler directive, EQU, which is anabbreviation for equates or ‘is equal to’. This can be used to makeprograms more readable by replacing some of the numbers withwords. For example, register 86 is the PortB Data Direction register butthe program would be easier to read if we replaced the number by thename. This would be done adding the line: PortBDDR EQU 86 beforethe program listing so as soon as the assembler spots the namePortBDDR it would replace it with 86. This has no affect on the finalprogram but it makes life easier for us – which has got to be a ‘goodthing’.

If we add some other labels, the final program can now be writtenas:


PortBDDR EQU 86 ; PortB data direction reg.; is register 86

PortB EQU 06 ; PortB data register is; register 06

Status EQU 03 ; Status register is register; 03

RP0 EQU 05 ; Bank1 is selected by bit 5Data EQU 55 ; Data used is 55H

BSF Status,RP0 ; Sets bit 5 of register 3 to; select Bank1


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CLRW ; puts a zero into register; W

MOVWF PortBDDR ; copies the zero into; register 86 which is the; PortB data direction; register

BCF Status,RP0 ; clears bit 5 of register 3MOVLW Data ; output data to give the

; on, off sequenceagain MOVWF PortB ; this copies the data into

; PortBGOTO again ; this line forces the micro

; to return to the previous; line

END ; the end of our code to be; assembled

By making full use of labels, we have rewritten our program withoutany numbers at all. This is just a matter of choice – all labels, somelabels or no labels, whatever we like.

Using a crystal

This gives a more accurate clock speed so that programs that involvereal can be written. It may be that we want a display sequence to runat a particular rate.

To change to a crystal we need to set up the configuration bits in thePIC so that it knows that it is being controlled by a crystal instead of theRC method. This is most easily handled during the assembly processby clicking on ‘configuration bits’ and selecting the clock source fromthe options offered.


Figure 16.3

A CrystalControlledClock

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The two capacitors shown in Figure 16.3 in the clock circuit alwayshave equal values and the range shown is suitable for 200 kHz and allclocks of 2 MHz and over. Other recommended values are: 32 kHz –68/100 pF and 100 kHz – 100/150 pF. The higher values in each rangeresults in higher stability but slower startup times.

A ceramic resonator can be used as a plug-in replacement for thecrystal.

A modification to the program

In the last program we controlled the voltages to each of the PortBoutputs. With slight modifications we would be able to apply anycombinations of voltages to control any external circuits. Even this firstcircuit has significant control capabilities but now we are going toextend the capability by applying a counting sequence to the outputsignals.

All programs are built on the backs of other programs that we haveused before so we can save considerable time by keeping copies of oursuccessful programs to be recycled whenever possible. This is welldemonstrated in this example.

The program consists of three steps, two of which we have alreadydesigned and tested, so we know it works. If the new program refusesto work, we don’t have to start from scratch, we know two–thirds of itis OK. This is a very powerful method of designing programs andwhole libraries of programs are available so new developments can bereduced to slotting together ready-made program segments.

When we make changes to a previously program, it is important tosave the new version under a new name so that, in the event of adisaster, we can retreat and start again.

Here is the section that we have ‘borrowed’ from our previous work:

ORG 000BSF 3,5CLRWMOVWF 86 ; PortB data direction = outputBCF 3,5MOVLW 55MOVWF 06 ; PortB data set to a start value

At this stage we can, of course, set the start value for the output to anyvalue between 00H to FFH which is binary B’00000000’ toB’11111111’.

We have only one new instruction to worry about: INCF f,d. Itincrements or increases the value of a selected file ‘f’ by 1, and where


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the new value goes to is determined by the value of the ‘d’ term. If ‘d’is 0 the new value is put into the W register but if it is 1, the new valueis put back into the register in use.

PortB data register is register 06 so the code INCF 06,1 will take thecurrent value of PortB data, increase it by 1 and put the answer backinto PortB data so our starting value of 55 will change to 56 and theoutput voltages on the pins will change from 01010101 to01010110.

This was just a single count, but for a continuous count we could usea label to make the program jump back and do the INCF trick againand again. When it reaches its maximum value, it will roll over to zeroand start again so the count process can be continuous.Our program would now be:

ORG 000BSF 3,5CLRWMOVWF 86 ; PortB data direction = outputBCF 3,5MOVLW 55MOVWF 06 ; PortB data set to a start value

again INCF 06,1goto again ; go back and INCF againend ; end of source code

One more step

The speed at which the count continues is determined by the rate atwhich instructions are being followed.

Slowing things down

If we wish to slow things down, we can give the microcontrollersomething to do just to keep it busy. We have a NOP instructionwhich does absolutely nothing but takes one instruction cycle to doit. Since it doesn’t do anything, it doesn’t matter how many weinclude in a program, or where we use them. For a significant delaywe made need hundreds, which is not an elegant way of solving aproblem.

In the last modification to the problem, we made it count up on thePortB register. Now this takes time, so we could use this countingtrick as a time waster. The PIC has 68 general purpose registers thatcan be made to count for us. Just choose any one of them and haveit count for a set number of counts and then we can go back andcount once on the PortB register, then go back to the time wastecount. In Figure 16.4, we have loaded a register with a number, say


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30H (48 in decimal). The next instruction decreases it by 1 to give2FH (not 29!!!) and since the answer is not zero, we go around theloop and decrement it again to 2EH and so on until it gets to zerowhereupon it leaves the loop to carry out ‘instruction 2’ shown inthe figure.

The instruction we are going to use this time is INCFSZ f,d. This isdesigned just for this type of counting job. It decrements the chosenregister and if d = 0, the result goes into the W register but if it is 1,it will go back into the same register. For our purposes we wouldload the code as DECFSZ 20,1. This would decrement register 20and put the answer back into register 20. When this register reacheszero, it will miss out the next instruction to stop it going around theloop again and will move on to the next instruction.

A slower count

Once again, this uses some of our previous programs.

ORG 000BSF 3,5CLRWMOVWF 86 ; PortB data direction = outputBCF 3,5MOVLW 55 ; PortB data set to a start valueMOVWF 06

again INCF 06,1


Figure 16.4

Using atiming loop

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MOVLW 30 ; Loads W with 30HMOVWF 20 ; puts the number 30 into file 20

count DECFSZ 20,1 ; decrements register 20goto count ; keeps decrements until it gets to zerogoto again ; returns to increment PortBend

For the slowest count on PortB, we would have to increase the countnumber in register 20 to its maximum number which, using thismicrocontroller is 7FH or 127 in decimal.

Calculating the delay

Starting from the moment that PortB is incremented:MOVLW takes 1 count.MOVWF takes 1 count.DECFSZ takes 1 count normally but 2 when it leaves the loop.As the register was loaded with the hex number 30, which is 48 indecimal, it will go around the ‘count’ loop 47 times at 1 instructionclock each and 2 clocks as it leaves the loop. This gives a total of 49cycles.goto will be used 48 times at 2 clocks each giving a total of 96clocks.goto will also be used once to return to the PortB, this is another 2cycles.Finally, INCF takes 1 count to increment the value on PortB.

The total is: 1 + 1 + 49 + 48 + 2 + 1 = 102 cycles

Assuming a crystal frequency of 32 kHz, we can divide it by 4 to givethe instruction clock frequency and then by the delay of 102 cycles togive the rate at which the PortB is incremented of about 78 counts persecond. PortB counts in binary from 0000 0000 to 1111 1111 and willfinish its count after 256 counts so it will start recounting after 256/78or roughly 3.3 seconds. We could reasonably double this time delayby a liberal sprinkling of NOPs or using a longer loop.

Longer delaysWe have three alternatives.

1 For small changes, we could add some NOPs inside of the countingloop to boost the number of counts.2 Our delay was built into the main program but we could have usedit as a subroutine. A subroutine is any block of code that we may wantto use more than once. In the main program we insert an instructionCALL followed by a label to identify the block of code so for our delayloop which we called ‘count’ we would insert the instruction ‘CALLcount’ at any time we want to use our program to cause a delay. When


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the delay loop ‘count’ has been completed, we insert the instructionRETURN at the end of this block of code and the microcontroller willreturn to the main program.

The benefit of using a subroutine is that we can run the ‘count’ delaytwice just by inserting the instruction CALL count twice in the mainprogram and we don’t have to enter the delay loop again with the fearthat we will mistype something and it will all collapse. We can makea subroutine as long as we want and use it as often as we want just byadding the CALL and RETURN instructions.

Here is our previous program but reorganized to use the delay loop‘count’ as a subroutine.

count DECFSZ 20,1 ; decrements register 20goto count ; keeps decrements until it gets to zeroRETURN

ORG 000BSF 3,5CLRWMOVWF 86 ; PortB data direction = outputBCF 3,5MOVLW 55MOVWF 06 ; PortB data set to a start value

again INCF 06,1MOVLW 30 ; Loads W with 30HMOVWF 20 ; puts the number 30 into file 20CALL countgoto again ; returns to increment PortBend

The subroutine is called count and has the instruction RETURN at theend.

