Dark City 7: International Intrigue (2024)

Wise GeekGame Walkthroughs → Dark City 7: International Intrigue - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step

Grim City 7: International Intrigue. In New York, Paris and London, inexplicable events occur involving mythical creatures. Detective Agatha begins her investigation to determine the causes of what is happening and prevent destruction in the cities. Is it really the fault of mystical forces? Or is there still a person behind the strange cases? This article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.


Dark City 7: International Intrigue (1)

  1. General Tips
  2. Chapter 1 Hotel
  3. Chapter 2 Library
  4. Chapter 3 Zoo
  5. Bonus Chapter
  6. Collectibles
  7. All Game Achievements

Grim City 7: General Tips

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (2)

Detective Agatha is once again investigating a strange case. Her first stop is New York, where a real Phoenix bird has shown up, setting fires throughout the city. In the meantime, gargoyles come to life in Paris, and brutal primates rage in London. What is happening and what evil spirits have led to the appearance of such unusual phenomena? Help Agatha understand the events that have taken place, prevent cataclysms and find out who is really to blame for what happened, and who turned out to be just a gullible victim of a crazy maniac.

Each location of the game is a task of ingenuity, where you need to find the right items and apply them correctly. This is the only way you can progress further in the story and complete quest tasks. In case of difficulty, use the hint and often look at the Map of the area so as not to get lost. The game has several difficulty modes: choose any for a comfortable passage.

This guide will not mention every time you need to zoom in on a location. Screenshots will show each large-scale scene. Hidden object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. This walkthrough does not explain the decisions of the HOP. It only shows the location of the HOP and the resulting inventory item.

You will be shown puzzle solutions that are not randomly generated. Please read the in-game descriptions for each puzzle. Sometimes in this game, before interacting with a scene, you will need to click on a new scene to trigger a dialogue, cutscene, or quest. Use the Map to quickly move between locations.

Grim City 7: Chapter 1 Hotel

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (3)

  1. Click on scene 8x.
  2. Talk (A); take the BOX (A1).
  3. Select BOX and open diary; take the map.
  4. Look at the newspaper and find three items written in red. Take the COAT OF ARMS.
  5. Take the TRIPOD, TOWEL, and DIE (B).
  6. Open the drawer; take FASHION MAGAZINE and NOTEBOOK (C).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (4)

  1. Place CREST OF ARMS and open; take PHOTO FRAME and NUTS (D).
  2. Use the TOWEL (E); take WET TOWEL.
  3. Use NUTS (F).
  4. Place the DIE and use the NOTEBOOK (G); receive CODE.
  5. Use CODE (H).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (5)

  1. Solution: (IJ-Kx2-Lx4-Mx2).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (6)

  1. Select door (N).
  2. Take the CAMERA.
  3. Play the HOP (P); receive CAMERA LENS.
  5. Use CAMERA (Q); receive a PHOTO.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (7)

  1. Use NEWSPAPER ARTICLE (R); get a hint.
  2. Select (S).
  3. Solution (S1).
  4. Take the CLEANER.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (8)

  1. Take the ADDRESS (T).
  2. Use the CLEANER on the ADDRESS; take PHOENIX ADDRESS.
  3. Go (U).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (9)

  1. Speak (V); give PHOENIX ADDRESS; take the STENCIL (V1).
  3. Attach RING (X).
  4. Use CABINET HANDLE and select; take the razor (Y) and use it (Z). Receive SHARP RAZOR.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (10)

  1. Click on the barrel 3x (A).
  2. Open it and give the COOKIES (B); receive a BRUSH.
  3. Use SHARP RAZOR; take ROPE (C).
  4. Open the door; click on two posters; take PAINTS (D).
  5. Use PAINTS, BRUSH, FASHION MAGAZINE, and Stencil (E).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (11)

  1. Solution one (F): (2-9)-(1-2-3)-(4-2-5)-(6-2-7)-(8-2-12).
  2. Solution number two (G): (2-12)-(1-2-3)-(10-2-7)-(11-2-9)-(13-2-5).
  3. Solution three (H): (2-5)-(1-2-3)-(14-2-9)-(11-2-12)-(15-2-7).
  4. Receive POSTERS.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (12)

  1. Give POSTERS (I); take the HAIRPIN (J).
  2. Take the FEATHER (K).
  3. Use HAIRPIN and press 3x (L).
  4. Go (M).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (13)

  1. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.
  2. Select notes 4x (N).
  3. Take the TEST TUBE (O).
  4. Remove the bottles. Use rope and press (P).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (14)

Solution (R): (1-6).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (15)

  1. Use BOILING WATER and NOTEBOOK (S); receive a CODE.
  2. Use the CYFER (T). Solution (T1).
  3. Open book and select twice; take the BUSINESS CARD (U).
  4. Open the wallet and take the TICKET (U1).
  5. Place the TEST TUBE (V) and FEATHER (W); receive FLAMMABLE POWDER.
  6. Click on notes twice; take the BOARD (X).
  7. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (16)

  1. Put a PAY. Solution (Y). Take the PHOENIX PENDANT (Z).
  2. Insert TICKET (A).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (17)

  1. Take the CARNER DOVE and KEYCHAIN ​​1/3 (C).
  2. Go (C1).
  3. Press (D).
  4. Take KEY RING 2/3, RED FUSE 1/2, and POSTMAN’S BAG (E).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (18)

  1. Use the CARRIER DOVE on the POSTMAN’S BAG.
  2. Solution (@1): (PL)-(LF)-(RH)-(FP)-(PR)-(RL)-(HF)-(LH).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (19)

  1. Open the envelope and look at both letters. Take the POST OFFICE KEY.
  2. Walk back.
  3. Use POST OFFICE KEY (S); take KEY RING 3/3.
  4. Use KEY RINGS 3/3. Solution: (T).
  5. Complete the HOP; receive a TICKET.
  6. Go (U).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (20)

  1. Give the TICKET (V).
  2. Go (W).
  3. Take the Magnifier (X).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (21)

  2. Select BASKET WITH KITTENS 4x and give them SAUSAGES; take KITTENS, BRUSH and FUSES 2/2.
  3. Use POUCH OF FLOUR, BRUSH, and Magnifier; select item (B).
  4. Take HOOK and WIRE 1/2 (C).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (22)

  1. Place FUSES 2/2 (D).
  2. Solution (E).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (23)

  1. Take the SAW, COINS 2/5, WIRE 2/2 and KING 1/3 (F).
  2. Use SAW and LIGHTS 2/2 (G). Click.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (24)

  1. Solution (H): (3-7)-(4-8)-(5-10)-(9-1)-(2-6).
  2. Choose a scene.
  3. Go down.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (25)

  1. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.
  2. Take COINS 3/5, PLAID, and CUTTER KNIFE (I).
  3. Place BLANKET and KITTENS; take KING 2/3 (J).
  4. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (26)

  1. Use OFFICE KNIFE; take KINGS 3/3 (K).
  2. Place KINGS 3/3; take the INITIALS (L).
  3. Open the book and click; take COINS 4/5 and COINS 5/5 (M).
  4. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (27)

  1. Use COINS 5/5 (N); take the TOOL BAG and LOST PARCEL (O).
  2. Use the CUTTER KNIFE and PHOENIX PENDANT on the LOST PARCEL; select the note and take the ROPE.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (28)

  1. Select (P).
  2. Solution (Q). Take the LOCK PICK.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (29)

  1. Take the BAGGAGE PASS (R).
  2. Use the LOCK PICK (S).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (30)

  1. Solution (T): (1-13).
  2. In step (10), guide the tip of the rod over the first pin.
  3. In step (11) move the rods as shown in the picture and place the tip of the rod on the middle pin.
  4. In step (12) adjust the two points closest to the third as shown in the screenshot (13).
  5. Once the last dot touches the third pin, the puzzle will be solved.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (31)

  1. Give CRIME SCENE PHOTO (U); take the IGNITION KEY (V).
  2. Use IGNITION KEY (W).
  3. Open branch; take the MAGNET (X).
  4. Use the ROPE on the MAGNET; take MAGNET WITH ROPE.
  5. Use MAGNET WITH ROPE (Y); take BOLTS and CHIP.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (32)