The main program has the instruction CALL count which means ‘goand get a subroutine and use the one called count’.

We can then put:

CALL countCALL countCALL count

In the main program which would be an easy way to treble the lengthof a delay. We could design a subroutine called ‘1second’ and anotherfor ‘0.1second’.

Then if we needed to insert a delay of 2.3 seconds, we could justadd:


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CALL 1secondCALL 1secondCALL 0.1secondCALL 0.1secondCALL 0.1second

All subroutines would end with the same code RETURN, so how dothey know where they have to go back to?

The answer is a series of memory locations called a stack. Each returnaddress is stored in the stack in order that each CALL occurs, therelevant address is sent to the stack and as each RETURN will occur insequence, the addresses will be unloaded from the stack in the orderrequired. This is a first-in last-out (FILO) organization. See Chapter 8for more on the stack.

A subroutine can include a CALL to another subroutine. These arecalled nested subroutines – the PIC16F84A has room in its stack foreight return addresses – which is pretty small by microprocessorstandards.

3 In the PIC, most instructions are completed in a single instructioncycle which is 1

4 of the clock speed. To change the delay, we couldalways change the clock speed. There are two benefits, a slower clockspeed reduces the power consumed, there is no low-speed limit for thePIC, unlike some devices. Generally subroutines are preferred as thereare often other constraints on the clock speed.

Quiz time 16

In each case, choose the best option.

1 Return is:

(a) only used as part of a delay loop.(b) a ticket to take you home again.(c) an assembly directive.(d) an instruction found at the end of a subroutine.

2 ORG is:

(a) never needed since the PIC always starts at address 0000.(b) an assembler directive.(c) short for org*sm.(d) an instruction code.

3 An assembler converts:

(a) decimals into hexadecimals.(b) main codes into subroutines.


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(c) source code to object code.(d) object code into binary code.

4 In choosing a clock circuit:

(a) a ceramic resonator is not as accurate nor so robust as acrystal.

(b) an RC runs at four times the frequency of a crystal.(c) a crystal gives the most accurate and stable frequency.(d) use an RC circuit and a crystal to get accuracy and


5 The normal execution time for when using 4MHzcrystal is:

(a) 0.25 microseconds.(b) 1 millisecond.(c) 4 milliseconds.(d) 1 microsecond.


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Interfacing is the process of connecting a microprocessor to the rest ofthe circuit or to external devices. Even in the simplest of computersystems, there is some input device like a keyboard. So how does themicroprocessor know that we have pressed a key? When we send text toa printer, how does the printer tell us that it is ready for more input?

In a general purpose microprocessor-based system, if it is to doanything useful, there must be inputs and outputs. The externaldevices must therefore communicate with the microprocessor. In somecases, the microprocessor takes the matter into its own hands andsends data out as part of its program but even in this case it normallyallows the external device to help.

If a microprocessor-based system were used to heat some water, it iseasy enough to imagine the program switching on the power supplyand sitting there doing nothing for 10 minutes. It would be a better useof the microprocessor to leave the heater running and wait for athermostat to signal that the water has reached the requiredtemperature. This thermostat signal would arrive at an interrupt pin onthe microprocessor.


Interrupts were introduced in Chapter 8 when we looked at theoperation of the interrupt flag in the status or flag register but we willnow delve a little further into the system.


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All microprocessors have interrupts that can be initiated either by thesoftware being run at the time or by external hardware circuits.Microprocessors differ in the details of their response to hardwareinterrupts and in the number of different interrupt pins offered. Detailsare always itemized in the technical data supplied with the device.

The likely options are as follows

There are two basic types of hardware interrupt. The first is an interruptrequest or IRQ (or INTR) pin. This tells the microprocessor that itwould like to have some attention. Since it is a request rather than anorder, the microprocessor is free to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘yes, but not atthe moment – just wait till I’m ready’. This does not imply anyintelligence on the part of the microprocessor – it must be told whichresponse to give by the software that is being run at the time. In theabsence of any instruction, it normally accepts the interruption. If aparticular interrupt pin has been told not to respond to an interrupt, wesay that the interrupt has been ‘masked’.

The second type is called a non-maskable interrupt, that is, anunstoppable demand for attention. This will always assume top-priority. A typical use for this would be for an emergency shutdown inthe event of a power failure. The program can also instigate aninterrupt by means of a software instruction as part of a program.

What is a hardware interrupt signal?

This is a change of voltage on an interrupt pin generated by theexternal device. The change required would be detailed in thetechnical data but there are four choices.

The first two choices are changes of voltage level. The pin can sit at+3.3 V or whatever the ‘high’ voltage happens to be, then respondswhen it falls to 0 V. We call this ‘active low’. When the pin goes low,an interrupt is recognized. Alternatively, it could sit at 0 V and becomeactivated by an increased voltage. This we call ‘active high’.


Figure 17.1

Four ways ofsignalling aninterrupt

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The alternative approach is to use the sudden change of level. Fromlow to high is called ‘leading edge’ or ‘rising edge’ and from high tolow is the ‘trailing edge’ or ‘falling edge’ (See Figure 17.1 and have aglance at Figure 6.4 to see the alternative names.)

Once an interrupt is activated, the signal must be returned to itsnormal voltage before it can be triggered again. The input is masked asthe interrupt program is running to prevent the interrupt pin frominterrupting itself if the voltage remains at its active level.

Accommodating several external devices

The simplest and quickest way of connecting devices to the interruptsof a microprocessor is to have each device connected to its owninterrupt pin. This is OK providing there are enough pins. Fewmicroprocessors have more than two interrupt pins so we have toconnect several devices to the same pin.

When an interrupt occurs, a program called the ‘first level interrupthandler’ or FLIH is activated. The function of the FLIH is to identify thedevice causing the interrupt and to pass the controls over to the‘interrupt handler’ or ‘interrupt service routine’ program that has beenwritten to deal with that device.

How does it know which device is crying for help? There are twooptions, polling and vectored interrupts.

Polling interruptsThis is a slow but sure way. Each possible device is interrogated in turnwith an ‘is it you?’ signal until the source of the interrupt is found. Theorder of checking is prioritized so the most important device ischecked first.

Vectored interruptsImmediately after the interruption has occurred, the FLIH puts out a‘who’s there?’ signal and the interrupting circuit puts an identificationsignal onto the data bus. This signal is usually used as part of anaddress to identify the section of program to be executed.

What happens if an interrupt is received while the previous interruptis being dealt with? Again we have a choice. We can disable thenew interrupt until the first one is complete, then deal with the newone. Alternatively, we can check the priority of the new alarm anddecide on the new priorities. A higher priority causes the presentinterrupt to be halted and its current state to be saved in the stackwhile the new one is worked on and then we return to unload thestack information and carry on with the original problem. If the new


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interrupt is less important it gets a ‘wait a bit’ message until the firstone is finished.

In a microprocessor-based system it is up to the designer to decide onthe priorities and uses of the interrupts. In a PC, the interrupts areprioritized in order of speed and importance. Top priority is given tothe internal clock. This is the clock that tells us the time – not thesquare wave clock that synchronizes the circuitry. Thereafter, in order,we have the keyboard, two spare ones for any other operations, thencomes the serial port, the hard drive, the floppy disk drive and finallythe printer.


If you were to walk into a crowded room and say ‘Burgers’ and nothingfurther, many of those present would turn to their neighbours and say‘What was that?’ and some would just stand and stare. (Some mayeven mis-hear and feel offended.) As a form of communication, this isnot very efficient. Try instead, walking in and saying ‘Lunch willconsist of burgers’. Everyone would understand your message.

The first attempt was very efficient in terms of the number of wordsused but is probably likely to be inefficient communication sincemany people will not receive the message. In the second attempt, wehave used five words to make sure that the one important one getsthrough. This is called adding ‘redundancy’. The more redundancy weadd, the more certain is the message but the slower and less efficientbecomes the communication system. Data being returned from spaceprobes use very high levels of redundancy, over 96%, which allows forcorrection of really scrambled signals due to the extremely low powerlevels involved.

We can use parity for alerting us to the possibility of an error in astream of data or, in some cases, we can detect and correct the error.In its simplest form, we take a group of bits in a transmission, 4 or 8 bitsare normally used though the idea is applicable to other values. In thisexample, we will look at a 4-bit group, say 1001. At the transmittingend, we add an extra bit on the end, either a 0 or a 1 to make the totalnumber of ‘1’s an even number. In this case, there are two ‘1’s and sothe number is already even, so we add a zero. The data now reads10010. At the receiving end, if the data has been mutilated and nowreads 11010, a quick count will show that there is an odd number of‘1’s and so an error has occurred.

This simple approach can be easily fooled. If there are two errors therewill be an even number of ‘1’s and passed as correct. And, anotherdisappointment, if it shows an error, we cannot tell which bit is wrongand therefore cannot correct it. When this system is used, an errorsignal is sent back to the transmitter requesting a repetition but this


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assumes that the transmitter and the receiver are in communicationwith each other. We can modify the system to make limited automaticcorrection feasible.