  1. Place BAG WITH TOOLS (A), HOOK (B), and NUTS (C).
  2. Open the tool bag and use the wrench.
  3. Take the pliers from the bag.
  4. Select each wire (D).
  5. Click on the vehicle (E).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (33)

  1. Speak (F).
  2. Take the KEY (G).
  3. Use the BAGGAGE CHECK; solution (H).
  4. Open book and select twice; take the PHOENIX FEATHER (I).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (34)

  1. Use PHOENIX FEATHER and KEY; take the TOOLS and CHISEL (J).
  2. Give TOOLS (K).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (35)

  1. Take the MEDICAL KIT (N).
  2. Open the MEDICAL KIT; select bandages and vial.
  3. Use the CHIP on the bottle. Pour the liquid from the vial onto the bandage; take BANDAGE.
  4. Use BANDAGE (O).
  5. Take the WAYBOOK (P).
  6. Use WAYBOOK (Q).
  7. Complete the HOP; receive PIPES.
  8. Go (R).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (36)

  1. Take the BUCKET and WHEEL PART 1/4 (S).
  2. Use BUCKET (T); pick up BUCKET WITH WATER.
  3. Place PIPES (U).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (37)

  1. Solution (V).
  2. Take the GOLDEN ANCHOR and KEY (W).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (38)

  1. Use BUCKET OF WATER and KEY; take the SILVER RAY (X).
  2. Place GOLDEN ANCHOR; take RULETTE and WHEEL PART 2/4 (Y).
  3. Use ROULETTE (Z); receive the MERCU.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (39)

  1. Select the appropriate crates (1-6).
  2. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (40)

  1. Use the MEASURE; click on two stands (A); receive LADDER POSTS.
  2. Go (B).
  3. Place the LADDER POSTS (E); select wrench (C), 5 pieces of rope (orange), and hammer (D). Take the LADDER (E).
  4. Place the LADDER (F) and go (G).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (41)

  1. Remove the steering wheel; take HEADGEAR EMBLEM (L).
  2. Place the HEADGEAR EMBLEM.
  3. Solution (M). Take the YACHT MANUAL.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (42)

  1. Place the SILVER RAY; take WHEEL PARTS 3/4 and BRONZE WHEEL (O).
  2. Walk back.
  3. Use BRONZE WHEEL; take WHEEL PARTS 4/4 (P).
  4. Go (Q).
  5. Place WHEEL PARTS 4/4 and select (R) twice.
  6. Use the YACHT MANUAL.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (43)

  1. The solution is random. Use the arrows to avoid obstacles in the water (T).
  2. Go forward.

Grim City 7: Chapter 2 Library

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (44)

  1. Take the LETTER (A).
  2. Go (B).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (45)

  1. Look at the note; take BELL 1/2 (C).
  2. Take FIGURINE 1/2 and BELL 2/2 (D).
  3. Remove the sign and place the BELLS 2/2; select all three bells (E).
  4. Give the LETTER (F).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (46)

  1. Take the HANDLE (G).
  2. Select a table and then matching pairs (1-3); take the PAPIER and VALVE 1/2 (H).
  3. Open the book and click on the note; take INSTRUCTIONS (I).
  4. Place HANDLE and select; take LETTERS (J).
  5. Play the puzzle (K).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (47)

  1. Solution (L).
  2. Take the CHIP (M).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (48)

  1. Place the CHIP and swap as shown (N).
  2. Move items; place the pipe, magnifying glass, handcuffs and coin as shown (O).
  3. Move shirt; take pistol and place (P).
  4. Take VALVE 2/2 and COINS (Q).
  5. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (49)

  1. Take the SAMPLE (R).
  2. Remove the HAIRPIN from the SAMPLE.
  3. Place VALVE 2/2; select 3-2-4-1. Take the PERFUME (S).
  4. Use COINS (T).
  5. Complete the HOP; receive a PASS FORM.
  6. Go (U).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (50)