Let’s assume we have, say, 16 bits of data to send.

Step 1 Rewrite the data in the form of a square:

0 0 1 0

1 1 1 1

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1

Step 2 Add parity bits. Across the top row, we have the numbers 0010 whichincludes a single ‘1’. In this system, which we will call ‘even’ parity, weadd another ‘1’ if necessary to ensure that there is an even number of‘1’s across the first row. As we have only a single ‘1’, we add another ‘1’on the end. It now looks like this:

0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1

The top row now has an even number of ‘1’s. The next row has four‘1’s which is an even number so we do not need to add another ‘1’. Wetherefore add a ‘0’:

0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 0

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1

The third row will be completed with a ‘0’ since it contains an evennumber of ‘1’s and the last row, with three ‘1’s will need an extra oneto be added. The result is now:

0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 0

0 1 0 1 0

1 0 1 1 1

Step 3 We now have five columns down the page and we can add extra ‘1’s inthe same way to make the total number of ‘1’s an even number. The firsttwo and the last columns each contain two ‘1’s so zeros will be added.The third and fourth columns have three ‘1’s so we need to add an extra‘1’ to each. The result is now:


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0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 0

0 1 0 1 0

1 0 1 1 1

0 0 1 1 0

Notice how we have now got a total of 25 bits to be transmitted. Thisrepresents 16 bits of data and 9 bits added to check the accuracy of thedata. The final serial transmission is 0010111110010101011100110.This means that 9 out of 25 or 36% of the transmission is not actualdata and represents redundancy.

Let’s see how it works. We will assume an error has occurred and one ofthe bits is received incorrectly so here is the received transmission:


Step 1 Layout the data as a 5 5 square.

0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 0

0 1 0 1 0

1 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 1 0

Step 2 Check the parity in each row across the square.

We decided to make each row and column to have an even parity.

The first row has two ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

The second row has four ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

The third row has two ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

The fourth row has three ‘1’s, this is odd – an error has occurred.

The last row has two ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

We now know that one of the bits in the fourth row has been receivedincorrectly.

Step 3 Do the same for the columns.

The first column has two ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

The second column has two ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

The third column has three ‘1’s, this is odd – an error exists in column


The fourth column has four ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

The last column has two ‘1’s, this is even – OK.

Step 4 Isolate the error and change the data.

The error occurs in the third column and the fourth row. Since this isnow known to be an error and we only have a choice of 0 or 1, we canconfidently change the 0 to a 1 and recover the correct data stream.


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0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 0

0 1 0 1 0

1 0 1 1 1

0 0 1 1 0

In this example, we chose to use even parity, that is, we made eachrow and column have an even number of ‘1’s. It would work equallywell if we used odd parity by making the number of ‘1’s an oddnumber. It would also work just as well if we counted the zeros insteadof the ones. If more than one error occurs, it will warn us of an errorbut it will be unable to make any corrections. If you try it, you will seethat it indicates four possible positions for the two errors and nine forthree errors.


Correct this received data which includes one error. To provideautomatic correction, odd parity on the ‘1’s has been used.

The received signal: 1101001001111001010101101.

Step 1 Layout the data as a 5 5 square

1 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 0 1

1 1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0 1

Step 2 Check the columns and rows for an odd number of ‘1’s

1 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 0 1

1 1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0 1

Step 3 Isolate the error

1 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 0 1

1 1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0 1


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Step 4 The data where the column and row intersect is the error. So we simplychange the ‘1’ to a ‘0’.

Step 5 Strip out the parity bits to recover the original data


Data transmission

The most basic way of sending information from one place to anotheris simply to connect a wire to both ends of the system and apply avoltage to one end. By making the voltage vary, we can send differentlevels and even speech or music. These are called analogue signalsand have many drawbacks.

The main one is the effect of noise. As the signal travels along a wireit gets weaker and it has noise induced into it by random electro-magnetic signals and vibration of the molecules of the conductor. Theoverall effect is that the signal becomes degraded and weaker.

The ‘weaker’ bit is no problem, we can soon amplify it back to itsoriginal size but the noise is a different matter. The electrical noise hasbecome embedded into the signal and has permanently distorted it.Amplifying it will amplify the noise and the signal equally.

We have no problem with digital signals since we know that theywill all be rectangular in shape and so the amplifier can be used toregenerate the shape of the signal and hence strip out the effects ofthe noise. If we are faced with sending something inherentlyanalogue, like speech or music, our first job is to convert it to adigital form.

Analog to digital conversion (A to D or ADC or A–D)

Inevitably these days, this is taken care of by an integrated circuit ofwhich there are many different designs. It is quite possible, but totallyuneconomic, to construct our own ADC so it is really a matter offlicking through the catalogues and choose the most appropriate oneavailable.

There are several different designs of ADCs, which are based on threebasically different approaches.

Flash converter

The first is called a flash converter or parallel encoder. These usecircuits called comparators. A comparator has two inputs, one is theanalogue voltage being converted and the other is a known referencevoltage.


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All we ask of a comparator is to answer a simple question: ‘Is theanalogue input voltage higher or lower than our reference voltage?’ Itanswers by changing its output voltage to a logic 1 to mean it is higherand a logic 0 to mean it is lower. They are so accurate that the chanceof it accepting the two voltages as the same level are extremely slightand doesn’t happen in practice (see Figure 17.2).

So how do we use the comparator? If we had three of them withreference voltages set to 1 V, 2 V and 3 V and then applied the inputvoltage of 2.5 V to all of them, the first two would set their outputs toa level 1 and the last one would be unaffected at logic 0. The logiclevels could be used to generate a binary number to represent 2.5 V.

An input voltage of 2.4 V or 2.9 V would also result in the samecomparators being activated and hence the same output digital signal.This error occurs in all analog to digital converters. We can reduce thesize of the error by increasing the number of comparators to detailmore levels. Real ones have between 16 and 1024 different levels.

Ramp generators

These are a combination of a binary counter that simply counts upfrom zero to its maximum value, perhaps 1024 like the last type. As thebinary count proceeds, a ramp voltage is made to steadily increase. Asingle comparator is used to compare the output of the ramp voltagewith the analog voltage being converted. As soon as the ramp voltageexceeds the input voltage, the comparator signal stops the counter. Thecounter output is then the digital equivalent of the analog signal (seeFigure 17.3).

Successive approximation

If we were to use a 3-bit digital signal to convert an analog voltage ofbetween 0 V and 4 V we could have the 3 bits representing voltages of4 V, 2 V and 1 V. This is how the circuit responds to an input of 3.5 V.


Figure 17.2

A comparatorused in a flashADC

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The digits are initially set to 000. The left-hand bit is switched on andits 4 V is compared with the input. The input is seen to be less than thisso this digit is reset to zero. It then tries the next bit and its 2 V arecompared and found to be less than the input so it remains set. Thedigital signal is now 010. The circuit now adds the 1 V from the lastdigit. The result is a total of 3 V, which is compared with the inputanalog signal. The input of 3.5 V still exceeds the current value of 3 Vso the last bit is set. The final digital output is 011.

The circuit has tried all the available values until it finds the one thatprovides the result closest, but less than the input signal. As before, themore bits we are using, the more accurate is the result.

In checking the specifications of likely ADCs to use, we need tocompare the following criteria.

Quantization error

In the above example using the flash converter, we can see that ananalog input of 3.5 V would provide the same output as would anyvalue between slightly over 3 V and slightly less than 4 V. This error


Figure 17.3

An ADC that uses aramp voltage

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means that small variation in the analog input voltage will be lost. Thesize of this error is equal to the space between the comparatorreference voltages.

Changing from eight comparators to 1024, would mean that thevoltage gaps would decrease from 1 V to 7.8 mV as would thequantization error. Regardless of the method used for A–D conversion,quantization error is always present.


The more bits, the merrier. Likely values will be between 8 and 16.


There are two factors here. How often can we get an updated valuefor the signal and how well can we follow any changes it ismaking? Even if we do not want the signal to be sampled at a veryhigh rate, we still may want to take a quick sample so that the inputvalue is unlikely to change very much as the sample is actuallybeing measured.

For speed, you cannot beat the flash converter. It can sample for aperiod as short as 3 ns which compares very favourably with thetypical values of 10 s for the ramp generators and successiveapproximation types.

Digital to analog conversion (DAC)

Changing a group of digital bit values to an analog voltage is basicallyjust the reverse process of the A–D conversion that we met in theprevious section.

Most digital to analog converters operate by adding current togetherthen converting the result into an analog voltage. The binary levels areused to switch currents on or off.

Let’s assume a 4-bit digital signal in which the most significant bit ismade to generate a current of 8 mA and the others produce, in turn, 4,2 and finally 1 mA. If the digital signal to be converted happened to be10112, then the first, third and fourth current sources would beactivated giving a total of 8 + 2 + 1 = 11 mA (Figure 17.4).

In some DACs the final output is a changing current but in others it hasbeen converted to a variable voltage. It just depends on whichintegrated circuit you choose to use. In the ones offering a voltageoutput, the total current is then passed through a resistor. If we choosea nice easy value like 1 k, the voltage across the resistor would be11 mA 1 k = 11 V.


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In a similar way, we can see that all binary values between 0000 and1111 would be converted into voltages between 0 V and 15 V. Thereare a couple of specifications that may need to be checked to decideon which one to use.


This is the number of digital bits used to convert into an analogvoltage. Typical values available are from 4 to 18 bits. As the digitalinput changes by a single bit, say from 1000 to 1001, the resultantvoltage or current increases by a discrete step. The size of this step isdetermined by the number of bits used compared with the maximumvalue of the output current or voltage.

For example, if we used 4 bits then this would provide a total of 16different steps and if the maximum happened to be 8 V, each step willrepresent a voltage change of 0.5 V. Thus, a steadily increasing digitalsignal will cause the analog voltage to increase in small discrete stepslike a staircase. This is all very similar to the cause of quantizationerror.


The speed of operation is very dependent on the chip beingconsidered. The conversion times available from an exceedingly fast1 ns to a sluggish 5 s.

Serial and parallel transmission

In sending information in digital form, we have a choice of using serialor parallel transmission. In the case of serial transmission, the binaryvalues are represented by two different voltage levels and are sent one


Figure 17.4

A DAC with acurrent or voltageoutput

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after the other along a cable. This is simple but slow. The alternative isto have several wires and thus be able to send several bits of data at thesame time, one on each conductor.

In a microprocessor-based system, even if it is a one-off, it is usuallybetter to conform to established standards for the cabling so that otherinstruments and circuits can be connected with a minimum of hassle.

Parallel connection

There are several different standards used for parallel connection ofdata but one of the most widely used, and most reliable, was producedby Centronics.

The Centronics system sends eight bits at a time and employs a 36 plugand socket system. To send data, there are four basic control signals aswell as the eight data lines. It also stipulates a variety of other controlwires that can be used if required.

The important thing to remember about these standards is that you donot have to use all the connections listed but those that you do decideto use should conform to the stated specification and be on the correctpins. This ensures that if the plug is inserted into a new piece ofequipment, it may not work but at least it will not be damaged.

Centronics data transmission

To see how the system works, we will use timing diagrams to showwhat happens and when. These diagrams, which all look very similarat first glance, are shown in all data manuals to show the sequence ofevents inside the microprocessor and in the surrounding circuit.

There are a couple of points that are worth mentioning. We havementioned the problem of rise time in Chapter 7. You will rememberthat we cannot change a voltage level instantaneously. It may not seeman important delay when we think of switching a light on at home butwhen the microprocessor is handling data at millions of bits per


Figure 17.5

Rise and fall timemay be important

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Figure 17.6

Showing alternativedata levels

Figure 17.7

The timing ofCentronicssignals

second, these delays can be important and is a common cause offailure in a circuit that ‘should’ work. Most waveform diagrams showthe ends of a square wave as sloping lines rather than vertical ones.

In Figure 17.5 we have a positive-going pulse to represent a data valueof 1 but, of course, data could equally well be at 0 V to represent abinary 0. In cases where we want to show that a level has changed, butit may go to either level, we redraw the diagram to show bothpossibilities at the same time, as in Figure 17.6.

Figure 17.7 shows the process of transferring eight bits of data from amicroprocessor to an external printer or other device.

Step 1 The microprocessor puts the eight bits of data on the data wires.

Step 2 A short delay occurs while we wait for the data voltages to settle on allthe eight wires. Then the strobe pulse occurs to tell the printer or otheraccessory that the data is ready. The line over the word strobe indicatesthat it is active low. No line would mean active high.

Step 3 The printer starts loading data and the busy line goes high to preventmore data being sent.

Step 4 When the data has been printed, the busy line goes down to tell themicroprocessor to put the next piece of data onto the data wires.

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The standard allows for many other control wires for other purposes.In this example, the eight data wires have been used as outputs fromthe microprocessor but it is quite possible to use them to carry inputdata although this is not allowed for in the design of PCs.

Serial transmission

To send information in serial form requires only a simple communica-tion link but it is inevitably slower than parallel transmission since thedata is only sent one bit at a time.


To convert the parallel data on the data bus of the microprocessor toa serial transmission we could use a shift register as in Chapter 6. Themodern alternative is to use a chip called a UART (universalasynchronous receiver/transmitter) or USART (universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter).

These are integrated circuits that convert data from parallel to serialtransmission so instead of having eight wires, each carrying a single bitat the same time, the serial transmission passes the bits, one at a timealong a single wire. It can also receive eight bits of serial data then passit into the microprocessor in a single byte. Parallel transmission isobviously a lot faster since eight bits are moved at a time but it requireseight connections. To send a fax signal, for example, would require theuse of eight telephone lines whereas the UART can convert it to a serialtransmission and sent it over a single line at one-eighth of thespeed.

UARTS do a lot more than a shift register. They include parity checkingand buffers to enable it to handle about 16 bytes at a time withoutinvolving the microprocessor. Most transmissions involve the ASCIIcode to represent the characters to be transmitted. This is a seven-bitcode to represent each alphanumeric character and a variety ofcontrol instructions. For example, the letter E is 45 in hex which, usingonly the lower seven bits, is 1000101. The ASCII code is used in bothparallel and serial transmissions. Each letter and symbol has its ownseven-digit code. A further bit is added on the end to provide a paritybit or it can be used to swap over to an alternative set of characters toallow mathematical symbols and Greek letters to be transmitted or, ifunused, can be left at zero. Our letter E would then be represented asshown in Figure 17.8.

When using ASCII signals in a serial transmission, we need to be ableto tell the receiving apparatus when a particular ASCII character hasbeen sent. This is easily done in a synchronous system that ensures thatthe transmitter and the receiver are locked together running at thesame speed. This is not the easiest way of operating the system owing


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to the difficulties of ensuring the two devices remain synchronous.Therefore, we tend to operate asynchronously. This means that wehave to send a signal along with each ASCII code to tell the receiverwhen the code has started and when it has stopped. Otherwise thetransmitter would send a continuous stream of data and if a bit werelost, the receiver would get out of step and would misread allsubsequent data.

To get round this problem, a 0 V ‘start’ bit is sent at the beginning of thecharacter and a positive ‘stop’ bit is sent at the end. This brings aseven-bit ASCII code up to a total of 10 bits. The start and stop bitsensure that there is at least one change of level for each character thatcan be used to keep the receiver clock nearly synchronized to thetransmitter for the time taken to receive that character.

For distances over a few metres, we need to use a slightly moresophisticated transmission system to prevent random noise frominterfering too much. There are several systems in use, the mostpopular being those created by the EIA (Electrical IndustriesAssociation).

As with most transmission media, there is a trade off between thespeed and the maximum distance the system can be used for. If youintend pushing the transmission distance to its maximum value, youwill have to accept a reduced speed. As a rule of thumb, halve thespeed if you double the distance.


Figure 17.8

Coding in ASCII


This is one of the transmission standards created by the EIA committee.This standard allows for transmissions up to 50 feet (15 m) and atspeeds of up to 20 kbaud (it can actually exceed this speed anddistance but it’s not guaranteed). The baud is the measure of the speedof transmission. It is the number of clock periods per second, whichapproximates to the number of bits per second.

The RS232C transmission is balanced at about 0 V. Here’s the time tobe careful, the binary one level is a negative voltage (between –5 and–15 V) and a binary zero level is a positive value between +5 and

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+15 V. This seems upside down compared with all our previous uses ofbinary. Our letter E would be transmitted as in Figure 17.9. Thetransmitter levels are specified as ±5 V but the receiver limits are 3 V.This allows for a noise spike to be up to 6 V before there is anypossibility of misreading a piece of data.


This is an improved version having a maximum speed of 100 kbits/sand a maximum cable length of 3⁄4 mile (1.2 km). The transmissionvoltages have to be between ±3.6 and 6 V and the receiver can godown to ±0.2 V.

Changing voltage levelsHow do we change the binary or logic values into the RS232 voltagelevels? If you are building a microprocessor-based system then themost obvious way is to use a pair of integrated circuits called the 1488(transmitter) and the 1489 (receiver). These integrated circuits havebeen around for many years and are simple and reliable. They have asmall snag in that they need 12 V supplies whereas nowadays 5 Vsupplies are much more common so you may find some newtransceivers (made by Maxim) more interesting. These only require asingle +5 V supply and generate their own ± voltages for the RS232Ctransmission. Each chip contains two transmitters and two receiversand operate up to 120 kbits/s. The devices are numbered MAX202,MAX208, MAX220 and MAX232 and others. PCs have a serial portthat provides signals at RS232C levels.