  1. Use HAIRPIN and press (V).
  2. Place LETTERS and PASS FORM (W).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (51)

  1. Solution (@2): (HATAGA).
  2. Select lever (X); make the INCOMPLETE PASS (Y).
  3. Walk back.
  5. Use the perfume on the pass; take the PASS.
  6. Use the PASS (Z). Enter (Z1).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (52)

  1. Talk (A).
  2. Take the FLOWER (B).
  3. Use the PHOENIX FEATHER (C) and open the envelope 3x; take TRIANGLE 1/2 (D).
  4. Place FLOWER; take the THREAD AND NEEDLE and COINS (E).
  5. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (53)

  1. Use COINS (H).
  2. Complete the HOP; receive FIGURINE 2/2.
  3. Go (I).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (54)

  1. Place FIGURINES 2/2.
  2. Solution (J).
  3. Take TRIANGLE 2/2 (K).
  4. Choose 1-5; take the KEY RING (L).
  5. Use KEY RING; place the keys in their respective slots and turn all the keys (M).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (55)

  1. Solution: 1-2-3-1-4-5-6-3-4-7-3-8-4-9-1-7-10-11-7-12-10.
  2. Take BOOK and MATERIALS (N).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (56)

  1. Give MATERIALS (O); take FLEUR DE LYS 1/2 (O1).
  2. Place TRIANGLES 2/2.
  3. Solution (P).
  4. Take FLEUR-DE-LIS 2/2 (Q).
  5. Use the FLEUR-DE-LIS 2/2 on the BOOK.
  6. Complete the HOP.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (57)

  1. Speak (R). Take the ADDRESS (R1).
  2. Walk back.
  3. Select car (S).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (58)

Solution: (1-8). You must walk past all the green dots in order for them to be shown on the location.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (59)

  1. Speak (T). Take the BROKEN GUN (U).
  2. Take the MILL BLADES (V).
  3. Use MILL BLADES; select cherry (W).
  4. Place window (X); take PEAR (Y).
  5. Place LOFT (Z); select plum (Z1).
  6. Place bird; take TOWER and STRAWBERRY (Z2).
  7. Take the BASKET TOKENS (Z3).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (60)

  1. Place BASKET TOKEN.
  2. Solution: (DEBACEBAC).
  3. Take the GLOVE (F).
  4. Use the THREAD AND NEEDLE on the GLOVE; take the GLOVE.
  5. Use GLOVE (G); receive YARN TOKEN and HOOKS.
  6. Place the YARN TOKEN; take HONEY and YARN (H).
  7. Use the HOOKS and YARN on the BROKEN GUN.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (61)

  1. Solution: (1-10). Take TRAP.
  2. Use TRAP; take the GARGOYLE (I).
  3. Use ADDRESS and go (J).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (62)

  1. Speak (K). Give GARGOYLE; take the BROKEN GLASSES (L).
  2. Take WEIGHT 1/2 and WINDOWSILL TOKEN (M).
  3. Place the TOWER and then place the monuments on the globe (N).
  4. Take WEIGHTS 2/2 and LENSES (O).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (63)

  1. Use HONEY (P).
  3. Place BOOK; arrange as shown (R).
  4. Select 3241 (UTVS). Take the SCREW (W).
  5. Place WEIGHT 2/2 (X).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (64)

  1. Solution (@1): (I,JH,G)-(K,LXW)-(G,HV,U)-(M,NG,H).
  2. (U,VN,M)-(W,XFE)-(M,NC,D)-(O-X).
  3. (C,DW,V)-(E,FO,N)-(V,WM,L)-(G,HW,V).
  4. (L,MH,G)-(N,O-U,T)-(G,HS,R)-(PH).
  5. (R, SG, F) - (T, UP, O) - (F, GN, M) - (VG).
  6. (M,NF,E)-(O-V)-(E,FU,T)-(PF)-(TE).
  7. Solved image (Y).
  8. Take the TOOL TOKEN (Z).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (65)

  1. Use TOOL TOKEN; take WRENCH 1/3 and SCREWDRIVER (A).
  3. Give the GLASSES (B).
  4. Take the letter (C).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (66)