Using RS232C in real life

Most RS232C links are via a 25-pin ‘D’ plug or a 9-pin ‘D’ plug andsocket (Figure 17.10) but unlike the Centronics which is quite stableand usually work straight off, the RS232C can be a real nuisance.Before attempting to communicate, you must ensure that thetransmitter and the receiver are using the same word length and parityvalues are set for the same speed of operation. Even then, it may take


Figure 17.9


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some experimenting before they spring into life. The problem is thatthere are many more options for the other connections. All have to beagreed between the receiver and the transmitter. The specifications arenot detailed enough and can lead to different interpretations. It is notsurprising that it is often insufficient to connect an RS232C cablebetween two pieces of equipment and switch on. You will need to gethold of the RS232C connection specification and settle down in acomfortable chair.


A modem (MOdulator DEModulator) converts a digital signal into twoaudio tones so that the transmission can occur along a telephone line.Telephones are generally designed to accept frequencies between300 Hz and 3.1 kHz. This relatively narrow bandwidth was chosen toallow speech to be transferred with undue loss of quality whileallowing the largest number of calls to be passed along the same cable.Once the digital signals are on a telephone line then the range isunlimited.

Choice of systems

A few metresWe can use the raw binary data transmitted over a simple cable (seeFigure 17.11).


Figure 17.10

‘D’ connectors for RS232C

Figure 17.11

A very short rangelink up

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Tens or hundreds of metresWe can convert the transmitted signal to RS232C or RS423A asnecessary (see Figure 17.12).

Unlimited rangeAdd a modem and link by telephone or optic fibre (see Figure17.13).

An optic fibre link

A piece of optic fibre is a solid piece of glass or plastic. The plasticfibre is about 1 mm in diameter and is suitable only for short ranges ofa few tens of metres but it has the advantage of being cheap and easyto use. Its useful range is limited by the clarity of current plastics. Thespecial silica glass is incredibly clear and hence has much lower lossesand able to be used over any distance, with suitable repeaters. It alsohas a much smaller diameter – only about 125 m before the externalprotective layers are added.


Figure 17.12

Around thebuilding

Figure 17.13

Around theworld

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If a light is shone into the end of an optic fibre, it will reflect off theinner surfaces along the cable. The light source used is a laseroperating in the infrared region of the spectrum. To use it as a meansof sending a digital signal we need to switch the light source on and offand then detect the flashes of light at the far end of the cable by aphotoelectric cell. The losses can be made up by repeaters just as wedo on copper-based systems, so range of operation is no problem. Theoptic fibre does not suffer from any electric noise pickup along theroute and has an enormous bandwidth. In one sense, it is not reallyoptional because nearly all long distance telephone cables are nowoptic fibres. (See Further reading for our companion volume AnIntroduction to Fiber Optics.)

If we are constructing our own fibre optic link, all we need to do is tobuy the laser (or light emitting diodes (LEDs)) and the photocells andsome plugs and sockets to connect it all up. It can be used to replacethe copper cable in any of the systems described (see Figure 17.14).Careful! The infrared light from the lasers can cause immediate andirreversible eye damage. We must always remember that we are downto our last pair of eyes.

Data transfer rates

Using a single optic fibre for serial transmission, typical data transferrates of 100 Mbytes/s are available up to 10 km. Very high speed datatransfer of 1 Gbyte/s can be achieved up to 100 m using paralleltransmission along a bunch of fibre optic cables.

Quiz time 17

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The fastest design of analogue to digital conversionis a:

(a) ramp converter.(b) flash converter.(c) comparator.(d) successive approximation converter.


Figure 17.14

A fibre optic link – anydistance

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2 Quantization error can be reduced by:

(a) increasing the number of levels in the ADC.(b) increasing the speed of the conversion.(c) using vectored interrupts rather than polling.(d) using a flash converter.

3 Using the RS232C standard, a binary 0 is most likelyto be transmitted as:

(a) –4 V.(b) +2 V.(c) –5 V.(d) +10 V.

4 A modem is:

(a) a type of USART.(b) normally connected between the UART and the RS232C

converter.(c) only used in fibre optic systems.(d) used to convert digital signals into audio tones for transmis-

sion over telephone cables.

5 This received transmission has sixteen bits of dataand includes an error. It is using odd parity on theones in a block of 25 bits:0000111010111000100110011.The corrected data is:

(a) 1000111010111000101110011.(b) 0000111010111000101110010.(c) 0000111010111000101110011.(d) 0000111010111000100110011.


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18Test equipment and


This chapter is intended to give some pointers towards finding faults ina microprocessor-based system. This chapter is firmly based onexperience and could equally well have been entitled, ‘Mistakes Ihave made’.

What’s gone wrong now?

The whole process of fault-finding should be undertaken slowly andcarefully. There is a popular misconception that you have to keepbusy, taking measurements, making adjustments and changing compo-nents. But, in fact, most of the time is spent just sitting and thinking(don’t forget the last two words!).

Collect the symptoms and write them down. Be wary of other people’sidea of the symptoms. If they have misunderstood what is happeningyou could waste hours or days going off at a tangent. If you forget towrite them down, then sooner or later you will be back repeating thesame checks.

Don’t make the problem worse

In most cases, a piece of equipment or a circuit fails due to a singlefault. Two simultaneous but unconnected faults are very rare. There


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are two popular ways of converting a small problem into a large one.These are static electricity and plugs etc.

Static electricity

When two different materials rub against each other, some negativeelectrons tend to migrate from one material to the other. This results ina voltage difference between the two materials. The amount ofvoltages can be very high – several thousand volts. If we walk acrossa carpet or sit on a plastic covered chair, we can become lethal to anintegrated circuit designed for 5 V. Many integrated circuits have anti-static precautions built in but they have limited success. There is atrade-off here in that the better we make the antistatic precautions, theslower the integrated circuit can switch.

We can overcome the problem by reducing the build up of static byallowing it to leak away. In carpets, clothes and furniture we can dothis by adding a wax or polish that absorbs and holds a small quantityof moisture. A slight dampness is a very effective way of preventingstatic problems. For this reason, the weather and air humidity isimportant. The death rate of integrated circuits tends to varyseasonally! It is not helped by air-conditioned plant where thehumidity is low. The effect of static electricity on integrated circuits isdifficult to predict. It generally causes small localized failures whichcan have very peculiar effects.

Better than spraying ourselves with water, we can take a more high-tech approach but how far to go in this direction depends on what isat stake. If we are going to handle a couple of cheap AND gates oncea week, then only the simplest precaution is worthwhile. However,sitting on a production line plugging in microprocessors will make anyprecautions economic.

The simplest method is to have a conducting band clipped aroundyour wrist with a lead going off to a ground (earthed) point. Thesewristbands are made of rubber into which carbon has been amalga-mated to allow it to conduct slightly. As well as the wristband we canplace a sheet of this rubber on the bench top and ground the bench.Such antistatic workstations are very effective. A word of warning. Donot make your own wrist strap from a length of copper wire. This offersa very low resistance and provides no protection against electrocutionin the event of accidentally touching a power line.

At home, just avoid working on a plastic table or chair or wearingclothing made from man-made fibres. Natural materials like cotton,wool and untreated wood naturally absorb some water and are fairlysafe. A nice wooden bench coated with polyurethane varnish iseffectively a plastic bench and should be avoided.


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Test equipment and fault-finding

Problems with plugs

Many plugs used between pieces of equipment have a large number ofpins. Pulling one of these out with the power connected is going todisconnect some voltages before others. This can prove fatal for inte-grated circuits. Either all the supplies must be on, or all should be off sonever plug or unplug anything with the power on. For the same reason,never remove or replace an integrated circuit with the power on.

Tests we can make without test equipment

Are the power supplies turned on? Do you need two supplies? If youare using two supplies, are they connected together to keep theirvoltages in step with one another? If a ground connection is required,is it connected?

Most power supplies have floating outputs. That means that a 5 Vsupply, for example, will have a 5 V difference between its two terminalsbut neither is connected to the ground potential. This means that if weconnect the negative terminal to earth, as in Figure 18.1(a), the otherterminal goes to +5 V. If, on the other hand, we make the connectionshown in Figure 18.1(b), the other terminal will become –5 V.

Have a look at the soldering if it is visible. It should be smooth andshiny. Any dull and craggy looking areas are suspect. If the integratedcircuits are plugged into bases rather than being soldered, have a lookto see if they have been inserted the right way round. Unfortunately,integrated circuit manufacturers take few precautions to prevent thistype of error.

In most integrated circuits, the pins are numbered around the outsideas shown in Figure 18.2. The position of pin 1 is always on the


Figure 18.1

Connecting floatingsupplies

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left-hand side of the end which has an indentation when viewed fromthe top as in Figure 18.2. When looking for the indentation don’t bemislead by a small circular mark where the plastic has been molded.The printed circuit board usually has either a number ‘1’ or a smallsquare or other mark to indicate the position of the first pin.

Figure 18.3 shows the pin grid array (PGA) layout. Notice that theletters skip from H to J because of the possible confusion between Iand 1. The device determines the number of pins. The one shownhappens to be the elderly Intel 80386. The Pentium has 21 pins alongeach side.

Simple test equipment

Apart from the standard voltmeter and an oscilloscope the only othersimple piece of gear that may be helpful is the logic probe. It is betterthan the average oscilloscope at detecting very short voltage spikesand is faster to work with than a voltmeter.

Logic probe

A logic probe is a simple instrument that has two power connectionsand the other is a conducting tip that can be touched on points ofinterest. The general layout is shown in Figure 18.4. There are threeLEDs on it. The first two show the logic states 0 or 1 and the third oneindicates the presence of a high frequency square-wave or a single,very short duration, pulse, called a ‘glitch’.


Figure 18.2

Pin numbering of‘dual in line’ (DIL)chips

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Figure 18.3

Pin numbering ofPin Grid Array(PGA)

Figure 18.4

A logic probe

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Simple tests to make with these pieces of test gear

We can check some of the voltages on the microprocessor pins. Ifpossible, it is a good idea to check on the actual pins rather than thebase into which it is plugged. Doing this ensures that the baseconnections are also OK. It would also find the bent pin shown inFigure 18.5.

The likely pins that are worth checking are the ones carrying a dcvoltage like the power supplies and the interrupts. It is worthkeeping an eye on pins that should be at 0 V. When using avoltmeter, they can sometimes show 0 V when they are discon-nected and floating. If you use your voltmeter to measure thevoltage between the positive supply voltage and the suspect pin, itwill still indicate 0 V showing that something is clearly amiss. Alogic probe would not be fooled by a floating ‘zero’, it will notshow a logic zero if it is floating.

The next job is to see if the microprocessor is running at all. We cando this by using the oscilloscope on a clock signal. Assuming that theclock signal is OK, we must next check that the microprocessor canfollow an instruction and that the address and data bus are being readcorrectly.

A good check on the operation of the microprocessor can bearranged by getting it to do a simple repetitive program consisting ofa permanent ‘no operation’ code. A no-operation code will instructthe microprocessor to do nothing except read the next instructionfrom the data bus by simply incrementing the value on the addressbus. This new instruction will be another no-operation code and sothe address bus will be continuously incremented. To provide apermanent no-op input we can solder or otherwise connect therequired logic codes to the data bus. This is called hard-wiring the


Figure 18.5

Pin bending notrecommended

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Test equipment and fault-finding

data bus. As the address bus counts up in binary the lowest addressline will be switching rapidly between zero and one giving a squarewave output.

If we look at Figure 18.6, we can see that line A1 is running at half thefrequency of line A0. Similarly address line A2 has half the frequencyof A1 and so on all the way along the address pins. If we connect anoscilloscope to each line in turn, the frequency should reduce steadily.Check for the halving of frequency on each address line and errors inwiring like short circuits between address lines will becomeapparent.

If we get this far and still things seem wrong, we are into serious fault-finding.

A serious piece of test equipment

All the previous pieces of test gear have failed when we try to see whatis happening on the address and data buses under real operatingconditions. The oscilloscope cannot watch more than two differentplaces at the same time but we may need to monitor a larger number,perhaps 50 or more places and then slowly check the informationback or print it out. An instrument called a logic analyser can achieveall these functions and much more.

It can answer such questions as:

What values actually appear on the address bus when we causean interrupt to occur?

Is the correct program actually being run? Are there any unwanted voltage spikes occurring?


Figure 18.6

The addressbus counts upin binary

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The design of a logic analyser is basically a very simple combinationof shift registers. You may remember we looked at shift registers inChapter 6. The register was loaded with data and, on each clock pulse,the data is moved one place to the left or right as required.

Now imagine a shift-right register that can hold 36 bits of data. If weconnect it to A0, the first line of the address bus, and run a program,the logic values of that address line will be copied onto the shiftregister, pass along to the end with each clock pulse and eventuallystart to fall out the far end (see Figure 18.7).

Now if we had four such registers, we could collect data from any fourparts of a circuit at the same time. For example, we could monitor thelowest four address lines, which would be called A0, A1, A2 andA3.

In the centre of the register is a window. This means that we can accessthe centre of the shift register at this point to read off the data and tomake comparisons. In Figure 18.8 only the four registers are shown forclarity. A simple arrangement like this would be referred to as a 4 16(four by sixteen) logic analyser. In logic analyser specifications, thenumber of registers would be spoken of as the number of channels. Inreal life, we would never find such a simple arrangement of registers.Logic analysers could contain, say, 80 channels, each containing4096-bit shift registers. This would be referred to as a 80 4 kbytelogic analyser. With one this size, we could monitor any 80 differentpoints on a microprocessor-based system. Which points we choose are


Figure 18.7

Figure 18.8

Four shift registerscan make a simplelogic analyser

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Test equipment and fault-finding

up to us, we could choose the whole of the address bus and the databus and some control signals or any other points of interest. Thechoice is entirely ours.

If, in Figure 18.8, the four registers were being used to monitor fouraddress lines, we may be suspicious of the line showing a constantvalue of logic 1. This may indicate that this line has become short-circuited to a positive power supply, or be disconnected and is floatinghigh. Don’t leap off your chair in excitement though – this is only oneexplanation. It could happen for these reasons or it could be runninga part of the program where this would be the expected result.

So what about the window?

In the window, the logic analyser will ‘see’ a bit of data from each ofthe channels. We can load the combination that we are searching for.For convenience, we enter the values in hex numbers and as the clockpulses arrive from the microprocessor, the data moves across and iscontinuously compared with the number we have entered. When amatch is found, the clock is switched off and the data is ‘captured’. Wecan now move backwards and forwards along the registers and see theoperation of the microprocessor ‘frozen’ in time.

The benefit of positioning the window in the centre of the shift registeris that it allows us to observe the program action before, as well asafter, the chosen moment.

Extra facilitiesA ‘real’ logic analyser has some extra facilities, like performing thecapture not on the first time our input is seen but after perhaps the200th occasion to take care of repetitive loops in the program. Theyalso allow a ‘don’t care’ condition on the inputs so in the window ofa 20-channel logic analyser we could enter the hex code 7XXX2. Thiswould perform a capture on any data that starts with 7H (01112) andends with 2H (00102).

A glitch is a very short duration pulse that can occur in logic circuits,either from external interference or as a result of poor design. They cancause unwanted switching in the logic circuit and cause themicroprocessor program to crash. They are exceedingly short, just afew nanoseconds and this makes spotting them very difficult. They areusually too fast for an oscilloscope but some logic probes have a‘glitch-catcher’ built in, but they can only tell us that a glitch hasoccurred, not when it occurred. This is the information that will beneeded if we are to track down a design problem.

A logic analyser may miss it because the incoming data is sampledonce per pulse and if it misses the glitch it will not be recorded. Toovercome this, the logic analyser can use its own internal clock that is


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running much faster than the system clock so a single logic one mayextend for 10 or 20 bits in the register and a glitch may well berecorded. Figure 18.9 shows the internal clock running at 10 times themicroprocessor clock. Some logic analysers have a built-in glitchcatcher and use it to capture the correct section of data. As we can see,the logic analyser is a very useful and sophisticated piece of kit. Usingit, however, is a slow process. There are lots of connections to be madeto the circuit and much sitting and thinking.

Quiz time 18

In each case, choose the best option.

1 Damage due to static electricity:

(a) can only occur in the winter.(b) is best prevented by wearing wet clothing.(c) is only possible in carpeted areas.(d) can be reduced by wearing a grounded wrist strap.

2 If the two power supplies were connected as inFigure 18.10, the result would be:

(a) smoke pouring from both power supplies.(b) an output of +5 V but twice as much current.(c) an output of +10 V.(d) no output but no smoke either.


Figure 18.9

Glitch catching

Figure 18.10

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Test equipment and fault-finding

3 The arrow in Figure 18.11 indicates pin:

(a) 2.(b) 8.(c) 11.(d) 16.

4 A logic probe:

(a) indicates whether your fault-finding technique is based onsound reasoning.

(b) can detect the difference between a disconnection and agrounded connection.

(c) can store a stream of data.(d) detects the presence of static electricity.

5 A logic analyser quoted as 20 channels x 1024 bits:

(a) will show a four digit hex number in its window.(b) can monitor any 1024 points at the same time.(c) would store a total of 1044 bits of data.(d) can monitor any 20 points at the same time.


Figure 18.11

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Appendix A: Special function register file

Addr Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Power-onReset


00H Uses contents of FSR to address data memory (not a physical register)

01H TMRO 8-bit real-time clock/counter xxxxxxxx

02H PCL Low order 8 bits of the program counter (PC) 00000000

03H Status IRP RP1 RPO TO PD Z DC C 00011xxx

04H FSR Indirect Data Mamory Address Pointer xxxxxxxx

05H PortA – – – RA4/T-CKI RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0 ---x xxxx



07 – Unused


81H Option RBPU INTEDG T0CS T0SE PSA PS2 PS1 PS0 11111111

85H TRISA – – – PortA data Direction ---11111

86H TRISB PortB data Direction 11111111

87H – Unused

88H EECON 1 – – – EEIF WRERR WREN WR RD ---0x000

89H EECON 2 EEPROM control reg. (not a physical register) --------

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Appendix B:

PIC 16CXXX instruction set

Syntax Description Status affected

ADDLW k The contents of the W register are added to an 8-bit number and theresult put in the W reg.