  1. Select (D); solution (E).
  2. Take the HAIRPIN.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (67)

  1. Take the COLLAR and UMBRELLA (F).
  2. Use the PASS (G).
  3. Complete the HOP; receive GEM 1/2.
  4. Select jacket and use PIN; take the FLASK and KNIFE (H).
  5. Use KNIFE; take GEM 2/2 (I).
  6. Place the CLAMP (J).
  7. Use the FLASK (K).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (68)

  1. Place GEMS 2/2 (L).
  2. Solution: (MNOP).
  3. Pull the lever (Q).
  4. Move (R).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (69)

  1. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.
  2. Use the FLASK (S).
  3. Complete the HOP; receive EVIDENCE.
  4. Give the EVIDENCE (T).
  5. Take and look at all notes (U); take the TAXI KEY.

Grim City 7: Chapter 3 Zoo

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (70)

  1. Use UMBRELLA (V); receive BICYCLE TOKEN.
  2. Use BICYCLE TOKEN; select twice; take PAPER AND PENCIL (W).
  3. Select again; take PICTURE PIECE (X).
  4. Insert the TAXI KEY (Y).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (71)

  1. Solution (Z): (1-8).
  2. Take the CROWBAR and TOOLS 2/3.
  3. Place IMAGE PIECE.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (72)

  1. Solution (A).
  2. Complete the HOP; receive TOOLS 3/3.
  3. Use TOOLS 3/3 and select (B).
  4. Talk with).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (73)

  1. Select 3x and use CROWBAR; take HANDKERCHIEF and CELL TOKENS 1/2 (E).
  2. Use PAPER AND PENCIL; take CODE (F).
  3. Place CODE; solution: (H-Gx8).
  4. Take CELL TOKENS 2/2 (I).
  5. Place CELL TOKENS 2/2 (J).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (74)

  1. This puzzle has three steps (@1).
  2. Solution one: (CE-FX2).
  3. Solution two (Ax3-Ex4-F).
  4. Solution three (AF).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (75)

  1. Play the HOP (K); receive DNA.
  2. Use DNA; take DIARY and SCREWDRIVER (L).
  3. Select picture and use SCREWDRIVER (L1); receive DIARY TOKEN.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (76)

  1. Use the DIARY TOKEN on the DIARY.
  2. Solution number one (M1): (1-6).
  3. Solution number two (M2): (1-8).
  4. Solution number three (M3): (1-10).
  5. Take TOKEN.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (77)

  1. Play HOP (N); receive a BOX.
  2. Use the TOKEN on the BOX; take the hint.
  3. Select (O).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (78)

  1. Solution (P).
  2. Take TICKET 1/3.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (79)

  1. Speak (Q).
  2. Take the SCHOOL BAG TOKEN (R).
  3. Select notes 3 times; take TICKET 2/3 (S).
  4. Use HANDKERCHIEF (T); receive ICE CREAM.
  5. Place SCHOOL BAG TOKEN (U); take TOY MOUSE.
  6. Open book; take TICKET 3/3 (V).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (80)

  1. Use TICKET 3/3 (W).
  2. Take the ANIMAL FOOD (X).
  3. Use ANIMAL FOOD (Y).
  4. Complete the HOP. Choose the right couples. Receive CHIPS.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (81)

  1. Place CHIPS.
  2. Solution: (Dx4-Dx2-EA).
  3. Take the MATCHES (F).
  4. Double-select documents.
  6. Select vet card (H).
  7. Play the HOP (I).
  8. Use the ICE CREAM on the raccoon (J); receive the VETERINARY CARD.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (82)

  1. Insert BULLETINS WITH CHALK (K); take the CHALK (K1).
  2. Place the CHALK and mark the board as shown.
  3. Take the MAP TOKEN (L).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (83)

  1. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.
  2. Select matching pairs (N); take the HAIRPIN (O).
  3. Take APTOGRAPHY TOKEN 1/2 (P).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (84)