ADDWF f,d Add the contents of the W and f registers. If d=0 the result goes to W.If d=1 the result goes to the f register


ANDLW k The contents of the W register are ANDed with an 8-bit number andthe result put in the W reg.


ANDWF f,d AND w with reg f. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goesto the f register


BCF f,b Bit b in reg f is cleared

BSF f,b Bit b in reg f is set

BTFSS f,b If bit b in reg f=0, the next instruction in executed. If it is 1 the nextinstr. is replaced with a NOP

1 or 2 cycles

BTFSC f,b If bit b in reg f=1, the next instruction in executed. If it is 0 the nextinstr. is replaced with a NOP

1 or 2 cycles

CALL k Call subroutine. Return address (PC+1) is pushed onto stack. The11-bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits <1:0> The upper bitsof the PC are loaded from PCLATH <4:3>.

2 cycle

CLRF f Register f is cleared and Z flag is set. Z

CLRW Register W is cleared and Z flag is set. Z

CLRWDT Resets watchdog timer and watchdog prescalar TO, PD

COMF f,d Contents of ‘f’ are complemented (0∏1, 1∏0) If d=0 the result goes toW. If d=1 the result goes to f


DECF f,d Contents of ‘f’ reduced by 1. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d = 1 theresult goes to f


DECFSZ f,d Contents of ‘f’ reduced by 1. if d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 theresult goes to f. If result = 1, the next instruction in executed. If it is 0the next instr. is replaced with a NOP

1 or 2 cycles

GOTO k The 11-bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits <10:0> Theupper bits of the PC are loaded from PCLATH <4:3>.

INCF f,d If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1, result goes to f.

INCFSZ f,d Contents of ‘f’ incremented. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 theresult goes to f. If rfesult = 1, the next instruction is executed. If it is 0the next instr. is replaced with a NOP

1 or 2 cycles

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Appendix B

Syntax Description Status affected

IORLW k The contents of the W register are ANDed with an 8-bit number andthe result put in the W reg.


IORFWF f,d The contents of the W register are Inclusive ORed with reg. F. If d=1resujlt goes back into f

MOVF f,d If d=0, contents of f goes to W reg. If d=1 it goes to f Z

MOVLW k The 8-bit number k goes into W.

MOVWF f Moves data from W register to f register

NOP Does nothing – just a time waster (one cycle period)

RETFIE Return from interrupt. Top of stack∏PC, 1∏GIE 2 cycle

RETLW k W reg loaded with number , return address∏PC 2 cycle

RETURN Return from subroutine. Return address∏PC 2 cycle

RLF f,d Contents of ‘f’ are rotated left one bit via the carry flag. If d=0 theresult goes to W. Id=1, result goes back to f. See fig. below


SLEEP Powerdown status bit PD is cleared, Timeout status bit TO is set WDTand prescaler are cleared, oscillator stops and controller goes tosleep.


SUBLW k W register subtracted from the number k, result goes into W reg. (2’scomplement method)

C, DC, Z

SUBWF f,d W register subtracted from the register f. If d=0 the result goes to W.If d=1 the result goes to f. (2’s complement method)

C, DC, Z

SWAPF f,d Upper and lower nibbles of f are exchanged. If d=0 the result goes toW. If d=1 the result goes to f.

XORLW k W register contents XOR’ed with the number k, result goes into Wreg.


XORWF f,d W register contents XOR’ed with the register f, if d=0 the result goesto W. If d=1 the result goes to f



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Further reading

Bates, M. (2000) The Pic 16F84 Microcontroller. Arnold, London.Bedford, M. (1996) Jubilee chips, Computer Shopper, December.Bull, M. (1992) Students’ Guide to Programming Languages. Butterworth-Heinemann,

Oxford.Carthy, J. (1996) An Introduction to Assembly Language Programming and Computer

Architecture. International Thomson Computer Press.Crisp, J. (1996) Introduction to Fiber Optics. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.Diefendorff, K., Oehler, R. and Hochsprung, R. (1994) Evolution of PowerPC architecture, IEEE

Micro, April.Digital Equipment Corporation (1996) Hardware reference manual of the Digital Semi-

conductor 21164 Alpha Microprocessor.Horowitz, P. and Hill, W. (1989) The Art of Electronics. Cambridge University Press,

Cambridge.Intel (1988) Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook, Vol. 1.Krause, J.K. (1997) A Chip off the old block, BYTE, November.Messmer, H.-P. (1995) The Indispensable Pentium Book. Addison-Wesley, New York.Peleg, A. and Weiser, U. (1996) MMX technology extensions to the Intel architecture, IEEE

Micro, August.Predko, M. (1998) Programming and customizing the PIC microcontroller. McGraw-Hill, New

York.Wideman, G. (1986) Computer Connection Mysteries Solved. H.W. Sams,


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Quiz time answers

Quiz time 1

1 (c)2 (a)3 (c)4 (a)5 (d)

Quiz time 2

1 (b)2 (c)3 (a)4 (b)5 (d)

Quiz time 3

1 (d)2 (a)3 (c)4 (b)5 (c)

Quiz time 4

1 (c)2 (c)3 (a)4 (b)5 (c)

Quiz time 5

1 (c)2 (a)3 (d)4 (d)5 (c)

Quiz time 6

1 (d)2 (b)3 (c)4 (b)5 (c)

Quiz time 7

1 (c)2 (a)3 (d)4 (d)5 (a)

Quiz time 8

1 (b)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (c)


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Quiz time answers

Quiz time 9

1 (a)2 (c)3 (c)4 (d)5 (b)

Quiz time 10

1 (b)2 (b)3 (d)4 (c)5 (c)

Quiz time 11

1 (a)2 (c)3 (b)4 (a)5 (d)

Quiz time 12

1 (d)2 (d)3 (c)4 (b)5 (a)

Quiz time 13

1 (a)2 (d)3 (c)4 (b)5 (a)

Quiz time 14

1 (c)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (c)

Quiz time 15

1 (a)2 (b)3 (d)4 (d)5 (c)

Quiz time 16

1 (d)2 (b)3 (c)4 (c)5 (d)

Quiz time 17

1 (b)2 (a)3 (d)4 (d)5 (c)

Quiz time 18

1 (d)2 (c)3 (c)4 (b)5 (d)


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4004, 151, 159, 1606500, 1646502, 162, 1636800, 16068000, 166, 1676801, 1648008, 16080386, 1478048, 164805180808080A, 160, 1628085A, 1618088, 160

Accumulator, 103ADC, 240–243Address buffers, 112Address decoder, 92–98Addressing memory, 73, 74, 80, 81, 90–98Analog to digital conversion, 240–243APL, 146, 147Arithmetic and logic unit, 101ASCII, 247Assembler, 127

Assembly language, 126, 131AT90S/LS2343 microcontroller, 206–210

Base of a number system, 16Basic, 136–139BCD, 47–48Benchmarks, 153, 154Binary coded decimal (BCD), 47–48Binary, 14–47

addition, 39, 40complementary, 39–43converting to other bases, 17–21, 30–36subtraction, 40–43system, 16, 17

Bistable see Flip-flopBranch prediction, 176, 180, 187, 190, 195Burst mode, 174Bus interface unit, 186Bus State Controller, 114Buses, 88Byte, 22

C, 142–144C++, 142–144


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Cache, 156Cell, 72, 73Central Processing unit (CPU), 100, 101Centronics data transmission, 245, 246CISC microprocessors, 158, 159Clock generator, 112Clock signals, 63, 64, 85–88Cobol, 139, 140Compilers, 134Complementary numbers, 39–43CPU, 5Crystal oscillator, 227

DAC, 243, 244Data buffer, 110Data transmission, 240, 244Denary, 15

converting to other bases, 17–21Digital to analog conversion, 243, 244Direct memory Access, 115Double precision, 47Doublewords, 178DRAM see Dynamic RAMDynamic RAM, 75, 79, 80

EEPROM see Electrically erasableprogrammable ROM

Electrically erasable programmable ROM,77, 78

Emotion engine, 169Enable input, 59Endians, big and little, 188, 189EPROM see Erasable programmable ROMErasable programmable ROM, 77–79Exceptions, 177Excess 127 notation, 46Exponent, 45

Faultfinding, 254–257Fetch-execute, 118, 119Flag register, 103–106Flash converter, 240, 241Flash memory, 81Flip-flops, 62–63Floating point numbers, 44–46Floating point unit, 176, 180FLOPS, 153Fortran, 132–136Full decoding, 95Future trends, 148, 149