  1. Take the RIBBON (Q); look at the paper; take the FLASK (R).
  2. Use MOUSE TOY; take APTCHER’S TOKEN 2/2 (S).
  3. Place APTOMATIC TOKEN 2/2 (T) and MATCHES (U).
  4. Complete the HOP; receive STETHOSCOPE.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (85)

  1. Use STETHOSCOPE and HAIRPIN (V). Solution: (WYXZ).
  2. Zoom in (A).
  3. Read the note (B).
  4. Take the HANDLE (C).
  5. Place HANDLE (D).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (86)

  1. Take the letter and the next pen (E). Place HANDLE; take the clue and next handle (F).
  2. Place HANDLE; take newspaper and next pen (G).
  3. Place HANDLE; take the letter and next pen (H).
  4. Place HANDLE; take the next handle (I).
  5. Place HANDLE; take the next handle (J).
  6. Place HANDLE; take note and next pen (K).
  7. Place HANDLE; take the postcard and the next PEN (L).
  8. Place the pen and open the book (M).
  9. Enter CODE (N).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (87)

  1. Select (O). Solution (P).
  2. Take the light bulb.
  3. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (88)

  1. Play the HOP (Q); receive 1/3 INGREDIENT.
  2. Place the letter and read the note; take INGREDIENTS 2/3 (R).
  3. Go (S).
  4. Place LIGHT BULB and CODE (T).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (89)

  1. Solution (@1): (5-3-3-M)-(11-X)-(11-11-6-D)-(5-5-3-3-L)-(6-6-5 -S)-(6-A).
  2. Take INGREDIENTS 3/3 and CAGE KEY.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (90)

  1. Use FLASK and INGREDIENTS 3/3.
  2. Solution (@2): (5-2-4-1).
  3. Take the MEDICINE (U).
  4. Use CAGE KEY and MEDICINE (V).
  5. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (91)

  1. Open the book and take the BIKE KEY (W).
  2. Select book twice; take the SLEEPING PILL.
  3. Use BIKE KEY (W1); select bike (W2).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (92)

  1. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.
  2. Take the CAGE TOKEN (X).
  3. Place CAGE TOKEN; take GEAR 1/3 (X1).
  4. Select the matching feathers (X2); use TAPE; take the FEATHER PANEL.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (93)

  1. Place CHEST TOKEN (Z1).
  2. Solution: (4-7)-(7-8)-(8-9)-(8-7)-(7-4)-(4-1)-(8-7)-(7-4)- (7-8).
  3. (7-4)-(4-1)-(1-2)-(4-1)-(7-4)-(4-1).
  4. Take GEAR 3/3 (Z2).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (94)

  1. Place the GEARS 3/3.
  2. Solution: (Dx4-Ex4-Fx2-Ax2-B-Cx3).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (95)

Easy solution: (GH).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (96)

Complex decision (IJ).

Grim City 7: Bonus Chapter

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (97)

  1. Choose a bonus beer in the Extras section.
  2. Take badge (A); double select the items.
  3. Speak (B); take the RING (C).
  4. Look at the note; take COIN 1/3 (D).
  5. Open the gate (E).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (98)

  1. Look at the note; take the HAIRPIN (F).
  2. Place RING (G); take COINS 2/3 (H).
  3. Take the CLUTCH (I).
  4. Use the HAIRPIN on the CLUTCH; take HANDKERCHIEF and COINS 3/3.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (99)

  1. Give COINS 3/3 (J).
  2. Play the HOP (K); receive the LADDER WEIGHT.
  3. Place the LADDER WEIGHT and pull all three (L).
  4. Walk forward (M).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (100)

  1. Take BUTTON 1/3, BOOK, HAMMER, and BIRD TOKEN 1/2 (N).
  2. Move the curtain and use the HANDKERCHIEF (O).
  3. Solution: (Px2-Qx2-Rx2).
  4. Take BIRD TOKENS 2/2 and BUTTONS 2/3 (S).
  5. Use BIRD TOKENS 2/2; take note and BUTTONS 3/3 (T).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (101)

  1. Use HAMMER; take the RING (U).
  2. Use RING on BOOK; take LABEL 1/2.
  3. Turn the page; take CODE.
  4. Place BUTTONS 3/3 and CODE.
  5. Select (Y): (2-4-IDV-0-7).
  6. Take LABEL 2/2 and LENS (Z).
  7. Place the LENS (Z1).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (102)

  1. Select (A).
  2. Solution (B). Take CARD.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (103)

  1. Arrange MARKS 2/2. Solution: (C).
  2. Take the BOTTLE (D).
  3. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (104)

  1. Place CARD; solution: (E).
  2. Enter (F).
  3. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (105)

  1. Take the BOX (G).
  2. Open two eggs; take KEY and CHIP 1/3 (H).
  3. Use the KEY on the BOX; select marked rings (I).
  4. Take RINGS (J).
  5. Pull back the curtains (K).
  6. Use RINGS (L); take PHOTO (M).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (106)

  1. Place PHOTO; select (N-Ox2-Px2).
  2. Take the GEM (Q).
  3. Place the GEM (R); take the PERFUME (S).
  4. Use PERFUME; take the PASSWORD (T).
  5. Use PASSWORD (U).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (107)

  1. Solution: (VW).
  3. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (108)

  1. Use the CORKSCREW and SPONGE on the BOTTLE; take ANTI-RUST.
  2. Give BROCHURE (X).
  3. Complete the HOP; receive a POSTER.
  4. Use ANTI-RUST and POSTER. Select 17 (Y).
  5. Go (Z).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (109)

  1. Give the BADGE (A).
  2. Take the TOKEN and click on the newspaper (B).
  3. Place TOKEN; solution (C). Take CHIP 2/3 and LIGHTER (D).
  4. Use LIGHTER (E).
  5. Complete the HOP; receive a TUNING FORK.
  6. Take PIECE OF EYE 1/2 (F).
  7. Go to the jeweler’s workshop.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (110)

  1. Use TUNING FORK and select 5x.
  2. Read the note and take the CHIP 3/3 (G).
  3. Place CHIPS 3/3. Solution (H).
  4. Take the HANDLE (I).
  5. Return to the Medium’s house.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (111)

  1. Use HANDLE (J); take AUCTION PHOTO 1/2 and EYE PIECE 2/2 (K).
  2. Place EYE PIECE 2/2.
  3. Select: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-4 (L).
  4. Take CARDS.
  5. Place CARDS (M).
  6. Complete the HOP; receive BELL ROPE.
  7. Take the AUCTION PHOTO 2/2 (N).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (112)

  1. Select (O).
  2. Solution: (P). Receive NAPKINS.
  3. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (113)

  1. Take the CUTTERS (Q).
  2. Use BELL ROPE (R).
  3. Enter (S).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (114)

  1. Give AUCTION PHOTO 2/2 (T).
  2. Use NAPKINS; take ARROWS (U).
  3. Look at the note.
  4. Place the ARROWS on the clock; solution: (VW).
  5. Take the CABINET HANDLE.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (115)

  1. Use CUTTERS (A); receive a CHAIN.
  2. Use the MAGNET on the CHAIN; receive MAGNET ON CHAIN.
  3. Use MAGNET ON CHAIN ​​(B).
  4. Complete the HOP; receive a TALISMAN.
  5. Give the TALISMAN (C): take the PHOTO OF LIAM (D).
  6. Walk back.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (116)

  2. Select twice; take the CLAMP and STUDY ORDER (F).
  3. Move (G).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (117)

  1. Use CL take OIL (H).
  2. Play the HOP (I); receive HANDLE RETAINER.
  5. Take PAPER WITH KEY (L).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (118)

  1. Place ELEVATOR PART (M); select button (N).
  2. Use PAPER WITH KEY; select ROOM KEY (O).
  3. Move (P).
  4. Use ROOM KEY (Q).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (119)

  1. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.
  3. Move the pillows 4x and use the LETTER KNIFE; take the BIRD TOKEN.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (120)

  1. Use BIRD TOKEN; choose matching pairs (1-4).
  2. Select papers 3 times.
  3. Use STAR TOKEN; take MATCHES and CAT EAR (T).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (121)