Gamecube, 168, 169Games machines, 168–172Gates, 49–60

AND, 52–53ENOR, 58EOR, 57–58NAND, 54NOR, 55, 56NOT, 50–52OR, 54, 55XNOR, 58XOR, 57–58

General purpose registers, 106GFLOPS see FLOPSGhost address, 96–98Gigabyte, 23GIGO, 119Glitch, 257, 262, 263

Hexadecimal, 25–35converting to other bases, 28–35system, 25–27

High level languages, 132–148Hyper pipeline, 180, 181

Image address, 96–98Index registers, 109Input/output devices, 89Instruction decoder, 101Instruction register, 101Instruction set, 122Instruction unit, 186Integer unit, 187, 188Integrated circuit, 5Interpreter, 137Interrupts, 112–114, 234

Java, 144

Kilobyte, 22

Labels, 128–129Languages:

APL, 146, 147Assembly, 126, 131Basic, 136–139


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C, 142–144C++, 142–144Cobol, 139, 140Fortran, 132–136Java, 144Lisp, 145, 146Machine code, 123–126Pascal, 141, 142Prolog, 147, 148Smalltalk, 139

Large scale integration, 151Libraries, 134, 135Linkers, 134, 135Lisp, 145, 146Loaders, 134, 135Logic analyser, 260, 263Logic gates see GatesLogic probe, 257, 258Long word, 22LSI, 151

Machine code, 123–126Mantissa, 45Maths co-processor, 148Medium scale integration, 151Megabyte, 23Memories, 72–83Memory maps, 81–83Memory refresh, 115Micro, 5Microcomputer, 5Microcontroller, 5Micro-OP, 181Microprocessor system, 3Microprocessor-based system, 5, 85–98Microprocessors:

4004, 151, 159, 1606500, 1646502, 162, 1636800, 160, 162, 16368000, 16668000, 166, 1676801, 1648008, 1608048, 1648080, 998080A, 160, 1628085A, 161MMX Pentium, 178Pentium 4, 179–182

Pentium, 159, 173–182Power PC, 159, 184–197Power PC750Cxe, 168, 169Z8, 164Z80, 99Z80180, 99–119, 162

Microprogram, 101, 159Microsoft Xbox, 1270–172MIPS, 152, 153MMX Pentium, 178, 179Modem, 250Monitor program, 138, 139MPC601, 185–192MPU, 5MSI, 151

Nintendo Gamecube, 168, 169Noise, 8-14

effect of, 14partition, 13thermal, 13

Non-destructive readout, 126–127Normalizing, 44

Object code, 127Object-oriented programming, 142, 143Octal, 34, 35Op code, 123Operand, 123Optic fibre link, 251, 252Oscillators, 217

Parity, 236Partial decoding, 95–98Pascal, 141, 142Pentium 4, 179–182Pentium, 159, 173–182Performance of microprocessors, increasing,

154–159Performance tests:

FLOPS, 153benchmarks, 153, 154GFLOPS see FLOPSI/O operations, 154SPECmark, 154TPS, 154

PIC16F84A Option register, 214–216PIC16F84A pinout, 220


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PIC16F84A register file map, 212PIC16F84A special function register,

213–216PIC16F84A, 210–217Pipelining, 156, 157Playstation 2, 169Polling interrupts, 235Power PC 601, 185–192Power PC, 159, 184–192, 197PowerPC970, 189–192Prefetch buffer, 175Program counter, 107Programmable ROM, 77–79Programming a PICF84A, 222–231Prolog, 147, 148PROM see Programmable ROM

Quadwords, 178Quantization error, 242, 243

Radix, 45RAM cards, 81RAM, 72–75Ramp generators, 241, 242Rapid Execution Engine, 182Read/write, 65Redundancy, 236Register, 64–71

rotate, 70, 71shift, 67–70

Remarks, 130Reserved words, 129RISC microcontroller, 206–210RISC microprocessors, 158, 159ROM, 76–80Rotate registers, 70, 71RS232C and RS423A, 248, 249

Saturation arithmetic, 178, 179Serial inputs and outputs, 115Shift registers, 67–71Signed magnitude numbers, 39Single precision, 47

Sleep mode, 209, 210, 211SLSI, 151Small scale integration, 151Sony Playstation 2, 169Source code, 127SPECmark, 154SRAM see Static RAMSSI, 151Stack pointer, 107, 108Stack, 108Startup, 116, 117Startup address, 82Static electricity – precautions, 255Static RAM, 74, 75, 79, 80Status register, 103–106Super scale integration, 151Syntax, 127System, 1

Terabyte, 23Test equipment, 257–263TPS, 154Tri-state buffer, 59, 60, 65–66Truth table, 50

UART, 165, 247, 248ULSI, 151Ultra scale integration, 151USART see UART

Vectored interrupts, 235Very scale integration, 151VLSI, 151

Wait states, 115Watchdog timer, 206Word, 22

Z8, 164Z80 see MicroprocessorsZ80180 see Microprocessors


Introduction to Microprocessors -| مرکز · Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the introduction of microprocessor? ›

It is a programmable device that takes in input performs some arithmetic and logical operations over it and produces the desired output. In simple words, a Microprocessor is a digital device on a chip that can fetch instructions from memory, decode and execute them, and give results.

What is microprocessor and microcomputer introduction? ›

A microprocessor is a programmable electronics chip that has computing and decision making capabilities similar to central processing unit of a computer. Any microprocessor- based systems having limited number of resources are called microcomputers.

Is the Raspberry Pi a microprocessor? ›

Raspberry Pi: Arduino is a microcontroller, whereas Raspberry Pi is a microprocessor. The structure of the hardware and software of an Arduino board is simple. On the other hand, the structure of the hardware and software of a Raspberry Pi board is complex.

What is microprocessor pdf? ›

A microprocessor is a controlling unit of a micro-computer, fabricated on a small chip capable of performing Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) operations and communicating with the other devices connected to it. In this tutorial, we will discuss the architecture, pin diagram and other key concepts of microprocessors.

What is the difference between a microcontroller and a microprocessor? ›

Microprocessor only consists of Central Processing Unit, whereas Microcontroller has memory, a CPU and I/O. All these are integrated into one chip. A microprocessor uses external bus to interface to ROM, RAM, and other peripherals. Microcontroller, on the other hand, uses internal controlling bus.

Is Raspberry Pi easier than Arduino? ›

The Arduino board is much simpler to use in comparison to Raspberry Pi. The Arduino board can easily be interfaced with analog sensors and other electronic components using only a few lines of code.

Can Raspberry Pi replace Arduino? ›

Arduino will come in handy for controlling motors, LEDs, or interfacing sensors, whereas Raspberry Pi is good for developing software applications. Arduino and Raspberry Pi have different power requirements. Although both can be powered by USB, Raspberry Pi needs more current than Arduino does.

Why is Arduino better than microcontrollers? ›

Arduino has a vast and active community, which provides ample resources, tutorials, and support. Other microcontrollers may not have as much community support, making it challenging to find solutions to problems. Arduino can be used for a wide range of projects, from simple to complex ones.

What is the difference between 4 bit and 8 bit microprocessor? ›

A 4 bit microprocessor has a data bus of width 4 bit wide whereas the 8 bit microprocessor has 8 wide. The name of the microprocessors are usually decided by the width of the data bus and the memory capacity of them are decided by width of the address bus.

What is the difference between a processor and a microprocessor? ›

A CPU is a type of processor tasked with a variety of roles. A microprocessor is generally tasked with one specific task and does that one task exceedingly well. A CPU issues commands to microprocessors and in return the microprocessors send data to the CPU or other component as specified by the CPU.

What is an 8 bit microprocessor? ›

8-bit refers to a computing or graphics system that operates with a data width of 8 bits. In simple terms, it means that the system can process and represent information using 8 binary digits or bits. This typically allows for a total of 256 different values to be represented, ranging from 0 to 255.

What was significant about the introduction of the microprocessor? ›

Question: What was significant about the introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970 s? It have more capacitythan other forms of memory. It could store data separate from the computer It allowed computers to communicated directly with each other. It was faster, smaller, and less expensive than integrated circuits.

When was the microprocessor introduced? ›

Marcian “Ted” Hoff (PhD '62 EE), is best known as the architect of the first microprocessor. Intel's 4004 was released in November 1971, 35 years ago this month. The history that his ingenuity helped spawn is now the subject of a new DVD, the Microprocessor Chronicles.

What is the basic idea of microprocessor? ›

In simple words, a microprocessor is a device which can fetch instructions from memory, decode them, and give results. This article will provide an introduction to microprocessors and how to program them so you can walk away with a general understanding of their functions within the electronics world.

What is a microprocessor and why is it important? ›

A microprocessor is a very small processing unit inside a CPU. It's a single integrated circuit on a computer chip that performs various arithmetic and logic functions on digital signals. Several dozen microprocessors work together inside high-performing servers for data processing and analytics.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.