  1. Use GLUE and CAT EAR (U); take CODE (V).
  2. Use OIL and MATCHES; take the LANTERN (W).
  3. Use CODE; enter (5873) (X).
  4. Turn the page; take photo (Y).
  5. Select a page in the lower right corner; take the SCHEME (Y1).
  6. Use the LANTERN (Z) and SCHEME (Z1).
  7. Choose a puzzle.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (122)

  1. Solution: (A-Bx3-A-C-B).
  2. Take the PHOTO and select the clue (D).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (123)

  1. Select (E).
  2. Solution: (F).
  3. Take SCISSORS.
  4. Walk back twice.
  5. Go (G).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (124)

  1. Take HANDLE and CHIP 1/2 (H).
  2. Place HANDLE (I).
  3. Use OIL; solution (J).
  4. Take the HOOK (K).
  5. Use SCISSORS; take the FISH (L).
  6. Give the FISH (M).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (125)

  1. Solution: (1-7) (N).
  2. Take the HOOK.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (126)

  1. Use the HOOK (O); receive CHIP 2/2.
  2. Place CHIPS 2/2; take ROPE and CROWBAR (P).
  3. Use the HOOK on the CROWBAR; take the CROWBAR.
  4. Use the CROWBAR (Q).
  5. Choose a scene. Complete the HOP.
  6. Move two items and select both tokens (R).
  7. Select door (S).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (127)

The solution is random (T).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (128)

  1. Use rope (U). Select face 3x (V).
  2. Give PHOTO (W). Congratulations! You have successfully completed the passage of the game "Gloomy City 7: International Intrigue. Collector’s Edition".

Grim City 7: Collectibles

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (129)

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (130)

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (131)

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (132)

Morphing objects are marked in yellow, while collection items are marked in red. Collectibles (AD).

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (133)

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (134)

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (135)

Collectibles (EG).

Grim City 7: All Game Achievements

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (136)

Types of achievements. Collect all the achievements available in the game. These include:

  • The real Sherlock. Use the deductive method 1/4/6 times;
  • Dead eye. Complete 1/5/11 HOS within 3 minutes.
  • Chronicler. Watch 10/18/23 movie scenes without skipping;
  • Puzzle master. Solve 1/7/12 mini-games without skipping;
  • Get on time. Solve 1/7/12 mini-games before the "Pass" is charged without leaving the puzzle;
  • Comprehensive. Complete 1/5/19 HOS without any hints.
  • In one breath. Find 3 hidden objects in the search scene in 5 seconds; Find 5 hidden objects in the search scene in 7 seconds; Find 10 hidden objects in the search scene in 12 seconds;
  • Philatelist. Find 1/20/all objects in the collection;
  • All-seeing eye. Find 1/10/all morph objects;
  • Independent researcher. Use 10/25/50 items without hints;

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (137)

  • Good listener. Listen to 5/15/30 monologues without skipping;
  • Crime foresight. Unravel the plans of criminals.
  • Bloodhound. Collect evidence and draw conclusions 1/4/6 times;
  • Real cryptographer. Determine who owns the hangar.
  • Detector. Identify the main suspect in the case;
  • Illuminator. Uncover the truth about the mysterious villain;
  • Defender. Find the source of crimes;
  • Photographer. Find the first clue about the Phoenix;
  • Brilliant wit. Complete the Bonus Chapter.
  • Bloodhound. Find a way to Liberty Island.
  • Save three cities. Save New York, save Paris, Save London;
  • A true friend. Pursue Houdini’s accomplice;
  • True detective. Complete the main game.
  • Savior. Save the captain.
  • Animal friend. Help 1/2/3 animals.

Article author:

Nadezhda D. - website editor and article author, in the project since July 2019. Nadezhda is interested in manga and anime. Loves MMORPGs, role-playing and adventure games. Currently actively playing Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. Nadezhda has prepared many articles about completing casual games, quests and puzzles. Her works are very popular among readers. More information about Nadezhda is available at this link.

Dark City 7: International Intrigue (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.